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Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 06:06:42 PM »
I would think a game like Doom would be different then say, Red Orchestra. Just because they're both FPS's doesn't mean they're the same. Too many variables.

That's like saying all fighting games are the same. Over simplifying is doing it injustice if you ask me.
you could argue that all fighting games are the same, and i wouldn't really have much of a problem with it

what i'm saying, though, is that fighting games, even though they're pretty same-y, have a much higher level of diversity than FPS games do

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 06:04:42 PM »
Just because you hate FPS's doesn't mean they are all the same. Battlefield is a strategic game centered on teamplay and objectives. CoD focuses on deathmatch. The list goes on and on.
and deathmatches have no teamplay or objectives?

yes they do

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:55:17 PM »
If it was just a passing "Oh, I don't really think it'll happen"
oh please
you're honestly taking issue with how i'm saying it?

"i don't think it'll happen" is really what my assertion boils down to--that's all i've been saying this entire thread
i obviously can't be certain about anything, but i make statements of certainty all the time, usually for effect

what's odd is that you're only taking issue with it now on this particular subject

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:48:03 PM »
Just because all games differ in map size and pacing doesn't make it not a difference, fighting games seem to have similar map sizes, should I count that as evidence towards them being the same?
you certainly could, but my point is that it's minutiae

it's a tiny difference--it's not a big enough difference, at least not for me
Classes are a huge difference, are you really telling me that you see no difference in the class and teamwork based gameplay of Team Fortress 2 compared to CoD?
well yeah, because you can essentially imitate the classes by using the closest possible weapons
the scout in TF2 has a shotgun and a pistol

in halo, use a shotgun and a pistol--instant TF2 scout

the only thing is that you don't run as fast and you don't have a double jump, but again--minutiae
There are definitely CoD/Battlefield/Team Fortress clones out there trying to cash in on the popularity of those games, but none of the games you mentioned are alike
whereas i can't think of a single big fighting game that doesn't have a distinction that truly sets it apart from everything else

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:43:21 PM »
"two people fight each other" is NOT a good definition of a fighting game
"people shooting each other" is a good definition of a FPS/TPS game
Two people fighting each other is just a simplified definition of fighting games, just like how you've simplified the definition of FPS games.
it's not, though

because you could apply that simplified fighting game definition to an FPS game
but FPS games are not fighting games

you CAN'T apply the simplified FPS definition to a fighting game, unless you're playing a fighting game with guns, which... i don't really know too many, if at all

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:42:12 PM »
Can we all agree that military FPS's are so saturated on the market now? I'm surprised there isn't as much fatigue with it as there should be.
FPS in general

not just military

The Flood / Re: Your deep web experiences
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:41:09 PM »
Why would I go there?

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:37:59 PM »
You mean other than the statistical improbability of being hit by a meteor.
and that's really not much of a basis anyway

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:35:47 PM »
What I mean is that the initial development of sentience in the machine will be an involuntary process. Let's do away with the word spontaneous and phrase it like this: upon reaching a certain degree of neural complexity, the machine will develop sentience as a result. However, the establishment of this complexity will not be as a result of deliberate, on-the-spot human programming.
that might be an even worse wording

but whatever, you meant that it would be a fluke--we would be experimenting on AI, and then as it turned out, we accidentally made a sentience, yes? and we probably wouldn't notice until much later, yes?

again, discussing whether this could ever happen, to me, is the same thing as discussing spontaneity in the other sense

it's as pointless as quibbling over whether there's a god

You mean other than the statistical improbability of being hit by a meteor.
right--just like the statistical improbability of us producing a sentient AI, deliberately or otherwise

not that there's any statistics on that--the point being, i think our brain chemistry is too complex to be replicated
deliberately or otherwise

that's my argument

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:21:50 PM »
i could say that i DON'T believe i will get struck my a meteorite within the next ten years of my life

i really don't think that's ever gonna happen

but i have no basis for it whatsoever
so the correct answer is "maybe", but i'm leaning towards "no"

and i don't think you would badger me for an explanation as to why

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:19:51 PM »
Because humans being unable to deliberately programme a machine with sentience =/= a machine being able to be sentient. Pendulate and I have stated several times that if sentience arises in machines, it will be spontaneous and not the result of some on-the-spot programming, yet you still appear to have an issue with this proposition.
well, again, that just seems like too ridiculous of a question to ask me

"do you think something could happen spontaneously?"

"uhhhh... maybe!"

like, i can't definitively answer "yes" or "no" to that question without logically contradicting the very nature of spontaneity.
making it a pointless question.

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:16:03 PM »
but that's not gonna convince you of anything, is it
No, because we've already established numerous times that my claim has nothing to do with humans deliberately programming a machine to be sentient.
well, i'm not going to argue about whether something is going to happen out of sheer "spontaneity", am i?

that just seems a little bit too silly

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:13:40 PM »
I doubt we will ever have the capacity to grant something the ability to feel anyway; if it arises, it will arise spontaneously.
so now you're making my argument now

why must i justify something that you already believe
And neither can you. Saying "sentience is not the result of complex neural/computational networks"
but i've never said that

just because sentience is the result of our specific neural network doesn't really mean anything

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:04:01 PM »
the reason why you can't prove a negative is pretty simple, too, because you could just keep asking "what if" questions

all right, meta, i've done everything i've could, but i can't seem to make this robot feel--i don't think it's possible
"what if you did it this way?"
okay, i'll try that--didn't work
"what if you did it this way?"
okay, i'll try that--still didn't work
"what if you did it this way?"

ad infinitum
there would never be a point where you couldn't logically ask the "what if" at the end of the experiment

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 05:01:23 PM »
I mean, if I were to say "our best hypotheses in economics support the benefits of free trade" and you were to claim that isn't the case; yeah, you're making a negative statement, but you're not off the hook for justifying why you claim it.
i can justify it, sure, but if you're asking me to prove that we can't?
that's not gonna be logically possible

i can tell you that the reason why i don't think we'll ever make a sentient AI is because I think sentience is just too complex of a phenomenon to ever be perfectly imitated, but that's not gonna convince you of anything, is it

i'm just not a fan of justifications if they're just going to waste people's time

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:56:52 PM »
If you accept that our brains are nothing more than complex networks of information processing
i don't
okay, and?

without our sentience, our brains ARE nothing more than complex networks of information
i wouldn't be able to show you how our sentience came to be, but it involved evolution for over four billion years

As Pendulate and I have already said, imitation has nothing to do with it.
making it so an AI can feel would be an imitation of our sentience

Okay, computers have the capacity to be not not sentient. Am I off the hook because I worded it negatively
you didn't word it negatively, though

saying "not not" is a double negative, which would make it a positive
you can't just play word games with logic

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:47:09 PM »
to say that our brain is a "complex network" would be a COLOSSAL understatement

someone should demonstrate to me how we could perfectly replicate it

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:45:16 PM »
Except you are.

You've quite clearly claimed that sentience is not the result of complex neural/computational networks

i said we can't imitate it--and besides, that's still a negative statement either way

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:43:11 PM »
that you're logic is dumb

As someone who's played all of those shooters you mentioned, they all play and feel very different
i've played them all, too
they all feel the same to me

except TF2, but that's just because of its graphics

Battlefield has vehicles, while CoD doesn't, for example. CoD has killstreaks, Battlefield doesn't. Battlefield has classes each with differing abilities, CoD doesn't. Battlefield maps are huge and the games tend to be long and more slowly paced, while CoD has much smaller maps with shorter, more hectic games.
battlefield having vehicles is actually one difference, i'll grant you that
but that's only one so far

Battlefield not having killstreaks isn't a real difference--you could always just count yourself

having classes isn't much of a difference, to be honest
neither is game speed or map size--all games vary in terms of speed and map size
They both play very differently, you simplified it down to "You have a gun and shoot people", of course they're going to sound the same when you put it like that
you wouldn't be able to simplify fighting games in the same way

"two people fight each other" is NOT a good definition of a fighting game
"people shooting each other" is a good definition of a FPS/TPS game

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:35:07 PM »
You're a Street Fighter fan, therefore you should like Tekken and Mortal Kombat too, going by your logic.
and i kinda do

what's your point

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:33:02 PM »
And you're yet to demonstrate why artificial intelligences would be excluded from the ability to perceive, feel or be self-aware.
it's not my job to

that which can be presented w/o evidence can be dismissed without evidence

the onus is on the person who's making the positive assertion--and i'm making no positive assertions
i know you don't agree with that logic, because it's inconvenient, but

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:28:40 PM »
the differences have been explained to me

and they aren't different enough

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:27:14 PM »
No, it wouldn't.
it's my exact definition of sentience, though
the very first thing it mentions is that sentience is the ability to feel
That seemed to be what Pendulate was implying when you used his consideration to demonstrate your point.
then that's pendulate's fault for not wording his post properly--i'm of course referring to all sentient life

i mean, as i usually do in these types of discussions <_<

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:20:12 PM »
Do you see the irony?
there is none

fighting games are extremely diverse
FPS games are not

therefore, an FPS game fan is more likely to enjoy more games of that genre than someone who plays fighting games

because they're all the same

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:18:39 PM »
present me with a better one
Well we could just use the actual definition, which is the ability to experience subjectively.

Which doesn't at all require any similarity to human experience besides some aspect of subjectivity and, presumably, self-awareness.
if you're going to copy the wikipedia definition of sentience, you should probably not leave out the two words "feel" and "perceive"
because that would contradict you, and help my definition instead

no one's strictly talking about human experience

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:15:15 PM »
Give up on Ramadan already or just the one aspect?
where does it say i can't have a civil discussion or disagreement

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:14:10 PM »
Unless you want to coin a new term for computer sentience (intelience? Swidt) then I don't think this is misusing it.
i think "artificial intelligence" is good enough
I'd also take this to mean that you'd support sentient AI in this case? Assuming they can't suffer in ways that we can, and they can perform complex tasks in short amounts of time?
of course

to call that sentience, though, i feel undermines the definition of the word

under this definition of sentience, you would have to concede that insects are sentient
you realize

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:10:55 PM »
the amount of differences between different types of fighting games are IMMENSE

whereas the only differences between CoD, Halo, Battlefield, and TF2 that have been presented to me involve two things:
1. setting
2. speed

that's it

Gaming / Re: So I just saw the Black Ops 3 trailer.
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:09:23 PM »
Ignorant?  There are fists. You punch people with them.
then uncharted is a fighting game, too
I mean, there's no reason you shouldn't be a Skullgirls fan.
yeah, there is

Serious / Re: Should A.I.'s be treated as living beings?
« on: June 21, 2015, 04:07:26 PM »
That's a poor definition of sentience, though.
it's actually the best definition ever

present me with a better one

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