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Gaming / Evolution 2018
« on: August 01, 2018, 11:55:44 PM »


The Evolution Championship Series (Evo for short) represents the largest and longest-running fighting game tournaments in the world. Evo brings together the best of the best from around the world in a dazzling exhibition of skill and fun, as players and fans gather to honor the competitive spirit in an open format and determine a champion.

Our tournaments are about more than just winning. Evo is open to anyone, feature stations available for relaxed free play, and offer unique opportunities to meet people from different countries and different walks of life who share your passion. Established champions face off against unknown newcomers, and new rivals that might have only talked or fought online meet up and become old friends.


- Dragon Ball FighterZ -
- Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition -
- Tekken 7 -
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U -
- Super Smash Bros. Melee -
- BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle -
- Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 -
- Injustice 2 -

The Flood / Re: Flee is a 30 year old boomer
« on: August 01, 2018, 11:29:25 PM »
reddit is a bad website unlike 4chan

The Flood / Re: Good to be back
« on: August 01, 2018, 10:55:26 PM »

going for maximum clickbait, but at the same time, everything must be 100% honest

The Phantom Menace is Actually Pretty Okay

Attack of the Clones: Why You Guys Were Almost Right For Once

Revenge of the Sith is Awesome, and You Don't Love it Enough

You Don't Like the Original Star Wars Movie as Much as You Think

The Empire Strikes Back: The Most Boringest One

Return of the Jedi is the Best of the OT; Fight Me

The Force Awakens is Literally Just A New Hope, but Good

People Who Didn't like The Last Jedi Are Fucking Idiots

The Flood / Re: Never eating food again
« on: August 01, 2018, 09:08:31 PM »
Are you sure it wasn’t just romaine lettuce
was thinking along those lines at first, but then i looked closer and saw antennae

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 01, 2018, 12:13:12 AM »
i need character announcements

if any characters end up being DLC, i will commit crimes

The Flood / Re: Never eating food again
« on: July 31, 2018, 06:10:33 PM »
life is a fucking miserable hell where we can't even eat comfortably (or eat at all)

The Flood / Never eating food again
« on: July 31, 2018, 06:03:46 PM »
Found a dead moth in my salad today

it wasn't a small moth, either

i'm basically just gonna starve myself for the rest of time now, so say nice things about me before i die

outrage culture is probably the worst thing to come about from the political camp i identify with the most, and it's extremely frustrating to watch so many different people have their careers destroyed over not only the littlest of things, but the littlest of things that have happened literal decades ago—it's sickening and draconian and it needs to stop

but while it does make me happy to see the entire cast of gotg showing their support for gunn, and it would be a dream to get him back on board (gotg3 will be a fucking dumpster fire without him, believe me), i honestly don't see disney backtracking that easily, because it would make them look extremely capricious and unprofessional

i mean, here's hoping i guess

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 30, 2018, 07:47:57 PM »
so i played a couple hours of dark souls 2 just to get a little taste


those are my thoughts; will not continue until after my review is posted

i also begun my other project and i'm trying to figure out the best way to drop it

>this is a thing

extraordinarily violent thoughts

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: July 29, 2018, 05:59:09 PM »
Almost none of you are funny. I made this thread ironically. Your "memes" are fucking old as shit and trash.
there is a documented period of time in which you thought this was funny
lmao the whole point of me making this thread was that I was making fun of posting memes in the first place by posting Facebook tier memes ironically. Nobody understood it and for some reason took as a literal meme thread.
there is a documented period of time in which you thought posting facebook memes ironically was still funny
Yeah of course dude that's why I didn't post in this thread again until page 7 where I typed "200". Lmao I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but most of you here are very easily amused and have no idea when you're being mocked.
i probably liked maybe 5 posts in this thread

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: July 29, 2018, 05:51:47 PM »
Almost none of you are funny. I made this thread ironically. Your "memes" are fucking old as shit and trash.
there is a documented period of time in which you thought this was funny
lmao the whole point of me making this thread was that I was making fun of posting memes in the first place by posting Facebook tier memes ironically. Nobody understood it and for some reason took as a literal meme thread.
there is a documented period of time in which you thought posting facebook memes ironically was still funny

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: July 29, 2018, 05:45:21 PM »
Almost none of you are funny. I made this thread ironically. Your "memes" are fucking old as shit and trash.
there is a documented period of time in which you thought this was funny

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 02:09:31 PM »
Why is it not clever? It ties into the lore better than almost any game I've ever played. Most games have either no real explanation for it at all (you just match up with someone else and play the game) or have one that's extremely shallow (all characters are actually toys in a box or it's all just a simulation).
that's because most games of this nature don't operate under the pretense that they need to have an explanation for it

and even for the ones that do, like smash—why is it "shallow" to have smash be a representation of a child playing with his toys? i would actually consider that pretty ingenious—sure, it may not lend itself to the complexity and intrigue that a souls game would with its lore, but it's the sheer novelty of the concept that makes it so clever to me, because it can be used to justify even the game's most ridiculous match-ups (like pikachu vs. bayonetta vs. the duck hunt dog)

and if you know anything about subspace emissary, there's even more neat symbolism you can read into from that mode as well

the fact that dark souls went all the way with it, so to speak, doesn't really make it more or less "clever" than anything else—i would use the word ambitious, and that might be the word you're looking for as well, but it's not particularly clever because it doesn't exactly make me rethink how the game functions

"game world where player avatars can interact with each other" is not exactly the most groundbreaking concept, and it doesn't become more so when you say "oh and that's also the plot of the game"

anyone could've come up with that

Dark Souls multiplayer has a very detailed backstory that perfectly and seamlessly ties into bla bla bla
just so you know, i was originally trying to talk about the pvp completely detached from everything else about the game, including the lore, which is what i assumed you were doing as well

if not, then i guess i can take back what i said—i would say the lore is very rich and well thought-out, almost undeniably, but i think that's a separate concept

you're praising the lore's cleverness right now, not the multiplayer's

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:11:12 PM »
Some of my fondest memories playing video games are from Dark Souls PvP.
Still one of the most clever and fun multiplayers of any game I've ever played. Top tier PvP without a doubt.
i'll allow you to take "fun" with you

what's "clever" about it? the fact that it's woven into the lore? why is that clever

"top tier" is a nonsense description, given that backstabs are such a big part of it—pretty immersion-breaking, considering it would never happen in an actual fair swordfight, even with magic involved

also lag

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:59:37 PM »
Nioh, on the other hand, while it has a fun PvP you have to actually search for people
wow I guess Nioh is worth more than $5 after all, I'm gonna get it now thanks

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:56:17 PM »
Nioh, on the other hand, while it has a fun PvP you have to actually search for people
wow I guess Nioh is worth more than $5 after all, I'm gonna get it now thanks

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:36:06 PM »
Some of my fondest memories playing video games are from Dark Souls PvP.
the game only had to implement pvp in an ethically acceptable manner, and i would've been able to have similar experiences

i've heard it through the grapevine on several occasions that future installments make it more ethical, so here's hoping

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:31:39 PM »
I feel like you should at least give that portion of the game a try before talking about stuff like that. You are in the covenant in name alone and have have never done anything for it, nor have you unlocked any of the rewards, advanced its interests or made any contributions to its side in the larger balance between covenants.
not true, killed lautrec, it counts—i even found another ear in the painted world, i just never got around to offering it—and i would even argue that my choice to kill petrus towards the end of the game was on behalf of my covenant's cause as well

there's many many things wrong with this post in general (as are most of your posts regarding anything to do with dark souls MP), but i'll save it for now

i will say that, even if i had played online, it's not likely i would've met very many players anyway—it's the second oldest game on an outdated platform with a remaster already out on next gen consoles, so it would've been just as empty anyway

when i pick up the remaster on switch and play it again, i'll play online—but i will not like it

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 02:11:11 AM »
When did we decide that artificial difficulty doesn't make things harder? It's the cheapest and easiest way to make things more difficult but it still achieves that goal. Having an enemy hit harder and have a larger health pool makes the game harder.
it's in the term—it doesn't achieve any goal except making the game waste more of your time

ask yourself what you're really testing—your skills, or your patience

games that test your patience rather than your skill can only be described as "hard" if you want to be simplistic about it

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:57:39 AM »
The ez mode shit was sarcastic. Me suggesting that you not level up your character or weapons was sarcastic. You thinking that doing so doesn't make the game easier is retarded.
it's basic knowledge of how games work

making an enemy take twice as long to kill while making yourself half as strong doesn't make a game more difficult, it just makes it more tedious—this is basic game design, and nobody who knows anything about how games work would tell you this model is anything more than a classic example of artificial difficulty

a game becoming easier would involve giving the player more options, removing options from enemies
a game becoming harder would entail giving the enemies more options, taking away player options

tweaking numbers has shit to do with real difficulty, and you have to have the smallest of brains not to understand this

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:47:13 AM »
You understand my original statement two years ago was sarcastic right?
yeah, that's why we had an extended argument about it where you ardently defended the point, because you were being sarcastic

that's why you're defending it now, too, because you're being sarcastic—that's totally how sarcasm works

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:40:57 AM »
Leveling up doesn't make the game easier
faster =/= easier
But it does tho?
But it does tho
Making enemies spongier just wastes your time, there's literally no added difficulty

if leveling up lowered the intelligence of the AI or some shit, you'd be right
Reducing the time in a dangerous environment makes things easier
Playing the game at all to win makes it easier, by that logic, you fucking moron
Fucking what
"Don't reduce the time spent in a dangerous environment, because that's EZ MODE LOL"

literally what you just fucking said, you retard

okay, it's easy mode to do anything that is to your advantage as a player at all, okay, got it

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:36:18 AM »
Leveling up doesn't make the game easier
faster =/= easier
But it does tho?
But it does tho
Making enemies spongier just wastes your time, there's literally no added difficulty

if leveling up lowered the intelligence of the AI or some shit, you'd be right
Reducing the time in a dangerous environment makes things easier
Playing the game at all to win makes it easier, by that logic, you fucking moron

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 01:16:34 AM »
Leveling up doesn't make the game easier
faster =/= easier
But it does tho?
But it does tho
Making enemies spongier just wastes your time, there's literally no added difficulty

if leveling up lowered the intelligence of the AI or some shit, you'd be right

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:22:58 AM »
Leveling up doesn't make the game easier
faster =/= easier

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 28, 2018, 11:29:50 PM »
Where does Sif fit on that list of bosses
on the lower end tbh

strictly from a design standpoint, the very concept of a wolf wielding a giant sword (rather than just, you know, using his fangs) is pretty fucking silly to me, and the fight itself is fairly average on the fun scale imo

i don't actively dislike him though—i like his storyline, it's pretty feelsy, almost to a point where i feel like he should've been an optional boss, and i like how they rub it in your face by having him limp around helplessly when he's severely wounded

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: July 28, 2018, 11:21:24 PM »
Hey, remember when i didn't even start the playthrough until 9 pages into the thread, because people were too assmad about my opinions on the game's MP to even let me start

that was fun

got some things i decided to give extremely belated responses to

Honestly just don't play the game.

Don't even bother.
hahaha suck my dick

tbh there are a few things in the game that are basically wiki or bust
ceaseless, he was very shit design
Literally beat him on my first (real) try without even thinking about it.

sometimes there just isn't a clear way to progress

firelink is different, there are several areas you can try to progress through but they have too tough of enemies.

being lost after anor londo is just a bunch of backtracking until you can find the damn new areas
Really? I never had any issues knowing where to go or how to progress. The only areas that stumped me were the optional ones that didn't really have anything anyway.

Verb will not make it through the Tomb of Giants, and Verb will go through his entire playthrough without even knowing of The Painted World's existence.

You will never figure out how to get there.

OH NO NO NO NO 😂😂😂😂😂

Flee's posts are consistently good from what I see in terms of arguing a point.

He's going to end up loving Dark Souls. Just watch.
maybe you should change your name to nostradamusX

Verb don't look at this one

do you think he'll rage when he gets cheesed by the dragon the first few dozen times?
would you believe it if i said i never "raged" a SINGLE time in the entire playthrough

When you've beaten the game can you pls make a list of your top ten areas and top ten bosses or something?

1. Anor Londo
2. Darkroot Garden
3. Sen's Fortress
4. Darkroot Basin
5. Undead Parish
6. Quelaag's Domain
7. Firelink Shrine
8. Kiln of the First Flame
9. The Duke's Archives
10. The Abyss

Blighttown, Lost Izalith, the Depths, Tomb of the Giants, and the Great Hollow for worst areas.

Bosses (coolness of design + how much fun i had fighting them):
1. Capra Demon
2. Crossbreed Priscilla (never fought her, but I really like her design)
3. Four Kings
4. Moonlight Butterfly
5. Bed of Chaos
6. Gaping Dragon
7. Seath the Scaleless
8. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
9. Gravelord Nito
10. Dragonslayer Ornstein (but not Smough, he's uggo)

worst bosses are the asylum demon clones for being fucking lazy, and quelaag for being the game's one and only instance of completely unnecessary gratuitous female nudity—the game was doing SO well on that front until she showed up

There is a certain boss you'll meet later on that proves my point pretty well. The longer you fight it, the harder the battle gets, until it is damn near impossible.
I was right.

One boss with one gimmick wasn't enough to prove your point.

Make sure you tell us when you get to Blightown asap so we can make sure you don't miss something super super cool in the game that's kind of tucked away.
Ash Lake?
ash lake was most certainly NOT "super super cool"

Also I'm looking forward to when he gets to Anor Londo.

You think he'll ever fond gwyndolin or even get into the painted world?
Anor Londo was awesome. I found both of those things. Didn't fight Gwyndolin because betraying my own covenant is silly, and the Painted World kinda sucked. At least, relative to all the unwarranted hype and build-up the area had.

I really can't wait until Verb gets to this part.

(Don't click Verb)
Honestly, the archers weren't that bad at all.

Verb dont click

Or click, its spoilerish but I wont make it obvious

Hes going to do what the gods want, the fool!

I guess he doesnt know what hes actually doing but he'll be interested to know that eventually he did have options.
yeah i don't know

I wonder how verb will do the

abyss section
Apparently there's more to the Abyss than I thought to explore.

It's the place where you join the Darkwraiths, right?

Yeah, fuck that.

That was a trip.

i really did take way too long to beat this shit, huh

my review should be finished sometime in august

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