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Messages - Verbatim

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The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 15, 2019, 02:51:40 PM »
just had throes of pain bad enough to leave work a couple hours early and tremble in my bed for those two hours instead

i wonder if the pain is really as bad as i think, or if i'm just a baby

whatever the case, somehow, my dogs knew to leave me the fuck alone when i got home

i love my dogs

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 15, 2019, 09:54:26 AM »
Dont wanna be that guy, but do you know anyone that can supply you with weed? Preferably butter, put that shit into brownies and itll seriously help with the pain.
100% out of the question outside of a prescription

Serious / Re: New Zealand Mass Shooting
« on: March 15, 2019, 09:22:33 AM »
Now it's a terrorist attack when it's reversed.
Well by definition its an act of terror, so anyone of any creed or religion that does this is considered a terrorist in my book
genghis khan is not an account to be taken seriously

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 15, 2019, 08:24:40 AM »
one thing i neglected to mention during my initial visit to the hospital is that they found several cysts all over my kidneys, and they also found one in my prostate

it's actually normal to have maybe one or two cysts on your kidneys, and prostatic cysts are common as well, it's not really a big deal

the problem is that i have several, and the one on my prostate is as big as a fucking golf ball

so i'm seeing a nephrologist for that, because while cysts are rarely malignant, the fact that i have so large and so many of them is very concerning (they never once mentioned cancer during my prognosis, but i have a hunch that it's only because they don't want me to get scared—having kidney stones is a symptom of renal cancer)

during this visit i will have (another) CAT scan that will actually take contrast (color) images this time, so i'll be able to know for sure what these things are doing to me, and whether i should be more worried for them than i am about my kidney stones

i just have one question about that: why the FUCK did they not just take contrast images in the first place? i didn't ask them because i didn't want to seem like a pedantic or insolent smart-ass or whatever, but goddamn that bugged the shit out of me

so anyway, back to the kidney stones

it turns out that if i don't pass them by the 22nd, they're gonna shove a rod up my cock and blast it themselves—it's a process they put you in anesthesia for, but it seems lately that all my biggest nightmares have been coming true (get your dick out, solonoid)

right now, i am experiencing some pretty intense pain in my groin (to where i cannot sit still or do anything besides wait for it to end), and i'm not allowed to take any painkillers containing aspirin on any of the seven days before my scheduled surgery—that mean no ibuprofen—i can take my hydrocodone, which is supposed to be my "good" drug, but i'm only allowed to have one pill every 24 hours

well i took it an hour ago and it hasn't done shit so i guess i'm just fucked for the day

for perspective i started typing this message an hour and 45 minutes ago

i'm also allowed to take tylenol, but it says on the bottle to not take it with drugs that have acetaminophen, which hydrocodone does

The Flood / Re: Abuse of Rights clauses, yes or no?
« on: March 15, 2019, 08:04:42 AM »
how am i supposed to rally for 2A repeal now
The US Constitution does not have an abuse of rights clause so go right ahead. The country is also the sole outlier in considering gun ownership a human right as opposed to the universally accepted ones of privacy, speech, fair trial, equal treatment, assembly and such, so all the more reason to go for it.
oh i know i was speaking hypothetically

The Flood / Re: New trailer for Avengers: Endgame
« on: March 15, 2019, 12:31:28 AM »
well gee billy

is that dragon tattoo song original or a remix? it sounds familiar
it's actually a cover of immigrant song by led zeppelin with Karen O on vocals


excellent movie, better than the original i think

The Flood / Re: Abuse of Rights clauses, yes or no?
« on: March 14, 2019, 10:57:12 PM »
how am i supposed to rally for 2A repeal now

yeah that shit is pretty passé

The Flood / Re: New trailer for Avengers: Endgame
« on: March 14, 2019, 04:18:51 PM »
glad to see my boy hawkeye's back

that trailer seemed like a whole lot of nothing, but that's just how i like them
I feel like at this point they know what theyre doing, making us excited but not giving an inch, every reason to spend dosh on that over priced movie ticket.

Not like video game trailers, give the whole fucking game away please.
you like kingdom hearts right

how's kh3 treating you

The Flood / Re: New trailer for Avengers: Endgame
« on: March 14, 2019, 01:59:27 PM »
glad to see my boy hawkeye's back

that trailer seemed like a whole lot of nothing, but that's just how i like them

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield for Nintendo Switch revealed
« on: March 14, 2019, 01:42:00 PM »
Was bored

Generation I
Generation II
Generation III
Generation IV
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII

The Flood / Re: me last year VS. me now
« on: March 14, 2019, 11:51:31 AM »
why hide your face like we haven't seen it before

The Flood / Re: do you guys feel like doing one of these?
« on: March 14, 2019, 10:51:44 AM »
there is no point
you could just, you know... not post in the thread if you're not interested in it.
you know, i've been posting in forums for well over 10 years, but thanks to you, i'm still learning new things

Mate pikachu can be pretty thicc if you look on the right websites
maybe the second amendment isn't so bad after all

The Flood / Re: do you guys feel like doing one of these?
« on: March 14, 2019, 06:54:15 AM »
there is no point

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 13, 2019, 08:51:06 PM »
there's also shockwave therapy where they use a fancy machine to break the stone externally using sound waves or some shit, but that is also reserved for medium-sized stones and would be very expensive

passing it manually is painful but free

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 13, 2019, 08:46:12 PM »
Is there not like a penis plunger that can help succ the stones out?

there's something called laser lithotripsy which was previously alluded to, but it's only performed on patients where the stone is larger than 5mm and would thus be extremely damaging (or outright impossible) to pass

since it involves shoving a device up your urethra, i'm pretty happy it won't be necessary with me

The Flood / Re: your love life
« on: March 13, 2019, 10:58:21 AM »
not actively pursuing anything, don't really care that much

i made a female friend recently with whom i'm gauging interest, but i'd be 100% okay if we remained friends

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 12, 2019, 08:21:33 PM »
Get some protein in ya boy
i already get more than enough

apparently protein is why you might get stones in the first place

what i need is water

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 12, 2019, 09:45:30 AM »
I think I have it much worse than you. You don't know how hard it is to have this disease. Every day it's all I can think about, and I have to distract myself with TV, video games, social stuff (attention whoring), or drugs, or else I spiral and go crazy with depression and self-hate. Why don't you think it's helpful? Don't you notice a change in me at all? Why do you refuse to believe I couldn't have gained this newfound confidence sober? I really couldn't have.
i highly doubt that you have it "worse" (or "better") than me, but that wasn't really my point anyway, because it's not a contest and it's not productive to gatekeep people's suffering like that

you talk about having to do these things "or else you will" spiral and go crazy with depression and self-hate

you know, kinda like what i've been doing for the past 10 years? which you apparently haven't experienced yet

and guess what: STILL not doing drugs, STILL not an alcoholic

i'm not trying to boast about this or anything, just the opposite--it's not difficult for me in spite of my circumstances, so it shouldn't be difficult for anyone else, and i really don't care who you are

the only exceptions might be if you have fetal alcohol syndrome, or maybe were born an addict because your mother was a junkie, in which case i'd have to concede that you were literally fucked from the beginning

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 11, 2019, 12:51:12 AM »
i think my biggest fear right now is potentially getting addicted to these fucking opioids that i'm having to take

potentially an irrational fear, but i've never taken this many drugs in my life

i like to think i have the willpower to overcome anything but who knows

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 10, 2019, 11:05:59 PM »
I'm thinking now about how my grandmother got them in her 80s but no one else in my family was prone to them.

How likely is it the Kidney Stone Fairy is going to pay me an unfortunate visit?
i dunno, obviously you should see a doctor if you're genuinely concerned about it

all i know is that having it in the family doesn't decrease your chances

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 10, 2019, 10:50:20 PM »
A drug gave me the courage to do what I never ever would've done sober. Can you honestly still cling to your "all drugs are bad" viewpoint knowing this? Again - not trying to get on your nerves or anything, really just trying to see how your logical process works.
the problem is that you can't really know that

i like to think that if i, of all people, with all my neuroticisms and mental issues with severe depression, social anxiety, sweeping misanthropy, an intense hatred of 99% of shit in general to the point where i'm not even comfortable breathing or inhabiting my own skin (last night, when i was in pain, i spent some time contemplating my own heartbeat, and how much it disgusted me), can still abstain from almost all drug and alcohol use and still be in a position where i'm content enough with my existence to better myself (at my own pace), then i honestly believe in my heart of hearts that fucking anybody can

to claim otherwise, i think, would be to claim that i'm somehow special, or an inherently stronger person than average, and i just don't think that's the case (as flattering as that would be)

so honestly yeah, i still don't think your drug abuse is all that helpful—i'm sure believing so feels validating in some way, and i guess that's fine, and it's great that you have this newfound courage

i just refuse to believe that you never could've attained it sober, and i think you have a bit of confirmation bias going on

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 10, 2019, 10:42:57 PM »
This is evidence there's a God. I take back everything I said about this site needing to be shut down. As long as Verbatim reports on his pain to this website, it deserves to exist.
i still don't really know what's causing this vitriol towards me

pretty much everyone who's once disliked me has either gotten over it, or has decided i'm not so bad after all (whether they're right or not, it's what always happens)

the worst thing i could possibly have done to you is say something you dislike, either because it was mean, or simply because you disagreed with it

i think there's a case to be made for me "deserving" what i'm going through right now, but if i do, it's certainly not for whatever i've posted on the internet

i can say that i wouldn't wish what i'm currently going through on even my least favorite user of this website

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 10, 2019, 10:14:10 AM »
Oh my god Jacob I'm so sorry to hear this. My selfie thread is so fucking disrespectful now, I am so sorry for all this pain you're going through. My uncle had kidney stones but he led an awful life. I'm so sorry to make this about me, but I really don't want to be a victim to this. Is there anything you'd recommend to prevent getting them?
since your uncle has had them, unfortunately that does mean you're more likely

what you can do now is stay hydrated, lots of water, eight glasses a day is generally recommended

if you drink soda or other sugary drinks, quitting them entirely has myriad benefits on top of reduced stone risk

limit your intake of sodium, oxalates, and various savory meat products

just take care of yourself, watch your diet, keep it balanced, don't be too negligent—nothing fancy, and since this is all general basic health advice, you're gonna be preventing all sorts of shit and will probably feel great about it too

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 09, 2019, 07:14:39 PM »
Sorry to hear that. How big are they?
4.1mm, small enough to pass on my own

0.9mm bigger, and surgery would likely take place instead, so i'm thankful for that

i mean they're both nightmare scenarios but i'd rather not be cut open to remove rocks from my groin

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 09, 2019, 04:39:47 PM »
my buddy had them because he ate a million salted crackers for lunch every day

you have a high sodium diet?
i think that would be a fair assessment

The Flood / Re: I have kidney stones
« on: March 09, 2019, 03:24:44 PM »
would it be a by product of a vegan diet or just random
in my case, it was hereditary; my dad has had them too

i wouldn't be surprised if my poor diet was a contributing factor, though

in spite of my veganism, i've never really been a paragon of healthy dietary choices—so i wouldn't pin it on being a vegan, i'd just pin it on me (somewhat—stones are kinda unpredictable, and it's considered unwise to pin it on any one thing)

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