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The Flood / Re: new girl at work -- very funny and cute and awesome
« on: May 22, 2018, 05:01:18 PM »
as someone who's looking to become an author, i have to thank [redacted] for providing me with some excellent material, regardless of the veracity of his accounts


Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 01:49:30 PM »
Ridley is too big

he has simon though so i won't say anything else

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 01:27:50 PM »
Who's your top pick for Smash 5?
motherfucking simon belmont

also welcome back?

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 22, 2018, 11:26:59 AM »
>he thinks his precious feels trump muh persronal buleeps 😂

i also don't personally recognize you as a human being, so i'm going to start using "it" pronouns for anyone like you

is that okay with you? wait, it doesn't matter

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 22, 2018, 11:21:34 AM »
Well, context is key for one. Calling someone a patently hateful racial epithet is pretty cut and dry. Misgendering someone could be a simple misunderstanding. Even if it was intentional, it could simply boil down to a matter of personal belief, and nothing relating to hatred or incitement of violence to an individual. Not to mention you have to actually prove the speech was for malicious intent.

So I'm not entirely sure how you would go about legally compelling people not to misgender someone. It's too much of a grey area.
it is my personal belief, nothing relating to hatred or incitement of violence, that your name is "fuckbrain"

you have to prove that this speech is for malicious intent to compel me otherwise
Oh shit I just got nae nae'd :-0
you should be used to it by now, fuckbrain

as long as you're comfortable with that logic, i'm sure we can roll with that

well no, never mind, because your whole point is that it's okay to ignore personal comfort

and i wholeheartedly agree with you, fuckbrain

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 22, 2018, 11:00:30 AM »
Well, context is key for one. Calling someone a patently hateful racial epithet is pretty cut and dry. Misgendering someone could be a simple misunderstanding. Even if it was intentional, it could simply boil down to a matter of personal belief, and nothing relating to hatred or incitement of violence to an individual. Not to mention you have to actually prove the speech was for malicious intent.

So I'm not entirely sure how you would go about legally compelling people not to misgender someone. It's too much of a grey area.
it is my personal belief, nothing relating to hatred or incitement of violence, that your name is "fuckbrain"

you have to prove that this speech is for malicious intent to compel me otherwise

Devilman Crybaby is so far beyond any anime I've seen it feels disgustingly wrong to put it on a list with Naruto and Death Note.
what's your MAL

it's a naruto and i don't mind naruto
i gave that shit a 5/10 ages ago
Theres no way you watched all that shit
No, but I've seen enough of it as a kid

it's a naruto and i don't mind naruto
i gave that shit a 5/10 ages ago

Couldn't get through 5 minutes of RWBY myself.
don't blame you, volume 1 is AWFUL

i honestly only made my way through it as an endurance test, but then i started getting caught up with the characters and shit and you know how that goes

it's a naruto and i don't mind naruto

blake is awesome

i get the feeling that most people who don't like the show either didn't watch volume 3, or they did, and they were watching it for the wrong reasons anyway

one more volume of RWBY before i'm finished

it's solidly mediocre but i thought i'd be way worse, honestly

But how is this weird
don't ask me, it's just perceived that way

Can't think of anything outrageous tbh. Buffalo sauce on burgers?
you strike me as someone who would eat popcorn outside of a movie theater

The Flood / Re: Why invite the worst aspects of the Flood?
« on: May 20, 2018, 05:46:01 PM »
i skimmed through his post and it sounded like he was calling me schizophrenic

This is what this thread about
but that's what challenger seems confused about

he doesn't think it's weird, but i, hot dog bun eater and thus authority on what is weird, say that it is indeed weird

i'm not jabbing anyone, i'm just making a confirmation

Imagine searching for meaning in gore porn.

The Flood / Re: Why invite the worst aspects of the Flood?
« on: May 20, 2018, 05:23:57 PM »
i'm not schizophrenic

you don't have to actively dislike it, but to have a particular fondness for cheap instant ramen noodles?

like, i almost envy you
People enjoy eating crackers too, it's practically the same thing. I don't get why you're taking a jab at Mark over something so trivial.
because that's what the thread is about

did you not take a jab at me for eating plain hot dog buns
It was a joke. It's not something you're supposed to get all bent out of shape over fucking lol dude chill out once in a while.
i'm not sure what's making you think i'm getting bent out of shape
Your posts
but my posts would suggest otherwise

you don't have to actively dislike it, but to have a particular fondness for cheap instant ramen noodles?

like, i almost envy you
People enjoy eating crackers too, it's practically the same thing. I don't get why you're taking a jab at Mark over something so trivial.
because that's what the thread is about

did you not take a jab at me for eating plain hot dog buns
It was a joke. It's not something you're supposed to get all bent out of shape over fucking lol dude chill out once in a while.
i'm not sure what's making you think i'm getting bent out of shape

you don't have to actively dislike it, but to have a particular fondness for cheap instant ramen noodles?

like, i almost envy you
People enjoy eating crackers too, it's practically the same thing. I don't get why you're taking a jab at Mark over something so trivial.
because that's what the thread is about

did you not take a jab at me for eating plain hot dog buns

you don't have to actively dislike it, but to have a particular fondness for cheap instant ramen noodles?

like, i almost envy you

devilman crybaby is so fucking good holy shit

i mean nothing has topped episode one yet (that fucking INTRO, dude) but jesus christ this show feels tailor-made for me

im on episode 3 or 4 now. i want to make it last.
it's about time

Raw instant noodles, I guess
Everybody eats that lmao
but nobody enjoys it
They do. It's not something rare or weird tasting.
anyone tells me they like it, i'm going to consider them very strange

i might even start trusting them less

The Flood / Re: Have you sent your thoughts and prayers yet?
« on: May 20, 2018, 03:50:20 AM »
"but nobody else does anything about it either" will be his response

the worst thing about having officially gotten into eva is that i'm now finding humor in memes that everyone stopped laughing at years ago as if they were still funny today


The Flood / Re: pp
« on: May 19, 2018, 06:17:47 PM »


The Flood / Re: Cool cool cool
« on: May 19, 2018, 05:33:03 PM »
why don't you tweet this at winona ryder or something

i'm sure she won't be creeped out or anything

that's what i say every time i have to look at one of your avatars
try a little harder kiddo. you're almost there. you can do great things. i believe in you
i'm not trying at all
that's why it's so sad! we could be great together. like a cat and a mouse that really likes nine inch nails. but im not here to judge! all the other mice like shit like brockhampton and taylor swift and it's just boring. but you, jerry, you're different
pretty sure i'm the cat in this equation
Why would you want to be Tom he always gets his butt whooped
🤔 you right

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