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Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield for Nintendo Switch revealed
« on: May 17, 2019, 11:52:45 AM »
i know it's not exactly relevant but i finally bought ultra moon

i havent played pokemon since moon in 2016 and it feels good to play again

enjoy, gen 7 gets a bad rap for pretty dumb reasons imo

The Flood / Re: Hilda is probably the best show ever
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:12:56 PM »
ENOUGH with this fucking art style

The Flood / Re: 1995 albums
« on: May 15, 2019, 12:03:34 PM »

Silverchair - Frogstomp
Debut album

Considering this album was made by a group of 15 year olds, it's definitely not bad, but I'm not the type to give bonus points for that. It's still super derivative and kinda boring to listen to in 2019. I really like the cover and title, though.

Also, I legitimately thought for the longest time that "Tomorrow" was a fucking Pearl Jam song. It's not.



Red House Painters - Ocean Beach
Fourth album

A bit of a disappointment compared to their previous work. I would recommend you listen to their first self-titled album instead. Or just listen to Mark Kozelek's current project, Sun Kil Moon.


Smog - Wild Love
Fourth album

Bill Callahan makes some pretty interesting music, to say the least. I wouldn't say that I love this record, but he experiments with just enough weird shit for me to feel not only intrigued by it, but I respect it enough to give it a relatively higher score. It's just very hard to recommend or even describe because of all its eccentricities.

Give a listen and judge for yourself.



Wilco - A.M.
Country rock
Debut album

I know people like Wilco and he seems pretty popular, but I assume it's because of his latter discography, because his first album wasn't doing shit for me. I was bored the whole way through.


Soul for Real - Candy Rain
Debut album

It's okay, I guess. Not really my genre.


Just seven more albums from the following artists before I can put March in the books:

Faith No More
Big L
Juliana Hatfield
Ol' Dirty Bastard
Skid Row
Suddenly, Tammy!

Wikipedia also lists an Our Lady Peace album called Naveed, but when I check its specific article, it says that it came out in 1994. AllMusic considers it a 1995 release. Discogs considers it a 1994 release. So, I dunno who to trust on that one. I think I'll just opt to not listen to it, if only to have less shit on my plate, and call it good. Not a huge deal.

The Flood / Re: Any plans for the Summer?
« on: May 14, 2019, 12:06:44 AM »
see if i can't finish my novel by the end of august

The Flood / Re: My girlfriend left me for for like 3 other people
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:41:09 PM »

The Flood / Re: My girlfriend left me for for like 3 other people
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:36:53 PM »
why shoe0nhead

The Flood / Re: My girlfriend left me for for like 3 other people
« on: May 13, 2019, 11:34:45 PM »
how did you find this place

Gaming / Re: What fighting games have you played?
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:35:43 PM »
Been playing fighting games all my life, really.

My first fighting game was probably the SNES version of Killer Instinct back when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I sucked horribly at it, but since it's such a mash-friendly game, what with its crazy autocombo system, it made it super fun and easy for me to get into the genre, and the awesome characters, music, and graphics sure helped a lot. Sabrewulf was my guy, since he was cool and was the first character I could consistently perform extended combos with, and I dabbled with Spinal a couple times after watching my dad beat Eyedol with him, but once I really started getting good at the game, I picked up Cinder and never went back. So much fun. I'll still pop it in every now and then to this day.

Around the same time, my uncle had a Sega Saturn, where I would play games like Battle Arena Toshinden Remix, Virtua Fighter II, and Virtua Fighter Kids.

Battle Arena Toshinden is pretty shitty by modern standards, but it could be looked upon as the spiritual predecessor of the Soul Calibur franchise, which I briefly got into in my teens. I had fun with it, but it's pretty anime and the physics and engine feel like ass today. Would not recommend.

Virtua Fighter II was my first Virtua Fighter, and I thought it was pretty awesome. This was before the games started getting extremely technical, and everyone jumped like they were on the moon. I liked playing Akira and Lion. Virtua Fighter Kids is the same game, except the characters were replaced with chibi versions of themselves. Kind of weird to look at as an adult, but this is the version I played the most as a kid.

I played a lot of Mortal Kombat games, but only at a friend's house, since MK was the only fighting game that he liked. I kinda hated it, not only because he was way better at the games than me, but also because I just wasn't a fan of the gratuitous violence. Just never really found it all that entertaining, and that mentality more or less carried into my adulthood (though I tolerate that kind of stuff a lot more now, I still find it stupid, and misses the point of what makes fighting games fun).

I only have vague memories of playing Virtua Fighter IV Evolution, but I remember it being fucking sick. Definitely my favorite in that series. V is cool, too.

Super Smash Bros. is a series I have a VERY long history with, but I barely consider them to be fighting games in the traditional sense, so I don't know how much I should get into them here. Basically, I adore every single game in the series (except Brawl and Smash 4) and Melee in particular is a game I would make passionate love to if I could.

SoulCalbur II is a lot of fun. I remember playing the story mode for days with my boy Raphael. I wanted to get the version where you could play as Link, but understandably, he was only the guest character of the GameCube version, which I never bothered to get into way after I stopped caring so much about SC. I had the PS2 version instead, where the guest character was Heihachi from Tekken. I never really got into Tekken, but I still own every Tekken game for some reason.

My first foray into Street Fighter was the Anniversary Collection for PS2, which had every single version of Street Fighter II (at the time), as well as Street Fighter III: Third Strike, which currently stands as my favorite fighting game of all time. I love this game to bits, even though I can't play it for shit. I just think it's beautiful in every way.

Sonic Gems has Sonic the Fighters in it, which is pretty dope for what it is.

PS1 had this really cool 3D fighter called Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring which featured a handful of Final Fantasy VII characters as guests + had a bonus dungeon crawler mode which probably wasn't very good, but I still enjoyed it.

Street Fighter IV was the first fighting game that I took seriously and wanted to get good at, because I had finally found friends on the Internet who wanted to play it with me. Lots of memories of this one. I followed all the big tournaments and had my favorite top players. It gets a bad rap, but I think the game deserves more praise for basically reviving the entire genre of fighting games and making them cool again with the advent of high speed Internet streaming and whatnot.

Street Fighter x Tekken was an embarrasing mess that I'm sad I paid money for.

Street Fighter V is the last traditional fighting game I got into. Sadly, it's not great. I tried my VERY best to love the game, but the game is simply unlovable. It has lovable aspects, and it had a lot of potential, but Capcom is basically the worst company ever and I hate them so much for refusing to fix this hot mess.

Never got into any gay anime fighters because they suck and are gay.
Never got into Marvel vs. Capcom, because I prefer to actually know what's going on during fights.
Never got into Injustice because it's ass.
Never got into the new Killer Instinct because fuck Xbox.
Never got into Skullgirls because it's trash.
Never got into King of Fighters which I kinda regret, it looks cool, but there's so many games.
Never got into DoA for obvious reasons.
Never really gave a shit about Street Fighter Alpha, I only like the main series.
Pokkén was a huge disappointment; I wanted it to be a 2D fighter.
PlayStation All Stars was a joke.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones Episodes 5 and 6
« on: May 13, 2019, 01:37:15 PM »
seems like a good time to not be a GoT fan

you should change your name to Curiosity

Get a fucking grip you miserable piece of shit. You're probably the most immoral person here. Fuck you.
why are you coloring your posts even in this PM

The Flood / Re: 1995 albums
« on: May 11, 2019, 11:51:07 PM »
You just activated a trap card on yourself:
Tupac, an overrated rapper released his third album in 1995.

You'll have to endure listening to 3 hours, 5 minutes and 9 seconds of "thug bullshit".

You'll have my salute once it's all over.
yeah, i covered that one already

i do agree that he's overrated, but i still gave that record a 7/10

frankly i don't know why anyone cares about their gender to begin with
That's why it's called "Comfortable In Skin"

you can't really understand why some people are uncomfortable if you never have been
i'm honestly pretty far from being comfortable in my own skin, but for unrelated reasons that have more to do with my disgust for humans in general

i don't enjoy being a male human—i actually have a chronic and preoccupying hatred for it—but that's not to say i'd rather be anything else

so i feel as though i'm in a state where i completely understand, yet i don't understand at all, which is very weird

frankly i don't know why anyone cares about their gender to begin with

Hold the fucking phone


The Flood / Re: Join my new server! We host fun events!
« on: May 11, 2019, 10:03:00 AM »
i need to find a place where excess negativity IS welcome
excessive anything is unhealthy, negative or "positive"
seems excessive

The Flood / Re: Join my new server! We host fun events!
« on: May 11, 2019, 09:59:02 AM »
i need to find a place where excess negativity IS welcome

The Flood / Re: You are now starring in a porno.
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:42:53 AM »
Thor: Ragnarok

coin flip between me as thor fucking my sister, or being fucked by a muscular green chad

or some combination

But why?

Why do they have to produce all this live action dribble...looks shit
Well at least live action Hunch Back of Notre Dame is out of the question.
they already made one and it's excellent

complete and utter nightmare

The Flood / Re: 1995 albums
« on: May 10, 2019, 11:38:33 AM »
Pretty weak batch this time. I wouldn't even bother if I were you.

This batch does come with a theme, however: Decent but unspecial alternative rock music with obnoxious vocalists. All five of these albums qualify.

Blessid Union of Souls - Home
Pop rock
Debut album

Some happy-pappy soul-infused rock music with solid instrumentation and respectable playing, but Eliot Sloan's vocals kinda grate on my ears a little bit. There's a couple cuts worth listening to here, but that just makes the record feel kinda bumpy and uneven.

My favorite track, "Would You Be There," has a pretty nice beat to it, even though it feels very out of place.



Railroad Jerk - One Track Mind
Indie rock
Third album

I think these guys had a lot of potential with their punk blues-infused indie rock sound, but none of their records ever really left a strong impression on me. It's like they never gave it their all. This record is no exception; it's a mixed bag in terms of quality, with some catchier cuts that show a lot of promise, color, and personality, but an equal amount of time is spent with tracks that just sound like the band is dicking around.

Its still their best album from what I've heard, though (and they only went on to make one more after this one).

Here's one of the better tracks. It's not outstanding, but it gives you a feel for their personality:



Death - Symbolic
Death metal
Sixth album

I'm not a death metal guy, but I respect Death. They basically invented the genre, as far as I'm aware, and the only reason it's a genre at all is because people started copying them. Even Sentenced, the Finnish death metal band I covered way back, remarked that the new direction they took on Amok came about as a result of not wanting to sound too much like Death.

That being said, there's a limit to how much I can enjoy this style of music. Death is known for taking their sound in slightly different directions with all of their releases, mostly from a lyrical or thematic standpoint, but by experimenting with things like melody and extremely technical playing.

Symbolic is the first album of Death's, in my opinion, that doesn't really push the band's sound much further in any particular direction. It feels more like a culmination of all the things they've learned so far, kinda like a final dungeon would in some medieval action RPG. That's cool for the fans and all, but personally, it kinda left me feeling a little bit cold, because their ability to remain consistent in spite of their ever-evolving style pretty much made up the entirety of their intrigue for me.

It can't be denied that Death is notoriously technical, but I did mention before how I don't really care about technical prowess in music that much. I don't listen to music to be impressed by someone's mad skills; I listen to it so I can feel things, and that's kinda the bottom line. I wound up feeling more things when I listened to Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy, both of which I'd consider stronger overall albums.

Oh, and in keeping with the theme, I simply cannot get behind Chuck Schuldiner's vocals. Death metal vocals in general have always been my biggest problem with the genre. It just comes across to me as a bad gimmick, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to take seriously the more albums I listen to from the more "extreme" subgenres.

I'm still going to give this record a
though, because like I said before—I do respect the music, and I definitely understand the appeal (more than I ever have before). It's not for me, but at the same time, I'm still able to see the merit it possesses in the minds of whom the music was created for. It's easier to enjoy than country music, I'll say that much.

Morphine - Yes
Jazz rock
Third album

This is an alternative rock band that employs a saxophonist, resulting in a refreshingly unique sound, but unfortunately, not a very memorable one. The only thing about this band that wound up sticking with me is Mark Sandman's dumb voice and silly lyrics. If not for them, this may have been a 7/10.


Headstones - Teeth and Tissue
Alternative rock
Sophomore album

Another spotty record that happens to possess all the general pros and cons that I've described for the records above:
- Uninspired, derivative, and amateurish, but still manages to hold your attention somehow
- Occasional brilliant flashes in the pan where the band comes through with a catchy riff or some other cool thing, only to shit the bed in the very next track with some boring-ass love song or something stupid
- An overall inconsistent mixed bag of quality
- Bad vocals all throughout, but with a ton of personality in spite of it

I'm trying not to sound like a broken record here, but this really wasn't the greatest selection.

This one might actually be a 5/10, the more I think about it, but I'll leave it as is for now.

Next up:

Silver Chair
Red House Painters
Soul for Real

Celine Dion has over ten albums in her pre-1995 back catalog, so I'll put hers aside for now (that's my new system).

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 03:23:30 PM »
just one guy

The Flood / Re: I've finally started it!
« on: May 09, 2019, 02:14:19 PM »
How did you come to that conclusion?
I mean, it's one thing to have your grievances with Carmen and then use her trans identity against her because of pre-existing problems (it's still not okay but it's understandable,) it's another to call someone a degenerate because they're using hormone suppliments.
it's banter

cheat said the exact same thing about solonoid, which was pointed out, and the sentiment is merely being echoed as a lighthearted jab

The Flood / Re: How good are your baking skills?
« on: May 09, 2019, 12:05:20 PM »
have not baked one thing

What do you mean? The dropdown works for me. "Read your messages" takes you to the inbox and "Send a message" takes you to writer/editor.
No when creating a new thread
Still works there for me. No idea what you're talking about.
he's talking about this shit

the drop-down menu itself works fine, but it doesn't do anything, in spite of it always being there

since there was no such feature on bungie.old, cheat had no reason to incorporate it into the site's design, but rather than just remove it, it just kinda hangs there vestigially, and it's a little awkward

i assume that it's hardcoded and impossible to remove, or it's a small enough detail that cheat doesn't care

The Flood / Re: Graduated
« on: May 05, 2019, 01:27:40 PM »
Congrats. What kind of degree? Master's?
he said AA

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: May 03, 2019, 12:43:11 PM »
I can think of a certain big name Disney movie coming out this December that could definitely use a second chief in charge *cough*cough*Star Wars*cough*.
Yeah, like Rian Johnson!

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: May 02, 2019, 11:57:11 AM »
Picked up Mega Man 64, Excitebike 64, and Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 a couple days ago.

I'm also very elated to have picked one of these up:

three versions of street fighter 2, although Super Turbo is the only one that matters as far as i'm concerned

(do not ask me what's being reflected off the monitor)

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 02, 2019, 11:26:15 AM »
how does he not like the stage builder wtf

i get that it's 95% memes for most people but mechanically it's pretty objectively the best one we've had

The Flood / Re: Avengers: Endgame
« on: May 01, 2019, 11:19:10 AM »
uhh nah

the movie was cool and all but im not interested in learning the backstories and events leading up to it
yeah, it's kinda a lot

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