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Gaming / Re: Next-gen consoles
« on: April 11, 2021, 11:56:58 AM »
not me, but a couple of my friends have a PS5, and they've been having a good time with them—apparently haptic feedback and adaptive triggers are the real deal

meanwhile, i don't know anyone with a sexbox, and i'm pretty sure most people don't even understand that it's a next gen console—they Wii U'd themselves pretty hard with the marketing on that one (perhaps intentionally as an excuse to exit the console race, which they've supposedly been trying to do for a while now or something)

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: April 09, 2021, 11:58:32 AM »
Pardon my killing time for a bit. Surprised you never changed your stance on mods Verb(minus the half hearted jest here).

Popped into my head recently while idlely thinking how many ways you can technically poke holes in the mods r bad motto you carry via asking questions.
when it comes to mods, i've changed my stance insofar as i care significantly less when other people do it—so long as they're not trying to tell ME to do it, because that would be obnoxious

the least offensive mods to me are those that fix game-breaking bugs, and add functionalities like netplay to games that didn't previously have them (such as Super Smash Bros. Melee), or anything installed after you've already beaten the vanilla game at least once

but even with the former category, that's getting into a sketchy territory on the basis that it shouldn't be up to the players, on principle, to fix your broken-ass game for you—and don't get me started on "lore-friendly" mods, which are, more often than not, far from it

anything that defies developer intentions is an obvious no-go, but even things outside of that still rub me the wrong way, just because i've always valued having an authentic experience with a game

i'm not out here, like most people, playing games strictly for entertainment purposes—i'm out here to figure out what the best games ever made are, because i actually think of games as works of art worthy of critical evaluation, and part of a good critical evaluation is coming to the understanding that a game's flaws make up an important aspect of what that game is at its core, in the same way that a movie's flaws are an important aspect of what makes the movie what it is—and yet, we don't really see people modifying movies very often (although i'm sure there's some weirdos who do that—solonoid just posted an edit of GvK, but stuff like that is pretty outside of the norm)

being able to face up to those flaws, rather than trying to sweep them under the rug with a mod, will allow you to have a stronger grasp of what your tastes are, what the best games for you are, and what kinds of flaws and issues you're willing to put up with in order to play an otherwise fun game—and then, rather than modding those problems out, the best solution is to find a similar game that doesn't have that flaw, and then you won't have to mod anything (because you shouldn't have to—games should just be good out of the box)

now, granted, i do understand now more than ever that 99% of gamers just don't give a fuck about anything to do with what i just said, and just wanna have their dumb fun doing all kinds of stupid shit in their video games, because video games are strictly an entertainment medium for them—and i'm able to concede, at this point in my life, that that's probably fine

i still have a different perspective, though, and i think my way of thinking tends to lead to more fulfilling gameplay experiences—my vanilla skyrim may not be as fun to play as your ultra-modified version of it, but for me, part of a game's fun factor is having the opportunity to experience, discuss, and criticize its imperfections, which you'll miss out on entirely if you decide to mod those imperfections out (whether you care or not)

i don't think any of these thoughts should be controversial or unreasonable—i'm not saying anyone needs to agree with me by any means, but in order to understand where i'm coming from even more, think back to how george lucas likes to keep editing the original star wars movies

regardless of how strongly you feel about the edited star wars films, there's a good chance that you probably disagree with lucas's decision to make these alterations—but why?

probably for the same exact reasons that i don't like modifying games

The newly wanted Pioneer Port Campbell soup room, doctors are also more future group, the Pioneer Port character and fashion are focused on Eva Haru. I'll use Aster Formal, so if the ketchup goes out, the z sauce instead of g market drink pressure per week and wanted channel Banggye-ri 5g squishy Liberation Lyon here and there night 4 Simon's.

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time; MAJOR SPOILERS
« on: March 13, 2021, 11:57:22 AM »
Verb how are you going to watch/review 3.0+1.0? Camrip? Torrent of BD release subbed? Dare I say...Dubbed?
in this instance, quality is pretty important to me, so i'm comfortable waiting for a high quailty rip with subs... however long that will take

i would be delighted to pay $10-20 for a BD or an official stream, but not if that's gonna take a year or more

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time; MAJOR SPOILERS
« on: March 12, 2021, 09:06:14 PM »
Is it worth watching the rebuilds?
My answer would be yes, but with a couple asterisks. It really kinda depends on what you liked about Evangelion. What did you like about Evangelion?

Regardless of my personal (and mostly negative) feelings, the Rebuilds are major cultural touchstones that are worth experiencing regardless of their quality, imo—which is to say that I would only check them out for the sake of giving yourself the opportunity to partake in modern discussions about Eva. They are definitely polarizing movies, but they're polarizing in the same way that the Disney Star Wars films are polarizing. As such, it's not really feasible to ask people if they're worth watching, because you're not going to get many unbiased responses (case in point: see above). It's a prime example of a "decide for yourself" kind of situation.

In general, if you find it fun or exciting to be part of burgeoning discourses about pre-eminent media, then there's virtually no sense missing out.

that generally doesn't happen to me very often, to where it's genuinely difficult to think of great examples

what happens more often is for something i dislike to start growing on me after i give it enough tries


similar to jono, i try to listen to all genres of music nowadays, because variety is the spice of life—in the not-so-distant past, you would never catch me listening to death metal or anything similar to it, but sure enough, i was eventually able to find some enjoyable death metal—but only after giving the album somewhere between 10-20 tries

even as someone who has a background of listening to loud and heavy music almost exclusively throughout my teen years, extreme metal genres can be very difficult to digest, but it can be done if you're patient and open-minded enough

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: March 11, 2021, 10:36:58 AM »
How much have you spent on this collection
over the course of ten years, probably at least $2000, with about half of that being spent over the last couple

if you think that's irresponsible, you should see CIB collectors

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: March 10, 2021, 05:03:47 PM »
Added Indy Racing 2000 and NHL Breakaway 99 today. Here's a chart of all the sports/racing games I still need:


Games highlighted in green are "expensive" games that go for $40 or more loose. If I were to just buy all of these at once, I would have 84% of the library—the sad part being that there's only 4 or 5 here that I could actually see myself enjoying.

Still no sign of Banjo-Tooie, and I've been to at least three new retro game shops that I've never been to before lately.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: March 10, 2021, 04:55:42 PM »
world tour 2.0 let's go. Hope nintendo doesn't catch wind of this one
any reason to think they won't?

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: March 07, 2021, 08:32:35 PM »
so i got the guy who got blown up on twitter for making an "exaggerated jiggle physics" mod to give me a tutorial on how to reduce the jiggle physics to 0

hey guys, i changed my mind—mods are pretty cool after all
theres jiggle physics in this game??
i believe pyra/mythra are the first smash characters to have jiggle physics in the chest region, yeah

pretty embarrassing, but not super noticeable—now there really is no excuse for Mai not to be in the background of that one Fatal Fury stage, i guess

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: March 07, 2021, 06:44:24 PM »
so i got the guy who got blown up on twitter for making an "exaggerated jiggle physics" mod to give me a tutorial on how to reduce the jiggle physics to 0

hey guys, i changed my mind—mods are pretty cool after all

The Flood / Re: Evangelion 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time; SPOILERS
« on: March 07, 2021, 06:14:42 PM »
aw, i didn't know it was gonna be a missable stream

guess i'll just twiddle my thumbs

Gaming / Re: is going to shut down on February 9th
« on: March 06, 2021, 06:55:55 AM »
Kinda wanted to take one last look at my first profile before the nuke, but I never got around to it. Too bad.
You're just the master of procrastination aren't you. Memory's dim on that one, but how the hell'd you get into Halo in the first place? Or did you just stumble onto the bungie forums and just make a home there?
More of the latter, yeah. Never cared for Halo, but I had a few friends who did. One of them told me all about—how cool the community was, despite being a Halo forum, and how the Flood was the most popular board anyway, so if I were to join, I would never actually have to talk about Halo.

Much like a hipster atheist choosing to wear a cross necklace "because it's ironic," I signed up because the idea of posting on a website centered around something that I don't like was incredibly amusing to me—and as my friend indicated, the off-topic board was where most of the activity was anyway, so I spent most of my time there (until I found private groups).

My one regret—just kidding, I have a lot—but a smaller one that I've never really disclosed before, is that I never really had a turnaround on Halo. It'll never not be that one stupid shooter series that my dumb friends forced me to play with them as a kid, after they "grew out of" playing Nintendo games (even though they were still only 12).

I've since played through Halo: CE's campaign on my own in the interest of having a more adult perspective on it, and I wasn't terribly impressed. The music was good, and it felt great to play and shoot stuff, but the guns themselves were hella boring, and the combat was repetitive and monotonous—I also didn't find myself particularly invested in the story, either. It's just one of those games that doesn't really do a whole lot for me, which is a shame, given how special and resonant the series was to pretty much everybody here.

Then again, even if I did turn around on it, it would be difficult to dissociate it from those bad childhood memories. That built up a lot of resentment within me, not only for Halo, but for the FPS genre itself—though at the very least, that sweeping hatred has pretty much fallen by the wayside at this point. I've had a lot of time to try out a lot of different shooters since then, and while it's still not my favorite genre, I'm at least capable of naming a decent number of shooters that I've enjoyed quite thoroughly, such as Half-Life and Borderlands.

That said, I guess I would have to concede that Halo probably opened the floodgates in terms of how modern shooters are designed (for better or for worse), so I guess you could say that I have an appreciation for it on that angle.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: March 04, 2021, 01:13:31 PM »
so now Lloyd is the last smash 4 mii costume that needs to be added (besides the generic hoodie)

also i guess a moveset was discussed or something? idk who gives a fuck

The Flood / Re: 4 days until 3.0+1.0
« on: March 03, 2021, 09:35:34 AM »
so those 2 minutes would serve as an alternate ending of sorts? huh

Gaming / Re: Pokémon 25th Anniversary Presentation (9:00 AM CST)
« on: March 02, 2021, 08:57:24 AM »
rip to making your own chatot cry
yeah... although i wouldn't rule out the possibility of them keeping that in via some kind of phone app, or some shit, that does seem pretty unlikely

they could even just make it so it doesn't work online, if they're worried about people saying naughty shit

Gaming / Re: Pokémon 25th Anniversary Presentation (9:00 AM CST)
« on: March 01, 2021, 10:50:01 AM »
Gen IV probably has one of my least favorite dexes in the series, and for me, it honestly goes far beyond giving shitty-looking evolutions to older Pokémon. Look no further than stupid shit like Purugly, Wormadam, and Bronzong.

That said, I've had a lot of fun putting together a team that I'd actually have fun with in Shining Pearl.

I love all of these guys—and check out that color coordination. There's a few repeat types, I suppose, but I've never really seen a reason to give a shit about that outside of competitive. I'd also like to use a Vespiquen or a Gliscor, but that'll depend heavily on how accessible hidden abilities are going to be.

The Flood / Re: 8 days until 3.0+1.0
« on: February 27, 2021, 02:34:10 PM »
makes sense given japanese timezones

how long does it generally take for weebs to translate these things, and how difficult will it be to get a good stream?

The Flood / Re: Discord?
« on: February 27, 2021, 01:27:53 AM »
There's no one central Discord that's active, unfortunately. We've pretty much all kinda splintered off into our own circles at this point, and those who still check in more or less just do so out of habit.

I vaguely remember you, but I don't think we got along for whatever reason. Nonetheless, I'm glad you still think about this place.

The Flood / what do you call it when you steal an atheist's tea?
« on: February 26, 2021, 02:13:28 PM »
a heist

The Flood / Re: 0 days since 3.0+1.0 was delayed; Game Time
« on: February 26, 2021, 10:49:35 AM »
I got a game for you Verb and anyone else who wants to participate. I’ll be counting up from when it was delayed and you place your bets on when we get an announcement on a new date.

If your answer is five days or more out from when we actually get news you win nothing. If it’s four to one day out I’ll give you a small but noticeable prize. If you’re right on the money I’ll import you the Japanese BD whenever it releases. Only one person can win that one obviously.
i missed this post, but i can say for certain that i absolutely would not have guessed a date anywhere near march 8

Official runtime is 155 minutes. Two hours and thirty five minutes.
holy fucking christ

Gaming / Re: Pokémon 25th Anniversary Presentation (9:00 AM CST)
« on: February 26, 2021, 09:31:25 AM »
i was a big believer that we didn't need gen 4 remakes at all, but whatever i guess

so our acronym is literally BDSP

bondage, discipline, sadomasochism, and pokémon

The Flood / We did it
« on: February 25, 2021, 01:29:02 AM »

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 22, 2021, 07:06:48 AM »

Current thoughts on Ultimate DLC so far.

I still don't really care for Persona as a franchise, but Joker getting in was such a huge mindfuck that I couldn't even deny how hype it was. It's the first and only time a character was added whose home game isn't available on a Nintendo console, which seemed like a big deal at the time, and like it would open the floodgates to a whole new universe of possibilities—which it didn't really do, but still. It was a pretty kick-ass choice, and one hell of a way to begin the initial DLC cycle. He's also one of the few DLC fighters that doesn't completely suck to fight online, in my opinion, which is a plus.

Despite my lack of interest in Banjo-Kazooie, I've been pulling for Banjo fans to get their characters in since Brawl, because I've always agreed that they always seemed like a great fit for the roster. They wound up getting the most exciting trailer, too—even if the punchline relies on reusing a joke from the King K. Rool trailer. Super annoying character to fight online, unfortunately, but that doesn't take away from how good of a choice he was.

Piranha Plant was a great meme, and all my homies agree with me. Anybody who got salty about this thing was revealed has literally zero sense of humor, especially when they gave him out for free (you can complain about him not being free anymore, though). The only problem I have with Plant is that he got in before my boy Waluigi, which is pretty stupid, but whatever. Still the funniest joke character in the game.

Sephiroth is aight. After Byleth, I had a mental list of all the anime swordfighters that I would still be okay with getting added, and Sephiroth was one of those guys (the other two being Dante and Sora). It's nice having more villains to play as, and we were due for more Final Fantasy content anyway, so anime fatigue aside, this was one of the better choices they could've gone with on that end of things.

Min Min is whatever, just like the game she's from. Her presence on the roster has proven two things: DLC from newly-introduced franchises do NOT necessarily have to be the main character (even though the Arms creator said that everyone in Arms is the main character... but whatever), and that Spirits don't actually disconfirm characters at all, opening the door for other hopefuls like Geno, Rayman, or Shantae. That's cool, and Min Min's a pretty unique character with some fun gimmicks, even if she's not the hypest choice ever.

Terry is kinda whatever, too. The Fatal Fury games don't really ligiht a candle to Street Fighter, in my opinion (I still need to play some King of Fighters games, though)—and while Sakurai's presentation did manage to sell me on the concept of having him in the roster, considering the sheer amount of love they put into all his stuff, I still can't help but shake the feeling that Terry is basically just Ken with a hat.

Hero is whatever. Definitely not opposed to having Dragon Quest content in Smash, but boy, is Dragon Quest shit ever boring. It certainly doesn't help that his completely RNG-based kit is a total fucking abomination to everything I believe is good in life.

Steve is pretty dumb. I like Minecraft just fine, and I appreciate that they also gave us Enderman and stuff, but... yeah. One of the most obnoxious characters to fight online, too.

It's difficult for me to argue that Pyra and Mythra shouldn't be in Smash, and I don't even know if that's what I think—all I know is that I hate them intensely, and that Xenoblade is one of the cringiest franchises that Nintendo is responsible for publishing.

Byleth was an insult, and is the reason why I'm glad I never bought a fighter pass.

Gaming / Re: NIntendo Direct 2021
« on: February 18, 2021, 04:49:49 AM »

the only type of person nintendo wanted to make happy last night, apparently

The Flood / holy fuck, he actually said it
« on: February 14, 2021, 11:51:09 AM »

wait for it

The Flood / Re: Hey so uh
« on: February 14, 2021, 12:15:18 AM »
not for another eight months
thanks so much for this legitimate and non-semantic contribution

this really has changed everything
i was talking about your PMS, but apparently i was eight months off
bruh you literally just walked into chat and dropped an akshyuwally
i mean, that's practically the basis of my existence

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: February 13, 2021, 03:45:21 AM »
Okay, so I finally have Turok 3... Crisis averted.

That and seven more titles for the N64 library, nine more for the NES library, and nine for the SNES library—all while still keeping within my budget, somehow, with the caveat that none of the games are particularly notable, with the exception of Turok 3 and Street Fighter 2010 for the NES, which I'm pretty fucking stoked about.

Anyone who has seen its AVGN episode would know that, while it was made by Capcom, has the Street Fighter branding, and even has a protagonist named Ken, it actually has fuck all to do with the Street Fighter franchise—it's just another generic and notoriously difficult action-based platformer in the vein of Ninja Gaiden with a sci-fi twinge. I'm pretty sure they just called it Street Fighter so that more people would buy it, or something—similar to Contra Force. It might not be the greatest game, or anything, but I do consider to be a pretty funny historical gem, if nothing else, so I'm proud to own it.

This and the other eight games bring the NES total from 56% to 57%... slowly trucking along on that one. The SNES collection slowly trails behind at 21%—but at least we broke the 20% barrier with this haul.

Most excitingly, for N64, I'm presently just two games shy of having 70%. I went ahead and ordered a copy of Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage on Amazon, because of an issue I have with my custom end labels. They come in these regular-sized sheets, as you'd expect, but I guess they had to push these six leftover names on a very small and easy-to-lose sliver of paper—and I've used all but one of them. There's just one goddamn sticker left. And because it's for a somewhat rare yet inexpensive game anyway, I decided to just order it. That'll bring me ever closer to 70%, and I won't have to keep track of that fucking sliver anymore.

Aidyn Chronicles also happens to be among the last ten games made for the system, owing to its rarity. It's one of a very small number of traditional RPGs made for the system, too.

Of the 90 games I have left to purchase, 42 of them fall under the sports/racing category—and of those games, only 10 of them are worth $40 or more. After Aidyn Chronicles gets delivered, if I get 30 of the cheapest sports/racing games, I'll be up to 80%, which will be very awesome. I can practically feel the breeze from the top of this mountain, and I can't wait to reach it.

Once I get my hands on my current most-coveted prizes—Banjo-Tooie and Harvest Moon 64—I'm not sure what my next ones will be. A lot of the remaining stuff I really wanna get—like Snowboard Kids 1 and 2, as well as the Mystical Ninja games—are pretty goddamn pricey. And when it comes to stuff like Ogre Battle, forget about it. It goes for around $80, which is well beyond reason, so if it comes down to it, I may have to settle for the virtual console on that one.

Gaming / Re: is going to shut down on February 9th
« on: February 13, 2021, 03:03:07 AM »
Kinda wanted to take one last look at my first profile before the nuke, but I never got around to it. Too bad.

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