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Serious / Re: whom is going to win
« on: February 22, 2020, 10:36:24 AM »
Why is Trumpstein not on the list?
because the poll is about the democratic primaries, not the election

The Flood / Re: Is horse / dog racing, animal abuse?
« on: February 22, 2020, 06:34:44 AM »
little by little, you are all starting to sound more like me

all according to plan

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: February 21, 2020, 06:02:10 PM »
You don't like invasions, but what is your opinion on PvP in general? Like duels or the arena?
yeah, i'm fine with the concept, just not the execution

as long as i actually agree to have a duel with you, i for one will have a good time no matter what

what i don't really care for are the unspoken rules of engagement that the community made up, like not using magic, or the fact that it's considered BM to heal, which is kinda silly, because everybody has access to healing items (so you can't say it's an unfair advantage), and healing yourself is a bit of a process, so it should be extremely easy to punish people for doing it anyway

so i don't really understand any of that shit

i've also been told that the balance could use work in every iteration, but that goes for any pvp system

The Flood / Re: Is horse / dog racing, animal abuse?
« on: February 21, 2020, 01:17:34 AM »
yeah, of course

Gaming / Re: Dreams (PS4)
« on: February 19, 2020, 11:52:38 AM »
legit just dreamed about playing a survival horror skateboarding game last night

now i know what i'm making

Gaming / Re: Dreams (PS4)
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:17:39 PM »
Definitely something I wanna pick up, especially knowing it's only $40.

I wish creators had more to gain from this sort of thing, though, beyond a few people going "wow this is cool" and moving on with their lives. When it comes to this sort of thing, that's always been a major hang-up for me.

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: February 16, 2020, 10:38:42 PM »
What's your opinion on summoning
it's complicated

on principle, i don't use summons, because i personally find it more satisfying to defeat each boss on my own no matter what

but if you don't give a shit about that, i don't see any shame in using them, since some people just aren't good at action games and need some help sometimes, and that's totally fine—that's what the mechanic is there for, after all

by summoning, of course, you do open the door to getting invaded, though, and (needless to say) i've never been especially partial to invasion as a mechanic—you could say it's the exact opposite of what i find fun in a video game, and i typically do everything in my power to avoid it

one of the most common arguments i've seen in favor of invasions is that they exist to counterbalance summons, so that two players can't just turn the game into an utter cakewalk by double teaming and steamrolling all the bosses

historically, i haven't really been able to come up with an adequate response to this besides "anyone who wants more arbitrary difficulty can just not use summons"—so my default position, for the sake of consistency, is that if i'm against invasions, then i should probably be against summoning, too

however, i usually only said stuff like that to avoid getting lost in the weeds with dark souls fanboys, because in reality, you're really just throwing out the baby with the bathwater by holding a position like that

just because invasions are fucking toxic doesn't mean that summoning is, too; there's SO many other ways they could've balanced summoning in a way that's fair and fun for everybody, and that doesn't compromise how challenging the game is supposed to be, but arguing with dark souls fanboys about any of this stuff has proven to be a deeply lost cause and i'll probably never convince anybody even though i'm right

at the end of the day though it's just video games tbqh so do whatever you want who cares

The Flood / Re: Parasite won best picture, woo yay
« on: February 10, 2020, 07:26:26 PM »
2020 most anticpated?


Can't say I've ever disliked a Nolan film, despite his occasional memery dialogue. I'm excited to see him return to Sci fi, and its always great seeing Pattinson appearing in more and more kino. He's pretty much reinvented himself after Twilight.


Amazing cast and Villeneuve back at the helm. Curious to see how he's progressed from BR2049.

-The Many Saints of Newark

Bit worried about the director on this one but as a Sopranos fan I'm certainly not going to be avoiding it.

-Last Night in Soho

Not particularly that intrigued by the premise but it's Edgar Wright so I'll be giving it a watch nonetheless.
Pixar has been the pits over the past decade, and things don't really seem to be looking up with movies like Onward on the horizon. Soul doesn't look like it's going to end this slump either, but what piques my interest about it is the fact that they got my man Trent Reznor doing the score. Easiest way to get me into a theater.

Favorite director's making it.

I'd like to read the book first, so I can understand why so many of its fanboys seem to think it's unadaptable, and then I can assess the film based on that knowledge. Maybe I'll watch David Lynch's attempt going into it, as well. If there's one man who has a directorial eye for beloved sci-fi stories, it's Villeneuve, but it'll certainly be funny if he shits the bed.

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0
The final chapter of this series that I've become invested in.

I'm just morbidly curious.

The Flood / Re: Parasite won best picture, woo yay
« on: February 10, 2020, 01:53:55 PM »
You still planning on seeing The Lighthouse?
yeah i'm gonna try and catch all the stuff i missed, unless i was only going to see them for the oscars

The Flood / Re: Parasite won best picture, woo yay
« on: February 10, 2020, 01:08:43 PM »
So the Irishman was the snub of the night, right?

It really should have gotten cinematography the more I think about it. I haven't seen 1917 but what from what I heard it's Oscar is somewhat undeserved given its whole gimmick is its editing and camerawork?

I mean take a look at this and tell me that's not Oscar worthy.
just scorsese things tbh

he's always had a tendency to drop his films in the most competitive years, and always gets burned for it

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 10, 2020, 12:53:20 PM »
oh, i also feel like i should mention Stand By Me, which was my favorite movie before i saw Fight Club

it's a movie i first saw as a kid, when such a movie would perhaps resonate with me the most, making it very close to my heart, but i don't know if it's truly a 10/10 when nostalgia does play a big part of my present-day enjoyment of it, and i typically prefer to cut that stuff out of my ratings

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 10, 2020, 12:44:59 PM »
im curious, what's a 10/10 movie to you?
Fight Club
Requiem for a Dream
The Godfather

a common theme you can draw from these four movies (apart from them all being these dark and cynical examinations of the seedier and less pleasant aspects of humanity) is that they're all extremely popular and easy for normies to get into, but not at the expense of the filmmaking, which is (imo) as good as you could possibly make a movie in virtually every facet, or at least the ones that i happen to care about

but more than just being masterfully crafted films, these are movies that had me in awe the first time i saw them, and the emotions i was made to feel during each lingered with me for days and days after

Fight Club in particular is my all-time favorite, and it's the first movie i saw that got me interested in film as an art form rather than just something to pass the time with

a lot of film nerds will give me shit for considering Fight Club as my favorite, just because it's kind of the stereotypical "baby's first mindfuck" kind of movie, but i genuinely can't help it—every aspect of this movie, from the extremely stylish cinematography, to the endlessly cool and quotable dialogue, to the gritty and badass soundtrack, and to the punk rock ethos and anti-consumerist themes, it all resonates with me to a level where i feel like it was made just for me

Goodfellas is a 10/10 in the most bread-and-butter way possible—it didn't fuck my brain, or anything, but it's one of the first movies i ever saw that made me think, "damn, i didn't even know it was possible to make a movie this good"—and i attribute that primarily to how successfully immersive it is, and how ceaselessly engaging the story is from a moment-to-moment basis—there's not a single scene in this movie where some cool shit isn't happening, even if that "cool shit" is a memorable line of dialogue, or even just a look on somebody's face

i'm making myself wanna watch all these again jesus christ

Requiem for a Dream is probably the best edited movie of all time—so fucking unique, so fucking stylish, but unpretentiously so, and not in any way that doesn't feel like it's actually contributing to the experience. given that it's about the horrors and destructive powers of addiction, and how weak and stupid human beings can be in their pursuit of happiness, it's pretty much up my alley, and the nature of the plot also tends to make it one of the most crushingly depressing movies you could ever see, which is my fetish. there's just no other movie like it

The Godfather is The Godfather, enough said really—if Citizen Kane is the best movie of the 20th century's first half, then The Godfather is probably the best of the second half, and i prefer The Godfather by an order of magnitude.

similar to Goodfellas, it's really just a movie that does everything that a great movie is supposed to do, and i just think it's one of the best stories ever put to screen, with some of the coolest characters ever written, played by the most world-class actors the industry ever knew at the time. it's an undeniable movie that you just kinda have to respect, even if you can't get into it

the closest a modern movie has come to getting my 5th 10/10 is probably Gone Girl from 2014, which is not to say that i think modern movies suck or anything—i just typically prefer to watch older movies, because there's a lot of great classics that i still need to catch up on, and it's relatively cheap and easy to watch old movies

modern movies are expensive as fuck for someone like me who's not okay with piracy, which makes them pretty tough to keep up with, so i'm sure there's still loads of 10/10s out there, waiting for me to discover them, and i'm very excited to go out and find them, whenever it is that i do

so, what are your 10/10s

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 10, 2020, 11:39:30 AM »

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 10, 2020, 02:09:45 AM »
i'm gonna go ahead and take credit for parasite's win

had i enjoyed it as much as i thought i would have, it almost certainly would've lost

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:50:02 PM »
Glad Hildur Guðnadóttir won for her Joker score. I had a feeling she might win.

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:15:48 PM »
1917 did not deserve best visual effects at all wtf

at least it didn't go to a bad movie

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 08:35:46 PM »
eminem? i thought he hated the oscars

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:59:03 PM »
these women are not funny

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:32:36 PM »
Brad Pitt? Really?

He was playing a cool character but a better performance than Pesci? Nah.
yeah, especially when the guy's almost dead and is probably never acting again

that frozen 2 song performance was nice

having the foreign language singers come in was a nice touch

The Flood / Re: Oscars are now
« on: February 09, 2020, 07:03:44 PM »
Rocketman could've gotten nominated for more shit, honestly. No best actor nod for Tom Egerton? Shame.


Best Picture
Prediction: Parasite
Personal opinion: The Irishman or Marriage Story
*Have not seen Jojo Rabbit or Ford v Ferrari
edit - I WAS RIGHT

Best Director
Prediction: Bong Joon-ho or Sam Mendes
Personal opinion: Martin Scorsese (though in spite of what I said earlier, I wouldn't be mad if Bong won)
edit - I WAS RIGHT

Best Actor
Prediction: Joaquin Phoenix
Personal opinion: Joaquin Phoenix or Adam Driver
*Have not seen Pain and Glory but there's no way Antonio Banderas is winning
edit - I WAS RIGHT

Best Actress
I've only seen 2 out of the 5 films in this category, so I won't bother guessing.
edit - Turns out Renée Zellweger won.

Best Supporting Actor
Prediction: Joe Pesci
Personal opinion: Joe Pesci
*I haven't seen A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood but I'm sure Tom Hanks did a good job
edit - I WAS WRONG it was brad pitt

Best Supporting Actress
I have to abstain this one as well. I hope Kathy Bates gets it.
edit - Wound up going to Laura Dern; good choice.

Best Original Screenplay
Prediction: Parasite or Knives Out
Personal opinion: Marriage Story
edit - I WAS RIGHT it was parasite

Best Adapted Screenplay
Prediction: Little Women
Personal opinion: The Irishman
*I haven't seen Jojo Rabbit
edit - AND JOJO RABBIT WON lmao fuck me

Best Animated Feature Film
Prediction: Toy Story 4
Personal opinion: I Lost My Body
*I haven't seen How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World or Missing Link, but this one's a foregone conclusion
edit - I WAS RIGHT but i'm not happy about it

Best International Feature Film
From this category, I've only seen Parasite. Everyone expects that movie to win anyway, so I wouldn't be shocked.

Best Documentary Feature
Prediction: For Sama or Honeyland
Personal opinion: For Sama
*I haven't actually seen Honeyland, but I've heard hubbub about it. I also haven't seen The Cave
edit - I WAS WRONG it went to american factory which i'm actually not surprised about at all

Best Documentary Short Subject
I've only seen In the Absence and Life Overtakes Me. I hope the latter doesn't win; I guess it's based on a hoax.
edit - It wound up going to Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You're a Girl)

Best Live Action Short Film
Did not see any of these, unfortunately.
edit - Ended up going to The Neighbors' Window

Best Animated Short Film
I've only seen Hair Love. It was cute.

Best Original Score
Prediction: Little Women
Personal opinion: Joker

Best Original Song
Prediction: "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again"
Personal opinion: "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again" or "Into the Unknown"
*I haven't seen Harriet, Breakthrough, or Frozen II, but I went ahead and listened to the songs
edit - I WAS RIGHT

Best Sound Editing
Prediction: 1917
Personal opinion: I don't feel strongly about this category.
*I haven't seen Ford v Ferrari
edit - I WAS WRONG it went to ford v ferrari

Best Sound Mixing
Prediction: Ad Astra
Personal opinion: I don't feel strongly about this category.
*I haven't seen Ford v Ferrari or Ad Astra; I only think it's going to win because it's the only category its nominated for.
edit - I WAS WRONG it went to 1917

Best Production Design
Prediction: 1917
Personal opinion: 1917 or Parasite
*I haven't seen Jojo Rabbit
edit - I WAS WRONG it was once upon a time in hollywood

Best Cinematography
Prediction: 1917
Personal opinion: The Lighthouse
*I haven't actually seen The Lighthouse, but I trust that it's amazing, and this is its only nomination
edit - I WAS RIGHT not that this was a bold prediction or anything

Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Haven't seen enough of them, but it would be kinda funny if Maleficent: Mistress of Evil won.
edit - BUT IT DIDN'T, it went to bombshell

Best Costume Design
Prediction: Little Women
Personal opinion: Little Women
*Haven't seen Jojo Rabbit
edit - I WAS RIGHT

Best Film Editing
Prediction: Parasite
Personal opinion: No strong feelings one way or another.
*I haven't seen Ford v Ferrari or Jojo Rabbit
edit - I WAS WRONG it went to ford v ferrari

Best Visual Effects
Prediction: The Lion King
Personal opinion: The Lion King (fuck this movie tho)
edit - I WAS WRONG it went to 1917 which i am GENUINELY surprised about

I'm beat up about not having seen Jojo Rabbit or Ford v Ferrari, but I wasn't gonna pay $20 to stream them. I really wanted to see The Lighthouse and Ad Astra, too, but that didn't pan out. I did better than I usually do, at least.


Palme d'Or recipient, Best Picture nomination, 99% on Rotten Tomatoes. The accolades this movie has received are seemingly endless, and because of that, this was easily my most anticipated movie for this project.. Which is why I'm sad to report that I was actually quite disappointed with it.

In theory, I should probably love any movie that has anti-capitalist sentiments, but as it turns out, I need a lot more from a movie than just having a message that I agree with for me to consider it good, let alone a masterpiece.

Yeah, it's cool that the movie provides some commentary on class structure and how capitalism can break people, and it does so in a very mature and nuanced fashion that doesn't just boil down to "rich people bad" (even though I probably would've been satisfied with just that), because the poor family in this film are presented as an utterly execrable group of people, which actually made it quite difficult for me to sympathize with them. Especially considering that they're all drunks.

But I do need more from movies than this, because the biggest problem I have with the way the characters are written is that I don't actually like any of them. As a result, I don't really care about any of them, either, because they all just annoy me. I can't like the Kims, because they're bastards for trying to usurp another family's house. I can't like the boy, because he's obsessed with kissing up on some underage girl. I can't like the Parks, because they're stupid rich fucks. I don't have anyone to care about in this movie.

Now, you don't have to like the characters in a movie for it to be good, necessarily—especially when that's part of the point of the story. Okay, I can accept that. What else does the movie offer, then?

Good performances? Yeah, I suppose it does. Were they amazing, though? I don't think so. There's that one part where the Kim girl is drunk, and she sounds convincingly inebriated. It made me dislike her character more, because I fucking hate drunk people, but sure, it was a great little performance. That was the only moment that stood out to me.

Does it have a good plot? Sure. It's definitely original, too. I don't think many movies have been made with this concept before, and it certainly felt fresh in that regard. But being fresh doesn't mean it was great, though. It wasn't very engaging on a moment-to-moment basis, and it had a tendency to drag at points. Which is very strange, because people have been saying that the pacing is one of the movie's strong points, whereas I didn't get that impression at all.

Was it funny? Well, it never made me laugh. Not even once. Not even internally. Is it just some cultural thing that I'm not privy to? If so, my brain was still able to recognize a good number of jokes. It's just that none of them were that funny, which is kind of a problem when the movie's supposed to be a black comedy.

Was it thrilling? No, and for a lot of reasons, namely that it's too predictable. Any time there's a scene that makes you go, "Uh-oh! They're really in for it now!" always ends in some uninspired fashion, and there's a number of dumb cliches at play here, too. Like the scene where the boy is hiding under the girl's bed, but the dog sees him. And of course, she gets distracted just a moment away from looking under the bed herself.

Then there's the part where the Kims are down in the secret basement, eavesdropping behind the wall of the staircase they're hiding on, when suddenly they just fucking trip down and reveal themselves. If this never happened, the rest of the movie wouldn't have happened either. It was really stupid, and that's why the movie isn't very thrilling. It just has all these cliche scenes where you either know exactly what's going to happen every time, or something incredibly fucking stupid happens, which makes them tedious to watch. It's the exact opposite of thrilling.

The score was passable but nothing extraordinary. The cinematography was good, but nothing special. Everyone on set apparently did their job well, but for whatever reason, the movie just didn't click with me.

There's so many stupid scenes, like that goddam morse code scene at the end, or this uncomfortably long and awkward-ass moment where the Parks are lying on the couch, and they just start groping each other while their little boy is outside in a tent. They never have sex; it's just a long groping scene where we have to endure them feeling each other up for what felt like 5 minutes (it definitely wasn't actually that long, though). I fucking hate scenes like this. Why is it necessary? Why do I need to see it? Take it out, and it instantly becomes a better movie.

I don't know. I wish I could get behind everyone else and agree that this movie's some kind of masterpiece, but I just wasn't feeling it at all. I'm open to giving it another viewing at some point, but I'm not terribly excited about the prospect of doing so.

I'm genuinely feeling like a 5/10 on this one. Really just don't get the hype, and I'm extremely bummed about that, because as I was saying, I never want to say that I didn't like a movie that critiques capitalism, or has anything to say about the class struggle. On one hand, I'm delighted that this movie's getting more people interested in foreign cinema, but on the other, I just wish it could've been a more engaging movie. I wanted to stan for a foreign film at the Oscars this year, but I genuinely can't do that, because it's way too difficult for me to lie to myself and say I loved it like everyone else did.

It wouldn't be the first time I went against the grain, but it's the first time in a long time that I actually felt bad about doing so. I seriously wanted to like this one SO much, and I just didn't.

That said, it seems that my time to watch the rest of these movies has run out. I saw a good number of them, and I might try to squeeze in a couple more at the last minute, but I'll have to start thinking about the rest of my predictions, which I'll try to post later.

Toy Story 4

As much as this movie did not need to exist, I still can't say that it wasn't good, even though a great deal of its entertainment value comes from me having known and loved these characters for my whole life. It honestly doesn't have much value beyond that. It's a foregone conclusion that this movie is going to win the Oscar for best animated feature, but I sincerely believe that it doesn't deserve it, and should probably go to I Lost My Body instead.

That said, I'm glad they addressed Bo Peep's absence in Toy Story 3 and made her an actual character, and I'm glad they tried ending it on a perfect note again. I just hope they finally stop now. 6/10

Little Women

This movie is nominated for a shit ton of stuff, but don't be fooled into thinking this is a must-see or anything. I think the average movie-goer will probably consider this movie to be extremely boring, and it honestly kind of just is. Based on the Louisa May Alcott book of the same title, this is actually the seventh time this story has been adapted on the big screen, with versions dating back to 19-fucking-17 in the silent era. Needless to say, this is one of the most preeminent American romance stories.

This movie is only okay, though. It's fine. It's a movie. It's well-acted, well-produced, well-scored, and well-everything else, but not to any mind-shattering degree. Of the six awards this film is nominated for, I struggle to find any that I feel it truly deserves, besides maybe costume design. Knowing how important the story is in American literature has me inspired to perhaps start reading the original book, but ultimately, it's a movie that's made for nobody else but its intended audience, of which I am clearly not a part of. 6/10

With this movie, I've completed my second category: Best Original Score.

Alexandre Desplat's music actually stood out to me more than I expected it to for this kind of movie, so I'm glad he was nominated. However, I think I'd rather the Oscar go to Hildur Guðnadóttir. She composed for Joker, which is a movie with music that makes my skin crawl, which is exactly what I like music to do. I wanna feel things, especially if those feelings are unique and difficult to express with other aspects of the film.

I don't feel that the other nominations in this category—Marriage Story, 1917, or Star Wars—have scores that truly feel like they succeed at this seemingly basic task. No disrespect to John Williams, of course—he's still the GOAT—but the man phoned it in for these last three Star Wars movies and everybody knows it. He also has a billion Oscars already, so just give it to the Icelander, please and thank you. She already has a Golden Globe, I believe, so I think that puts her in a good trajectory.

Best Original Score
Prediction: Joker
Personal opinion: Joker


I love biopics about musicians in particular, because it provides the perfect excuse to turn the movie into a musical—and this one happens to be a lot of fun. You could choose to be cynical and think of this movie merely as the by-the-numbers rockstar tale that it boils down to, but that would require you to ignore all the things that help this movie stand out as a sheer piece of entertainment, from Taron Egerton's amazing performance to all the surreal sequences that make each musical number feel like a trippy (and particularly good) music video.

You also have to respect that it doesn't gloss over any of the details of Elton John's life, in that he is indeed a gay man that did a fuckton of drugs in his day. And yeah, there is gay sex present in the movie, but it doesn't go overboard (and by "overboard," I don't mean to imply that there's an unacceptable amount of gay sex in particular you can have in a movie; I just typically prefer not to have any sex in my movies at all, regardless)—in fact, I was surprised there was so little of it, considering that the movie is rated R and everything. They probably could've went further with it, in all honesty.

Anyway, I had a good time with it, and I'd probably give it a 7/10 or something. I was surprised that it wasn't nominated for more than just its sole nomination—best original song—for "(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again," which isn't an especially great song, in my opinion. Far from the best thing about the movie, but whatever.

Go see this one if you want; it's definitely my favorite one of these three.

Serious / Re: President Trump and the 2020 Election
« on: February 05, 2020, 04:52:13 PM »
the scum that i scrape beneath my heel every morning is more respectable than that repugnant pile of pusillanimous shit

i feel this way because my IQ is higher than 10

The Flood / Re: Cheat you're great and I love you
« on: February 04, 2020, 11:56:58 AM »
Speaking of which, where is Challenger?
he runs my discord channel

that's pretty goddamn cool

i'd have picked a better toy story though

For Sama

This is a documentary about a Syrian mother trying to raise a daughter in Aleppo while it's constantly under siege. Heavy stuff, and not exactly for the faint of heart. Given the seriousness of its subject matter, I don't really have much to say about it, but it's free to watch on the PBS Youtube channel to anyone invested in Syria. Even if you're not, it should be pretty eye-opening for you.

The Lion King


Probably deserves lower, but when it comes to rating remakes, I think I have a slightly different philosophy than you might expect. While it's true that everything good about this remake (the story, the characters, the music) is simply part of the groundwork laid out by the original film, they're still in the film—so to give the movie something like a 1/10, in my view, would be to say that the film didn't retain the strong characters (somewhat), wasn't (relatively) faithful to the story, and lacks the amazing score of Hans Zimmer (overrated as he is).

But none of that is true. It has all of these things—and with some state-of-the-art visual effects to boot. Now, I'm not trying to say the movie is good, by any means—I'm giving it a 4/10, for fuck's sake. I just don't believe in giving movies a 1/10 so easily. Scores that low are special to me. To give a movie like this a score like that would be almost to validate it in some way. Giving it a 4/10, on my scale, marks it with a basic "bad movie" status, and allows for it to receive the fate it truly deserves: to be swiftly forgotten.

That being said:

This was the last Disney movie that needed to be remade. Literally every aspect of it is significantly worse than the original. I don't even need to tell you not to watch it at this point, but don't. It is ungood.

I only saw it because it's nominated for one thing—Best Visual Effects—which happens to be the first category I've completed so far. And, if I'm honest, as much as I disliked it, I'm hard-pressed to argue in favor of any of these other nominations.

Avengers: Endgame—Sure, this movie had pretty decent visual effects for a superhero movie... I guess. But absolutely nothing that couldn't be found pretty much anywhere else in the series.

The Irishman—Pretty good aging and de-aging effects, but nothing Oscar-worthy. I think I commented before on how distracting Robert De Niro's bright-ass contact lenses were.

1917—Pretty typical bog-standard war movie effects. Not to knock the film as a whole, of course. I did still enjoy it, but as far as effects go, there really wasn't anything particularly special about it.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker—Again, nothing special. They're the exact kind of effects you'd expect to see in a modern-day space action-adventure flick. Not bad, but nothing that stands out to me as amazing.

Yeah, I don't think I could justify giving the Oscar to anything but The Lion King, as much as it pains me to say it. I wasn't absolutely blown away by its effects, or anything, but objectively speaking, in a vacuum, between these five films, it simply has the best visual effects. I hate that this remake exists as much as anybody else, but not enough to lie to myself about it. We'll see if it stands the test of time, but seeing as they were going for photorealism, it probably won't.

The worst thing about it is that the effects tend to ruin a big part of what made the original so charming—facial anthropomorphization allows for each character's emotions and personality to shine through, and having a more realistic style effectively eliminates that shit. So while the effects are amazing in a vacuum, they actually kind of suck a lot when you put them in context.

If I wanted to be spiteful and pick something else to win, I'd probably go with either Avengers or Star Wars. They both have the same caliber of effects; maybe the effects in Avengers were slightly better, I don't know. It definitely shouldn't go to The Irishman, and it definitely shouldn't go to 1917.

So, there you have my first official prediction. Maybe I'll do it in this format to lock it in:

Best Visual Effects
Prediction: The Lion King
Personal opinion: The Lion King

The Flood / Re: What is there to look forward to in 2020?
« on: January 31, 2020, 05:26:19 PM »
video game-wise, Dreams looks really awesome

fuck all besides that really

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Sword & Shield - GOTTA CATCH... some of 'em
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:17:57 AM »
pokemon home is going to be $16 a year

compare this to bank's $5 a year + being on a system that doesn't require you to pay for its online service

fucking outrageous

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