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The Flood / Re: Hey so uh
« on: February 13, 2021, 01:29:54 AM »
not for another eight months
thanks so much for this legitimate and non-semantic contribution

this really has changed everything
i was talking about your PMS, but apparently i was eight months off

The Flood / Re: Hey so uh
« on: February 12, 2021, 12:21:03 AM »
not for another eight months

The Flood / Re: math
« on: February 07, 2021, 11:00:05 AM »
i hate the way math classes are taught far more than i hate math itself

history bores the ever-loving shit out of me, and to this day represents the biggest lacuna in my education

we had a lot of history nerds on this forum, which has always mystified me
Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it
and those who do know history are bound to watch other people repeat it

there's only so many lessons you can take from it
- killing bad
- lying bad
- war bad
- religion bad
- bigotry bad
- humans stupid
- selfishness evil
- presidents suck
- capitalism bad
- feminism good
- basically learn a bunch of -isms and pick which ones you like
- economics complicated
- free speech good
- voting good

i don't exactly need a billion case studies for this shit

The Flood / Re: math
« on: February 06, 2021, 08:30:15 PM »
i hate the way math classes are taught far more than i hate math itself

history bores the ever-loving shit out of me, and to this day represents the biggest lacuna in my education

we had a lot of history nerds on this forum, which has always mystified me

Serious / Re: Donald Trump impeached (again)
« on: January 19, 2021, 01:39:48 AM »
You don't think it's a bit of an overstatement on Trump being the worst?
Not even slightly.

While you're certainly not going to catch me defending Andrew Jackson, it's important to acknowledge that we're talking about two completely different eras here. If you're comfortable with giving Trump extra credit just for being born in the 21st century, where you can't really get away with overtly committing genocide anymore, then you can be my guest, but I'm not so charitable. The fact that we've reached a point in modern civilization where we'll probably never allow another Trail of Tears to happen again is a feather in the cap of society, not Trump.

That said, frankly, I'm perfectly comfortable with pinning 400K+ ongoing COVID deaths on the man who refused to do anything about the issue, and has even contributed to the ongoing culture of complacency that we're continuing to see in this country. Whether you agree or disagree, I think that's a perfectly reasonable and uncontroversial take on the matter.

So yeah. Worst president ever (relative to how good a president ought to be in the current year). I wouldn't call it an overstatement at all, but I'll concede that it's a statement that requires a bit of framing.

Serious / Re: Donald Trump impeached (again)
« on: January 14, 2021, 11:05:49 AM »
i don't really know what to expect from this, but my gut's telling me that we might actually be able to defenestrate the cunt this time

probably wishful thinking though

Serious / Re: Donald Trump impeached (again)
« on: January 14, 2021, 10:58:11 AM »
This is just ridiculous political theater, he's not getting convicted when he has literally only a week left.
the goal, of course, is to ensure he'll never able to run again, so the number of days he has left doesn't really matter—it's about destroying his future in politics

it also piles on yet another well-deserved mark of disgrace to the worst president in history, which is also good

The Flood / Re: ?? Days Until 3.0+1.0; Eternal Waiting Room
« on: January 14, 2021, 10:25:31 AM »
big sad

this poster got a new addition, though:

"Together, we will overcome."

heartwarming sentiment, and i'm a patient guy, but honestly, streaming services exist, guys

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: January 08, 2021, 07:15:05 PM »
Good N64 progress. Tried to post this earlier, but something fucked up and it got deleted, which sucks, because I had little blurbs for every single game written up, and I really don't feel like starting from scratch, so whatever.

All-Star Baseball 2000
Mischief Makers
NFL QB Club 2001
Mia Hamm Soccer 64
Fighters Destiny
Nightmare Creatures
Polaris SnoCross
Forsaken 64
Tigger's Honey Hunt
Chopper Attack
Mace: The Dark Age
Vigilante 8
Knife Edge: Nose Gunner
Lode Runner 3-D
Gex 64: Enter the Gecko
Aero Fighters Assault
NBA Jam 99
Top Gear Rally

197/296. That leaves less than 100 games to collect, and if I get just one more, I'll be able to say that I own just over two thirds of the entire library, which is pretty awesome. Mischief Makers and Gex 64 are the biggest prizes here, and with the addition of All-Star Baseball 2000, I happen to own all eight baseball games released for the system. So that's a thing.

I'll have to update my 3x3 of most-wanteds soon, but I'm honestly starting to run out of stuff. I really just need Banjo-Tooie and Turok 3, and I'll be pretty happy.

The Flood / Re: alex trebek's final jeopardy episode airs tomorrow night
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:48:15 AM »

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:23:12 AM »
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do
When I say "All lives matter." it should be interpreted as "I am for a world where all lives are equal." or "All lives should matter."
but that is how it's interpreted, the problem is that these rephrasings don't sound any less glib, because despite what you say, "black lives matter" does not imply that black people are the only race that gets mistreated; simply that they are mistreated, and disproportionately so in america

i mean, i already said this shit lmao—the bottom line is that you're the one making unfounded assumptions about the phrase "black lives matter," whereas i'm making no assumptions about "all lives matter" at all; i'm taking the phrase at face value, just as you intend, and it still sounds dismissive

and yes, of course, because it's an american movement and an american slogan, it should be viewed from an american lens, which is why i tried to keep using phrases like "in our country" and "in america"—because i'm aware that you, as someone who isn't american, would probably have more trouble reconciling the slogan from a global perspective, so i'm just trying to explain why the slogan shouldn't be framed that way

again, not that black lives don't matter elsewhere, or that all lives don't matter elsewhere, but that to use those phrases in an american context would be to tacitly dismiss the problems that black americans are facing

in such a context, "black lives matter" does not intend to disregard the lives of any other race—it's about making sure we don't forget about black lives, because unfortunately, we so often do in this country

if someone wanted to start a movement that promotes white lives, he or she can be my guest, but it's not going to gain much traction on the basis that white people simply don't have a whole lot to complain about with respect to their race, so they don't really need any movements in any country that i can think of—please enlighten me, if you happen to know any

Serious / Re: All Lives Matter
« on: January 08, 2021, 03:20:24 AM »
the all lives matter thing is just dumb people not understanding that "black lives matter" is supposed to mean "black lives matter too."
Black lives are part of all lives tho.
but if all lives matter, then why are black people still systematically mistreated?

that's why you emphasize black lives—it's not about putting anyone else down, but raising black lives up to the standard enjoyed by most other groups of people who aren't as affected by racism in our country

you can say "all lives matter" if you want, but you're going to sound incredibly glib, because BLM isn't trying to say otherwise—it's about drawing attention to what needs to be drawn attention to, because presently, nobody else in america has to worry as much about stuff like police brutality like black people do

The Flood / alex trebek's final jeopardy episode airs tomorrow night
« on: January 07, 2021, 01:39:57 PM »
who's gonna catch that?

post jeopardy moments


The Flood / Re: 15 Days Until 3.0+1.0, NO DELAYS; naysayers btfo
« on: January 07, 2021, 08:07:07 AM »
The part where Third Impact starting up from Gendo's hand in Rei onwards was pretty good, but the actual Instrumentality sequence where Komm Susser Tod played was a bit more underwhelming; then again it's hard to find a song that'll parallel the scene better than one that was hand tailored just for it.
I feel you, but for me, that's probably the part that made me shit bricks the most. There were so many parts that worked eerily well for me:

- Just before it all happens, did you catch how the final cymbal crash of the second-to-last song (the title track) plays the VERY moment Asuka says "no" to Shinji? That shit was some 10/10 accidental kino right there. Then, as soon as Shinji starts choking her out, we cut to the opening white noise of "Hurt," the despondent melodies to which I think juxtapose disturbingly well with the montage of crayon illustrations, emphasizing not only the loss of innocence, but taking that innocence and shooting it in the back of the head

- Lyrically, I think the first verse of the song goes along with the imagery very well, in that they seem to echo a lot of the conflicting thoughts that Shinji's having during the whole sequence. The lines, "Try to kill it all away/But I remember everything" are sung during a short series of flashing images of mostly positive memories that actually make Shinji happy (meeting Misato, seeing the Geofront for the first time, and getting to live in the company of somebody who cares about him). We can kinda see, then, without even needing the context of the film, that in spite of all his resentment, he's still able to recall those fleeting moments when he wasn't totally miserable, and that there's a weak yet growing part of him that wants to hang on to those memories. Also, note the picture of Shinji crying as a child pops up the moment the gentle and plucky instrumental break comes in.

- When Lilith!Rei first emerges from the sea, the words "Everyone I know goes away in the end" are sung, which I don't think could possibly have been more fitting—for me, that was definitely one of several little "holy fuck" syncs that made my heart skip a beat when I first heard it, and it doesn't even stop there. The iconic "YOU COULD HAVE IT ALL" chorus comes in the moment she cups her hands around the Black Moon and sprouts those giant wings and shit. That was too good.

- The second verse has my favorite sync-up. The song goes back to being quiet and gentle just as we're treated to some equally quiet and gentle imagery during the "tanging" scene, with the apparitions of Rei/Misato/etc. kissing and comforting the last remaining NERV employees before they inevitably die. This is where the coolest part for me happens: Maya is the last one in the room to die, so she gets the most touching death scene out of all the non-essential characters. In her last moments, while it looks like she's trying to type something, an image of Ritsuko shows up to embrace her, which is synced here with the most quiet and heart-wrenching lyric of the song: "Beneath the stains of time/The feelings disappear/You are someone else/I am still right here," while gradually zooming in on Maya's face, overcome with emotion. That shit gave me chills—How does it fit SO well?

- There's one part towards the very end of the track that I wish synced up a little better. "Hurt" closes off with three absolutely ear-splitting guitar chords before leaving us with almost a minute's worth of a terrifying drone. The chords play a couple seconds after Unit-01 chomps Gendo's head off, which is unfortunate. If only the chords played the moment the bite happens. That said, I do think the drone that plays during the remainder of the Instrumentality sequence fits pretty magically. It certainly doesn't replace "Komm, süßer Tod," by any means, but I think its nightmarishly desolate sound does effectively manage to capture the atmosphere of a world being reduced to a soulless wasteland in a matter of seconds.

But all of this is just bullshit and projection, of course, although it's still fun. In an alternate reality, I'd like to think if Trent Reznor actually scored something Evangelion-related, it would be the best shit in the world.

A state of emergency has been declared in the Tokyo area of Japan. Theaters have not been ordered to shutdown but are told to now operate at limited capacity (not specified how limited) and are to close at 8PM until February 7th. No announcement by Toho or Toei yet on pushing back the release. This will surely affect the release of 3.333 but will only delay Shin's original midnight release. Presale tickets for Shin are still expected to go out January 13th, giving us an idea of the total runtime of the movie.

Keep in mind, this only affects the Tokyo area, the rest of Japan should still be able to have their midnight release of Shin and late night viewings of 3.333.

The Flood / Re: 15 Days Until 3.0+1.0, NO DELAYS; naysayers btfo
« on: January 07, 2021, 05:21:43 AM »

Not sure if I've already talked about this here before, but in the trivia section to IMDb's page for The End of Evangelion, there's an item that talks about how, much in the same way that Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon supposedly fits perfectly with The Wizard of Oz, there's a different album that apparently fits perfectly with The End of Evangelion, and it just so happens to be one of my all-time favorites: The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails.

The link above contains a VoD syncing the two pieces together precisely as instructed on IMDb (such as skipping the mid-credits sequence).

I always found this to be one of the coolest coincidences ever, because if you know anything about me, there's a good chance of you knowing that Nine Inch Nails is my all-time favorite band/musical project, so you could imagine just how cool of a marriage this is for me. I won't say that everything syncs perfectly, but the parts that do? Oh my god, you will shit your pants. If nothing else, it'll probably serve as a new and interesting way to watch this movie as a tide-over.

The Flood / Re: I'm 25 now
« on: January 07, 2021, 03:14:52 AM »
my condolences, definitely feels like the first age where you can't really get away with calling yourself "young" anymore

even though you still are

The Flood / Re: 17 Days Until 3.0+1.0, NO DELAYS; naysayers btfo
« on: January 07, 2021, 12:19:39 AM »
That just raises the interesting question of whether or not you can actually call something bad if it's intentionally bad.

Not to dissuade ya or anything, but do you figure you could pull off anything on youtube? Considering you have the algorithm RNGesus to deal with, or the fact that the platform's become another bloated economic shithole. You'd have to have some real cutting edge polish to get some traction going for yourself.
the question of whether something intentionally bad can really be bad is a question of whether intent, and the execution of that specific intent, are the two most important factors when evaluating a work of art, which i think tends to undervalue a lot of other important facets to consider, such as whether the choice to make such an intentionally bad work of art was the best choice to begin with--was it a meaningful or intelligent choice? was it a contextually appropriate choice? would it have been better if they had just made something traditionally good instead?

there's also an ethical side to it. how much money was spent on it? how many man hours were wasted? there's many counterpoints to the old "but it's intentionally shitty" argument; the easiest to make, of course, is that bad is bad is bad is bad. if you make something bad, but you meant to anyway, then congratulations--you made something bad. for me, that does not automatically make it good. there has to be something else going on, like an ed wood tribute that successfully manages to capture that director's distinct lack of taste and style, while maybe shedding new light on the value of schlock cinema

as for the youtube thing, i've learned in life that if you tell yourself you're going to fail because of this or that from the outset, then you will, because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, so i choose to roll the dice--i think my perspective on shit is unique enough that i could catch some viewers, because i'm basically a living hot take dispenser who has something to say about everything, and i can always start it out as more of a personal hobby early on

if it fails, it fails, but it's one of the few career paths in life that would allow me to put my one skill to constructive use, so i essentially have to try

Serious / Re: President Trump and the 2020 Election
« on: January 06, 2021, 03:09:57 PM »
remember when you people thought i was a sore loser four years ago

The Flood / Re: 17 Days Until 3.0+1.0, NO DELAYS; naysayers btfo
« on: January 06, 2021, 09:56:45 AM »
More I think about it, he could actually do that. "Hey ya'll waited eight years for this, what did I try to tell you people about not wasting your lives in escapism? Anyway, here's my worst work yet."
as i brought up before, i'll be okay if it's bad, because 3.0 was so hugely disappointing for me that i've found it particularly easy to keep my expectations in check, and even if it really is his worst work yet, that could serve as the perfect launchpad towards some kind of youtube video essay career, because i'm an opportunist like that i guess

the worst thing that the movie could turn out to be is boring, not bad, and the worst bad it could be is a bad that does not lend itself to analysis

i think we know these two possibilities are hardly possibilities at all, though

Serious / Re: President Trump and the 2020 Election
« on: January 06, 2021, 01:22:49 AM »

Call it aftermath—she's turning blue
Such a lovely color for you

Gaming / Re: The original Fire Emblem is finally getting a localization
« on: January 05, 2021, 01:06:12 PM »
Fire Emblem is fun.

The Flood / Re: 24 Days Until 3.0+1.0, NEW EXTENDED TRAILER & POSTER
« on: December 29, 2020, 09:52:08 PM »
Just to hold me over until this shit finally comes out, I just got done watching Shin Godzilla, and it was pretty fucking awesome. I don't remember the last time I've ever felt afraid during a monster movie, but Shin Godzilla's many forms actually struck me as genuinely terrifying, which I was very happy about. Also, imagine the volume of my nut when they first incorporated Bataille Décisive into the soundtrack.

Before I watched this, though, I actually chose to start with the 1954 original first, just to familiarize myself with the source material, and I thoroughly enjoyed that as well. Its age does show (a lot), but it honestly only added to the experience, and I'm ashamed that it's taken me this long to see it, but now at least I can say that I have.

What I liked the most about these two movies, as you might have guessed, were the scathing critiques on humanity, the anti-war themes, and the gravely serious tone, so I'm not sure if you could call me a Godzilla convert just yet... mainly because I'm not sure if I could honestly stomach the cheesier movies in the franchise. But with that said, color me impressed with Anno's interpretation. I'd say this movie was definitely worth delaying 3.0+1.0 a few extra years, and I'd even look forward to a sequel, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.

2016 was still beneath shit tier in all respects, and Shin Godzilla coming out that year doesn't come close to changing that.

The Flood / Re: 32 Days Until 3.0+1.0
« on: December 22, 2020, 11:41:07 PM »
Anybody care to give an explanation of why Verb's hyped for weebshit? I keep up loosely on animes. What makes this one so outstanding that even the old man's not dissing it?

Had an idea. EVA's undertones and foundations were based off the subtle dissing of the growing trend of escapism manifesting in japanese youth. It ironically garned a cult of fans that didn't pick up on the message. That why you like the EVA series Verb? It low key pisstakes on all other animes while succumbing to the very thing it warned against? Apart from all the other psychological topics it tackles.
Yeah, you more or less nailed it. It's impossible to describe shows as "deep" anymore without making people cringe, but I genuinely think it's a pretty deep show with so much interesting shit to chew on, from the surface level character interactions to the underlying philosophical themes. On top of that, it's also just a good and solidly entertaining show with very well-written and empathetic characters who feel more human to me than literally any other anime that I've seen. It just does so much right that the other 299 shows I've tried simply don't (okay, okay, there's a few others, of course).

Not that the show doesn't have its pitfalls, of course—for one thing, it isn't above sexualizing 14-year-olds for the sake of comic relief, which isn't great, and I've always been disappointed that a lot the religious imagery and Christian references were appropriated mainly for aesthetic purposes, and not because it's inherently meaningful—which is all well and good, but it would've made the show all the more interesting if they made an effort to impart some actual meaning into that stuff, imo.

In fact, they could've just shut their mouths about that in general so that the viewers could be free to interpret those elements for themselves, like they can with everything else about the show, but the fact that they've come forward and said, "Yeah nah, we just thought it would be cool and exotic for Japanese audiences" kind of just shuts the door on the conversation entirely, which is a shame.

But yeah, still a great show—but perhaps only accidentally, if the Rebuild films are any indication. In any case, good anime do exist. I still hate the medium at large, but I've discovered that I've a bigger hatred for the fans more than anything else. Most people who like Evangelion don't even know why it's good, which seems to be somewhat of a trend for a lot of my favorite things (Fight Club especially comes to mind).

The Flood / Re: 32 Days Until 3.0+1.0
« on: December 21, 2020, 05:49:57 PM »
i wish i could say this is the first anime-related thing i've ever been excited for, but i did see the yu-gi-oh movie in theaters as a child...

the first five pokémon movies were pretty hype as a kid, too

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: December 21, 2020, 05:46:15 PM »
I find that since everything is going online, a physical disc collection isn't really feasible anymore
i see where you're coming from, but imo that only makes having a full physical collection of video games sound even cooler, just because less and less people are going to be able to say that they even have one

i wouldn't collect figurines personally, just because they don't really have much in the way of functionality besides looking cool on your desk—i've considered collecting amiibos, however, because they actually do have in-game functionality, but then it becomes an issue if figuring out where to store or display them (on top of being mad expensive)

never been a poster person either, but maybe that's because i live in an attic

The Flood / Re: How do you pronounce lbs?
« on: December 18, 2020, 08:08:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: Buying a microphone
« on: December 18, 2020, 08:04:19 PM »
unfortunately, the very best one on the market right now requires you to get a circumcision
wait, what am saying? there's nothing unfortunate about this

Gaming / Re: Picked up Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
« on: December 18, 2020, 07:59:51 PM »
Beat Kingdom Hearts II the other day.

It's whatever. Definitely an objective improvement over the first game, but it's not blowing me away or anything. The combat is incredibly button mashy and QTE-heavy, and the story is kind of asinine, even though there are aspects of it that I appreciate. As a Disney guy, I feel consistently burned on that front, too. They way they treat the Disney stuff in these games is consistently disappointing. I don't want to experience a shitty, watered down version of a Disney movie that I LOVE, Nomura.

I could go on but I'm not sure who I'd be ranting to anyway so I'll just stop myself here.

KH1: 4/10
Chain of Memories: 3/10
KH2: 5/10

Bleah. Apparently, according to my KH-playing friends, I can be done with this franchise now, since I've played the best game in the series and decided I wasn't into it... but I'm a sucker for culturally-important video games, regardless of my personal opinions about them, so I might keep playing them regardless. They're certainly fun to talk about.

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: December 18, 2020, 07:53:43 PM »
Acquired some custom end labels for my N64 carts, since they're notorious for their blank spines, and in the process, I made a harrowing discovery: I don't actually have a copy of Turok 3. In its place, I found Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which I never knew I had in my collection until I saw it.


...Yeah, THAT Hercules. "Wait a minute... This isn't Turok 3..."

Very unfortunate. Turok 3 is rather pricey, and I'd rather just own it like I thought I did rather than shell out $35 that I don't currently have. It's possible that I mistook the spin-off game Rage Wars for the third installment, but I'm usually pretty meticulous about subtitles... so it must've been some other error.

My collector's edition of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light came in today. Pretty nice package, but I literally never buy these things, so I don't really know if it's a "good" CE or not. The replica NES cartridge will look really nice with the rest of them, though, and I'm happy with the 200+ page art book as well. Even the packaging stuff you're expected to thrown away had some neat designs on it.

The physical manual is written and designed like an old-school NES manual would be, which is fantastic, and in true NES game style, it's required reading if you want to understand the game and haven't played FE before (like me). I only did the first battle, but I like it so far. I'm sure a lot of these 30-year-old old mechanics would make modern FE fans wince, though.

The Flood / Re: Buying a microphone
« on: December 17, 2020, 01:02:33 PM »
unfortunately, the very best one on the market right now requires you to get a circumcision

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