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Messages - Verbatim

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Gaming / Re: I Want A 3O8O
« on: September 22, 2020, 03:19:54 PM »
i want good games

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 20, 2020, 10:53:38 AM »
ITT: the most boring motherfuckers holy shit
The hell were you expecting? Neutron Pasta?
i don't know, twix? skittles? starburst?

something from your childhood that made you happy, not the stuff you'd eat last in your trick-or-treat haul

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 20, 2020, 10:21:21 AM »
ITT: the most boring motherfuckers holy shit

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 19, 2020, 01:50:44 PM »
kind of amazing how that needs a video

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 19, 2020, 12:10:07 PM »
reises pieses
I hate this shit so much

It's RESSUS not Reises

It must be a southern thing because I never heard it said so retardedly until I came to NC
i'm not sure how either of these are supposed to be pronounced

the idea is that "reese's" rhymes with "pieces," therefore, reese's pieces

if that's how you say it, then you're correct

The Flood / Re: What's Your Favorite Candy?
« on: September 18, 2020, 04:47:00 PM »
haven't had a warhead in a long time, but probably those

sooooooo an important thing to note about the movie is that it doesn't take place after the end of the series

it takes place after the end of episode 24

the relationship between the last two episodes and the movie has not been firmly established, but they're all universally considered to be canon anyway, so you're encouraged to feel however you want about it

regardless, it's the best part of the whole fucking series, so enjoy

The Flood / Re: lumpy
« on: September 16, 2020, 09:18:28 PM »
we almost went a whole day without a single post, and you fucked it up

The Flood / Re: Okay so the penguin is the real antangonist
« on: September 15, 2020, 11:14:15 AM »
well, the other questions asked do have clear answers that are provided later in the show, which is why i didn't answer them

the stuff that's truly unintelligible without getting into EU stuff isn't really that important anyway

The Flood / Re: Okay so the penguin is the real antangonist
« on: September 15, 2020, 09:59:51 AM »
yeah, the lance is definitely weird and not explained super well—if you remember the episode that ends with rei carrying the spear to adam, that actually happens two episodes after the spear was actually found in antarctica, which explains why gendo and fuyutsuki were there

basically, when you see adam's fucked up body, you're meant to ascertain that he was in the process of growing/getting stronger, and that the lance was essentially being used to halt that process

The Flood / Re: Okay so the EVAs are the real antangonists
« on: September 15, 2020, 09:38:47 AM »
Holy fucking shit, episode 21 with Asuka is probably the single greatest episode of the show so far. They redeemed her character in a single episode. I can't believe that Kaji died though, what a rip-off. He was becoming like my favorite character.
🤔 you must mean 22, because asuka wasn't in episode 21 at all

The Flood / Re: Okay so the AVAs are the real antangonists
« on: September 14, 2020, 04:28:20 PM »
I remember a scene where Misato implied that she was just using Shinji to pilot the EVAs and didn't really care about him, idk if i dreamed that or what but it feels important because she's so concerned about his safety at this point in the story
nah, misato always cared about shinji—she wouldn't have offered to be his guardian if that weren't the case

this may not have come across directly, just because one of the show's biggest themes involves how difficult it is for some people to communicate or connect with each other in a way that won't inevitably cause hurt for both parties (the hedgehog's dilemma)

you might be thinking of the scene in episode 4, where misato told shinji to quit and leave if he hates being an EVA pilot so much—which may have seemed cold, but it did come from a place of genuine concern for his well-being, as well as from the misunderstanding that shinji has no interest in helping NERV's cause

misato takes NO pleasure in the "psychological torture of 14-year-olds" portion of her job description; she's not about to force any kid to be an EVA pilot if they aren't willing, and she can only encourage them so much before her patience wears thin—this, coupled with a perceived lack of cooperation on shinji's part, caused her to hastily shut him out out of frustration

she later comes to understand that shinji does want to help, and that he's just scared and demotivated—likewise, shinji comes to understand that misato has in fact provided him with the exact kind of warmth, company, and guidance that his parents failed to provide for him all his life, and that he's ultimately making a mistake by leaving NERV

neither of the two were right or wrong for their actions, or for their reactions to each other's actions—it was just a matter of two clashing personalities failing to communicate with each other before they eventually clicked

unless you were thinking of a different episode, of course, but i can't think of another instance where misato seemed like she didn't care about shinji—she even slaps ritsuko in the face for having that attitude

The Flood / Re: Okay so the AVAs are the real antangonists
« on: September 14, 2020, 01:55:29 PM »
any specific things you're confused about?

otherwise, there's a lot of ground to cover, and a good number of things to hold my tongue about

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: September 12, 2020, 10:42:09 AM »
yeah, even though my state just got 1300 new cases yesterday (the most since may 14), and the global death toll hasn't slowed down one whit since the initial outbreak, things have already started to go back to normal—and that's definitely a good thing

i mean, not even a million people have died yet—only 920,000—so we really ought to start taking this corona meme way less seriously

The Flood / Re: What is the worst emoji?
« on: September 11, 2020, 01:49:47 PM »
😳 might be the worst just because i associate it with that super cringe "what if we kissed" meme

The Flood / Re: Dune 2020 trailer
« on: September 09, 2020, 08:32:37 PM »
i'll have to see if i can't muster up the ardor to read the novel before this comes out

maybe watch lynch's attempt, too

The Flood / Re: What other forums do you go to besides this one?
« on: September 08, 2020, 09:09:53 AM »
I’m not sure why it’s that surprising, many of the members are very tightly-knit.
big circlejerks like that usually just migrate to discord or whatever

The Flood / Re: What other forums do you go to besides this one?
« on: September 08, 2020, 01:10:14 AM »
i can't believe that place is still active

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: September 07, 2020, 09:43:17 PM »
solonoid will be happy to discover that i've been having kidney stone issues again

The Flood / Re: I hate Asuka
« on: September 07, 2020, 04:07:11 PM »


this is what the credits song for each episode is supposed to be, but netflix couldn't get the rights

the singer/style of the song also changes to match the tone of each episode


this is the version that would play at the end of asuka's debut

The Flood / Re: What's Up With Pretentious Art
« on: September 07, 2020, 12:01:59 PM »
There has to be some attempt from the artist to guide the viewer towards an emotion or idea. It should provoke a reaction out the viewer. With modern art, I look at it and feel nothing or confused.
so the art was able to provoke a confused and nonplussed reaction out of you?

it sounds like it fits your criteria, then

my personal reaction is amusement—the idea that someone would have the gall to submit a white canvas to a museum, or sell it for $20 mill, is funny to me, and also vaguely disgusting

what separates it from your bedroom wall is the added context of "this is art"—that statement, and the intent behind the statement

it doesn't make the piece "special," but whoever said art had to be special
I think pretentious artists know there's nothing inherently meaningful about their pieces but then say that's the point
i mean, that's just called honesty—is it pretentious to be honest

Also if an artist has a genuine point to make but decides a blank white painting is the best way to do it, they're just a shitty artist
i don't disagree, and that's a perfectly valid opinion to have, but as long as you don't strip them of the status of being an artist, or try to gatekeep what can and cannot be art, then we're basically on the same page

The Flood / Re: I hate Asuka
« on: September 07, 2020, 10:26:45 AM »
i thought you liked aggressively domineering and assertive female characters who are bitches for no immediately discernible reason

The Flood / Re: What's Up With Pretentious Art
« on: September 06, 2020, 02:28:41 AM »
do you label anything artistic that you don't or are unwilling to understand as pretentious
I think all art is allowed right?
Verbatim you must agree that all art is art right? Art is defined by "a product made from emotion"
is trump a piece of shit?

why the fuck are you asking me if i believe in the exact sentiment that i'm actively expressing

The Flood / Re: What's Up With Pretentious Art
« on: September 06, 2020, 12:59:05 AM »
do you label anything artistic that you don't or are unwilling to understand as pretentious
I label art where you to jump through mental hurdles to understand pretentious
that's no good either, because what you've basically said here is that art shouldn't be challenging—which is obviously a very silly and obtuse perspective that i don't think you mean

pretentiousness is when an artist wants you to believe he's created something profound, but doesn't actually have anything profound to say, so he resorts to posturing

but sometimes, an artist may genuinely feel as though there's no better way to express a certain idea than to make something extremely esoteric—it's not pretentious, it's just inarticulate

so if you want to call artists like this out for anything, call them out for being poor communicators (i guess)—or you could just, you know, take the time to understand the purpose of it, because it's probably not that deep anyway

The Flood / Re: What's Up With Pretentious Art
« on: September 05, 2020, 07:07:25 PM »
do you label anything artistic that you don't or are unwilling to understand as pretentious

The Flood / Re: Verbatim said he’s writing a book about me
« on: September 04, 2020, 10:24:17 PM »
you said carson lmao
and people say jacob, what is your point

The Flood / Re: Verbatim said he’s writing a book about me
« on: September 04, 2020, 10:01:33 PM »
He can write a book, but I think you only deserve a sentence.
i was thinking along these lines

also why would cheat redact that lmao

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: September 04, 2020, 08:08:53 PM »

Looks like loose Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness cartridges just shot up in value over the past couple months to about $85, newly making it the most valuable game in my N64 collection, which is pretty cool. That's a game lent to me from my cousin well before I started seriously collecting, and it's a neat game. Still can't find the other Castlevania 64 game, though.

The most valuable game in the NES collection is a loose Stack Up cartridge, valued at ~$95. This has been part of my dad's collection since I was a child, so to think that we haven't found anything cooler despite actively searching for rare games is kind of insane to me. Even our golden Zelda II CIB w/ manual is worth $10 less.

The game itself is useless without R.O.B, and we don't even have one, despite the fact that it was a pack-in peripheral. I cannot wrap my head around why this game is considered so valuable. Does it just come down to rarity?

The Flood / Re: Jusat watched the first episode of Evangelion (1995)
« on: September 03, 2020, 11:23:04 AM »
i wanted to watch it at one point since it's such a classic but ive decided against it

i find old anime incredibly hard to watch
ugh you're missing out

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: September 02, 2020, 01:32:00 PM »
They also had Resident Evil 2, Starcraft, and WWF No Mercy on display, but they were asking a bit too much for those
Picked up Resident Evil 2 (64) and WWF No Mercy today. Pretty happy, even though it gave my wallet a black eye.

Seems like someone else bought Starcraft 64, though. Sucks.

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