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The Flood / Re: WHAT
« on: May 24, 2018, 10:56:02 PM »
That's the nastiest looking pornstar of all time
You’d still let her fuck you senseless
silicone is the ultimate deal breaker

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 24, 2018, 10:52:48 PM »
It's pretty poetic how he told someone to "get cancer and die" and then proceeded to get cancer and die.
haha epic, did you know that you're the first person ever to point this out?
I am on this board.
even then, to say that he "proceeded to" get cancer and die would be ignoring the fact that he made that comment seven years ago

you've probably said worse shit in the past two weeks, let alone the better part of a decade

dig hard enough and you'll find that literally everyone has said some shit they've regretted in the past, so there's really nothing poetic or ironic about it

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 24, 2018, 10:44:28 PM »
It's pretty poetic how he told someone to "get cancer and die" and then proceeded to get cancer and die.
haha epic, did you know that you're the first person ever to point this out?

Gaming / Re: How many of you horny fucks bought pink mercy?
« on: May 24, 2018, 05:02:10 PM »
Is it supposed to be promiscuous somehow?
that's not quite what that word means, but it doesn't particularly suggest titillation to me

OP is just gross

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 24, 2018, 06:31:49 AM »
>we all need to be nice to each other

Society is already like this. Like I said, there's no point to this thread or your posts. You and OP are just jacking each other off at how progressive you think you are. Of course you can still be racist. You can also still be a murderer and a rapist. These things aren't going to go away for a long time. It's human nature, that doesn't change overnight because you want it to. That's why this thread is pointless. There's nobody here who even disagrees with the OP.
society is like this in a lot of ways, but there are obviously still areas that need to be improved

barring killing anyone who maliciously misgenders people, which i wouldn't personally mind, there still needs to be a cultural shift where misgendering people is collectively frowned upon and openly discouraged

we don't live in that world yet, and that's the problem

it has absolutely nothing to do with being nice, because fuck being nice, and no one is trying to change human nature overnight so i have no idea why you even thought to say that

i'm saying you should scrub the entire table rather than be content with a few spots left, that was the point of that analogy

The Flood / Re: Songs you can't stop listening to rn
« on: May 24, 2018, 01:18:05 AM »

Gaming / Re: Battlefield V Trailer
« on: May 23, 2018, 07:41:55 PM »
looks okay but no battle royale mode is a bit of a deal breaker

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:55:51 PM »
how can you not see that saying "WOW THAT'S SO DISGUSTING THAT YOU COMPARED SLAVERY TO SJWs" is a fucking bitchmade bullshit way to argue

it has to be some kind of logical fallacy, it almost feels like an emotional appeal because you're allowing your personal outrage and disgust over the comparison to cloud the actual argument being made:

that it doesn't matter how bad it gets, you don't get to say "nigger" without social consequences and there should be equal consequences for not respecting someone's gender identity

you can talk all you want about how "nigger" is worse and all that, but the ultimate point being made is that they're extremely fucking rude and cunty things to do and say to someone, and that's what the subject is

that's the only thing being argued here and you're trying to derail it into something else and it's just retarded
There are social consequences for for misgendering trans people in places and social circles where trans people are accepted. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is at all. To me, there's no point. It's as if everybody needs to accept trans people. Ok, great. And the day after that we'll end world hunger and never fight another war. Do you not see how naive this is?
no more naive than the people in the whatever time period who believed we'd eventually live in a time where all racial, sexual, etc. discrimination will collectively be frowned upon in the future

intelligent people already realize that you cannot quash all bigotry, so we go for the next best thing, which is coming to a point in social progression where racism is collectively and severely frowned upon

and it IS, it IS severely frowned upon to be a racist in this country

you can still BE one, and there are still millions of unapologetic racists out there, but the point is that society doesn't view that as "okay," and therefore, the non-racists have more or less "won" the culture war in the best and most feasible way possible without resorting to violence

now, we're more or less trying to clean up the rest, because we still haven't quite reached a point in america where everyone collectively frowns upon transphobia

it's the equivalent of scrubbing the table of social norms and having your boss come in and say "hey, you missed a spot"

sure, you could just leave the spot there, but that's not doing your job

sure, there are trillions of bacteria that will remain in spite of all the scrubbing, but you still have to do your job, you still have to keep scrubbing because someone's gonna eat there and it's better to get the job done rather than letting the scum fester

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:15:37 PM »
You're so ridiculously easy to upset it's actually comical. No really, thanks for my 20 minutes of entertainment value that I can't get anywhere else before I hop to bed.

take notes buoys, this triggers the soy
and thank you for admitting outright that you're just a sophist who doesn't give a fuck about the subject and is only here to waste everyone's time

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:14:37 PM »
It's not about that. It's about how them behaving as if me calling OP a he is equivalent to calling a black person a nigger. It's fucked up (I guess) but it's not anywhere near as bad. You're not dehumanizing a trans person by "misgendering". They're still a person, you're not calling them a subhuman. There's a huge difference, even if it can be malicious.
so it's perfectly fine to just to disrespect people as long as you recognize them as a human being at the end of the day

if it's NOT then why even fiddle around with this bullshit, who cares what's more "fucked up"

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:08:15 PM »

would anyone else like to get demolished today

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 04:02:29 PM »
how can you not see that saying "WOW THAT'S SO DISGUSTING THAT YOU COMPARED SLAVERY TO SJWs" is a fucking bitchmade bullshit way to argue

it has to be some kind of logical fallacy, it almost feels like an emotional appeal because you're allowing your personal outrage and disgust over the comparison to cloud the actual argument being made:

that it doesn't matter how bad it gets, you don't get to say "nigger" without social consequences and there should be equal consequences for not respecting someone's gender identity

you can talk all you want about how "nigger" is worse and all that, but the ultimate point being made is that they're extremely fucking rude and cunty things to do and say to someone, and that's what the subject is

that's the only thing being argued here and you're trying to derail it into something else and it's just retarded

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:51:32 PM »
the bottom line is that turkey wasn't trying to say that they're equivalent

they're just both shitty, and the fact that you need a holocaust to happen in order to take them seriously is kind of disgusting

it's actually EXTREMELY disgusting, but you know, i'm kind of numb to all this faggoty right wing bullshit at this point

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:49:48 PM »
you shouldn't even have to really point out that you're not trivializing anyone's strife

had you left that tidbit out of your post, you'd be able to keep your bigotry and ignorance a little less transparent, because we all kind of understand where we're all coming from here

it's when you say stuff like that which makes me think thou doth protest too much and that you're just trying to save face by being less than 100% honest about how you really feel about all of this

"not to downplay your strife" is just sleight of hand, it's a sneaky and facile way to get the opposition on their good side, despite the fact that you couldn't actually be fucked about trans issues and don't even recognize them AT ALL, let alone take them seriously

it's either that or you're just lazy and not very good at this whole thing but we both knew that already

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:38:10 PM »
i feel like you have to know you're spouting patent bullshit when you can literally predict the parts of your post that people are going to have problems with, like you subconsciously know you fucked up but don't admit it because of cheap internet pride or whatever, yet make no effort to preemptively respond

because normally, when i anticipate a response, i literally preempt it and say "i know what you're thinking, but here's why you're still mistaken..."

not only does this waste less time, it also demonstrates confidence and that i actually believe what i'm saying, and that i've heard all the most common arguments and am prepared to refute them all

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:31:36 PM »
am i predictable or are your talking points just that easy to dismiss

you're right though i should try mixing it up by being wrong sometimes

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:21:19 PM »
I'm not trivialising trans people's experiences
yeah you are

Yeah I don’t really know what to think of this. I wish Kendrick would at least issue an apology for putting her in this situation.
that's literally all he has to do, too, but he hasn't said shit afaik

Gambino is better
you literally said before that you only like one song of his

he IS pretty all right though

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 05:31:52 AM »
what is the appropriate number of holocausts that a group of people must endure before you're allowed to treat them with any dignity or respect as human beings without coming across as an SJW or something

two? three? just one? or is it case by case

how many trans people need to be killed in order for society to collectively take issue with it

what's the minimum number for it to be considered "the same" and therefore worthy of outrage

Serious / Re: "Compelled" Speech
« on: May 23, 2018, 05:19:54 AM »
why is it a contest

The Flood / Re: when do I get custom words
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:44:28 AM »
maybe not everyone, but everyone who is currently mythic

if you've stuck around for THIS long you honestly deserve it imo

The Flood / Re: when do I get custom words
« on: May 23, 2018, 03:41:46 AM »
I thought they open at Mythic?

mythic just unlocks custom titlebar border colors

i think cheat should honestly just make custom titles open to everyone at this point, because like

fuck it


tickets to his new tour are only being sold physically in locations too far for me to reach

if this ends up being his last tour (odds are it won't be, but it's possible), i will be absolutely inconsolable



kendrick is my man, but this made me lose a lot of respect for him

if you don't like white people using that word, okay that's fine

but how the fuck are you gonna invite a white person to rap with you on stage if you genuinely believe in your heart of hearts that they have no business saying the words you fucking wrote yourself in ANY CONTEXT, no matter how harmless or benign, and then fucking embarrass them in front of literally THOUSANDS of people, when they mistakenly believe in a moment of sheer serendipity that they've been given the temporary approval to do so

how are you going to do someone like that

the sheer amount of layers to the stupidity of this shit is so difficult for me to fathom and i just felt the need to post about it

The Flood / Re: new girl at work -- very funny and cute and awesome
« on: May 22, 2018, 10:15:01 PM »
you have never been less real

The Flood / Re: new girl at work -- very funny and cute and awesome
« on: May 22, 2018, 05:34:45 PM »
as someone who's looking to become an author, i have to thank [redacted] for providing me with some excellent material, regardless of the veracity of his accounts
i see

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