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And lol, you can't really claim to be ethically superior, considering you'd kill everyone on Earth if you could.
*the universe

There's nothing unethical about preventing ALL suffering for the rest of time.
It is THE most ethical thing you could do.

Killing them with as little to no pain posible to eat or use as materials is not wrong.
Would you be okay if someone killed you with "little to no pain posible" and then ate you?

But you see, that isn't going to affect me, so yeah, I definitely will live with it and not care.
Meanwhile, I will enjoy actually being an ethical person. It's pretty fucking sweet.
"hi. ball. throw. run. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"

I can't imagine them speaking at more than an 18 month old level.
Sure. I'm just saying, "ow, ow, ow! please don't hurt me!" is probably what they'd say. They already say it--they just don't have the words for it. You can argue all you want that humans feel more suffering--I just don't think there's any real hard evidence for that. My basic point still remains--regardless of the amount of suffering endured, it's still all bad.

I'm sure the loving bond between animals that eat their own babies and sexual partners is verry strong
Thanks for generalizing and missing the point completely.

I wonder if Verb has ever voiced his opinion to anyone within slapping range.....I doubt it.
All the time.

Well yes, but they don't have the level of thought we do.
The only thing they don't have is a vocabulary. If they could talk to us, what do you think they would say? "I just love being tortured, please kill me, please eat me?"

Please dont make me dig up the Forced Veganism thread where you claimed to be the pinacle of moral superiority
Never did that.
as you ranted about how you would wipe out all life.
Never said that.
I also find it funny how you claim a natural and inegral part of life as part of the animal kingdom is somehow evil and vile.
It is evil and vile.

It is not integral.

It is natural, but who gives a fuck? So is murder. So is rape. So is every horrible travesty ever.
Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good.

Torturing animals is evil. Get over it.

The animal would feel pain and try to run. The man would feel pain and try to run while simultaneously thinking of his family and wondering why this was happening to him.
Reasoning and logic compound suffering.
You don't think animals have familial relations? And part of sentience is indeed the capacity to wonder. Sentient animals wonder all the time. I'm sure you've seen dogs tilt their heads to the side when they see you holding something strange.

i think i'll live
Not for long.

I mean, what you fail to realize is that vegetarianism is gonna come out on top in the long run. People aren't gonna be eating meat within the next hundred years. People will look back on people like you the same way people looked at slave owners and Nazis. That's what's going to happen.

If you're okay with that being your legacy.

i can't be intolerant towards them because of their opinions if they don't have opinions
>using the shitty Google definition of "bigot"
>the same dictionary that defines "rapist" as "a man who rapes a woman"
>being this semantic

Speciesism is a form of bigotry. You're a bad person. Sorry.

they don't have opinions though
Doesn't matter.

I find it funny how he honestly thinks he is the greatest person in the word and that literaly eveybody else is some kind of pleb

The only people I'm "better than" are meat-eaters. It's just a fact. But when weighed against all other vegans, I'm not exactly the best representative of the vegan philosophy. Pendulate is a sight better than I am, because I lack the patience to speak with bigots in a non-insulting tone. And that's why most people aren't vegans--because people like you are petty, evil cunts that can't handle being called petty, evil cunts for being petty, evil cunts. So you continue being petty, evil cunts in a petty, evil, and cunty attempt at pissing vegans off.

I'm not intolerant towards you though.
You're bigoted towards animals. You're a speciesist.

So long as there are starving or poor, no. Humanity should come first as humans have the largest capacity to feel suffering, right?
No, I don't think so. If they did, you'd have a point, but if you strap a human and a chimpanzee to a gurney and stuck a knife in both of their chests, the amount of suffering endured will be indistinguishable. Same with a deer, same with a cow, same with a pig. There's no basis for the assumption that humans have a higher capacity to suffer than animals.

Now, in the end of it all, when the capitalist system creates a post-scarcity situation in which a socialist gift economy thrives solely because there is no labor to be done by any man, then we really have no excuse to not solely eat manufactured nutrients that contain no animal or plant byproduct.

Remember, plants react to stimuli/pain too.
They don't, though. Pendulate happens to be a yearning biologist, from what I know, so he might be able to provide some proof for that, but I feel like we've been over this already. Plants lack a central nervous system to administer the sensation of pain, as well as a brain to comprehend it. It's feasibly impossible (and evolutionarily nonsensical) for plants to feel pain. They may respond to stimuli, but this in itself does not necessitate pain.

I don't shed a single tear at the thought of where my food comes from
Neither did I, because I used to be just as bigoted.

Whatever it takes to make you feel important, man.
I couldn't feel less important. I live in a world containing hundreds of billions of sentient creatures. I am among the least important things on the planet. Especially from my own perspective.

FUCK self-interest.

I'm not a nihilist. Nihilism is not believing in anything, but I believe in a lot of things. Most specifically, the superiority of our species above all else.
That just means you're a nihilist with a bigoted agenda. You admit to being a bigot on a number of subjects. Tell me why I should waste my time arguing with someone who admits to being a bigot, as if we're honestly going to get anywhere.
You're a human, you don't need to care about anything that's not going to affect your race.
But I do anyway. Because I'm ethically superior to you.

who gives a fuck? they're just dumb animals
You're a dumb animal.

People who respond to an argument solely with "Wrong." should be banned from having an opinion on anything.
There is no arguing with a nihilist. None. That is the most fruitless endeavor I could possibly think of, next to arguing with a religious nut. We're going to get absolutely nowhere, because you're an idiot who thinks only the self matters. Which is wrong.

Until you concede that you're wrong, we really can't discuss a goddamn motherfucking THING, because I'm always going to be arguing from the perspective of an individual who actually gives a fuck about the implications of having a planet filled with all this sentient life.

You'd like that wouldnt you.
Uh. No. I wouldn't. Thanks for the useless, petty slander.
And thank you for not reading anything beyond that.
The rest of it only built off of your initial premise, which was shit. If your premise is shit, everything following that premise is going to be shit.
(I'll be studdying engeneering and science btw. Space travel has always been my dream)
I couldn't care less. Sorry.

I disagree.
I know you do, but you've really never went any further than that. I can't comprehend why anyone would disagree, and I normally wouldn't be this pushy, but this is a really important issue in my opinion.

We're the most intelligent species on the planet. You honestly don't think this gives us the responsibility to protect all sentient life?

You done jerking him off yet?
You done eating our shit yet?

I dont see Deers building rockets capable of intercepting world ending astroids, or atempting to cure desease.
You're not doing that. Most of the human race isn't doing that. Are you saying we should shoot, kill, and eat humans?

Not better than. All animals show an indication of a self-preserving instinct. Why would we be any different?
Because we've achieved higher intelligence, such that we can contemplate our actions. We can self-preserve very easily without having to kill other sentient creatures. You know that, and it's perfectly healthy.

And even if it wasn't, the health thing is really irrelevant. Because we'd still have an ethical imperative not to kill fellow sentient creatures for our gain.

it doesn't make you any more correct.
Because he doesn't need to be any more correct.

In order to overcome something, doesn't it first have to be a thing?
You think humans are better than all other sentience, for no other reason than because we're smarter than them. Sorry, Das, that's... basically the definition of bigotry. It's not just a thing--it's a logically demonstrable thing.

Serious / Re: Which user are you closest to politically?
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:18:01 PM »
i'm rather philosophically retarded
wow you totally PWNED me, kid!

i'm not sure if i'll recover from this one

It's kind of ingrained into the very fabric of our being...
No, it isn't. There are millions of people who subscribe to the anti-natalist ideology like myself already. We are very capable of transcending our bigoted biological tendencies.

Lol, this thread. They're just animals.

You're a human. Your species is more important than any other species.

Nihilists should be banned from having an opinion on anything.

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