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Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 07, 2018, 05:31:53 PM »
I can't believe this game is early access. It feels complete.
i could use an avatar selector

i understand why the shop items are so expensive, but if i could just have that one thing, that would be pretty nice

Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 07, 2018, 03:53:18 PM »
i don't normally do early access games but if i get to spite challenger i guess it's worth it

Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:52:39 PM »
this game is free right

i might download it

Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 07, 2018, 12:02:28 PM »
the "most video gamey" video game has vastly different qualifications for me, but that's pretty neat regardless

Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 07, 2018, 11:43:07 AM »

i'm 12 years old and i cringe at everything

by all means, keep recommending stuff though, unless you know i'll hate it

it's all stuff i'll have to watch at some point anyway

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 06, 2018, 02:47:27 AM »
There should never come a point where you have to hit your child and in no scenario is it justified.
That’s very easy to say.
And it's doable in practice. My parents never laid a hand to me. I know many people who  have never been hit by their parents.
Not in every case. Like spanking, it doesn’t work on all kids. I am not advocating for actual hitting. But in some kids spanking has to be an option.
that is actual hitting

there is no way around this
Spanking isn’t hitting if controlled. It isn’t the same if you lightly slap their bottom as full on hitting them. It still gets their attention.

Case in point: I had to spank my youngest. I am not proud of this. He punched another kid. He will be expelled from preschool. He has to know this is serious. Now, 5 weeks later, no incidents.

I didn’t like it. I still feel like shit. But, lesson learned.  Two light slaps to the bottom and no repeat behavior.
whatever the fuck you think you need to tell yourself

hird act that kinda just ruins the whole thing, not that it had a whole lot going for it to begin with. Snore. 4/10

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Production I.G, 2013, five episodes) Fuck me running. These are the kinds of shows that just piss me the fuck off and make me want to spit flames. Simply put, it's just the same old regurgitated fucking troped-up plot of every single one of my least favorite shows of all time rolled up into one horrific amalgam. Point me to the fastest way off this planet. 2/10

Ban Requested
Yeah, wasn't expecting that

Like, it's not great, but it sure as hell bucks the plot tropes of the genre and I'm not sure what he's getting at there. Then again, I haven't seen much anime so maybe I'm just not aware of the tropes.
>it's TTGL
>oh boy, a slice-of-life + fish-out-of-water, that's not overdone
>giant robots in space YO!! haha fight the power am i right
>Avatar: The Last Samurai of the Ferngully Who Dances with Wolves - Anime Edition
>entire episodes dedicated to flaunting the bodies of underage girls
>several female characters whose personality is "boobs"
>budding relationships between awkward horndog teenagers!!!!!!!! OH BOY this is sooo relatable

etc. etc. there's virtually nothing new here trust me i've seen it all

Verb did I miss your monster review or did you just decided not to post it 😢
i was gonna save it for another batch, since i normally like to keep it to either 5 or 10 because i'm a little ocd

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 05, 2018, 10:50:08 PM »
There should never come a point where you have to hit your child and in no scenario is it justified.
That’s very easy to say.
And it's doable in practice. My parents never laid a hand to me. I know many people who  have never been hit by their parents.
Not in every case. Like spanking, it doesn’t work on all kids. I am not advocating for actual hitting. But in some kids spanking has to be an option.
that is actual hitting

there is no way around this

more than they deserve am i right
not only that, it's counterintuitive

you can't wipe your ass with a piece of shit, for obvious reasons, so idk why you'd bother

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 05, 2018, 09:34:18 PM »
i would let my children kill me before i'd lay a hand on them

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 05, 2018, 08:48:21 PM »
they never had to

Sword of the Stranger (Bones, 2007, completed) I only watched this because it apparently has the greatest swordfight in animation history at the end. That wound up not being true, of course. For one thing, the entire movie is extremely fucking boring until that scene happens, because I'm just sitting there waiting for it to happen, and since I literally could not give a fuck less about anything else that's happening, it made the movie feel way longer than it was. And then the scene happens and it's not even that great. The animation is super choppy and unimpressive, and it was the most underwhelming experience imaginable. I might give this one another try some day, mostly because I feel like my perception was colored by how the movie was initially hyped up for me, but I really didn't enjoy a single minute of it, so maybe it really was just bad. 5/10

The Boy and the Beast (Studio Chizu, 2015, completed) This was made by the same degenerate who made Wolf Children, which sucked ass, so I had virtually no hopes going into this one. Which was smart of me, because this was just another tedious, emotionally manipulative mess with a disappointingly pedestrian third act that kinda just ruins the whole thing, not that it had a whole lot going for it to begin with. Snore. 4/10

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Production I.G, 2013, five episodes) Fuck me running. These are the kinds of shows that just piss me the fuck off and make me want to spit flames. Simply put, it's just the same old regurgitated fucking troped-up plot of every single one of my least favorite shows of all time rolled up into one horrific amalgam. Point me to the fastest way off this planet. 2/10

Paprika (Madhouse, 2006, completed) I normally respect Satoshi Kon, but this was pretty painful to sit through, and it only got worse and worse the more it went on. Mildly disappointing. 4/10

Nichijou (Kyoto Animation, 2011, three episodes) 1/10

very close to finishing 1997

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: May 05, 2018, 04:40:22 PM »
Look at these uncultured scum not worshipping Zelda ocarina of time
it's not THAT great honestly

i have like four other zelda games though, so what do you want

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 05, 2018, 11:57:10 AM »
But IIRC, he gave Disney the permission to use his CGI likeness till they get tired of it.
that will be the downfall of the franchise for me

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 05, 2018, 11:19:49 AM »
It's weird to see you ridicule shows like TWD and GoT as overly-reliant on main character deaths to drive the plot, and then say that the MCU does and/or should do the same thing, rather than be glad that it actually doesn't.
well, my problems with TWD and GoT are plentiful and go well-beyond just how they execute their deaths, but i never said the MCU should treat death just like either of those shows, because that would be going from one extreme (no one ever dies EVER) over to the opposite extreme (people die constantly for no reason), when what i'm asking for is a middle ground

"good guys survive, bad guys die" has been THE formula for the past 10 years since the beginning of the MCU, and the problem with formulaic superhero movies is that all tension is lost when you realize that they all end tend to end the exact same way, because it starts to feel like they aren't even CAPABLE of being killed off for cynical corporate reasons which reside outside of the film's narrative

which is why it's so incredibly refreshing for infinity war to do something different, because suddenly, there's a character who's actually powerful enough to take on these seemingly invincible people and introduce real, palpable consequence to the story

the problem i see with TWD and GoT is that they don't seem to have any discernible method for who and how they kill their characters--it feels random and arbitrary, like a soap opera, which, sure, adds tension in the laziest and most superficial way, but it's unearned and there's no lesson, message, or anything to take way from that death other than "oh no, my favorite character died for basically no reason, hopefully he actually lived somehow"

or my favorite, "hahaha finally that stupid bitch is dead, i'm so glad they finally killed her off she was so annoying"

whereas gamora's death feels a lot more earned imo because there was a lot of foreshadowing and emotional build-up towards it, so that when it finally happened, it may not have been what you wanted see, but since it rhymes with the last phrase in the quatrain, it feels more like poetry than it does drama for the sake of drama

i'm not saying the deaths in this movie were the most poetic things in history, but at least with gamora's death alone, there was a lot more going on than what is usual for marvel, because to know that thanos is willing to kill his own daughter, the only person in the universe he's been shown to give a fuck about, let's the audience know just how far he's willing to sink morally to achieve his ends, and yeah, that's some heavy shit


loki's death at the beginning too served the same general purpose, but it happens at the beginning, which is obviously the movie's way of saying, "yeah, he's actually going to start fucking up some shit now, so be afraid"

the ones who died during thanos's purge felt more random, except for the fact that they let all the original avengers live, which is why i found these deaths a lot less emotionally satisfying, because the only thing to take away from the ordeal is "wow, thanos wasn't bullshitting" yet at the same time, by killing spider-man AND all the guardians of the galaxy, they're telegraphing their punches, and you can kinda see the corporate strings being pulled unfortunately

you don't have to keep track of marvel's itinerary to know that ALL these dudes are getting resurrected anyway, and like maverick said, if they didn't kill off the most popular and biggest moneymakers in the entire franchise, it would've been much more subtle and believable, especially when all of those characters still have arcs to finish

what they should've done is kill iron man the MOMENT thanos stabbed him, which is what everybody thought was gonna happen anyway, and it felt super earned with the music abruptly stopping the moment it happened, with tony looking defeated as fuck and everything

they also could've killed cap, because his story arc is over anyway, and even if he's still capable of fighting, he's a shell of his former self, which is kinda sad to watch (in a good way, but still in a way that tells me you don't need to keep this character alive anymore if we're going to start wiping names off the board)

so however they end up resurrecting these guys, i hope they go about it in an artistically tasteful way, because that would be totally awesome, but i'm not holding my breath

but yeah, that's what i mean by stakes i guess--there's no stakes in TWD or GoT because there comes a point (in my mind, at least) where you start realizing what the show is all about, and you stop giving a fuck as a result, because why would you emotionally invest yourself in these characters if they're just going to die a pointless and random death

i'm sure there are some deaths in those shows that are actually earned and do have some genuine poetry to them, for lack of a better term, but there's simply not enough of those moments for me to take those shows seriously

though i do believe that the threat of permanent character death is, for me, the primary emotional pivot of the MCU at this time, it's also important to me that the deaths don't feel arbitrary and serve some kind of narrative purpose

the last thing i want is for the MCU to start over-compensating for the lack of death, because my problem with the franchise has never been "why don't people die," per se; it's been "why don't people EVER die"

the next movie could have 0 deaths and i'll be completely okay with that, because at this point, i can only think about how they're going to handle the inevitable resurrections, which i'm not wholly against as a concept in this universe; i'm just hoping they play it smart

The Flood / Re: Movie night
« on: May 05, 2018, 01:17:00 AM »
Nobody cares
My group is literally buying an acre of land next year lol

what has yours done
Hahaha I always knew you'd end up in a cult😂👌
we aren't a cult we're a club

I'm making the world a better place
Jonestown Massacre 2.0
nah, I love every one of my members and respect them on a fundamental level

that's something actual cult leaders never do

I want them all to be safe, happy, and worry-free
if i asked you to say the most stereotypical cult-leaderish thing possible, this is what you would say

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 04, 2018, 03:52:08 PM »
the ones who did see it seemed to have all thought it was a joke or an act and forgot about it by the time they saw the movie, though, so that's good i guess

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 04, 2018, 02:27:57 PM »
actually fuck Good Morning America more than anything on that one

they could've cut that part out, but they didn't

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 04, 2018, 02:20:09 PM »

Mark Ruffalo is so fucking stupid holy shit
...un fucking believable

it was stupid enough when he said "like every other marvel movie it doesn't end well" and i thought that was gonna be the end of the video

how any one of us avoided seeing that for the year long this has been uploaded is pretty incredible though--good guy youtube algorithm?


only took two years

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: May 03, 2018, 10:00:16 AM »
But it's gotten to the point where he will literally overanalyze an irrelevant movie mistake or some trivial character flaw for twenty minutes and then totally forget to actually, you know, review the film. He's virtually incapable of suspending his disbelief over such frivolous details at this point.

Take his latest two YMS reviews for example. A Quiet Place and RPO. I haven't seen RPO, but his Quiet Place review was a fucking joke. He spent at least a good 50% of the review picking apart character decisions he thought were flawed, when in fact, were quite easily explained throughout the film had he been paying attention. Then he had the fucking gaul to use the "you're just not using ur brain ugh ugh plebs" card.

Nothing of structure was mentioned. Nothing about character development nor overall entertainment value were examined. I think he briefly touched upon acting for a couple seconds and then immediately went into his autistic nitpicking frenzy.

It's fine to point out plot holes or details you found were a little hammy, but if it literally consumes your entire experience of the film then I'm sorry to say, the issues lie with you, not the movie.
i don't really have a dog in the AQP fight because i haven't seen that movie, but he did just upload an addendum to that review where he reclarifies himself, and admits he was wrong about a few things, so there's that

having seen RPO, however, i thought he gave it a pretty fair review (even if it kinda just boiled down to him calling the movie "dumb" a lot, because it was)

it's not that i don't understand where you're coming from, though, because i tend to feel the same way you do about his babadook review, where he spent several minutes harping on a couple of scenes that had shoddy, less-than-perfect cuts and acted like it was the most distracting and unforgivable thing ever, and never even bothered to discuss any of the film's themes, which was pretty obnoxious

but at the same time i think it's okay for people to have their personal tendencies when it comes to art critiques--not everyone cares or is even capable of giving an all-encompassing look at the movies they see, which i think is great, because it means i'm not always going to hear the same exact opinions regurgitated over and over again, and i can always trust adam to bring something new to the table even if we disagree

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: May 02, 2018, 10:15:04 PM »
CinemaSins isn't film criticism though, and they don't pretend they are

Occasionally they'll have something serious to say about a film, but that isn't the point of the videos
hence the quotation marks, but that doesn't stop people from treating his videos as genuine critiques

which i suppose isn't his fault, but regardless, it's just shit content through and through, so i don't think it's fair to throw people like adam into the same ball pit

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: May 02, 2018, 10:05:41 PM »
Adam from YMS is the exact same, and it's obnoxious as fuck.
i would agree in general, but not so much in re adam

he tends to revile "critics" like cinemasins for doing that sort of thing and making it their gimmick, because it's poisonous for film criticism

when adam nitpicks, he's pretty good at finding ways to justify why it matters to him, and it often boils down to 1.) what the director was intending to do, and 2.) what the film itself is trying to accomplish, and sometimes, it's the little minute details (like having the foresight to tell actors to shout during a scene that will have loud music added later in post, a la The Social Network club scene) that show just how much, or how little, a director cared to go that extra mile

and yeah, sometimes, those minute details can definitely undermine the director's vision, and the lack of foresight or general laziness of it is certainly worthy of criticism

for him, it's about good artistry, and he's never really gotten terribly annoying with that imo

but when cinemasins does it, it's just autism for the sake of autism, and you can tell there's no real rhyme or reason for it

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: May 02, 2018, 10:54:29 AM »
how can there be a "token black guy" when there's several black guys in the movie, that's what i want to know

do you know what that term means

Gaming / Re: The most important raw skills for PUBG?
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:37:10 PM »
i wasn't even thinking about the advantages, i just think it's generally more fun that way

Gaming / Re: The most important raw skills for PUBG?
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:18:04 PM »
why would you ever go first person in a game that lets you go third

Gaming / Re: The most important raw skills for PUBG?
« on: May 01, 2018, 06:25:25 PM »
there are only two reasons people seem to hate fortnite

bullet spread is too random and the playerbase has more children

neither of which are valid reasons to dismiss the game entirely

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 05:00:15 PM »
TL;DR we all know that the heroes are going to win no matter what

therefore, the art of the marvel superhero film is the art of tricking the audience into thinking that they might actually lose, and some movies are going to be better at doing this than others

this principle doesn't apply to other superhero movies like the dark knight, for example, because unlike any film made in the MCU, the nolan batman trilogy (with the possible exception of TDKR) is not comprised of just your typical fun popcorn action flicks; they can also function as movie people's movies, which means they offer a lot more artistically than just a couple hours of soap opera-like entertainment, which is what the MCU pretty much boils down to

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