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Gaming / Re: Dark Souls remastered
« on: May 27, 2018, 01:37:14 AM »
>buying a game you already have
in most cases i would think it's silly too, but handheld dark souls sounds pretty lit man

Can I say nigga as a Mexican?

Srs question
probably not if you have to ask, but i'm sure less people would care

i completely understand why people dont want the n word used. it makes sense to me -- it has a history of prejudice and suffering -- i get it. what i don't understand is why black people are okay with other black people using it. that shit boggles my mind. either it's so bad that no one can use it, or there are certain contexts where its okay.

i know thats not really the point here, but it felt somewhat appropriate.
i wish everyone would just stop using it too, but this is a good video to watch on the subject

if nothing else, it helps to understand the point of view, not saying i 100% agree with it all

Wasn't the problem because of the way the crowd and him reacted? All because of her saying "nigga" in the lyrics? Even though he wrote the fucking lyrics in the first place, but has a problem after inviting a white chick up to rap it...

I believe I understand the problem here. He wants the word nigga to be exclusive to black people, if he invited a black girl up and she said the same word in the lyrics, nobody would have a problem with it.

If that's not it, then tell me what the problem is.
it's not really about the reaction, or why she shouldn't be able to use the word

it's just the idea of inviting someone on stage to rap if you're not comfortable with them using certain words

the reaction itself was understandable, it was more about how the situation was handled that made it an issue

kendrick handled it poorly and the girl handled it poorly too, because she was being a little indignant about being stopped at first rather than immediately understanding what she did

i'd rather not the conversation be about whether she should be "able" to use the word, it's not a hill worth dying on

Kendrick Lamar should change his name to Kendrick Lamear. What a fucking douche!

"You gotta bleep out that one word though"

Why because she's white? Eat a bag of dicks!
you don't appear to understand the problem

he only interrupted her when the crowd booed
Watching the video again, I'm not really hearing this at all. There's definitely an initial shock from the audience, but it seemed to me like they were just kinda rolling with it until Kdot halted her, and THEN they started getting more riled up.

The Flood / Re: Solo thread
« on: May 26, 2018, 01:46:52 PM »
In fact some of the best stories are those in which characters are introduced but you don't know everything about them and there is more focus on the plot and how the characters react to challenges they face.
I mean, the characters still grow as a result of these challenges. Han Solo didn't remain static throughout the original trilogy.
That's exactly my point. He didn't have an origin story either. It feels like every reboot of every series keeps trying to recapture the magic of the original but instead of doing what those people did they just make a stupid boring origin story where he boring character does some boring stuff to kind of become like the original character was at the end of the movie for 5 minutes. It's lame.
I agree that the origin story was unnecessary, and the film didn't really justify itself either. But you seemed to be saying that you wanted a film where Han Solo is the exact same throughout and just does Han Solo things for 2 hours which sounds even worse.
What's wrong with good old fashioned Han Solo for 2 hours? Isn't that the whole point of this movie? That everybody likes Han Solo and wants to see a Han Solo movie?

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:18:38 PM »
Okay smartass, how does one gather social cues in text? There's no body language to read or any facial expressions to see.
it's not really something you can just explain, you either understand it or you don't

it has a lot to do with knowing who someone is, what they do, what they believe, what their sense of humor is like, among many, many other variables, all of which can help you infer whether something is being said as a joke or what have you

it's very easy to pick up on these things, and you're just part of the unfortunate few who finds it difficult

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:11:47 PM »
That still doesn't make any sense. I don't see killing myself as an invite to to the best party ever, and the only way its kind of a suggestion if you were to post it in a form of a question such as "How about you go kill yourself?" or "I suggest that you kill yourself"

For fucks sake you could even put a question mark at the end that says "kill yourself?"

All of which would lead that you're suggesting someone to do it and not insulting them. No, you can't be a fucking grammar Nazi and then break the rules later, that's not how this shit works. It is an insult, especially from someone who's new around this site and new to the internet in general. In my case I'm desensitized to it.
maybe somebody who knowingly struggles with things like sarcasm, jokes, cues, and other social things shouldn't be telling me what does and doesn't make sense, especially when what i originally said wasn't even directed at you

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:01:30 PM »
I really don't see the context here. Elaborate.
putting it in spoiler tags so as to not insult the intelligence of those who don't need things spoonfed to them

when i say "kill yourself," it's never an insult, it's a kind suggestion, or a cordial invitation to the best party ever

so for dietrich to say what he said would be like rounding up every single time i've invited someone to a party

so it's like, okay? you do that?

really not complicated

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:52:43 PM »
You're not worth the effort.
it shouldn't take you any

it should be automatic, that's how simple this analogy is

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:47:59 PM »
We know what a party is you mongoloid. Its your sentence that doesn't make any sense here, How the fuck is you taking pictures of yourself at a party after inviting hundreds of people to it the same as you killing yourself?

In what fucking context does that work?
think really hard

The Flood / Re: Been awhile
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:45:02 PM »
a month isn't close to a "while"

The Flood / Re: Been awhile
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:41:51 PM »
no it hasn't

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:40:13 PM »
Bruh I can't wait for verb to kill himself so I can link every instance of him telling others to kill themselves.

Shit is gonna be so cash.
that would be the equivalent of taking pictures of me at a party after inviting hundreds of people to it
Fucking what
do you not know what a party is

you're in the same pool as deci congratulations

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:35:42 PM »
Bruh I can't wait for verb to kill himself so I can link every instance of him telling others to kill themselves.

Shit is gonna be so cash.
that would be the equivalent of taking pictures of me at a party after inviting hundreds of people to it

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:34:12 PM »
Happy to hear that. Saves me the effort of going over the difference between tainted and ruined, even though I'm sure you already know it.
and it would take you effort, because in this context, there's pretty much no difference beyond splitting the hairs of connotation

"ruin" can be thought of as a more extreme word, but not necessarily—because, oftentimes, all it takes is for something to be tainted ONCE in order for it to be ruined completely, and that's why the terms are synonymous (practically interchangeable in this context)
Just to be clear though, I'm not speaking ill of him nor am I defending the people who try to slander him by bringing up his old tweets and outbursts. The only point I've been making is that public persons being shitty when it's seen, recorded, shared and remembered by heaps of people does taint their memory.
okay, i'll allow you that

it's not relevant, interesting, or appropriate information to be posting at this time, and the sort of thing you'd only bring up if you had some kind of personal vendetta or something, but i'll grant it to you

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls remastered
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:01:36 PM »
Still waiting for the Switch version, since it was delayed.

gonna beat my own copy first though

The Flood / Re: How do you imagine world in 2814
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:39:02 PM »
i don't really even want to think about it

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 01:06:29 PM »
Plenty of celebrities and politicians have said or done things that weren't even (that) harmful but are still being associated with them by the general public years or decades later. Come on Verb. You're smarter than this and are just being contrarian for the sake of it.
duly noted

lacking any desire to speak ill of the recently deceased over such petty bullshit (and this IS petty bullshit) is being contrarian for the sake of it

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 01:00:28 PM »
a teamup between iberian, challenger, and flee

bizarre day

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 12:54:34 PM »
Tainted doesn't mean ruined.
it kinda does

it should be obvious, but since you people tend to treat google definitions as gospel truth: "ruined" is listed as a synonym for "tainted"

so choose another word if that's not what you mean
I couldn't give a shit either but trying to deny that this won't always be a smudge on his record that is remembered by many (his cancer tweet is literally one of the first Google autocomplete suggestions)
because it's basically a meme, it's not something anyone takes seriously unless they're babies

he also just died so yeah a lot of people are gonna go headlong for the lowest hanging fruit

"HE TOLD SOMEONE TO DIE AND THEN HE DIED!!!!!! xDDDD" (this is what you're defending, maybe take a step back)

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 12:50:27 PM »
To bring up a scumbag like that as if to say what total biscuit said wasn't bad is whataboutism because you're trying to absolve him of wrongs he committed.
but i'm not

i'm just saying flee's attitude about it is stupid

The Flood / Re: What is the appeal of blue skinned women to man?
« on: May 25, 2018, 11:22:20 AM »
Nothing at all

looks really silly

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:25:17 AM »
This is whataboutism.
it would be, if it were the only thing i said and my primary argument

it's something i tacked on to the end to further ridicule the idea that someone's legacy is tattered because of mean words, because that is an idea worth ridiculing

you even did the same thing in your own post by bringing up 4chan and how bad it gets there

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 09:12:34 AM »
Sure thing, but there's different levels of shittiness. We've all insulted people and said offensive stuff but "get cancer and die", "die you fucking piece of shit, die alone", "get cancer enjoy your third-world hellhole, eat a dick", "fucking kill yourself" - all unironic, in total seriousness and because of people talking about him online? Gonna go out on a limb here and say that these comments are shittier and well beyond what most people tend to say.

Anyways, I never watched this guy's videos and have no feelings towards him either way. His death is a shame and I'm not at all interested in dragging him through the mud or anything, but the stuff he's said unfortunately does taint his memory.
again, i just don't know if any of that really matters

you can say there's varying degrees of shitty words you can say, and i don't disagree with you, but it's still all just words at the end of the day, words that he said in his youth, and the only lasting effect those words resulted in were a bunch of people endlessly trolling him about it to his dying day

you know, in spite of having apologized and matured since then (not that anyone should give a fuck)

maybe if he was a criminal and actually did tangibly bad stuff, i'd find myself agreeing with you more

remember when you learned that john lennon used to beat the shit out of women? he's still ranked as one of the top 10 "greatest britons" to have EVER lived according to the BBC, though

The Flood / Re: RIP TotalBiscuit
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:50:22 AM »
It's pretty poetic how he told someone to "get cancer and die" and then proceeded to get cancer and die.
Didn't even realize that was him but apparently he's said some pretty shitty things in the past. Definitely taints "his legacy" or whatever you wanna call it, but he still doesn't deserve this.
i can't think of a single person who hasn't said shitty things in the past

i don't think i'd trust a person who's never said a shitty thing

The Flood / Re: WHAT
« on: May 24, 2018, 11:04:17 PM »
That's the nastiest looking pornstar of all time
You’d still let her fuck you senseless
silicone is the ultimate deal breaker
It’s not like you’re gonna make her your GF.
not the issue i just don't find that shit arousing at all

there are pornstars i'd gladly fuck, but i don't want to fuck every pornstar

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