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Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread
« on: June 09, 2018, 05:48:07 PM »
also yes and i genuinely don't know why

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread
« on: June 09, 2018, 05:47:25 PM »
Evil Assholes
wow you fucking just GOT EM dude

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread - EA Conference Now
« on: June 09, 2018, 02:22:51 PM »

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread - EA Conference Now
« on: June 09, 2018, 02:21:26 PM »
the SOS game looked all right but that's it

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread - EA Conference Now
« on: June 09, 2018, 02:12:19 PM »
shooter games aren't homogenized btw

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread - EA Conference Now
« on: June 09, 2018, 01:51:54 PM »
wow isn't this fucking riveting

The Flood / Re: Queens of the Stone Age concert YES OR NO
« on: June 09, 2018, 01:47:44 PM »
qotsa is not really dad rock


<- Previous update: That's Real Fuckin' Nito

- Killed Gravelord Nito
- Arrived at the Demon Ruins to explore
- Killed Ceaseless Discharge

Current missions:
- Explore the Demon Ruins more
- Find and kill the Witch of Izalith
- Explore the Great Hollow

One Lord Soul remains—and it belongs to a someone who is not named on my hitlist. That sends me a couple of strange messages in and of itself, but here's all I've been able to gather thus far about her whereabouts:

I've only heard of this "Izalith" place a single time, by the blacksmith in the Giants' Tomb. He called it the Lost Izalith and described it as impossible to reach, and if my memory serves correctly, I remember seeing a few people in this thread heckling me about this place a couple years ago, thinking I'd never make it there.

Beyond that, there's the clothing set I picked up that triggered the Ceaseless Discharge fight—the Gold-Hemmed Black set, the descriptions of which all mention a Witch of Izalith. Or, more specifically, "the witch Quelana of Izalith, mother of pyromancy and Daughter of Chaos."

"Daughter of Chaos," huh? That's the name of the bonfire warp point that sends me to Quelaag's Domain. As for Quelana, isn't that the name of the mute spider lady inhabiting that place? Is she the Witch of Izalith? I mean, it kinda has to be, right? Who else would "Daughter of Chaos" be referring to? But does that mean I have to kill her? What if I don't wanna? She hasn't really done anything to me personally—which brings me to that earlier point I brought up.

Whoever the witch is, she's not on my hitlist. That would have to mean she's not a boss; she's just an NPC that I have to kill. I recall Kingseeker Frampt's words—"The beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guilt—let there be no vacillation."

Seath, the Four Kings, and Nito all clearly chose the path of the wicked. They were obviously the evil ones. But Frampt did happen to suggest that not all the souls I'm after are possessed by wicked beings; instead, they may have merely "outlived their usefulness," whatever that means, but they're not evil. I don't know if I like the sound of that, because it doesn't tell me why they deserve this fate. I've seen the horrible things the other bosses have done firsthand, you know what I mean? So I'm just not really sure where any of this is going right now.

If Quelana is the witch I'm after—and all the evidence is pointing to her—I'm not just gonna kill her thoughtlessly. That doesn't seem right. I think there's something fishy about this situation, and I'm gonna make sure I don't fuck anything up or do something completely stupid. Especially if I end up being wrong, but at this point, I don't know how I could be.

In any case, it was high time for me to start exploring more of the Demon Ruins. Slaying the Ceaseless Discharge caused parts of the lava down below to fall, making it possible for me to access the lower part of the area. This is an interesting place—almost all the enemies in this area are ex-bosses. Smaller Taurus Demons and smaller Capra Demons run amok here like regular enemies. I guess that's how you know I'm coming towards the end game.

I didn't have to go too far to find a new bonfire. In this neck of the ruins, I started seeing some stranger enemies—like these giant centipede-like beings that emerged from walls, but remained stationary in an attempt to block my path, as well as these chubby snake-like beings that pretend to be statues and spit fire after an ambush. The latter of which are extraordinarily weak and easy to deal with, but the giant centipedes got pretty annoying after awhile.

I found a very large flame ember, and I was invaded once by an NPC called Kirk. I noticed he was wearing Spike Armor, which is pretty cool, and is more or less the armor set I've been anticipating the most across my entire playthrough, because it looks cool as fuck and the loading screens have been teasing me about it for a long time. Alas, the invasion took place on the side of a cliff, where I was sandwiched in between an invader and a Capra Demon, and I failed to finesse the situation. First time an invasion has ever resulted in my death. Oh well—he probably wasn't going to drop his armor anyway. I'll probably find it somewhere else.

It wasn't long before I found the next boss—or should I say, the next two bosses.

Yep, we got ourselves another double feature. Had I known that the trifecta of Demon Ruins bosses would all happen in such quick succession, I would've saved the Ceaseless Discharge video for a triple threat YouTube coverage featuring all three of them, but it can't be helped.



Major Boss Hitlist
Asylum Demon
Bed of Chaos
Bell Gargoyles
Capra Demon
Ceaseless Discharge
Centipede Demon
Chaos Witch Quelaag
Crossbreed Priscilla
Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Demon Firesage
Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough
Four Kings
Gaping Dragon
Gravelord Nito
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Iron Golem
Moonlight Butterfly
Seath the Scaleless
Sif, the Great Grey Wolf
Stray Demon
Taurus Demon

The ring, of course, allows me to walk on lava while reducing the damage taken to a light tingle. I used the ring to find a bonfire where I met up with Solaire.

I found the Lost Izalith shortly thereafter.

I just want to punch a depressed person in the face. Look around you, there's so many things to appreciate in life. Pessimistic little retards.
i asked you to name one thing and you couldn't do it

Gaming / Re: E3 2018 Thread - Predictions
« on: June 09, 2018, 06:12:25 AM »
for the first time ever, i'm going to miss nintendo's because of work 😂🔫

The Flood / Re: Do you believe DID is real?
« on: June 09, 2018, 12:58:40 AM »
it's in the DSM-5, so i think it would be foolish not to

The Flood / Re: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
« on: June 08, 2018, 08:58:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: I really don't like mentally handicapped people.
« on: June 08, 2018, 05:25:06 PM »
still more believable than secondclass

Oh, I decided to finish Cowboy Bebop the other day. I can bump that up to a 6, I suppose.

your attitude
for this i'm going to need you to explain why you think i have a good attitude

tell me what you think is good in the world and i'll tell you precisely why it's actually bad
Lmao, a soft breeze on a nice day. Don't be a retarded nigger and say that that's bad.
that's bad

what makes the day so nice, anyway? the weather, i presume

what if i don't want the breeze to be causing any fluctuation in the otherwise perfect temperature—assuming the perfect temperature even exists, which is a pretty huge leap because that's going to mean something different for everyone

a "nice day" to me might be someone's shitty and gross day and vice-versa, i personally can't stand the heat of the summer and i hate the wind—someone else might love that shit, so my nice day just ruined someone else's day, great, what a wonderful concept

some animals can't even survive in the heat, let alone find any enjoyment in it

tell me what you think is good in the world and i'll tell you precisely why it's actually bad

If you still care Verb have you ever watched (Your Name)
yeah, wasn't into it


proooooobably the best youtuber right now

The Flood / Re: Hot takes
« on: June 08, 2018, 07:59:48 AM »
you should hate yourself, and never stop

only stop if you hate yourself for retarded reasons—figure out the best reasons and roll with that

so i was reading hbomberguy's curiouscat when i found this
Q: Your perspective on TTGL is nice. Thoughts on Kill la Kill?

A: Eh.

There was a time when I really liked KLK. It's over the top in absolutely every way, and that meant even when it was being exploitative it had something to say about attitudes to exploitation, and its messaging gets so utterly on-the-nose that it became really striking to me in a certain place in my life. There's a lot of stuff in the show about the relationship between humans and technology, art and audience, and so on, that I enjoyed talking about and using as an illustration of real-world social and cultural conditions. To a McLuhanist, KLK is a goldmine.

But that 'certain place' in my life is fucking over. I've spoken before that TTGL got me into a lot of things, art, classical music, media criticism, philosophy even. The one thing it didn't get me into, was anime. Because as much as I liked it, I liked it in spite of things that, at the time, I felt were necessary evils of the anime medium. Fanservice, bizarre attitudes towards women, un-nuanced grasp of real-world emotions and experiences. These things were like a texture of anime that you had to look past to see the good bits, annoying things you had to learn to not think much about. And frankly, I assumed that because what little anime I saw starting out, even when I liked it, had those elements. So I didn't watch all that much, because to be honest I don't need that stuff in my life.

I loved Mobile Suit Gundam because it spoke about humans trapped in literal war machines, and said important things about war, but I had to just quietly live with the fact the author's views towards women were messed up, and many early (and even late) gundam stories openly glorify behaviours that aren't all that heroic or positive, but deemed 'necessary' because war.

But in recent times I've seen a lot more stuff, courtesy of recommendations by friends and co-workers, and I've come to realise that my idea about what anime 'was', by my assumed necessity of its production and audience, was totally wrong. NONE of that stuff was inherent, it was just in so much of it that I'd expected it was part of the territory. There are plenty of great shows with none of that in them, which I missed because of the wrongful low-key doubts I had for the medium as a whole. But shows like Utena, Princess Tutu, the works of Masaaki Yuasa, Satoshi Kon, heck, do you want to know a secret? I saw my first Miyazaki film like three weeks ago. I've seen a bunch of them now and they're amazing. I've re-evaluated how I look at the medium as a whole and a lot of my opinions have shifted in kind.

With the eyes I have now, KLK is a show that's sometimes entertaining and sometimes really well-animated, but it's pretty deeply exploitative and contains attitudes that are worth criticising, and I know now that you can do so much better.

Please disregard the bullshit I've written about KLK over the years. I was, and probably still am, an idiot.
how can one man be so fucking based

This is for the best, their recent policing was so out of place with what they’ve been known for. I don’t like Valve/Steam but this is a step in the right direction.

Well, provided this isn’t a troll story.
Step in right direction or not, result totally depends on how Valve gonna implement it. And Valve is fucking lazy.

Also it`s a post from Valve employee, so unlikely that this is a troll
English, while it is a simple language, can seem complex in this sense. Step in THE right direction. THE result. Valve IS going to implement it.

Think of it as asking a question with your sentence "What IS Valve going to implement?" Valve IS going to implement such and such etc. What direction? THE right direction. What result? THE result. You also use the grave accent ` symbol instead of an apostrophe ' which faces the other way.
what a scholar

so i finished NGE and well. i think i didnt get the one scene of you know who doing you know what.
are you talking about EoE, or do you still have to watch that
still gotta watch the movie. im guessing thats where that, uh, certain scene took place?

post thoughts when you do
will do. how long is the movie? might make time for it between plans today
hour and a half, pretty standard

so i finished NGE and well. i think i didnt get the one scene of you know who doing you know what.
are you talking about EoE, or do you still have to watch that
still gotta watch the movie. im guessing thats where that, uh, certain scene took place?

post thoughts when you do

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls remastered
« on: June 07, 2018, 02:44:18 PM »
so we agree

you died 8)
and look how far i've come

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls remastered
« on: June 07, 2018, 02:06:59 PM »
Crying and not fighting for your place in the world is inherently unamerican.
i was being ironic fuck america lol
If you're going to allow a minor thing like that to make you quit playing the game forever that's really bad.
it's not a minor thing if you know it's gonna be a recurring theme across the entire game

that's the original reason why i quit the first time, because during the tutorial, it hit me that this was that one game with the toxic multiplayer, so i was like wow okay fuck it i'm not gonna put up with this

so i finished NGE and well. i think i didnt get the one scene of you know who doing you know what.
are you talking about EoE, or do you still have to watch that

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls remastered
« on: June 07, 2018, 02:00:29 PM »
Try reading my whole post.
i did, it was mostly incomprehensible gobbledygook as usual

Ok... play co op then. Just don't cry about being invaded.
this is america and he can play co-op and cry when he gets invaded all he wants to
Nothing wrong with sucking at games, but quitting because somebody killed you in PvP is pretty fucking gay.
i don't necessarily disagree, but if you're not having fun even when you're playing with a friend, that's pretty bad

Serious / did you guys know that
« on: June 07, 2018, 01:24:14 PM »
we should all have FREE SPEECH?

because (personally) i strongly believe we should ALL have free speech!

what about you??

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