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Gaming / Re: Join me on my quest to play all Castlevania games
« on: February 16, 2019, 09:08:40 PM »
it sure was cool of that rando to stick around until the end

The Flood / Re: Lickitung in "Detective Pikachu"
« on: February 15, 2019, 09:18:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Lickitung in "Detective Pikachu"
« on: February 15, 2019, 07:36:58 PM »

my heart actually jumped

Gaming / Re: Join me on my quest to play all Castlevania games
« on: February 15, 2019, 11:25:09 AM »
i havent yet. i got to death and ran out of steam to continue so i gotta start over.

i can stream tonight if you want, what time works for you?
impressive, most people lose steam at frankenstein (yes i know he's actually just "the creature")

anywhere between 5 and 12 works for me

The Flood / Re: I am unstoppable
« on: February 15, 2019, 08:08:24 AM »
The point of the rule is to encourage anonymity. It isn't a Forum, and the less discussion on a person's identity, the more discussion there is on the subject that's supposed to be discussed. Trips and pics are okay if they're relevant, but in /lgbt/s case, it's just straight up shitposting and the quality of the board would increase ten fold with the garbage tripfags and avatar whores gone.
i don't care

Gaming / Re: Join me on my quest to play all Castlevania games
« on: February 15, 2019, 07:42:48 AM »
I'll also be uploading the playthroughs to YouTube if that sort of thing interests you.
hmu whenever you do this, or if you have already

wanted to catch the stream but i had shit to do

The Flood / Re: I am unstoppable
« on: February 15, 2019, 07:40:16 AM »
there's nothing wrong with avatarposting and it's stupid that there's a rule against it

but we're talking about the worst website on the internet

Gaming / Re: SL1 bros
« on: February 15, 2019, 06:44:27 AM »
so because you're new, you should be using firebombs because it's really stupid not to, unless it's part of the challenge

Gaming / Re: SL1 bros
« on: February 15, 2019, 04:08:55 AM »
smart people who understand how to play

Gaming / Re: SL1 bros
« on: February 15, 2019, 03:19:08 AM »
did you ban items like firebombs and stuff

The Flood / Re: Happy Valentine's day, my lovelies. <3
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:16:49 AM »
probably the worst holiday ever conceived

The Flood / Re: What is a flickering flame?
« on: February 14, 2019, 11:13:36 AM »
yes, the universe is both three of those things

both of them

The Flood / Re: Weird music taste you have?
« on: February 14, 2019, 08:21:17 AM »
My favorite artists and bands:

David Bowie


Pink Floyd

King Crimson
you don't think any of these qualify as "weird" do you

The Flood / Re: Weird music taste you have?
« on: February 13, 2019, 01:12:03 AM »
i love abrasive and noisy experimental rock music that isn't metal and doesn't involve screaming or growling, but has enough energy and power to make you feel like a god while listening to it

not that i dislike metal, i just prefer noise rock or post-rock

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 12, 2019, 03:28:42 PM »
why haven't we played yet
Yeah idk really. You up for playing at some point today before 7?
sure, i can play around 5ish

The Flood / Re: Aladdin Trailer
« on: February 12, 2019, 02:21:36 PM »
we did it

we made the worst thing, ever

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 12, 2019, 11:01:32 AM »

What presentation?
it's for a senior level shakespeare course, there's only 12 students and the professor is pretty chill

my preselected subject is Ben Jonson, a playwright who popularized humor comedies

i'm also the last presentation of the semester so i think a good jape would be welcome so long as it's not obtrusive

The Flood / so the powerpoint presentation i signed up for is on april 1st
« on: February 11, 2019, 11:00:01 AM »
give me epic prank ideas to prank my class with

Good, fuck donuts, it's a garbage food.
i can't think of a non-garbage food

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 10, 2019, 09:24:14 PM »
I just need to give up on trying to get into Elite smash.
I've been as high as 3.6 million GSP as Dark Samus and not gotten in and in all this time I have not enjoy a single matchmaking game. Even in cases where I've 3 stocked people I still wanted to put my Switch in the microwave afterward. There has to be a better way than this.
i'd just join lounges if you want to enjoy games, quickplay is a fucking joke

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 10, 2019, 04:51:27 AM »
Went back to play Smash 4 for a little bit and the game is so slow compared to Ultimate like holy shit, the difference is night and day.

It's astonishing how much better and fluid Ultimate is.
it's a little sad really, smash 4 is the only game in the series that is pretty much completely obsolete

it offers basically nothing that the others don't already have, unless you like smash tour i guess

whereas 64 offers charm and simplicity, melee offers the most technical gameplay, brawl offers SSE, and ultimate has every character in the series on top of having all around solid gameplay

smash 4 has a shitty stage builder and infinite degenerate air dodges

The Flood / Re: Verb... Is this you
« on: February 08, 2019, 09:52:37 PM »
there are DOZENS of us

people are obviously gonna treat this guy and stories like this as something to gawk, laugh at, then summarily dismiss and move on from, but i choose to look at this sort of thing as a beacon of hope for rationality in the world

especially when this is taking place in fucking INDIA of all places

who knows, maybe 1 in 1000 people will have some sort of intellectual "awakening" from things like this

his parents seem to have a pretty based attitude about it, too, judging from their quotes in the article

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 08, 2019, 08:58:56 PM »
but if you're at too high % to either tech or mash out, then just Don't Get Hit™
That's some real Bayonetta sounding bullshit right there.
you're not fighting bayonetta, though, so it's legitimate advice even if it sounds dismissive

if DK is able to grab you at all as samus, it could mean that you're not zoning him out hard enough, but it's hard to know for sure without a vod

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 08, 2019, 04:34:35 PM »

How the fuck do you get out of Donkey Kong's Stage spike. I just lost to the most garbage player ive ever seen due to that shit and I feel like stabbing a child in the face because of it.
learn to tech

on top of that, i think the most optimal way to mash out of grabs is to spin the stick in circles as opposed to mashing buttons, works for me at least

but if you're at too high % to either tech or mash out, then just Don't Get Hit™

The Flood / Re: Any last words?
« on: February 08, 2019, 09:36:06 AM »
i don't want to die in any particular way, but i'd prefer that the events leading up to the cessation of my consciousness to be as painless and quiet and as frankly boring as possible

hopefully my philosophical treatise outlives me, so my last words will be wherever you choose to stop reading it; the last words i use in this body aren't really important

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:59:14 AM »
It's not just the recovery though, it happens in other situations as well. Say you block facing left while your opponent is to your right. You drop the block, move the directional stick to face towards the right, and hit the grab button or attack right after. It happens quite often that the turnaround input just doesn't get picked up and that I end up doing the attack or grab while still facing the wrong way even though I already moved the direction stick.
yeah, imo you should just condition yourself to perform the grab later than you think you need to; after testing, i was able to successfully do what you're trying to do 44 times out of 50 clean (uninterrupted) attempts, during online matches, with the 6 failures boiling down to me being sloppy

in this game, you must wait 11 frames before you can act out of dropping your shield (which obviously increases if your shield was hit at any point, which is called shieldstun), and you only have a handful of options if you want to act out of shield instantly

rolling and sidestepping (or spot-dodging) are your two regular out-of-shield (OoS) options, and you've no doubt familiarized yourself with these tools

you can also grab oos, but this option was nerfed to the point of being rather shitty in this game, and doing so too often, or in less than opportune scenarios, will often produce undesirable results—pretty much only use this if you blocked an attack with a lot of endlag, and they happen to be in point-blank range

jumps and short hops can be performed OoS, as well, which is my favorite option, because it gives almost every character a universal "get off me" move—after blocking an aerial, for example, you can perform a SHFF nair OoS (short hop fast-fall neutral air out of shield) with characters such as link and jigglypuff, since these two characters have nairs with long-lasting hitboxes, and tend to be one of your faster offensive oos options as well

lastly, up smashes can be done oos (they previously had to be jump-cancelled, but it's no longer necessary), as well as your up+b—which is particularly useful for you as Link, because the spin attack has a lot of knockback and comes out rather quickly, making it a powerful "get off me" tool

the up+b oos input must be tapped, though—to perform one successfully, the stick must be flicked with the B-press simultaneously; keeping it tilted as you would normally will yield nothing

You also sometimes see it if you want to quickly turn around in midair, let go off the stick again and then do a neutral air attack, but the input seems to linger long enough so that it still registers as a back air.
i do get this sometimes, but i tend to chalk it up more to personal error than anything else

fortunately, my character's nair, fair, and even bair to a certain extent are kinda interchangeable in the sense that she doesn't really mind which one she's hitting you with, as they all lead to advantageous states and have similar purposes

link's aerials are all highly specialized though so i can see that being a pain in the ass

is cum vegan?
obviously, if it was extracted consensually

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 06, 2019, 01:54:06 AM »
I've been considering it.  I've been trying to find a second character to deal with rushdowns because they fuck my Samus sideways. How's puff against rushers?
i struggle fighting spacies honestly, but little mac is puff food considering they're polar opposite characters, and puff can gimp anyone with a bad recovery rather effortlessly

just don't fight him straight up, get comfortable with the idea of camping and ban FD

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 05, 2019, 10:54:20 PM »
or you could both just play puff and never have to worry about doing recovery up+Bs at all

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