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The Flood / Re: Tried Drinking For The First Time Last Night
« on: March 28, 2018, 11:00:06 PM »
Im surprised you've never drank til now
he's fucking like 15 years old
Big fucking deal. First time I drank I was 19.
i don't care kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Tried Drinking For The First Time Last Night
« on: March 28, 2018, 10:59:45 PM »
Im surprised you've never drank til now
he's fucking like 15 years old
and him drinking at 15 is surprising?
when did i say it was you fucking stupid faggot

i'm saying you shouldn't be surprised that he hasn't

The Flood / Re: Tried Drinking For The First Time Last Night
« on: March 28, 2018, 09:58:09 PM »
Im surprised you've never drank til now
he's fucking like 15 years old

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: March 28, 2018, 03:21:22 PM »
When you dislike a post, do you downvote the poster too?
nah, i honestly forgot that was even a feature

i also haven't logged into that account in a while lol

How we quantify an honest life? Why do these people deserve to die or be punished so harshly? Are they no longer human beings because they maybe sold some weed?
not having murdered anybody is a good start

ask yourself why their victim needed to be punished so harshly, and therein lies the answer to your second question—again, it's not about revenge, it's about getting rid of a dangerous person who is a detriment to society

call me hammurabi, but that's just how i feel, because i don't think i've ever been given any compelling reason to think that death-for-death is unreasonable

i'm not talking about people who sell weed obviously, we started with abusive cops

Everybody who makes it out (something that is not guaranteed) says it was hell.
i don't think so

if that were really the case, i wouldn't have said what i said, but this isn't something i haven't seen, heard, or read anything about, and the general sense i get is that there's plenty of people out there who were actually able to find a home in prison

that's obviously not to say that it's paradise and that everyone has a great time there—but come on, "everybody"?

i don't think it's unreasonable to say, at the very least, that we tend to be pretty soft on criminals and felons these days
You don't think even those people shed a few tears at night in their cell? Nobody wants to be in there. Becoming institutionalized doesn't mean they enjoy it, they just can't find a way to go back to normal life so being locked up feels normal to them. There's a lot of people who don't even want to get out, but that's because they're scared and institutionalized. It has absolutely nothing to do with being soft on criminals. For someone with ideals and opinions such as yours I'm shocked to see such conservative sentiments come from you.
are they conservatives sentiments, or do i just hate criminals that much

i'm willing to concede that maybe i'm letting my own desire to see bad people suffer blind me a little bit, but i'm not budging on the notion that some prisons do offer their inmates certain comforts and luxuries that they absolutely should not have access to—you shouldn't be able to get a college degree in a fucking prison, for example

all that being said, i also maintain that abusive cops should be put to death, and life in prison doesn't come close to an appropriate punishment for them
Look I understand if maybe a loved one or friend was killed or raped. I feel you on that. But we have a justice system, not a revenge system. If we do not provide tools for inmates who wish to change their ways then these people will fall back to their old ways because there's nothing they can do when they get out. Some of these people aren't total pieces of shit, they just got caught up in the life. I'm not saying we have to forgive them or turn the other cheek, but I don't think two wrongs make a right.
i don't think of it as revenge, i think of it as the most efficient way to solve a problem

you can try to dick around and waste money and time trying to fix up this fucked person (who's never going to be able to find a job, because no smart employer is going to hire someone with a felony or two on their record), or you can just call it what it is—a waste of time, and just end him

not just because it's what he deserves, but because whatever role he could've fulfilled in society could easily just be taken up by someone else—we have 300 million people in this country, and a good chunk of them are unemployed, so why not give that labor to someone who's lived an honest life instead

i won't say i'm not a vengeful person, but that's only because i've been trained to enjoy it when i see justice served, and at times, when justice and redemption overlap, it's difficult for me to not get too invested in those carnal emotions

but i do realize revenge in and of itself is silly—so i've tried to find more logical reasons to support corporal punishment instead, and i think i've succeeded

Serious / Re: More gun news: Trump & evidence for gun control
« on: March 28, 2018, 02:27:22 PM »
i might actually have to start looking into learning some scandi languages pretty soon

or literally fucking anything

Everybody who makes it out (something that is not guaranteed) says it was hell.
i don't think so

if that were really the case, i wouldn't have said what i said, but this isn't something i haven't seen, heard, or read anything about, and the general sense i get is that there's plenty of people out there who were actually able to find a home in prison

that's obviously not to say that it's paradise and that everyone has a great time there—but come on, "everybody"?

i don't think it's unreasonable to say, at the very least, that we tend to be pretty soft on criminals and felons these days
You don't think even those people shed a few tears at night in their cell? Nobody wants to be in there. Becoming institutionalized doesn't mean they enjoy it, they just can't find a way to go back to normal life so being locked up feels normal to them. There's a lot of people who don't even want to get out, but that's because they're scared and institutionalized. It has absolutely nothing to do with being soft on criminals. For someone with ideals and opinions such as yours I'm shocked to see such conservative sentiments come from you.
are they conservatives sentiments, or do i just hate criminals that much

i'm willing to concede that maybe i'm letting my own desire to see bad people suffer blind me a little bit, but i'm not budging on the notion that some prisons do offer their inmates certain comforts and luxuries that they absolutely should not have access to—you shouldn't be able to get a college degree in a fucking prison, for example, but things like that do happen

all that being said, i still maintain that abusive cops should be put to death, and life in prison doesn't come close to an appropriate punishment for them

Serious / Re: More gun news: Trump & evidence for gun control
« on: March 28, 2018, 02:06:01 PM »
so yeah

trump backing gun control policy at this stage is the equivalent of a wife beater handing over a lollipop to his wife after beating and/or raping her for over a year
It's especially why I am glad I didn't waste my time voting for him like an idiot. I hated him when literally minutes after winning he made a speech kissing Hillary's butt. He promised us he would lock that criminal up, one of the main points of his entire campaign. He literally TOLD US she would be in jail if he were president. He was a liar just like the rest of them. He promised us more firearm freedom and is as big of a flip-flop as Barack. They should all be in prison.
i'm genuinely surprised you're not a trumpet yourself

Serious / Re: More gun news: Trump & evidence for gun control
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:37:00 PM »
so yeah

trump backing gun control policy at this stage is the equivalent of a wife beater handing over a lollipop to his wife after beating and/or raping her for over a year

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:23:10 PM »
like even if it wasn't him, he should be permabanned on principle for being just like him

Serious / Re: More gun news: Trump & evidence for gun control
« on: March 28, 2018, 01:19:37 PM »
You are the worst kind of person in a debate, you just close your ears and scream you won, when the evidence proves otherwise.
Yeah, you're just a troll. Figured this was the case from your first point but didn't want to at least give you a fair chance to see if the stupidity cleared up a bit. Guess I was wrong.

The only stupidity I see here is yours. You are right about you being wrong, though.
you forgot to bring up that you were an elf on everquest or whatever

This should be good, especially when I am adamantly AGAINST torture.
apparently not
Your link failed...
works just fine for me

Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells.
this is torture
That is definitely NOT torture. It is how prison should be so people are actually deterred to land themselves there.
you can say that it isn't torture, but that doesn't make it so
I say it because it isn't torture. It is caring for a criminal.

This should be good, especially when I am adamantly AGAINST torture.
apparently not
Your link failed...
works just fine for me

Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells.
this is torture
That is definitely NOT torture. It is how prison should be so people are actually deterred to land themselves there.
you can say that it isn't torture, but that doesn't make it so

This should be good, especially when I am adamantly AGAINST torture.
apparently not
Your link failed...
works just fine for me

Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells.
this is torture

This should be good, especially when I am adamantly AGAINST torture.
apparently not

I think it is a bad reason, and we have no authority to murder. Besides, life in prison is a much harsher punishment and they deserve a long life of misery to reflect on what the did.
prisons are relatively comfy and people are highly adaptive—they're very good at convincing themselves that the shit they're swimming in "isn't so bad," because in that scenario, they have no other psychologically rewarding choice

it's also just delaying the inevitable

killing them instantly is just ridding the world of another piece of fucking garbage

the only thing is, it costs more to put someone on death row than it does to keep them in prison, and since that's the only logic-based point you could really bring up, i'm not surprised you failed to do so
The other logical choice is making prisons more miserable and far less expensive.
so you wanna torture people

i mean so do i, but i'm not gonna pretend like it's something that should actually happen
Where the hell in my posts did you read I wanted to torture people? Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells. Amount of guards needed drops way down.

No, I am not advocating for any inflicting pain. Just let them live the most basic lives so they are simultaneously not a threat anymore and punished for their crimes.
torture doesn't have to involve the infliction of pain

being confined and being fed the cheapest food is living less than a basic life

it's basically torture
How is that less than a basic life? That is just survival. Lot of people can't even find food for a whole day on this planet, they are still more well-off than a lot of people. Physiological torture is a thing, but I am not advocating for that, either.
but you are
Haven't one time. Not sure how you are interpreting my posts that way.
probably because that's the only way to interpret them if you're a reasonable person
There is no reason to falsely assume I want to torture people when I never condoned torture one time, ever.
but you have

I think it is a bad reason, and we have no authority to murder. Besides, life in prison is a much harsher punishment and they deserve a long life of misery to reflect on what the did.
prisons are relatively comfy and people are highly adaptive—they're very good at convincing themselves that the shit they're swimming in "isn't so bad," because in that scenario, they have no other psychologically rewarding choice

it's also just delaying the inevitable

killing them instantly is just ridding the world of another piece of fucking garbage

the only thing is, it costs more to put someone on death row than it does to keep them in prison, and since that's the only logic-based point you could really bring up, i'm not surprised you failed to do so
The other logical choice is making prisons more miserable and far less expensive.
so you wanna torture people

i mean so do i, but i'm not gonna pretend like it's something that should actually happen
Where the hell in my posts did you read I wanted to torture people? Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells. Amount of guards needed drops way down.

No, I am not advocating for any inflicting pain. Just let them live the most basic lives so they are simultaneously not a threat anymore and punished for their crimes.
torture doesn't have to involve the infliction of pain

being confined and being fed the cheapest food is living less than a basic life

it's basically torture
How is that less than a basic life? That is just survival. Lot of people can't even find food for a whole day on this planet, they are still more well-off than a lot of people. Physiological torture is a thing, but I am not advocating for that, either.
but you are
Haven't one time. Not sure how you are interpreting my posts that way.
probably because that's the only way to interpret them if you're a reasonable person

I think it is a bad reason, and we have no authority to murder. Besides, life in prison is a much harsher punishment and they deserve a long life of misery to reflect on what the did.
prisons are relatively comfy and people are highly adaptive—they're very good at convincing themselves that the shit they're swimming in "isn't so bad," because in that scenario, they have no other psychologically rewarding choice

it's also just delaying the inevitable

killing them instantly is just ridding the world of another piece of fucking garbage

the only thing is, it costs more to put someone on death row than it does to keep them in prison, and since that's the only logic-based point you could really bring up, i'm not surprised you failed to do so
The other logical choice is making prisons more miserable and far less expensive.
so you wanna torture people

i mean so do i, but i'm not gonna pretend like it's something that should actually happen
Where the hell in my posts did you read I wanted to torture people? Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells. Amount of guards needed drops way down.

No, I am not advocating for any inflicting pain. Just let them live the most basic lives so they are simultaneously not a threat anymore and punished for their crimes.
torture doesn't have to involve the infliction of pain

being confined and being fed the cheapest food is living less than a basic life

it's basically torture
How is that less than a basic life? That is just survival. Lot of people can't even find food for a whole day on this planet, they are still more well-off than a lot of people. Physiological torture is a thing, but I am not advocating for that, either.
but you are

I think it is a bad reason, and we have no authority to murder. Besides, life in prison is a much harsher punishment and they deserve a long life of misery to reflect on what the did.
prisons are relatively comfy and people are highly adaptive—they're very good at convincing themselves that the shit they're swimming in "isn't so bad," because in that scenario, they have no other psychologically rewarding choice

it's also just delaying the inevitable

killing them instantly is just ridding the world of another piece of fucking garbage

the only thing is, it costs more to put someone on death row than it does to keep them in prison, and since that's the only logic-based point you could really bring up, i'm not surprised you failed to do so
The other logical choice is making prisons more miserable and far less expensive.
so you wanna torture people

i mean so do i, but i'm not gonna pretend like it's something that should actually happen
Where the hell in my posts did you read I wanted to torture people? Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells. Amount of guards needed drops way down.

No, I am not advocating for any inflicting pain. Just let them live the most basic lives so they are simultaneously not a threat anymore and punished for their crimes.
torture doesn't have to involve the infliction of pain

being confined and being fed the cheapest food is living less than a basic life

it's basically torture

Serious / Re: More gun news: Trump & evidence for gun control
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:43:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:42:57 PM »
that's enough retarded shit for one night i think
Exactly. I can't believe the media gives this attention-whore any time on-air.
except i'm talking about you
Not sure what you mean.
i'm devastated by that

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:42:09 PM »
we literally permabanned this guy so i don't know why he's still allowed to post

The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:41:34 PM »
that's enough retarded shit for one night i think
Exactly. I can't believe the media gives this attention-whore any time on-air.
except i'm talking about you

Everybody who makes it out (something that is not guaranteed) says it was hell.
i don't think so

if that were really the case, i wouldn't have said what i said, but this isn't something i haven't seen, heard, or read anything about, and the general sense i get is that there's plenty of people out there who were actually able to find a home in prison

that's obviously not to say that it's paradise and that everyone has a great time there—but come on, "everybody"?

i don't think it's unreasonable to say, at the very least, that we tend to be pretty soft on criminals and felons these days

I think it is a bad reason, and we have no authority to murder. Besides, life in prison is a much harsher punishment and they deserve a long life of misery to reflect on what the did.
prisons are relatively comfy and people are highly adaptive—they're very good at convincing themselves that the shit they're swimming in "isn't so bad," because in that scenario, they have no other psychologically rewarding choice

it's also just delaying the inevitable

killing them instantly is just ridding the world of another piece of fucking garbage

the only thing is, it costs more to put someone on death row than it does to keep them in prison, and since that's the only logic-based point you could really bring up, i'm not surprised you failed to do so
The other logical choice is making prisons more miserable and far less expensive.
so you wanna torture people

i mean so do i, but i'm not gonna pretend like it's something that should actually happen
Where the hell in my posts did you read I wanted to torture people? Feed them the cheapest food and never let them out of their cells. Amount of guards needed drops way down.


The Flood / Re: The Irony Is Too Perfect
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:30:49 PM »
i mean we pretty much figured that out already

The Flood / Re: am i cute
« on: March 28, 2018, 06:33:31 AM »
Cute in some pics, so-so in others.

Stop doing drugs please.
why? dxm is harmless

prisons are relatively comfy

it's not like they torture you

it's very common to hear people talk about how prison isn't so bad, because they were taken care of, and they didn't have to worry about starving or having to come home to whatever shit they had going on

The Flood / Re: Nickelodeon Parts Ways With Dan Schneider
« on: March 28, 2018, 04:31:12 AM »
Dan "SecondClass in 20 years" Schneider

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