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Messages - Verbatim

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« on: November 19, 2019, 03:37:33 PM »
Wait, you think my memes and shit posting comes from a place of hate??? How do you suppose that? I don’t post anything outta hate bro, I shit post cuz that’s all it is, shit posting and memes. Offensive memes because the world is fucked and offensive. Nobody, no matter their ideals, creed, politics or any other affiliation matter. The world is supremely fucked so what’s it matter?

Plus wtf did you forget all the times we chatted? Got dayum :(
if it doesn't matter, then why are you upset

even i know that there's a place for edgy humor, and that not everybody appreciates it

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 18, 2019, 11:18:09 PM »

Zekrom died for this.
at least you don't have to jump through flaming hoops to get steelix anymore

« on: November 18, 2019, 04:44:40 PM »
meanwhile, i was kicked for refusing to tolerate the presence of this cunt

look who was right

« on: November 18, 2019, 04:39:20 PM »
what did i tell you, challenger, you complete fucking moron

really because i would think those machines would cost a lot more than $5

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 16, 2019, 12:43:54 PM »
well, i'm having fun anyway

The Flood / Re: we need to rise up and guillotine every billionaire
« on: November 14, 2019, 02:40:34 PM »
You can't kill Vince McMahon. He's got a victory over God.
what are your thoughts on AEW

all my friends who used to like WWE hate it now and say AEW is way better

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 14, 2019, 12:57:44 AM »
Why do you think people dislike you?
they don't, really

that's the funny thing

the only person who genuinely dislikes me at this point is deci, and it's no wonder why

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 13, 2019, 11:23:13 PM »
What's illogical about not wanting a negative person around?
nothing, but we're not talking about negative people

we're talking about people that you personally dislike

big difference

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 11:29:24 PM »
I'm just trying to explain to you why the moderators on the countless sites you're no longer allowed to be a part of were very well within their rights to remove you, and why they wanted to in the first place.
a notion i'm well-aware of and even conceded to, but that doesn't make it logical

so i'm glad that we agree

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 11:12:25 PM »
"If you don't like the way I'm affecting your social life maybe you should surrender that social circle to me and walk away from it, so I can slowly push everyone else out of that group too, instead of just ejecting me from that circle and saving your extended friendship."
pretty sure blocking has always been a feature of the website

pretty sure it's a far less draconian solution too

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 07:44:05 PM »
tbh I figured verb as the type to own up to being an asshole.
Saying "yeah I've been an asshole" is meaningless if you don't understand why being an asshole is wrong. At that rate you barely have a concept of what being an asshole is, except at a superficial level. It's kind of like when the crew of Rush Hour tricked Jackie Chan into saying he liked horse porn. Sure he said it, but that doesn't mean he understood it.

Being able to recognize the traits of a jerk and being able to understand the reasons those traits make you a jerk are two different things, and based on what we know about Verbatim's conscience, I don't think that if he really understood what it means to be an asshole that he would be okay with it.
i'm okay with it because it doesn't actually hurt anyone

things can certainly get personal sometimes, but that happens to everybody in life

i'm someone who prioritizes his principles over everything else, including friendships, and if you're as convicted as i am about certain shit, sometimes you have to burn bridges if you care about standing up for what you believe in, and i'll never be sorry about that

if that's what being an asshole is, i can accept that, but why in the holy fuck would i feel bad about it

when the solution to my particular brand of assholery is to literally walk away from the screen, i think you have to ask yourself how much it really matters

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: November 12, 2019, 07:32:36 PM »
Terry past 100% is honestly broken. You can't roll, have to play scared to avoid dying. Shit is wild lol
yeah i can't say i really enjoy fighting him that much, but i'm starting to learn

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:06:49 PM »
As I mention in the above post, nobody is required to include you in their social group, and if a forum moderator or admin makes the decision to exclude you, and most of the forum agrees with your exclusion, then you obviously were not welcome to be involved with those people socially.
i'd find this easier to accept if any of those places i was banned from did so on these EXPRESS grounds alone

none of this pretense about me breaking rules

but that's extremely rare

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:05:27 PM »
So your assertion that you're not an asshole because you don't go out of your way to be an asshole is a pointless and trivial one. You're an asshole because you are an asshole, and you can't work on making yourself a more decent human being because somewhere along the way, you started to feel entitled to be the biggest dickhead in any room you walk into.
i never said i wasn't an asshole, though, i just don't think that should be a bannable offense

especially when everyone is an asshole, and it's just about trying to figure out the most socially acceptable way to be one

which i refuse to do because i'm not fake like that

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:00:39 PM »
it seems unlikely that of the 80 new pokemon, none of them would be able to check those three, but it would be pretty funny if that just turned out to be the case

and fortunate for me, since i actually like and would use all three of those

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 04:34:21 AM »
The way you treat other people is enough justification to ban you from any platform.
and the fact that you're incapable of realizing it or making strides to treat people better is reason enough to never give you a second chance

thanks for proving my point
never did
you feel entitled to treat people like shit and you have no mechanism by which to handle criticism in a constructive manner, by those virtues, you've just shown that I was right a second time

go on, more short and dismissive answers will only continue to illustrate that I'm right
this might have made sense if i've ever done anything worse than say rude things to people who deserve it, but i've never done anything worse than that (on sep7agon, at least)

and that's sort of the key to the whole thing, really

i've never said anything rude to anyone that didn't provoke me first, which pretty much justifies everything

it would be justified even if it wasn't provoked, but there's layers to how wrong you are, is what i'm saying

i don't subscribe to this kumbaya ideal of treating everyone nicely regardless of how they treat me, just because i dared to say something like "halo sucks" or "mods ruin the artistic integrity of video games" or "objectifying women is bad"

if you get to insult me (in socially acceptable ways, like calling me a troll, which doubles as a gaslight) for having these opinions, i should get to insult you back, because that's fair

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:34:07 AM »
The way you treat other people is enough justification to ban you from any platform.
and the fact that you're incapable of realizing it or making strides to treat people better is reason enough to never give you a second chance

thanks for proving my point
never did

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:28:20 AM »
once i'm gone, i'll probably never be able to find a space like this again
fighting game discord there are a lot of places like this..
unless i can say "kill yourself" without people taking it seriously, it's not what i'm talking about
you can

anime fighters don't count

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:10:27 AM »
once i'm gone, i'll probably never be able to find a space like this again
fighting game discord there are a lot of places like this..
unless i can say "kill yourself" without people taking it seriously, it's not what i'm talking about

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 02:03:47 AM »
The way you treat other people is enough justification to ban you from any platform.

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:30:59 AM »
as much cool stuff like this is coming to the disney+ platform, i can't say i'd ever find myself subscribing to it

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:23:18 AM »
You've been permabanned from here before. I'm positive that you have broken rules here before and in other communities.
i was permabanned for something that i did offsite, so yeah that was complete unfair garbage and i stand firm on that

i'm pretty sure not one of my bans on this website has been fair or justified, though it's possible i may be forgetting one or two

most if not all of them come down to flaming, which shouldn't be against the rules anywhere, especially a website that allows you to block or ignore users that you don't like

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:13:11 AM »
You're in denial.
it would be literally impossible to deny something like this, because every community has a set of rules, so if i actually broke any of them, i would easily be able to identify which ones i've broken

the thing is, i never do

i always get banned on my personality alone, because people don't like me, so mods always bend the rules in such a way that they can get me banned, and because i tend to be unpopular anyway, nobody cares

at best, you could point to some clause that says "we can ban you for any reason," which is pretty much the only clause i've ever been banned under

that's the reality

and if i ever did actually break a rule, it's because it was a stupid rule, a poorly-phrased rule, or a rule that only gets enforced when i break it, but everyone else is allowed to break it because they're part of the greater circlejerk that i consistently refuse to be a part of

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 12, 2019, 01:03:26 AM »
Ever thought that perhaps you are the problem and the other communities that you have been banned from did it for a good reason?

controlling for outliers, i have basically never been banned for a good reason

The Flood / Re: Decimator Omega is the most important user here
« on: November 11, 2019, 11:10:26 PM »
i've been banned in easily hundreds of places, so i kinda have to thank cheat for allowing me to be my 100% uncompromised self for so long when literally no other place would be okay with it

once i'm gone, i'll probably never be able to find a space like this again

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 11, 2019, 11:04:51 PM »

getting rid of ~70 moves was fucking stupid and inexcusable, but at least none of them were very important
Jolteon has zero coverage anymore.
Bugs are p gutted without silver wind and signal beam
Mag can't trap ferrothorn without hidden power
I mean, fuck, no hp coverage fucks over a lot of mons.
true, but it's not like those pokemon can't get other moves

it's not like they'd forget to replace those moves with other useful ones


Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 11, 2019, 05:31:10 PM »
can't really defend any of that other shit, but i'll probably never care about stuff like graphics or difficulty

pokemon games have always been easy, but that's never really affected by ability to enjoy them at all

getting rid of ~70 moves was fucking stupid and inexcusable, but at least none of them were very important

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: November 11, 2019, 05:26:43 PM »
i'm as upset as anyone else is, and i agree with this post for the most part, but i do think there's a couple things here that are worth defending
>Escape rope is a Key item
this is a great change tbh, i'm not really sure what the problem with this one is
>Also catch mechanics are now gated behind badges for zero reason
i don't really mind this one so much either

you can't say that you want the game to be harder, but to also have the freedom to catch overleveled pokemon, because those two things kinda work against each other

i suppose they could've reworked the disobedience mechanic or something, but that's basically the same result with a different solution, and it still kinda nullifies the whole point of having stronger pokemon in the wild area

the idea is that they're these big scary obstacles that you shouldn't approach unless you're strong enough, which can be difficult in some instances because some of them chase you around and shit

if you could just throw a quick ball at them, it kinda burns out the tension

The Flood / Re: Drake booed off stage at Camp Flawg Gnaw
« on: November 11, 2019, 01:15:30 PM »
did this frank ocean end up singing?

he shoulda, like, not sang
it turned out that he wasn't there

the reason drake was booed is because he was the mystery guest when everyone thought it was gonna be frank, since it's tyler the creator's festival and all

i'd honestly be upset too because drake fucking sucks, both as a musician and as a person, but i wouldn't boo or anything because that's not my style (i think people have a right to boo though)

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