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The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck you if you're talking shit about X
« on: June 19, 2018, 12:33:36 PM »
X did nothing wrong

The Flood / Re: NIN Closer
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:13:15 AM »
I don't understand the question. All nin is dance music.
maybe 20% if i'm super generous

The Flood / Re: NIN Closer
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:12:09 AM »
I loved their collabs with Bowie.

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck you if you're talking shit about X
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:08:25 AM »
X: kill everyone, I will fuck your under-age sister, i wanna die, rape people *literally beats a pregnant woman*
People: *jokes about X dying*
X fans: could u b more sensitive pls ;((((
i am a better person than you because it has never once been my first reaction to joke about it when someone dies, no matter how shitty of a person they may have been
Yeah okay bud, try and contain your edgy contrarian behaviour when Trump dies then. You are after all, a better person when your first reaction is to not joke about someone dying, no matter how shitty of a person they may have been.

Fuck outta my face.
oh trust me, NOTHING i say about trump after he dies will be a joke

trust me

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck you if you're talking shit about X
« on: June 19, 2018, 08:45:40 AM »
X: kill everyone, I will fuck your under-age sister, i wanna die, rape people *literally beats a pregnant woman*
People: *jokes about X dying*
X fans: could u b more sensitive pls ;((((
i am a better person than you because it has never once been my first reaction to joke about it when someone dies, no matter how shitty of a person they may have been

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck you if you're talking shit about X
« on: June 19, 2018, 08:37:38 AM »
My enjoyment of his music and appreciation of him as an artist let’s me completely overlook any bad things he did, just being honest
this basically

separation of art and artist is an extremely important principle

The Flood / Re: Seriously, fuck you if you're talking shit about X
« on: June 19, 2018, 08:35:10 AM »
Hahaha why the fuck are you guys defending a woman beater? This the type of dude who gets greenlighted when he hits the pen. Fuck this fool and his wack ass music. Rest in piss chango.
No, it's greenlighted.

I'm not smart enough to know if you're lying.
green light
past participle: greenlighted
give permission to go ahead with (a project).
"they refused to green-light his script until he did a major rewrite"

There you go my dearest friend in the whole world, I googled it for you.
greenlit still makes you sound less illiterate, and by using it instead, you're making a statement

The Flood / Re: NIN Closer
« on: June 19, 2018, 07:55:01 AM »
Yeah, the song actually has a place in The Downward Spiral's narrative and was never really intended to be a party song, or a glorification of sex. The album follows a hedonist who fucks his life up and throws it down the toilet, culminating in his suicide—it's more or less an indictment of the "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" lifestyle that many rockstars, including Reznor himself, tended to lead. Or at least, that's how I've always heard it.

The first half of the album shows his more hedonistic side, except for "Mr. Self Destruct," which always read to me as a sort of in media res style opening. "Closer" is the most overtly hedonistic song on the album, after which the true downward spiral really begins as the consequences of the protagonist's behavior start to catch up with him.

So, is "Closer" a sex song? Yes and no, let's go over all the lyrics to see why.
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

The first verse doesn't do a whole lot for me other than establish that this is indeed a song about fucking. But there's more to it than that.

The "you let me complicate" you line to end the stanza is the most interesting part, as the song begins to hint at making a somewhat broader statement. Sex being the very carnal act that it is, it seems somewhat ironic that having it with could potentially complicate our relationships with people, creating all sorts of attachment and entitlement issues after the fact. Trent delves deeper into this later.

(Help me) I broke apart my insides
(Help me) I've got no soul to sell
(Help me) The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself

The pre-chorus. Okay, so clearly, he's saying that the euphoria achieved from sex is the only thing that makes his shit life worth living to him. It's one of the only things that gives his life meaning. The other, of course, being drugs. Engaging in these types of behaviors allows him to escape, or get away from himself. At this point, it becomes clear how much the narrator loathes himself.

I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God

And then we reach the main chorus, which is the only part of the song people remember or care to listen to, which is why it has the reputation it does. Yeah, these lines are pretty audacious, especially for 1994, but there's a little more to them than meets the ear.

The infamous "fuck you like animal" lyric is actually pretty cool, because it puts everything I've said so far into one line in SUCH a blunt and frank fashion, that it's difficult to assume he's trying to say anything deeper—but I maintain that he is. This isn't just some horndog song saying "I want to fuck you" to be edgy and cool. This is the narrator admitting outright that the reason he wants to have cheap, animalistic sex is because it keeps him from nihilist hell.

The "you get me closer to god" is the line no one thinks about, but should, because it reveals the song's intentions quite plainly.

You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything

Sex is how he takes out all his baggage and frustrations with the world. It's a TOTAL release; it's not just for fun, it's how he functions.

It's important to note at this point—with all this "you you you" stuff, it should become apparent to the listener at this point that he only wants to take out his own shit and foist it upon his partner. He doesn't care about his partner's baggage. He doesn't care about his partner at all, because it's all about him and his problems.

(Help me) You tear down my reason
(Help me) It's your sex I can smell
(Help me) You make me perfect
Help me become somebody else

Just reinforcing statements made earlier, really.

The chorus is heard a second time, until the sick instrumental part comes in, where we eventually hear this whispered, muffled lyrics that I'm sure most casual listeners don't know are an important part of the song:

Through every forest
Above the trees
Within my stomach
Scraped off my knees
I drink the honey
Inside your hive
You are the reason
I stay alive

Some of Trent's best and most beautiful lyrics are on TDS, and this is overall my favorite part of the song. It wraps up all the points made rather nicely, and the poetic style of the lyrics contrasts jarringly with the blunt nature of the song's chorus.

Literal interpretations aside, the song can be looked upon as a diary entry of sorts. You have the narrator more or less confessing all these dark thoughts going on in his mind—how sex is the only thing that makes him feel complete, makes him feel closer to god, etc—he talks about feeling hated, isolated, lonely, godless—but most importantly, the only thing that allows him to feel any form of release whatsoever is taking advantage of and having power over someone else's body. There's no love or affection in anything he does. He only does it to feel better about himself—pretty much exactly as you would a drug.

It's not a happy or fun concept, and the song was never meant to be fun or happy. The fact that it can function as a party song was more of an accident, but knowing it's the song that catapulted NIN into super stardom is still pretty cool.

To this day, it's probably in my top 3 NIN singles, and it also happens to have the greatest music video of ALL time:


Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 18, 2018, 06:15:50 PM »
Wouldn't that make it a remaster or remake?
that's one way to look at it, it wouldn't be a true sequel in either case

nintendo has since officially confirmed that ultimate is a smash 5, not a smash 4.5

i still don't personally feel like they've shown us anything to justify calling it a sequel—once they show me a story mode, maybe i'll change my mind

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 18, 2018, 05:40:18 PM »

Pichu made this template

sick, brb

swap jigglypuff with simon when the time comes, or potentially sheik if i really like how he plays

i like how i have a character to represent every main i've ever had in smash history, with the exception of 64, where i didn't really have a main

The Flood / Re: Damn, XXXTENTACION got shot
« on: June 18, 2018, 05:31:19 PM »
I think I picked the worst first song to listen to from him

But yeah, that's plain awful man, 20 years old, that's way too young to go. RIP.
yeah 17 is not a great album

here's a couple good ones

no thoughts, i just hope people are happy with how things have turned out so far

just making america great again, right? that's what we're doing?

The Flood / Re: Damn, XXXTENTACION got shot
« on: June 18, 2018, 04:03:50 PM »
He should be shot for having a name like that
What made you think posting this was a good idea?
Cause he's a piece of human garbage. Nothing of value has been lost.
but he didn't vote for trump

no disrespect but why does everyone love this guy again

The Flood / Re: Damn, XXXTENTACION got shot
« on: June 18, 2018, 03:52:53 PM »
one of the better soundcloud rappers

sad to hear, hope he makes it—wonder what he got himself into this time

If you swing the way of ongoing manga, Houseki no Kuni is fantastic.

I don't think the anime would be for you; the adaptation is chock full of annoying "anime-isms" in terms of style and is CG animated too [though the last bit isn't a problem IMO]. The universe is fascinating though. The mechanics of the world deliver a coming of age plot so creatively it's jealousy inducing if you've ever tried to write a COA story.
can't say i care to start reading manga, much less ongoing ones—i enjoy the security of knowing that i'm about to jump into a completed story, and that i won't be sitting on a boat for 7 years with a bunch of other fans waiting for the next volume, and on top of that, i have enough "real" literature to catch up on before i start reading some random japanese comics

i appreciate the recommendation, though

are you recommending this because you think I in particular would like it, or are you recommending it just because you like it

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: June 18, 2018, 02:26:07 PM »
Jordan Peterson calmly dismantles feminism infront of two feminists
Transgender Professor INSULTS Jordan Peterson, Gets OWNED With Ease
Jordan Peterson | BEST COMEBACKS
Snowflake Student Snaps At ANGRY Jordan Peterson, Instantly Regrets it
"That Isn't Even VALID!" Jordan Peterson DEMOLISHES Gender Inequality on Channel 2 Interview
"You Don't Even Notice You're BRAINWASHED!" Jordan Peterson REDPILLS VOX Analyst
"Your Opinion DOES NOT MATTER!" Jordan Peterson DEBUNKS Feminists EVERY CLAIM
Jordan peterson BRILLIANTLY SCHOOLS feminist for getting GENDER STUDIES wrong
Student tries to FRAME Jordan peterson; INSTANTLY regrets it
NBC's Hit Piece On Jordan Peterson Is Backfiring Big Time
Jordan Peterson STUMPS Bill Maher's Elitist Panel with Questions a Second Grader Could Answer
"Ha, Gotcha!" Jordan Peterson STUMPS Lefty Reporter on Free Speech Argument
Jordan Peterson's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)
Rule 1: Stop Being Pathetic | Jordan Peterson
Please Don't Cry as Jordan Peterson Delivers a Life Transforming Speech
Jordan Peterson DESTROYS Baiting Leftist Host
Watch Jordan Peterson DESTROY Leftist Host On Her own Show
Jordan B. Peterson destroys victimhood mentality on Fox and friends show
"That's Pure NARCISSISM by the way" Jordan Peterson DESTROYS SJW Student with ONE LINE
Jordan Peterson DESTROYS Tom Ballard - Tonightly With Tom Ballard
Jordan Peterson Destroys Islam in 15 Seconds
"I Will Not Respect You!" Jordan Peterson DESTROYS Leftist Student
'I'm Actually an Expert' Jordan Peterson Calmly Destroys BBC Journalist Anne McElvoy
NBC attempts to DESTROY Jordan Peterson, FAILS Miserably
Jordan Peterson DESTROYS Cocky Atheist Rebecca Goldstein
7 Times Jordan Peterson Went Unhinged Genius
7 Times Jordan Peterson Went Next Level Genius
Those 7 Times Jordan Peterson Went Beast Mode
7 Genius Jordan Peterson Flawless Victories
The Epic Wisdom of Jordan Peterson (Compilation)
The Greatest Speech Every Student Should Hear (by Jordan Peterson)
10 most Legendary Moments That Made Jordan Peterson Famous
Dr. Jordan Peterson gives up trying to reason with SJWs

Gaming / Re: Devil May Cry 5
« on: June 18, 2018, 01:17:16 PM »
i don't really care but old dante looks goofy as fuck

verb hurry the fuck up and watch ajin and black lagoon
i need a reason to watch ajin, and i'm gonna hate black lagoon just so you know

1999 looks like it's gonna be a slog

i have a plan for catching up with 2018, though—if it's a light novel adaptation, i'm gonna skip it

i might have said this already, but after 1999, i'm not gonna move forward to 2000—instead, i'll go backwards and do 1994, just so i can clear out all of the '90s

how many people can say they've tried every single '90s anime

The Flood / Re: Is it better to live in blissful ignorance
« on: June 17, 2018, 10:47:25 AM »
Well, I'm sure we all modify our personalities somewhat to present ourselves differently on this site, or at the least try to cover up perceived imperfections. We may have a specific persona for this community, and behave differently in other places.

You're right though, I came from a place of "I don't really care if someone's a man or woman" - but obviously if I found out that someone I had known for a long time had simply put on an act I would feel confused and maybe betrayed, It would be as if the person I thought I knew would have passed away (even though they never existed).
yeah that's the thing, in a perfect vacuum, it really wouldnt matter what sex you are or claim to be

but the thing about liars is that they tend to lie a lot, about a lot of things—and even if they don't, intelligent people would know to question everything you say or do from that point on, and it's really damaging for any kind of relationships you want to have online, platonic or otherwise

The Flood / Re: Is it better to live in blissful ignorance
« on: June 17, 2018, 10:25:33 AM »
Why would I care if a user wasn't the sex they claimed to be, unless it was a dating site?
because being dishonest about anything is generally obnoxious

obviously it's fine if you're trans or something and you're just trying to keep a low profile about it (outside of a dating site, where that information should obviously be divulged at the forefront)

but if you're someone like isara and you just lie for the fuck of it, it's bad, because if you're willing to lie about something like that, what else are you lying about? why should i trust or even associate with you at all?

doesn't matter if it's your age, sex, gender, or location—just be fucking honest it's not that hard

The Flood / Re: Your homescreens
« on: June 17, 2018, 07:22:08 AM »
default as always
Where is the spice in your life?
bottom row of the kitchen cabinet, in a mason jar

The Flood / Re: Your homescreens
« on: June 17, 2018, 05:27:41 AM »
default as always

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 16, 2018, 06:54:54 PM »
So, that one leaker (who has been pretty accurate lately) has just leaked that there's gonna be 6 more new characters. I wouldn't get too excited about that, but this dude has a pretty strong track record.

If he's right, any predictions? One of the fun things about having a completed 68 character roster is that it really narrows things down.

I predict:

1. Simon Belmont, who has been my biggest request since Brawl
2. Decidueye, who seems all but inevitable to me
3. Spring Man and/or Ribbon Girl for some Arms representation
4. A Metal Gear echo fighter, pretty much because of what Cat just said
5. King K. Rool who is a piece of shit character who I don't want, but it seems likely-ish
6. Geno—again, don't want him, but he's been requested for years, so it's about time

These aren't characters I necessarily want, but they're the ones I'm expecting the most.

never said arms wasn't dumb tbh

i still think it's likely

and citing ivy as a reason to doubt decidueye doesn't work when we have squirtle + greninja

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 16, 2018, 05:54:23 PM »
So, that one leaker (who has been pretty accurate lately) has just leaked that there's gonna be 6 more new characters. I wouldn't get too excited about that, but this dude has a pretty strong track record.

If he's right, any predictions? One of the fun things about having a completed 68 character roster is that it really narrows things down.

I predict:

1. Simon Belmont, who has been my biggest request since Brawl
2. Decidueye, who seems all but inevitable to me
3. Spring Man and/or Ribbon Girl for some Arms representation
4. A Metal Gear echo fighter, pretty much because of what Cat just said
5. King K. Rool who is a piece of shit character who I don't want, but it seems likely-ish
6. Geno—again, don't want him, but he's been requested for years, so it's about time

These aren't characters I necessarily want, but they're the ones I'm expecting the most.

The Flood / Re: How do you think the 1st alien encounter would go?
« on: June 16, 2018, 02:20:37 PM »
i'm just gonna hope that nothing else is out there

have you ever thought about why abiogenesis only happened a single time on our planet in 4 billion years

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 16, 2018, 01:14:54 PM »
- Daisy is a first-wave "we can do it" rosie the riveter type feminist; probably helped build bombs during WW2

- the new zelda doesn't care much about politics and is more of a diana of wales type figure

- pichu is just as much of an environmentalist as pikachu, but with more wide-eyed idealism

- lucina is a centrist democrat who is primarily concerned with social issues and not much else, probably loves starbucks

- young link is a cynical futurist who watches peter joseph documentaries like zeitgeist

- mewtwo is a militant green ideologue who cares for animals but is otherwise above politics

- roy is just an opinionated contrarian asshole who always tries to go against the grain no matter what

- whereas pit is the new york times op-ed columnist, dark pit writes for the washington post

- villager is a conservative christian who doesn't like "the gays" but keeps it to himself, got it from his parents, also probably in the closet

- mega man is a radical ecolib who really fucking hates capitalism, basically the polar opposite of liberty prime from fallout 3

- wii fit trainer is too nice for you to even ask her politics, let alone argue with

- little mac obviously dropped out of high school to become a pugilist, but probably still idolizes theodore roosevelt who was among the last presidents he learned about

- greninja is a feudalist historian who's really obsessed with the edo period for some reason

- palutena is one of those radical centrists who think they're above it all when they're actually just trying to avoid confrontation

- pac-man is a boomer libertarian and ronald reagan supporter who thinks he was the greatest president of all time

- robin is an uppity college liberal who is concerned about microaggressions

- shulk voted for trump because he thought it would be funny

- the duck hunt dog posts half-baked anti-vegan memes on facebook, whereas the duck makes fun of him for doing so on reddit

- ryu doesn't care as long as you're not a dictator

- cloud is an apathetic absurdist who doesn't really claim to know what anything is, his favorite book is the stranger by albert camus

- i don't know shit about corrin, but he comes off to me like a stuffy aristocrat who thinks all corporate taxes should be abolished

- bayonetta is a sex-positive conservative anti-feminist who makes political rants on youtube with makeup tutorials on the side

- inkling tried to watch the presidential debates to impress her parents but she got bored and fell asleep

- ridley is a nihilist/anarchist

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: June 16, 2018, 12:06:41 PM »

one of the funnier smash related videos i've seen in my life

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