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Why are they using the internet if they're communists
way to swing right to the other end of that horseshoe with this stupid fucking question

I am not a liberal lol I fucking hate liberals and want them all sent to forced reeducation camps if not shot on the wall
You're a liberal.

The Flood / Re: Old Movies/TV Shows you like from the 50s/60s
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:56:03 AM »
Call me shallow but I usually won't watch movies past the '70s and won't watch tv shows past the '90s.

Twilight Zone is pretty cool though.
if you care about movies at all, i'd watch 2001

not only was it way ahead of its time, it's one of the best movies ever made, and far and away the best sci-fi movie

unless you don't like slow-burners

The Flood / Re: Old Movies/TV Shows you like from the 50s/60s
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:39:53 AM »
The Seventh Seal
2001: A Space Odyssey
Inherit the Wind

Rear Window
Rebel Without a Cause
Anatomy of a Murder
On the Waterfront
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Plan 9 From Outer Space
West Side Story

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:27:30 AM »
All this drama between everyone is gay and pointless. Most of us came from the same place ( and now we're reduced to shit flinging between eachother on low activity offsites. I'm sure some of this drama drove away a decent amount of people which is very sad. It would be absolutely fucking fantastic if we could all just get on one single site again, but apparently getting along is too hard.
i mean sapphire was pretty exclusive even in the bnet days, it's not like private groups were that much different

people hang out with the people they wanna hang out with, it's not a big deal

The Flood / Re: 2018 and I'm surprised Sapphire is still relevant
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:22:32 AM »
i mean i've been banned for some pretty stupid shit on this website

in fact, i don't think i've ever been banned for a legitimate reason here

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:19:36 AM »
Playstation Network is the worst online service ever made
Nigga, have you seen Nintendo?
Nintendo's is still free for the time being, so it's currently best.

The Flood / Re: Do basic human rights exist?
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:17:33 AM »

The Flood / Re: Owo what's this?!?
« on: March 02, 2018, 04:16:43 PM »
Sperm donation is a very real thing. Speaking of which do you get anything out of sperm donating or just the satisfaction in the fact that your genes are guaranteed to continue via some random stranger?

The only qualms I have with hormones are sterilization
>random stranger
Boy you're the one with the dick, it's your lineage, your bloodline.  Goddamn the fuck is wrong with men these days, this used to mean something
It literally doesn't mean anything at all.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:32:32 PM »
carry a knife around
yeah everyone who carries knives around is headed straight into gunfights, you're a smart person

that's exactly what i was saying, just grab a knife and head straight into a gunfight

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:21:54 PM »
carry a knife around

This is way, way worse than legally conceal carrying a handgun. Holy shit lmao I'm disregarding everything you say about this issue in the future.
that because you are retard
hahahaha using a knife is one of the most brutal things in the world. You have to stab the shit out of your assailant. At least with a pistol he might run away or if you hit him in the stomach he might live, and least you were just legally standing your ground with a legal weapon you own. Not a kitchen knife you're carrying around for no reason fucking lol dude.
who's talking about kitchen knives

if you're in a situation where you're gonna be the big hero and shoot a shooter before he shoots up a theater, you should shoot to kill, you don't want him to live or run away

he forfeited his right to live the moment he pulled out a gun in public, and he should die

a knife isn't going to save you in that situation 99.99% of the time, sure, but who cares about how brutal it is? again, if you're killing a killer, that's a situation where i wouldn't mind if they suffered a little bit

sorry, i don't sympathize with people like that
Uh we were talking about general self defense at this point, not killing a mass shooter. You especially need a firearm to deal with an active shooter. What are you even talking about?
how is killing a mass shooter not a self-defense situation lmao

basically i'm right and you know it
I'll be sure to bring a knife to a gunfight because some dude online said so
good thing i never said to do that 👌

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:34:25 PM »

Gaming / Re: help me
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:08:40 PM »
games are generally pretty good with this stuff nowadays, being playable in all kinds of languages for your convenience

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:06:14 PM »
carry a knife around

This is way, way worse than legally conceal carrying a handgun. Holy shit lmao I'm disregarding everything you say about this issue in the future.
that because you are retard
hahahaha using a knife is one of the most brutal things in the world. You have to stab the shit out of your assailant. At least with a pistol he might run away or if you hit him in the stomach he might live, and least you were just legally standing your ground with a legal weapon you own. Not a kitchen knife you're carrying around for no reason fucking lol dude.
who's talking about kitchen knives

if you're in a situation where you're gonna be the big hero and shoot a shooter before he shoots up a theater, you should shoot to kill, you don't want him to live or run away

he forfeited his right to live the moment he pulled out a gun in public, and he should die

a knife isn't going to save you in that situation 99.99% of the time, sure, but who cares about how brutal it is? again, if you're killing a killer, that's a situation where i wouldn't mind if they suffered a little bit

sorry, i don't sympathize with people like that
Uh we were talking about general self defense at this point, not killing a mass shooter. You especially need a firearm to deal with an active shooter. What are you even talking about?
how is killing a mass shooter not a self-defense situation lmao

basically i'm right and you know it

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 01:04:29 PM »
My argument is that your logic doesn’t work because people live in a more dangerous world where your solutions don’t work

I just added that you live in a safe world and refuse to even try understanding a different one
what ian asked me for was alternatives, and i provided him with several

i never said that they'd work, and i never said they were solutions

i even brought up guns under the caveat that you'd have the privilege, not the right, to use one

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:55:23 PM »
i wonder how many would-be heroes with guns found themselves in a situation where they could've justifiably used it, but pussied out and just let someone die instead because they didn't have it in them

because i'm not gonna lie, i don't even know if i'd have it in me

The Flood / Re: Pitch me girl names
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:53:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:47:53 PM »
Verbatim you live in a world where there’s always someone above you to take care of things

You would never last in a reality where the only person that looks out for you is yourself but that’s a reality that many people live everyday

You shouldn’t be talking about something you don’t understand or even have the mind to try and understand
says a person beneath me in every way
Compelling argument
it doesn't shock me how it flew over your head that i'm using your exact same argument

thank you for admitting that your logic is dogshit
Except you’re not

My argument is that many people can’t rely on someone to keep their world as safe and orderly as your’s is

Your’s is literally just ad hominem
"your argument is wrong because you live a safe life"

this is ad hominem too, you silly cunt

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:43:41 PM »
carry a knife around

This is way, way worse than legally conceal carrying a handgun. Holy shit lmao I'm disregarding everything you say about this issue in the future.
that because you are retard
hahahaha using a knife is one of the most brutal things in the world. You have to stab the shit out of your assailant. At least with a pistol he might run away or if you hit him in the stomach he might live, and least you were just legally standing your ground with a legal weapon you own. Not a kitchen knife you're carrying around for no reason fucking lol dude.
who's talking about kitchen knives

if you're in a situation where you're gonna be the big hero and shoot a shooter before he shoots up a theater, you should shoot to kill, you don't want him to live or run away

he forfeited his right to live the moment he pulled out a gun in public, and he should die

a knife isn't going to save you in that situation 99.99% of the time, sure, but who cares about how brutal it is? again, if you're killing a killer, that's a situation where i wouldn't mind if they suffered a little bit

sorry, i don't sympathize with people like that

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:37:20 PM »
Verbatim you live in a world where there’s always someone above you to take care of things

You would never last in a reality where the only person that looks out for you is yourself but that’s a reality that many people live everyday

You shouldn’t be talking about something you don’t understand or even have the mind to try and understand
says a person beneath me in every way
Compelling argument
it doesn't shock me how it flew over your head that i'm using your exact same argument

thank you for admitting that your logic is dogshit

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:34:51 PM »
carry a knife around

This is way, way worse than legally conceal carrying a handgun. Holy shit lmao I'm disregarding everything you say about this issue in the future.
that because you are retard

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:34:21 PM »

Asking me to do nothing when the very real fact that there are deranged people out there is just asinine. My life is more important to me than that of someone crazy who wants to harm me, and there's nothing wrong with choosing the option that's specifically designed to protect me best.

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:31:38 PM »
Verbatim you live in a world where there’s always someone above you to take care of things

You would never last in a reality where the only person that looks out for you is yourself but that’s a reality that many people live everyday

You shouldn’t be talking about something you don’t understand or even have the mind to try and understand
says a person beneath me in every way

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:25:02 PM »
What do you suggest I use instead?
nothing, because being that scared of shooters is some pussy shit

lock your doors, don't piss the wrong people off, know the quickest exit routes in every locale you frequent, carry a knife around, or even learn a martial art and work out if you feel like you have to

or, sacrifice your dignity and go through the process of getting yourself a gun through the process i described, because i haven't completely barred guns out of the equation in this scenario (it's just the most cowardly option)

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:15:31 PM »
because you don't need a gun for self-defense

i'm not fully opposed to people using guns for the sake of self-defense, but they have to prove themselves first, and that's going to involve extreme levels of background and mental health checks, as well as training, to make sure you're a responsible enough person to have the PRIVILEGE of using such a dangerous weapon

it's kinda fucking retarded to think any other way about this To Be Quite Perfectly Fucking Honest

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 12:10:18 PM »
It didn't answer my question.
yes it did

self-defense being a basic right is as far as i'm wiling to concede

going from self-defense to the right to bear arms is a huge leap

why don't we give people an inalienable right to drive cars? can you imagine why that would be

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:50:20 AM »
What's wrong with it being a basic human right?
i just had a whole conversation about it that you could maybe read

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:42:07 AM »
>YFW you realize I do have a right to a weapon and it's not a privilege
you have the legal right, based on the US constitution

legal rights are not basic human rights, which is what chakas was specifically asking about, and what my answer was referring to

The Flood / Re: Is the right to arm oneself a basic human right?
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:36:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: March 01, 2018, 11:38:01 PM »
Calling something "unconstitutional" means absolutely nothing.
In terms of what
In terms of when you're trying to argue that something is immoral, or shouldn't be done, based on its lack of constitutionality.

the implication being, the constitution is an infallible document written by god himself, which just isn't true at all

there's a lot of great stuff, but it isn't gospel truth and shouldn't be treated or looked upon as such

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