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The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: February 28, 2019, 02:26:45 AM »
It's not fucking real.
You can have the fetish and be trans
you seem to be going back and forth between these two statements in this post

i'm pretty sure you can only choose one of them
AGP isn't real (AGP as a gender orientation) but the feminization fetish is real

whats so hard there
absolutely nothing (for me)

it's you who seems to be having some trouble here, but that's not surprising

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield for Nintendo Switch revealed
« on: February 27, 2019, 03:06:19 PM »
Think we will be able to change our character's outfit?

I hope so, I don't like the male trainer's hat, or the fact that his jeans don't cover his ankles. Might actually go with the girl this time if we can't change clothes.
absolutely guaranteed

most people who care about that sort of thing go with the girl anyway since she always has more clothing options

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield for Nintendo Switch revealed
« on: February 27, 2019, 02:24:33 PM »
all the bandages on scorbunny are making me think it's gonna be another fire/fighting-type

which would be HILARIOUS

Gaming / Re: Pokémon announcement in about an hour
« on: February 27, 2019, 02:08:52 PM »
- for the past seven generations, i've always coincidentally chosen the latter game in the pairing (blue, silver, sapphire, pearl, white, Y, and moon), but because i enjoy the sword motif more, there's a chance that i'll actually end up breaking this pattern and picking the former game in the pair instead—however, i'd also rather my choice be informed by the exclusives in each game, so i may end up picking shield in the end, but sword is what i'm currently leaning on

- the starters are all bad, but i've pretty much made my decision on which one i'll be picking—it's common for me to choose the grass-type, but because i'm sick and tired of monkey-based 'mons, and grookey seems to just be a pansage 2.0, that leaves me somewhere between sobble and scorbunny (both of those names are awful)—and between those two, i think i'll wind up choosing scorbunny, mostly because i've only ever chosen the fire-type in one other generation, and also because i have this feeling in my gut that he's going to evolve into something cool—so, flame chungus it is

- i'm kinda disappointed that they seem to be going back to the old formula, since gen 7 dared to dive into some uncommon territory, but i can't say it doesn't make sense—i just wish i could be more excited than i currently am

- since the switch allows for multiple accounts, as any modern console should, this should be the first (real) games in the series that will allow us to have multiple saves, which is a big deal for me and something i've always wanted ever since i became a fan

since we're going back to gyms, though, here's a mildly interesting chart:
Water    |||||
Electric |||||
Rock     ||||
Grass    ||||
Normal   ||||
Fighting ||||
Ice      ||||
Psychic  |||
Fire     |||
Flying   |||
Bug      |||
Poison   ||
Ground   ||
Ghost    ||
Steel    ||
Dragon   ||
Various  |
Fairy    |

this illustrates type representation for every gym in the first six generations

i don't wanna see ANY electric-type gyms or water-type gyms in this game unless they do something very special

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:57:23 PM »
it's kind of just the nature of an unforeseen cost, i find
In your experience or in general?
in general, unless you're one of the lucky ones and have disposable income
It's strange to think of people with disposable income as particularly lucky in a developed country.
it's sad, i don't know about strange

The Flood / Re: Carmen's 4chan saga
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:02:29 PM »
It's not fucking real.
You can have the fetish and be trans
you seem to be going back and forth between these two statements in this post

i'm pretty sure you can only choose one of them

Gaming / Re: Pokémon announcement in about an hour
« on: February 27, 2019, 09:00:37 AM »
i don't like any of the starters tbh

region looks nice though

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 26, 2019, 07:12:27 PM »
I've been working for almost seven moths and still struggle paycheck to paycheck, and that's with my mom also working full-time. Like when I hit the deer that $250 really set me back. And I'm not frivolous with my money either. Over one paycheck alone goes strictly to bills, the rest goes to gas or groceries, like water and ground turkey. I consider myself lucky that my SUV was totaled, otherwise that $500 repair cost would have fucked me.
That seems cheap for the damage you took
My repair cost was $15OO and it was way less damaged than your’s
$15 is nothing

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 26, 2019, 07:11:52 PM »
it's kind of just the nature of an unforeseen cost, i find
In your experience or in general?
in general, unless you're one of the lucky ones and have disposable income

The Flood / Re: How many of you would struggle to pay for unforseen costs?
« on: February 26, 2019, 05:04:14 PM »
it's kind of just the nature of an unforeseen cost, i find

The Flood / Re: I've trained my slave to be a dominant beast
« on: February 24, 2019, 04:39:19 AM »
the good news about this post is that it could be bannable

The Flood / Re: Replika
« on: February 23, 2019, 05:38:31 PM »
class do you still fall for the nose steal trick parents do, honest question
i always thought of that as more of an uncle thing

The Flood / Re: 1995 albums
« on: February 23, 2019, 02:36:21 PM »
Skip the rest, listen to this and call it a day. Eat shit also.
help me understand what i'm supposed to be listening for when it comes to this style of music

what separates the good extreme metal albums from the bad ones

because to me they mostly blend together and i could theoretically enjoy any of them if i were in the right mood, but i would never really be able to tell you if what i'm listening to is "good" beyond my own limited standards and sensibilities

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck do you people still post here?
« on: February 23, 2019, 12:35:48 PM »
Kill yourself

there's no mental gymnastics you can do to get out of it
it's a good thing they're not necessary, then

you're being informed that autonomy in mobility is a vast advantage in all walks of life
it, objectively, is not

because in order to attain "autonomy in mobility" (i wish i could crack your skull open) you MUST be an idiot

it is a requirement, and one that i don't come close to meeting

these are the benefits of not driving
they're vastly overshadowed by the benefits of driving


these are the benefits of not driving

The Flood / Re: Replika
« on: February 22, 2019, 04:44:39 AM »
John the spoiler tag



Crazy how pixels are immoral
there are a billion arguments for why class is wrong and stupid for this thread, and you managed to find the one that makes no sense at all

kill someone and then justify it by saying "wow crazy how atoms are immoral"

what the fuck does that even mean

The Flood / Re: what the fuck
« on: February 21, 2019, 09:08:41 PM »
he just added me on switch at complete random the other day

didn't you hate undertale

you know, an entire game about questioning the average player's tendency to mindlessly kill things in video games strictly for personal gain, with no regard for the implications or consequences of such wanton murder

you even insisted on playing genocide first because you hated and wanted to kill every single innocent character in the game, simply for being annoying or whatever, even though that specific route is intentionally designed to be an empty and soul-crushing experience in order to make a point about the viability of finding non-violent solutions to your problems (which wind up making everyone happier in the end)

i get that there's this understanding that AI is too simple right now for it to matter to you, but i just would've thought you would've appreciated a game with a message like that in the first place, regardless of how simple its AI is

Serious / Re: BERNIE
« on: February 19, 2019, 10:52:34 AM »
hes not that much older than hillary, biden or trump for that matter. he just looks a lot older.
biden may be old as fuck too but i don't necessarily care if he dies

trump was 70 when he was inaugurated, making him the oldest ever

assuming bernie were to be elected, he will be 79 during his inauguration

it's just scary, i wish some young buck would step up to the plate and be a bernie sanders jr. or something

Serious / Re: BERNIE
« on: February 19, 2019, 08:35:33 AM »
it's hard to feel that great about it when the constant looming fear of him dying in office (or during the campaign) is so apparent

he has my vote of course but i mean yeah i'm just kinda scared is all

Gaming / Re: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) | In-progress
« on: February 18, 2019, 09:23:42 PM »
passwords? hell yeah. that makes it easier. is CV3 like that as well?

let me know what times work for you if you want to catch the streams.
cv3 does indeed have passwords

any time after 5 on week days should work out for me, and for weekends i should be free all the time (and my weekend begins on thursday)

i propose that we don't look anything up and only consult each other if we get stuck, because i think the game's cryptic nature is something that needs to be experienced firsthand, at least until we're both absolutely desperate

there's conspiracy theories about the game being specifically designed to sell copies of nintendo power back in the day

there's one or two ultra cryptic things that i know the solution for offhand due to cultural osmosis so i'll try to hold my tongue on those

assuming if it's not a hassle, you could even add a text overlay saying "NO HINTS" so that the viewers don't try to help unless you specifically want it

Gaming / Re: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) | In-progress
« on: February 18, 2019, 10:53:58 AM »
i'll try to play along with you but this is a slightly busy school week so i'll probably end up lagging behind a bit

which isn't a big deal because i've played a decent amount of this game anyway, but yeah

the good news is that the game uses passwords, so progressing won't be as much of an issue this time

The Flood / Re: Aladdin Trailer
« on: February 18, 2019, 08:58:01 AM »
why is this so bad?
because it looks fucking atrocious, first of all

the casting is bad enough--jafar is notorious for being this intimidating and ham-fistedly evil fuck, super over the top, and he's one of the most iconic disney villains of all time because of it--so it doesn't make sense to cast him as this soft-spoken milquetoast motherfucker saying "bring me the lamp" with that soft and wet blanket-ass voice of his, like he's politely requesting the lamp, rather than coldly demanding it like jafar actually would

does that single bit from one scene mean the movie is guaranteed to be a piece of shit? no, but this is a TRAILER for the movie, so they specifically chose scenes that would get people excited to see the movie, and if that's the best they have, then that doesn't really bode well for the rest of the film (especially given their track record so far)

casting will smith as the genie was bad enough, but the special effect they used is genuinely one of the most laughably horrific things i've ever seen in my entire life, and i'm trying my hardest not to exaggerate--it's fucking baaaaaad, bad bad bad, especially given that there are movies made in the 60s that have more convincing special effects

second, there's no reason to remake a movie that's already good

not only that, there's no reason to remake a movie that's timeless and will probably remain good for the rest of time

these movies are soulless cash-grabs and everyone knows it, but it would be so much less offensive if they actually pretended to give a singular shit

and the beauty and the beast remake was trash

The Flood / Re: 1995 albums
« on: February 18, 2019, 02:35:16 AM »

Trisha Yearwood - Thinkin' About You
5th album

Nothing special, especially compared to the Shania Twain album that I previously covered.


No Use for a Name - ¡Leche Con Carne!
Melodic hardcore
3rd album

I'm not normally one for this group's particular brand of punk music—but this record was made a little earlier in their career, when their sound was much more aggressive and biting while still maintaining elements of accessibility through its sense of melody, as well as their general ethos. I'm not in love with it, but it must be one of the last half-decent punk albums ever made, given the genre's ultimate shift towards something much more difficult to stomach in the mid '90s.


Blink-182 - Cheshire Cat
Pop punk
Debut album

SPEAKING OF, one of the punk coffin's biggest nail-pushers was none other than Blink-182—which is not to say that I particularly hate this band, or anything. I mean, sure—the vocals are incessant and whiny, and all of their songs sound exactly the same, but on this record at least, I think they successfully managed to bring a lot of color and personality to the table, which you could argue a lot of their contemporaries lacked a bit. The dumb little skits and gags that occur here and there throughout the album do bring in some humor, even if it's goofy and childish, because the refusal to grow up has kinda always been one of the core themes of Blink-182's music, and I think they own it quite well.

It's also worth noting that the album was made on a tight-ass budget, and I'm always impressed whenever an artist is able to create a finished project under dire straits like that. It's kinda inspiring.


Tricky - Maxinquaye
Trip hop
Debut album

All right, this one's gonna be tough. This guy made music with Massive Attack back in the day before embarking on a solo career where he dropped this weird-ass album for his debut.

Considered by several publications to be one of the best albums of 1995, if not the best (Robert Christgau gave it an A+, for Christ's sake), it's a record that is commonly cited to be the birthplace of the trip hop genre, which blends the wooziest and most down-tempo elements of hip hop and electronic music to create a "trippy" sound. This album in particular also throws in some ambient, jazz, rock, and even a little bit of reggae in there, as well, so it's quite the eclectic and experimental work of art.

The effect created by Tricky's production, in collaboration with Mark Saunders, is a distinctly druggy and heavily disorienting sound that makes you feel lost in a sedative haze. Tricky has a very interesting voice and vocal style on his own, but the lovely singer-songwriter Martina Topley-Bird is prominently featured, as well. They'll often trade places between leading and backing, and they complement each other rather nicely while maintaining the record's unevenness and off-kilter nature.

I like this album quite a bit, but as far as it being one of the best albums of 1995, I don't know if I personally share that enthusiasm. It has remarkable moments, but it also has its weaker points, and not all of its songs are as well-produced or as interesting as its best tracks, making it uneven not only in sound or concept, but also in overall quality.

The album does seem to be rich with themes from a lyrical standpoint, however, and admittedly, I haven't really looked into the meaning behind the lyrics just yet. I'll give this one a few extra listens because of it, and it may turn out later on that it's grown on me more. The potential is there for this to be my favorite album of February '95, but I personally don't see it ending up on my final list when I'm all finished with this project.


DJ Quik - Safe + Sound
Hip hop
3rd album

A solid album. Compton spitter DJ Quik raps good and produces all his own beats, which I have a lot of respect for, especially when all the beats end up nice. If you don't like G-funk, though, look elsewhere, since Quik is one of the guys who pioneered that sound. He's also a dirty rapper like Too Short (some of the first words on the album: "All I give a fuck about is music and sex"), so if that's not something you can stomach, I'd pass this one up, too.

I wouldn't blame you, since that's not something I can stomach, either. I gave Too Short's album a 5/10 for being too hung down in that degenerate-ass shit. It just got tedious after awhile. But on Safe + Sound, Quik's breadth of subject matter is marginally wider, and there are only three or four songs out of the seventeen available that focus on the grossest details of his sexual excursions. Even on those songs, it's hard to deny Quik's talent as a lyricist and MC. His flows are on point, and there's a track on here where the chorus goes, "if it don't make dollars, it don't make sense"—even if you don't agree with that sentiment, you have to admit that's a pretty clever line.

The only part of the album that I fucking hate (and I've hated this particular moment more than anything else that I've covered so far) are the two counterpart tracks "Don't You Eat It!" and "Can I Eat it?" which both focus on the audacious and scholarly topic of cunnilingus. The former isn't actually a song; it's more of a skit that serves as a prelude to the latter track where a man (I don't know if it's Quik, or someone else) offers to go down on his partner while they're in bed or some shit (which gets rape-y as the female character says "no" three times, but he chooses to go down on her anyway). As this is happening, these audible and extremely over-the-top licking sounds can be heard, which is easily the most disgusting and uncomfortable shit I've ever heard on a hip hop album. The guy seems to notice that something is wrong, though, and he screams as a devilish voice is heard: "You dare put your lips in between hips? You don't know where that pussy's been! DON'T EAT THE COOCHIE!"

I'm not kidding. This is a thing that happens on the album. It's obviously played for laughs, and not supposed to be taken as seriously I'm choosing to take it. I'm just trying to express that I don't find any humor in this shit. It's embarrassing.

But anyway, with that dumbass shit aside, it's actually still a solid album, like I said before. It just has a few ridiculous moments, and you'll either find them hilarious or you'll absolutely hate them. To me, it's just music. I find them easy to overlook, given that the album is 60 minutes, and its worst songs are rather short. I don't know. Take it or leave it; I may enjoy the record overall, but I'm not gonna give it a strong recommendation, or anything. Just for those of you who don't get easily offended by stupid hip hop lyrics.

Here's one of the better tracks to give you a sense of what you're getting:



Coming up next, we have some records by Energy Orchard, Atari Teenage Riot, PJ Harvey, Mike Watt, and Adina Howard.

Technically, I'm also supposed to listen to an album called Cerebral Caustic by the Fall, but because of the way I listen to music, I think I'm gonna put that record off for now. The Fall's discography is gargantuan, and I don't really feel like putting myself through it at this time.

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