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The Flood / Re: So I got on again
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:25:17 PM »
LOL what's with all the "are you a feminist" posts

The Flood / Re: Foman is back.
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:14:45 PM »
yeah, fuck recon

he had the most dickriders, too

The Flood / Re: why is this place so dead
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:13:24 PM »
I feel sick and tired and I have a headache
but alcohol & weed aren't harmful, remember

Gaming / Re: Hyrule Warriors coming to 3DS!
« on: June 10, 2015, 12:03:18 PM »
it was probably better suited for it anyway

The Flood / Re: Foman is back.
« on: June 10, 2015, 08:26:58 AM »
real talk, though

foman is legitimately a piece of shit moderator

Gaming / Re: Your GOTY so far
« on: June 10, 2015, 08:23:08 AM »
And then I realized I haven't purchased a single game that was released this year so far.

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 08:17:12 AM »
what you can honestly say is that the possibility of this individual having family/friends that would be affected by such an incident, along with the other potential factors you cited, all outweigh any detrimental possibilities you could think of--if you honestly believe that

and then you'd have an argument

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 08:04:03 AM »
But you cited the potential damage a human could cause as support for your view. So I don't think it's fair to forbid the factors I mentioned.  They are just as relevant.
citing the potential of something is fine--you're just conceding the possibility
that's not quite the same thing as an assumption

my argument is that the average human being is more of a detriment to society than not, which is why i find the distinction, if there is one, so imperceptible

in other words, by letting the human live, you're taking a risk
a small one, but one nonetheless
If you remove all the differences between the human and the pig, it defeats the purpose of the question.
the purpose of the question is, indeed, to demonstrate that there is no distinction
that's my rhetoric

you got me to think a little bit more about it, i'll grant you, but i'm still not wholly convinced

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:38:17 AM »
And if they're guaranteed to die shortly after being stabbed, then I'm still inclined toward the human, because they would have a greater awareness of the situation/what they're going to leave behind.

And the pain of their friends and family are relevant as well, unless you want to remove them from the equation
i would apply occam's razor--don't assume this person has any friends or family, or even an awareness of the situation

we know the pig doesn't

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:27:54 AM »
I'm saying the human'psyhcological trauma would be greater than the pig's.
on what basis

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:23:07 AM »
Well ok, but that doesn't address the utilitarian problem.
you cite the psychological trauma that would incur if the human was stabbed, but you also cite the possibility of the pig suffering trauma as well

are you saying the human is more likely, or are you just contradicting yourself

also, remember that they're gonna die, so
they won't be suffering forever

Serious / Re: If you're a man, you're part of rape culture
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:12:00 AM »
Just cut my nuts off.

Are we happy now?
Lord Jamar: Still a man. Still a man.

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:06:02 AM »
Capitalist culture is the problem, not humanity. Raise people to value each other instead of possesions and im sure things would be better.
I completely agree (with the second sentence, anyway). I mean, there's many caveats with that, but I'll just leave it there, because we don't agree very often.

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:01:14 AM »
The fact that ya think that no life is worth living
No, I've never once talked about whether life is worth living. I've only ever talked about whether it's worth imposing, and it's not.

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:58:45 AM »
the one where pigs are fat as fuck and i'm sitting here in an air conditioned room
Well, I'm just saying, clearly it's not planet Earth, or anything called "reality".

Human beings consume FAR more than they produce on average.
And you can mostly blame fucking capitalism for that shit.

Boy. You got me all worked up.

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:54:59 AM »
Fucking ants are more productive than the average scumfuck human being.


Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:53:37 AM »
which coincidentally happens to benefit society
which is like saying you're a benefit to your homelife, because you helped your wife clean up the house by placing ONE fucking saltine cracker wrapper into the garbage--not because you wanted to, but because you didn't want to hear her bitch, and that was the minimum amount of effort she was looking for
humans do vastly more good than bad on average.

What fucking planet do YOU live on!?

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:47:09 AM »
But humans are far more likely to work in benefit of society than trying to destroy it.
yeah, right

humans are more likely to work in benefit of themselves

ask the average person if he likes job, and if he does it for any other reason than money
and then ask the average person what he spends that money on

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:42:38 AM »
while a human has the potential to cure cancer, and the pig doesn't
it also has the potential to shoot up an elementary school. and the pig doesn't.

so, pick your poison
oh, and by the way:

the number of mass shootings that took place in the US last year: over 300.
the number of times a panacea for cancer has been found: 0

just a little fun fact

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:33:45 AM »
I think there's a distinction. It just doesn't negate any ethical responsibility to the pig.
of course not, but the issue was which one you'd choose
you can save the pig, or you can save the human

one of them is going to get stabbed and bleed to death, and it's your choice

to me, it doesn't matter what you choose, because they both represent the same negative
you could make the argument that you should save the human, because humans have more ethical capabilities than pigs

while a human has the potential to cure cancer, and the pig doesn't
it also has the potential to shoot up an elementary school. and the pig doesn't.

so, pick your poison

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:25:28 AM »
There are people who are genetically predisposed to becoming addicted.

It's just not that simple. Some people can quit when they feel like it, others are such addicts they think they can't, so they can't.
i suppose the only way i could ever understand is if i tried it myself
that's the only way

some people have told me that it would be like if i had my internet cut
but i've had my internet cut for months on end, and i didn't give a single flying feathered fuck, so

i mean, it sucked, because the internet's pretty cool, but i wasn't going through "withdrawals" or anything stupid

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:20:55 AM »
You sure?
 with the way people act (including on this website) you'd think I was advocating the legalisation of child rape, and not just believing in a higher power
there's a world outside this website

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:14:32 AM »
And I'm not even disagreeing with him; addicts may be weak, but it wouldn't have much to do with any 'choices' they make because the concept of choice is highly diminished with clinical addiction.
well, for my dad, his addiction was to nicotine

he would smoke every day for as long as i can remember until i was twelve, when he woke up one day and said "i'm done", basically

and he quit, cold turkey

no problems, no complications
and he said it was one of the easier things he's ever done

so for me, whenever i hear stuff like, "you can't just stop an addiction", i'm very very skeptical
call it anecdotal, because that's what it is, but that's just my experience

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 06:03:27 AM »
you haven't been able to define the difference to me
It's possible humans suffer more when stabbed.
i don't think they do, and i don't think there's any real reason to think so

i mean, is there? really?

when you can't see the distinction, that alone should raise a red flag, in my opinion

Serious / Re: Your most controversial opinions
« on: June 10, 2015, 05:56:28 AM »
i guess i'll have to add, "if you support women's rights, you are a feminist--no exceptions" to my list
Given the current movement's willingness to say this in conversation, regardless of the shit they've spouted previously, I find that statement incredibly disingenuous.
i mean, it's just a fact, meta

there's a lot of people who don't believe in god, yet they don't personally identify as atheists, because they want to dissociate themselves from the militant/fedora-tipping stigma that it's now been relegated to on the internet

but they're still atheists, obviously

i don't need to point out once again that most feminists aren't SJW tumblr feminazis
(because most feminists don't even realize they're feminists--HINT HINT)

so it's more disingenuous to imply that this "current" movement is anything more than what i've described in the past as a fringe vocal minority, unrepresentative of the real cause

The Flood / Re: Shitty Alcohol Thread
« on: June 10, 2015, 05:10:07 AM »

The Flood / Re: So I got on again
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:47:15 AM »
Ugh... got some more cleaning up to do
i hate people who are so obviously not who they are

The Flood / Re: Because of Mod Bias...
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:19:20 AM »
This thread wins the duel.
shut up korra


and i sincerely thought you were korra for a second there

The Flood / Re: So yeah, I'm leaving Sep7agon forever in an hour.
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:16:25 AM »
This community is literally cancer, and it's gonna keep on stagnating forever. It's already a circlejerk as it is. If it wasn't so shitty, then people wouldn't be getting banned so often.
i would honestly argue that a community wherein members are frequently banned for misbehavior is the sign of a healthier community

it's 5:00 AM, leave me alone

ummmmmmmmmm, i don't know
i mean, what's your solution

how do we stop being institutionally racist
how do we even address such an issue

'cause i agree with you, it exists, but, what do we do about it

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