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Messages - Verbatim

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Raw instant noodles, I guess
Everybody eats that lmao
but nobody enjoys it

The Flood / Re: Why invite the worst aspects of the Flood?
« on: May 18, 2018, 10:32:33 PM »
No one really flings shit anymore, it's kinda boring in here.

Verb, drugs are cool and you're a child.
better a child than a retard
Says the socially handicapped sperglord
better socially handicapped than mentally handicapped
Ignorance is bliss, enjoy your existential depression you literal autist.
thank you for admitting that you're ignorant and i'm not

that's what i say every time i have to look at one of your avatars
try a little harder kiddo. you're almost there. you can do great things. i believe in you
i'm not trying at all
that's why it's so sad! we could be great together. like a cat and a mouse that really likes nine inch nails. but im not here to judge! all the other mice like shit like brockhampton and taylor swift and it's just boring. but you, jerry, you're different
pretty sure i'm the cat in this equation

Serious / Re: the israeli dilemma
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:27:03 PM »
At the end of the day the Jews and Muslims deserve each other
fucking yikes dude. must be weird to be so horribly devoid of empathy and basic human kindness but you do you.
literally never seen you say or do anything kind ever

Serious / Re: the israeli dilemma
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:26:09 PM »
challenger not knowing what genocide means is one of the oldest known facts of this website

that's what i say every time i have to look at one of your avatars
try a little harder kiddo. you're almost there. you can do great things. i believe in you
i'm not trying at all

The Flood / Re: Sup Motherfuckers
« on: May 18, 2018, 08:52:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: Sup Motherfuckers
« on: May 18, 2018, 08:39:33 PM »
change your avatar

that's what i say every time i have to look at one of your avatars

also everything you like is shit and you should be humiliated for all eternity

verb you need to get a job
have one

oops you're fucking stupid oh well
sick burn
i KNOW, i'm just so fucking brilliant

you really don't need to tell me

The Flood / Re: Why invite the worst aspects of the Flood?
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:49:21 PM »
No one really flings shit anymore, it's kinda boring in here.

Verb, drugs are cool and you're a child.
better a child than a retard
Says the socially handicapped sperglord
better socially handicapped than mentally handicapped

The Flood / Re: Why invite the worst aspects of the Flood?
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:39:31 PM »
No one really flings shit anymore, it's kinda boring in here.

Verb, drugs are cool and you're a child.
better a child than a retard

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:38:20 PM »
i'm guessing you meant 2/3 extra, so 5/3

i don't know, i would probably interpret that as my lucky day to be honest

like i could be a nice guy about it but why does he need that money more than you
1 2/3*
mixed numbers are gay

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 02:49:02 PM »
my b

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 02:38:43 PM »
that said, i do take back what i said

but only because it slipped my mind that OP lives in a good country that actually makes sense

you're probably working with good people, and your boss is probably a good guy too, so i'd definitely let him know that he paid me extra

if this were america then fuck him, and everyone related to him

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 02:36:38 PM »
i'm guessing you meant 2/3 extra, so 5/3

i don't know, i would probably interpret that as my lucky day to be honest

like i could be a nice guy about it but why does he need that money more than you
Well if you plan to keep working for the dude and it's a cash under the table type of deal you obviously tell him he accidentally gave you more, because he's gonna realize either way. So you either maintain a good relationship or basically take the money and run.
or play dumb and pretend like you didn't realize you got paid extra
This is how you can tell Verb has never had a job
except i have, and i've been working at my parent's record shop for a year now getting no pay

if i could only break just one of your limbs, i would be happy for the rest of my life

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 01:47:12 PM »
i'm guessing you meant 2/3 extra, so 5/3

i don't know, i would probably interpret that as my lucky day to be honest

like i could be a nice guy about it but why does he need that money more than you
Well if you plan to keep working for the dude and it's a cash under the table type of deal you obviously tell him he accidentally gave you more, because he's gonna realize either way. So you either maintain a good relationship or basically take the money and run.
or play dumb and pretend like you didn't realize you got paid extra

The Flood / Re: I got paid too much
« on: May 18, 2018, 01:08:34 PM »
i'm guessing you meant 2/3 extra, so 5/3

i don't know, i would probably interpret that as my lucky day to be honest

like i could be a nice guy about it but why does he need that money more than you

Verb, I would prefer not to give a rundown of 30+ threads, so what would you consider decent?

i'm gonna watch RWBY
no no no dont do it Verb!
TOO LATE eight episodes in

it's quite bad, but i did expect worse

Gaming / Re: Gee Who Saw That Coming
« on: May 17, 2018, 09:56:56 PM »
They did take away single player.
well that's just dumb

Gaming / Re: Gee Who Saw That Coming
« on: May 17, 2018, 09:19:10 PM »
no added content and extra features are bad you're right

Gaming / Re: Gee Who Saw That Coming
« on: May 17, 2018, 08:57:34 PM »
sounds like fun

i'm gonna watch RWBY

maybe i should just watch every netflix anime

they're literally 2 for 2 right now

i'm trying to keep up with some 2018 stuff in general in the background so i can make a list at the end of the year, but the sheer amount of crap that gets made season after season nowadays is pretty fucking overwhelming

the fucking tracklist though

1. Shit Mirror
2. Ahead of Ourselves
3. Play the Goddamned Part
4. God Break Down the Door
5. I’m Not From This World
6. Over and Out

these are the worst song titles i've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope it's good


i like it, reminds me of some shit off of david bowie's black star

i'm glad the EP isn't called "The Actual Events" because that would've been mad corny

Monster (Madhouse, 2004, five episodes) The plot is actually pretty intriguing, but I don't know if it's 70+ episodes intriguing. I like the slow pace and the atmosphere is great, but what's lacking to me is the overall presentation. The art style is incredibly fucking bland. Believe it or not, you can have and maintain a gritty and realistic tone and setting without making everything look so visually uninteresting. Everything else seems fine, but I just don't really have an interest in continuing at this point. Like I said, the story is interesting, but it's not that interesting. Maybe if it were 20 episodes long. 6/10

Trigun (Madhouse, 1998, three episodes) Really nothing special. I may have been more into it as a preteen, or something, but I'm just far too jaded to appreciate dumb shit like this in my adulthood. 4/10

Aggretsuko (Fanworks, 2018, completed) Okay, so the premise of this one pretty much speaks for itself: it's a slice-of-life comedy with Hello Kitty-esque characters where a cute little panda-looking thing copes with the daily grind of her soul-crushing desk job by singing death metal at a karaoke parlor. If that concept alone doesn't sound absolutely precious to you, you can safely avoid watching it, because the show is very much presented as is. I, for one, thought it was delightful, and certainly something unique in the sea of homogeneity that is modern anime. Just don't tell anyone I said that. fun/10

Castle in the Sky (Studio Ghibli, 1986, completed) 5/10

Fist of the North Star (Toei, 1984, one episode) 1/10

Warm semen.
that's not surprising at all

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