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Messages - Verbatim

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The Flood / Re: That’s a beautiful, incredible,
« on: August 29, 2018, 12:51:45 PM »
Let the knife do the work.

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a stupid faggot
« on: August 29, 2018, 12:50:25 PM »
Why do people say "I'm offended by X"? They act as though it gives them special treatment when it's nothing more than that person crying.

People tell me all the time that I'm a huge faggot and that I'm a fat fuck and all sorts of garbage like that but I don't let it get to me because I'm cool as shit. Be cool as shit. Stop fucking whining.

The Flood / Re: That’s a beautiful, incredible,
« on: August 28, 2018, 08:17:24 PM »
the most amazing

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 28, 2018, 12:40:07 AM »
Aren’t amiibos DLC?
this was months before i initiated my embargo

if i were a figure person, i wouldn't be opposed to buying them for collecting purposes though
You would rather be a creepy figure collector dude than someone who buys DLC? 😂
i'd rather make hot glue videos with them than buy DLC

Gaming / Re: Nearly an hour of Cyberpunk gameplay
« on: August 28, 2018, 12:27:54 AM »
"cleaner than a cunt in a convent"

quality dialogue, mature and visceral

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 28, 2018, 12:05:23 AM »
Aren’t amiibos DLC?
this was months before i initiated my embargo

if i were a figure person, i wouldn't be opposed to buying them for collecting purposes though

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 27, 2018, 10:12:00 PM »
whatever amiibos you have can be used to unlock characters right away, so that's neat

i picked up an isabelle amiibo a few months ago because it was like $2 at some thrift store, and i don't intend on wasting money on any more, so hopefully she'll be playable so i can use that

Gaming / Re: Nearly an hour of Cyberpunk gameplay
« on: August 27, 2018, 05:36:05 PM »
How do you decide if it's appropriate to add? Take blood/gore for instance. In real life gunshot wounds are very messy. Bullets can tear limbs off and crack skulls open. Do we need that kind of detail in games because it stays true to how it would be in real life or should it just not exist in the game?
case by case, because imposing stringent standards on art is quite counter to what i believe art should be in the first place

i would say if you wanna make a shooter game that's going for maximum realism, then you would definitely want the gunshot wounds to be as realistic as possible—and if you're playing mortal kombat, then the violence should be extremely over the top, to a point where it would inspire fear/disgust within the uninitiated and joy/awe/laughter to the initiated

if you're playing a fantasy game for children like zelda, then perhaps the violence shouldn't be so intense

it's not worth it to come up with a grand sweeping rule because all games are different and go for different things—if something is TOO over the top, you'll generally know it when you see it, and that should be criticized just as much as you would a hyper-realistic military simulator for not having the correct amount of blood splatter for each gun shot (or whatever)

Gaming / Re: Nearly an hour of Cyberpunk gameplay
« on: August 27, 2018, 05:20:13 PM »
Are you against all sex and nudity in general or just when it's gratuitous and shoved in your face?

Because if it's just kind of in the background during a scene it just seems like worldbuilding to me, without the game shying away from people who may be offended by it. If it's appropriate to the scene then why not?
kind of a hard question to answer—i mean obviously, yes, if sex is appropriate for a given scene, then there's no reason to be opposed to it—but what is "appropriate"

my favorite anime is devilman, where the sex could very easily be described as gratuitous and shoved in your face (oftentimes literally)—but the reason i'm mostly okay with it is because it uses those things to make a broader point about human nature—a point that would be have much less of an impact if those scenes were removed or toned down

but if it's only there because the artists have this preconceived notion in their heads that it's not truly for adults unless it has adult content in it, i would consider that inartistic and something i'd be "against"—and that goes beyond sex; it also goes for violence and pretty much anything else

don't add things to games because you think you have to, do it because you know you have to for the story you wanna tell

basically, if it's handled maturely or tastefully, i don't care—but i think it's fair to say that video games aren't exactly known to handle sexual matters with maturity or taste, and i'm skeptical that this one will, because historically, given the fact that most people who play video games are men, the industry is obviously going to take advantage of all the things that men like, which will inevitably result in some distasteful design choices and exploitative marketing practices

sometimes these practices can infest the minds of otherwise honest developers who develop these preconceived notions, not out of corporate cynicism, but by virtue of them being SO deeply entrenched in the industry at large, to where well-meaning and talented devs don't even realize what toxic shit they're perpetuating

i should hope none of this will apply to this cyberpunk game, but i'm too jaded on the issue to make anything but a frivolous/flippant comment about its use of nudity—so don't take that too seriously

Gaming / Re: Nearly an hour of Cyberpunk gameplay
« on: August 27, 2018, 04:03:28 PM »
i don't get the hype either, beyond the fact that it came out of development hell and the fact that it looks kinda cool (but only kinda)

it has sex and naked people in it though so this is obviously a step forward into making video games a Mature Artistic MediumTM

Serious / Re: There was a shooting at a Madden Tournament
« on: August 26, 2018, 03:13:54 PM »
abolish 👏 the second 👏 amendment 👏

Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 25, 2018, 05:47:37 PM »
getting to maridia is another one of those awesome "damn i'm a genius" moments, though maridia itself is probably my least favorite area in the game

Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 24, 2018, 09:45:50 PM »
This game made me jump out of fear just now lmao

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 22, 2018, 11:38:59 PM »
Interesting observation posted on r/smashbros:

Within the past 72 days since E3, 33 characters have received blog posts on the official website. This means characters are posted about approximately every other day. If the rate at which characters are posted about remains constant, the entire known roster should be covered within the next 79 days—which leaves us at 27 until the game is out.

From this, we can extrapolate that there are indeed 13 more new characters left to announce—which is consistent with my guesswork posted above, where I surmised that there would be precisely 13 characters for a total of 84 in order for the Smashdown mode to make mathematical sense.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 22, 2018, 08:02:39 PM »
So what are the chances that EVERY character gets an echo?

admittedly, you could probably give most of the cast an echo, but some would be rather tricky, like g&w and ICs

The Flood / Re: wtf I just saw DAS's name on a YouTube video
« on: August 22, 2018, 07:54:04 PM »
My cringy old YT comments arent even that bad


just means you haven't matured much, really

acquiring sentience IS sentience, is a baby not a person because it's not fully formed lol?
different subject entirely, but there's an argument to be made that killing a month old baby is as morally insignificant as aborting a fetus or squashing a bug

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 22, 2018, 01:03:27 PM »

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central (Crystal now out on VietCong)
« on: August 22, 2018, 12:42:22 PM »
The Z moves are pretty lame (since you have to make a pokemon hold the item for it), take forever and are just dumb to the point that I've only used a single one in the 15 hours I've played.
yeah, i didn't use z-moves at all for my first playthrough for the same reasons

i've since discovered that there are ways to make them interesting, though—you can use a z-crystal to power-up non-damaging moves, too, like work up, and it'll give you an extra attack boost

my favorite of the ones i've found is Z-Conversion, which a porygon can use to change its type into whatever the first move on the attack list is (in my case, shadow ball) while also boosting every one of its stats by a level, which is pretty fucking dope if you ask me

there's also Z-Parting Shot, which does the normal effect of lowering your opponent's stats and switching out, but this time it fully heals the pokémon you're switching to

among others

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 22, 2018, 12:12:47 AM »
Decided Hilda as a Zelda Echo would be brilliant and extremely likely, but it's too late for me to lock her in now.

Someone brought up to me that Skull Kid (or just Majora) may be a boss, not a character, because the Moon being an Assist Trophy kind of takes away his one most obvious option for a Final Smash. Not sure how to feel about that.

last jedi sucks get over it millenial
Kill yourself

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 21, 2018, 05:22:46 PM »
feeling like posting more predictions

So, I think I have an idea of how many characters will be in the final roster, and it's pretty much just based off of (possibly incorrect) assumptions of how the Smashdown mode will work. In order for the mode to make any sense mathematically, and assuming it's a 4-player only, the final number of playable characters has to be divisible by 4. Otherwise, the remainder of fighters will not enough for each player.

The official website recognizes 71 different characters, including Mii and Echo Fighters, and it treats Pokémon Trainer as one fighter. Based on these observations, we could be looking at a final roster total of 72, 76, 80, or perhaps even 84. Any more than that doesn't seem likely to me.

Then again, if we assume that 1v1 and 1v1v1 are possible in Smashdown, then the total would have to be divisible by 2, 3, and 4. That leaves us with only two (realistic) numbers—72 and 84.

So, the way I see it, if my stab-in-the-dark assumptions are correct, we're going to receive either 9 or 13 more character announcements before December 7th (or just one, I guess, but that would be super lame and I severely doubt Sakurai would do us like that).

I'm gonna bank on 84, personally. Oh, and if you're wondering if the process of unlocking characters will fuck with Smashdown, I also predict that the mode will only be available once all characters have been unlocked. This also means that there won't be DLC (but that's more wishful thinking on my part than anything else).

13 new characters is also very convenient, because I just so happen to have whittled down my predictions to precisely that number:

#1. Geno
#2. Shadow (Echo of Sonic)
#3. Skull Kid

#4. Banjo & Kazooie
#5. Ken (Echo of Ryu)
#6. Isabelle (Echo of Villager)

#7. Decidueye
#8. Dixie Kong (Echo of Diddy Kong)
#9. Rex

#10. Spring Man
#11. Ribbon Girl (Echo of Spring Man)
#12. Isaac
#13. Marx

Trying to play it safe for the most part, nothing too crazy. Marx will be the hardest of reads, I don't actually expect him though.

Would not be surprised if Bandana Dee, Rayman, or some other Gen VII Pokémon turned up instead, but I'm not banking on it. These are the ones I'm locking in. I almost had Viridi and Sora as wild cards, but decided against it.

Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 21, 2018, 04:12:07 AM »
Is the Planet Zebes music from Smash 64 in any of the Metroid games?
yeah, that theme would be from the original game


Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 21, 2018, 03:11:05 AM »
a lot of people don't seem to realize this, but the MP music for metroid prime 2 is actually a remix of that theme


Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 20, 2018, 03:55:32 PM »
can you wall jump

took me the longest time trying to figure out how it works, but it's so much fun
You can wall jump?!
yee, it's kinda tricky though

technically, there's a couple of monkey-like creatures in green brinstar that demonstrate how to do it, but even then, it won't be 100% clear what you're supposed to do button-wise

being able to figure out stuff like this for myself is one of my favorite things about the game, so i'll just put it in a spoiler

if you do a spin jump towards a wall, then hit the opposite direction as soon as you touch it, you'll notice that samus's sprite will change

if you hit A at this point with proper timing, she'll jump off the wall, which can be done repeatedly to climb up just about any vertical shaft that doesn't have a ceiling or something blocking you

Gaming / Re: Super Metroid thread
« on: August 20, 2018, 03:37:29 PM »
can you wall jump

took me the longest time trying to figure out how it works, but it's so much fun

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central (Crystal now out on VietCong)
« on: August 20, 2018, 01:37:10 PM »
i've made numerous attempts at completing a living dex in the past, but when you start obliging me to move my ass over to a gamestop several hours away to ask some snotty apathetic employee for a fucking magearna or whatever the fuck, just to drive all the way back because i'm not getting literally anything else, you are asking WAY too much of me

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central (Crystal now out on VietCong)
« on: August 20, 2018, 01:28:01 PM »
All done: completed the Living Dex with my girlfriend this weekend. I now have a save file with every single pokemon organized numerically. Includes every form of every evolutionary line (so not just getting a charmandar and evolving it into charizard, but having an individual charmander, charmeleon and charizard) as well as all the legendary / mythical / event pokemon #1-721 (including the likes of Volcanion, Meloetta, Genesect...). All obtained legit, got maybe 1 or 2 through online trades (if any at all). Also includes around 150+ shiny pokemon. A bunch of them are fakes gotten through (wonder)trades but dozens of them are as legit as can be.

it doesn't count unless they all have competitive builds, though

Gaming / Re: Consoles are better than PCs
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:50:30 AM »
china has the biggest people library best country ever

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