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Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:03:09 PM »
because blades of grass aren't sentient, and basically every single animal that we eat is sentient

they have agency
they have a capacity to suffer and to feel pain

that matters

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:57:43 PM »
The point is that's something you take when you have a deficiency. And if you have a deficiency because of your diet, then your diet is terrible.
then i'll live with a terrible diet

as long as its ethical
as long as its the right thing to do

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:35:48 PM »
never needed to

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:27:55 PM »
For how long have you been eating like this?

Because studies show you guys need supplements and you really can't substitute meat.
as of next month, a year

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:11:02 PM »
Have you been to the doctor? What does he/she say about your health?

What's your diet consist of?
whatever i can find, really

i eat a lot of grains and fruit, and imitation meat if i'm in the mood

i seem to be getting around just fine

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:57:33 PM »
i don't, personally

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:54:41 PM »
The point is nobody kills and eats us.

We have to destroy life to eat. Whether it's an animal or a plant, it's all precious life were cutting short for our own needs.

That's just how it is. It's not a very nice way to live, and when I stip and actually think about the animal I just ate, it's fucked up. But we need to kill other living beings to live. There's no two ways about it.
i agree with you, 100%

we have to kill living things to live

but 3.2% of the american population can attest that you don't need meat, specifically, to survive

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:43:30 PM »
I'm the same age as you.
And I put words in my mouth.
i've said it before, but as far as i'm concerned, you're a kid until you're thirty
it doesn't matter that you're the same age as me

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:41:08 PM »
and yes, i do believe you can be a philosophical vegan
that is to say, a vegan who advocates veganism, but is not necessarily a vegan him or herself

i used to be one of these people, and i remember you taking issue with that back on bnet
but i maintain that it's acceptable to be a non-vegan as long as you don't condone meat-eating

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:39:51 PM »
don't waste your time with lemon

a kid who thinks pre-ordering video games is a bigger issue than the suffering of sentient creatures
I think he understands well enough.
how do you figure

if people truly understood the impact of what they are doing, if people really understood what it means to be killed and eaten, everyone would be a vegan

if not by action, than by philosophy

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:28:16 PM »
don't waste your time with lemon

a kid who thinks pre-ordering video games is a bigger issue than the suffering of sentient creatures

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:02:59 PM »
Derp. Yeah.


Wait, no, that's exactly what I meant to say.
Don't confuse me.

Given the choice between killing the world with CO2 pollution and slaughtering animals for food, I would pick killing the world with CO2 pollution. At least then, everyone dies, and when everyone dies, there won't be anyone to take care of anymore.
That's just my efilism speaking.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:57:51 PM »
I should've said "Key to a better understanding of reality" or something to that effect.
Oh, okay, that's not as stupid.

It's even DUMBER. Wow, guy.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:52:11 PM »
Either way, I'd rather "kill the world with CO2 pollution" than kill animals for our gain. MUCH rather.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:51:16 PM »
Can anyone answer me what will happen with all those cows that will be set free? Verb said their population will somehow decrease more to whereas they are getting culled.....that not goof logic doe.

Vergans may just kill the world with CO2 pollution.
Prove it.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:14:54 PM »
Nihilism is fucktarded.

Gaming / Re: Jade - Positive Female Characters in Video Games
« on: May 12, 2015, 04:57:48 PM »
Sexualization isn't a gender exclusive thing, Verb. Ever played God of War? Uncharted? Pretty much any game with a gruff male protagonist? We like sex, and showing off some skin (in male and female characters) is a non-issue.

Now, how they're written is another whole story, a point that actually has some merits. Most females fall into the empathetic caretaker or masculine "I don't need no man" stereotypes. That's what we should be trying to fix. Not this put everyone into a winter coat so there's no chance that we might find them sexually attractive nonsense.
I know sexualization isn't gender exclusive, and I've expressed that in the past (and in this very thread). I still think it's an issue. Just because we like sex doesn't mean we have to exploit it in media.

Gaming / Re: Jade - Positive Female Characters in Video Games
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:28:00 PM »
Does she ever have anything positive to say?
Uh, yes. That's what this thread is about.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:27:13 PM »
How about i just eat my meat in peace and you veggies stop shoving your beliefs down my throat.
Good golly god this couldn't be said any better.
And I couldn't have refuted it any better.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:21:36 PM »

Fetuses aren't sentient either.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:17:34 PM »
Except it's absolutely okay to kill a living organism.

...Unless it's sentient.

And plants are not.

Gaming / Re: Jade - Positive Female Characters in Video Games
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:10:11 PM »
Yeah, no, not at all.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:09:35 PM »
You're basically saying that if I knocked you out, I could kill you, and it would be okay, because you didn't feel it.

That's how stupid that is.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:08:53 PM »
Well when you knock out the cow/chicken before killing them, they don't feel either.

It doesn't matter if they didn't feel it at the moment. The fact that they could feel at one point makes it wrong.
Plants can never feel.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:59:58 PM »
You kill oxygen - breathing and self-sustaining plants for your consumption.

Killing plants for food is wrong.
Plants don't feel, retard.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:58:15 PM »
>Convinently ignores the rest of my post, where I stated I get grass-fed or local meats
It doesn't matter. Killing animals for food is wrong. Torturing animals and then killing them is worse, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still having animals killed.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:57:37 PM »
I don't care how long it takes, the prey will eventually become overpopulous.
They have the overwhelming advantage of numbers, and while the predators will never go hungry, animals such as Cattle, chickens, and sheep will explode in population without being harvested, and not be able to feed on the limited food supply.
Prove it.
If the lions and other predators like them decided to become vegetarian, (as ridiculous as it sounds) how fucked would african wildlife be?
They'd overpopulate and starve.
Carnivorous animals going extinct actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:55:06 PM »
Just because I enjoy meat, I obviously support how they are treated?
YES. If you are paying money for it, that tells the industry that you support everything they do! They don't care about what you actually feel. That's how the market works. Your voice isn't heard. Only your wallet is. If you don't support how animals are treated, tell that to them with your wallet. By not spending money on animal products.

"b-b-b-but it tastes s-so good!"

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:52:25 PM »
You can't always get what you want.

I mean, you're taught that when you're fucking six. That's why I call you a child.
Because you haven't learned that yet, apparently.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:49:37 PM »
Me being put off from vegan food severely decreases any chance of trying "every single dish out there."
I don't like vegan food either, is the thing. But I realize that what I like really doesn't matter when we're dealing with the suffering of sentient creatures.

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