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Messages - Verbatim

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Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: December 25, 2019, 02:37:04 PM »
Jet force Gemini is a fantastic game, you get around to playing it?
i've had my hands full lately, so nah, but i'll be sure to check it out eventually

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: December 25, 2019, 11:18:52 AM »
xmas gifts:

Paper Mario 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Perfect Dark
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Superman 64
Mario Tennis 64
Buck Bumble
Bomberman Hero
Paperboy 64
Body Harvest

bringing my total to 123/296

i'm really happy with these

as far as "must-have" games for the system go, i pretty much just need banjo-tooie, turok 1, and idk blast corps or some shit

The Flood / Re: Sleep
« on: December 24, 2019, 05:29:32 AM »
Interesting, I assumed people mostly sleep on a side, and least on a stomach. Since you mentioned that all positions have downsides, can you tell me what do you think they are? Asking because I'm trying to figure what is best for me.
sleeping on your side is all right i guess, i just personally don't find it very comfortable

sleeping on your stomach can (apparently) lead to back/neck pain, since your head has to be turned, so your spine won't be in a neutral position--i've slept this way for my whole life, though, and i've never had an issue

if this position is impossible, or if i just wanna mix it up (or going through a depressive episode), the fetal position has proven to be remarkably comfortable as well, but if your joints aren't perfectly relaxed, it can lead to soreness

sleeping on your back is EXTREMELY uncomfortable, makes snoring worse, exacerbates sleep apnea if you have it, and is more likely to induce sleep paralysis, which i happen to suffer from regularly, so it's an absolute 100% no-go for me

if we could just float in a bubble or a puffy cloud while suspended in midair or something, that would be ideal

beds suck

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 23, 2019, 03:55:05 PM »
i'm so glad dynamaxing is banned now

i'm getting gen 5 vibes from this meta

The Flood / Re: Sleep
« on: December 23, 2019, 12:34:12 AM »
because god designed humans very intelligently, there is no optimal sleeping position

they all have their downsides, so you get to pick your poison

personally, i sleep on my stomach because it's the most comfortable for me--it's probably the most unhealthy position, but i don't give a singular fuck

sleeping on your back has to be some dumb christian shit because that doesn't work for me at all

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 23, 2019, 12:19:02 AM »
it was a pretty fun time, glad i finally got it done

i'm lucky in that i caught a lot of evolutions like sirfetch'd and runerigus in max raid battles, rather than having to evolve them myself, because i dislike using guides, and i probably never would've figured out those evolution methods on my own

The Flood / Re: if you really think about it
« on: December 23, 2019, 12:17:20 AM »
crown shy tree species are tsundere
did you change your avatar or am i just now realizing what it is

The Flood / Re: Verbatim is a big fat LIAR
« on: December 22, 2019, 08:05:35 PM »
i was gonna change it right back as soon as i did my joke but then i got lazy

The Flood / Re: I checked myself into a mental hospital
« on: December 22, 2019, 12:12:46 PM »
Yours allows you access to the internet? Lucky.
come to think of it, none of them probably should

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 22, 2019, 12:11:21 PM »
I did it

in spite of everything, at least i was able to fulfill my childhood dream of catching 'em all some of 'em

Why does your character look like Tatsuya from Gundam Build Fighters

only hairstyle in the game that remotely fits my style + sunglasses are cool

The Flood / Re: I'm at a mental hospital right now
« on: December 21, 2019, 10:14:40 PM »
that's unfortunate

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 21, 2019, 05:47:17 PM »
I did it

in spite of everything, at least i was able to fulfill my childhood dream of catching 'em all some of 'em

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 07:13:57 PM »
even from an artistic standpoint, TLJ is multiple cuts above any of the others


which of the other movies dared to have weird and unique scenes like this? not one of them

there's only one perfectly legitimate reason anyone could dislike this film, and that's if you're not a star wars fan

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 07:03:19 PM »
i just rewatched TLJ just to refresh myself, and yeah

anyone who dislikes this movie has absolutely no fucking idea what's good for the franchise

if star wars fans are pissed about it, that's how you know FOR SURE that it's good--that's the litmus test, i guess

looks like i'll be enjoying episode 9

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 04:17:26 PM »
TLJ is the only good star wars movie

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 04:15:15 PM »
no one understands star wars more than i do and that feels really fucking good to say

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 20, 2019, 11:25:50 AM »
i'm actually very excited, if only because i've never had a star wars opinion that wasn't completely against the grain before (except for rogue one, i think we can all agree that rogue one sucked)

so i can only imagine what i'll be getting out of this one now that both critics and fans seem to be disappointed

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 20, 2019, 12:24:07 AM »
Shiny Gengar is the most disappointing shit EVER

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: December 20, 2019, 12:21:00 AM »
miyazaki had nothing to do with this one, i guess

i was honestly grossed out instantly by the game feel and i never touched it again, but maybe some day

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever composed their own music?
« on: December 19, 2019, 05:21:17 PM »
—there's no rules for what "good" and "bad" art is, which i find discouraging, because i believe in doing things right

Trout mask replica is objectively bad art

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever composed their own music?
« on: December 19, 2019, 02:58:01 PM »
The absolute grind involved with mastering an art form is definitely very daunting but I guess I just want what's at the end of that grind so much that I can't bring myself to give up (even though external factors are creating some serious roadblocks).

You didn't just start out as a great writer I would assume, so did you not feel the same way when you were developing that skill or is it just something you managed to get through and don't want to have to experience again?
i guess writing is probably the closest thing to a natural talent that i have, although it does come from a lifetime of desperately wanting to be understood by people, so it was something that i had to get better at almost by necessity

it has gotten to a point where it's become rewarding for me, though, because the strength of your rhetoric gives you the power to change how people think about stuff, so there's certainly value to me in continuing to hone that skill

other things in the art world just frustrate me, because there's no sense of progression or improvement, since the final product doesn't have a practical function beyond the ephemeral entertainment value, and it's also very subjective—there's no rules for what "good" and "bad" art is, which i find discouraging, because i believe in doing things right

if there isn't a right way to do something, sure, that's "freeing" and all, but i also don't know what to do with that

there's potential there to create something of greater value, obviously, but that's a task i'm comfortable leaving to those who actually have talent in those areas

i fundamentally dislike work and effort, partly because i'm lazy, but mostly because i don't feel like i owe the universe anything (people usually phrase it the other way around, but i've always felt that the opposite was true)

i can see myself having a change of heart about this, though—maybe some day, i'll become super inspired and motivated to create something i never thought to create before, like music

but that time is not now

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever composed their own music?
« on: December 19, 2019, 01:59:51 PM »
if i'm gonna spend any amount of time making something artistically, it has to be good, otherwise it's a waste of time
Then how do you start learning any art form? You have to spend time sucking at any craft until you eventually start to improve unless it happens to be the rare instance where you are just naturally more talented at something.
you've talked about spending 3 years trying to master something you could've mastered in 3 months under better circumstances, and shit like that gives me extreme anxiety because i could never tolerate having to wait that long when other people pick up on stuff way faster

i've never been naturally talented at anything, and i'm extremely bitter and jealous of those who are, so if i'm gonna learn to do anything, there has to be a sense of "yeah, i can see myself improving at this," otherwise i'm just going to get depressed that i have to toil so hard while other more talented people can effortlessly do anything they want, which is extremely unfair to those of us who failed to win the genetic lottery (or wherever "natural talent" could be said to come from)

the practice of practicing has to be fun in and of itself for me to want to improve at anything

drawing and making music doesn't make me feel rewarded for my work, in the same way that writing or editing does, because progress is too slow, and there's no tangible reward for it

even if i were to make a good song, or draw a pretty picture, there's little value to me in showing it to somebody, only for them to go "wow nice job" and then move on with their lives

The Flood / Re: Disney's 'Star Wars': The Rise of Skywalker
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:26:43 PM »

i don't expect this one to top TLJ, but i think the disney trilogy has solidified itself as the best

The Flood / Re: Has anyone ever composed their own music?
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:24:18 PM »
but they won't be good, or have a reasonable trajectory towards becoming good at some point

if i'm gonna spend any amount of time making something artistically, it has to be good, otherwise it's a waste of time

i'll listen to your stuff later i guess

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:22:34 PM »
bernie is and has been every step of the way

The Flood / Re: Has anyone composed their own music?
« on: December 19, 2019, 11:45:52 AM »
always wanted to, but it's too hard and not rewarding enough

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 19, 2019, 11:43:06 AM »
I feel like this is just going to rally support from his base.

I don't think anyone expects the Republican led senate to actually remove him from office, so I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish here.
we're trying to remove him from office, that's what

i know you said that already, but then in the same sentence, you said that you weren't sure, so i decided to remind you

imagine if we as a people only tried to accomplish things that were easy or expected

Serious / Re: 2019-2020 Trump Impeachment Trial
« on: December 18, 2019, 09:52:51 PM »

objectively speaking, this is a wonderful thing to have happened

it won't amount to anything because we have a red senate

but it's a little victory for those of us with common decency

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 18, 2019, 05:14:57 PM »
are you trying to do a living dex? or you just want the zacian entry and call it a day
i guess i'm doing a semi-living dex thing, where i'd like to actually own every pokemon along with their dex entries, but i don't need to have every single member of the line--just the fully-evolved form

one of my friends did say he can hook me up with a zacian though, since he doesn't care

he's only on the sixth gym, though

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: December 18, 2019, 03:45:43 PM »
Shiny Pumpkaboo I found a couple weeks ago (it's a Gourgeist now)

Shiny Gastly I found a couple days ago (it's a Haunter now)

the fact that they were glowing in the overworld is just a coincidence

both have the square animations, which are new to this gen, but it doesn't really mean anything

it's nice being able to clip these moments

i only need like 25 more pokemon to complete the dex, so maybe if i breed another shiny gastly or something, i'll be able to use that to leverage a zacian--otherwise, i'm not sure how i'm gonna get one of those

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