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Messages - Flee

Pages: 1 ... 666768 6970 ... 520
The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:23:15 AM »
Let's meet up fgt. I'm in Blanchardstown.
Where even is that, I'm leaving tonight.
Ah fuck. I can go to city center today, but I am broke AF so won't even be able to buy you a beer.
I doubt I'll have the time. I'm here for work so I think I'll just be taking a taxi back to the airport as soon as I'm done. Thanks for the suggestions though. I actually did stop by Temple Bar last night because my colleague really wanted to.

The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:20:44 AM »
How the hell d'you end up in Ireland?
Work. I'm speaking at a conference today.

The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:09:37 AM »
Is the Guinness any different?
I feel it's a bit softer / more silky, but that might just be my imagination. I don't drink it very often.

The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 04, 2017, 07:06:44 AM »
Let's meet up fgt. I'm in Blanchardstown.
Where even is that, I'm leaving tonight.

The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 03, 2017, 05:28:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 03, 2017, 05:27:48 PM »

The Flood / I'm in Ireland (Dublin)
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:35:52 PM »
What do? Already had Guinness at a local pub.

The Flood / Re: I think I got food poisoning
« on: July 03, 2017, 09:36:23 AM »
You don't know food poisoning until you've been rushed to a field hospital in Africa at 3am with a 41 degree fever (that's 106 for the Americans) and had to stay bedridden in a wooden tent at tropical temperatures with the worst shits and fevers imaginable and no running water or toilets within half a mile.
That's what you get for being a narc for the EU
The Commission pays my bills, so damn right I'll snitch.

The Flood / Re: I think I got food poisoning
« on: July 03, 2017, 09:34:14 AM »
You don't know food poisoning until you've been rushed to a field hospital in Africa at 3am with a 41 degree fever (that's 106 for the Americans) and had to stay bedridden in a wooden tent at tropical temperatures with the worst shits and fevers imaginable and no running water or toilets within half a mile.
What did you expect going to Africa? Literally a banana country.
You from Ireland? I'll be in Dublin tonight, BTW.

And Africa was still great, the food incident aside.

The Flood / Re: I think I got food poisoning
« on: July 03, 2017, 07:56:29 AM »
You don't know food poisoning until you've been rushed to a field hospital in Africa at 3am with a 41 degree fever (that's 106 for the Americans) and had to stay bedridden in a wooden tent at tropical temperatures with the worst shits and fevers imaginable and no running water or toilets within half a mile.

All this hate is bad for you. Have a Snickers.

The Flood / Re: Report July 2K17
« on: July 03, 2017, 06:33:13 AM »
I fully support this initiative.


Serious / Re: "Robot police officer goes on duty in Dubai"
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:38:41 PM »
This is pretty much exactly what I look at for my job right now. It's really interesting stuff.

Gaming / Re: Quake Champions (Closed Beta Soon)
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:36:37 PM »

Still so hella fast. Loving the mobility in these. Check 4:34.

The Flood / Re: How safe is your job?
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:50:14 AM »
Doesn't really have my job in there, but between 1.5 and 3.5% so I'm perfectly safe. No real possibility a robot can replace what I do.

Gaming / Re: what kind of "gamer" are you
« on: July 01, 2017, 01:50:16 PM »

Where did I go wrong  :'(
All I wanted was some puzzles man
>implying there's anything wrong with that outcome

Gaming / Re: what kind of "gamer" are you
« on: July 01, 2017, 12:15:48 PM »
Immersion a shit.

The Flood / Re: I declare this year's festivities open
« on: July 01, 2017, 09:55:18 AM »
Lock requested.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Ninja Run (with voice)
« on: July 01, 2017, 04:03:13 AM »
Next video is up. Finally making some progress and taking on Taurus. Hope you guys enjoy.


Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - Update #22: A Scent and a Sound
« on: July 01, 2017, 03:59:51 AM »
Moving fast with no shield is what makes the combat thrilling to me.
That's cool, I just prefer to take things slow.

Though, come to think of it, I hope that doesn't make the boss videos less fun to watch.
Doesn't make them less interesting to me.

Besides, I'll be moving fast with no shield and not taking damage in my videos, so there's an alternative right there.

The Flood / Re: Name the avatar of the user above you
« on: July 01, 2017, 03:57:02 AM »
bait flourish emoticon
Buddy Holly, I think.

Licensing. Exclusivity deals with a certain platform or a new publisher that doesn't want his music on a certain platform.

Serious / Re: Alternative political compass
« on: June 30, 2017, 03:49:37 PM »

1. Laws should restrict abortion in all or most cases.
Disagree, 4.

2. Unions were indispensible in establishing the middle class.
Agree, 2.

3. In nearly every instance, the free market allocates resources most efficiently.
Agree, 4.

4. Public radio and television funded by the state provide a valuable service the citizens.
Agree strongly, 4.

5. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
Disagree, 2.

6. Access to healthcare is a right.
Agree strongly, 4.

7. The rich should pay a higher tax rate than the middle class.
Agree, 4.

8. School science classes should teach intelligent design.
Disagree strongly, 5.

9. Marriage must be heralded for the important role it plays in society.
Agree, 2.

10. Sometimes war is necessary, even if it means you strike first.
Agree, 2.

11. Patriotism is an overrated quality.
Agree strongly, 3.

12. Radio stations should be required to present balanced news coverage.
Agree, 4.

13. Government should do something about the increasing violence in video games.
Disagree strongly, 5.

14. If our leader meets with our enemies, it makes us appear weak.
Disagree strongly, 4.

15. We must use our military from time to time to protect our supply of oil, to avoid a national crisis.
Disagree, 2.

16. Strong gun ownership rights protect the people against tyranny.
Disagree strongly, 5.

17. It makes no sense to say "I'm spiritual but not religious."
Agree strongly, 3.

18. It is not government's responsibility to regulate pollution.
Disagree strongly, 5.

19. Gay marriage should be forbidden.
Disagree strongly, 5.

20. It should be against the law to use hateful language toward another racial group.
Disagree, 3.

21. Government should ensure that all citizens meet a certain minimum standard of living.
Agree strongly, 4.

22. It is wrong to enforce moral behavior through the law because this infringes upon an individual's freedom.
Disagree, 4.

23. Immigration restrictions are economically protectionist. Non-citizens should be allowed to sell their labor domestically at a rate the market will pay.
Disagree, 3.

24. An official language should be set, and immigrants should have to learn it.
Agree, 4.

25. Whatever maximizes economic growth is good for the people.
Disagree, 4.

26. Racial issues will never be resolved. It is human nature to prefer one's own race.
Agree, 2.

27. People with a criminal history should not be able to vote.
Disagree strongly, 4.

28. Marijuana should be legal.
Agree, 1.

29. The state should fine television stations for broadcasting offensive language.
Disagree strongly, 5.

30. It does not make sense to understand the motivations of terrorists because they are self-evidently evil.
Disagree strongly, 4.

31. The lower the taxes, the better off we all are.
Disagree, 4.

32. Minority groups that have faced discrimination should receive help from the state to get on an equal footing.
Disagree, 3.

33. It is wrong to question a leader in wartime.
Disagree, 2.

34. Tighter regulation would have prevented the collapse of the lending industry.
Agree, 2.

35. It makes sense and is fair that some people make much more money than others.
Agree, 4.

36. Toppling enemy regimes to spread democracy will make the world a safer place.
Neutral, 3.

37. The state has no business regulating alcohol and tobacco products.
Disagree, 4..

38. If an unwed teen becomes pregnant, abortion may be a responsible choice.
Agree strongly, 4.

39. International trade agreements should require environmental protections and workers' rights. (meaning: no free trade with countries that lack pollution controls or labor protections)
Agree strongly, 4.

40. Gay equality is a sign of progress.
Agree strongly, 4.

41. The state should be able to put a criminal to death if the crime was serious enough.
Disagree strongly, 4.

42. The military budget should be scaled back.
Disagree, 3.

43. Economic competition results in inumerable innovations that improve all of our lives.
Agree, 4.

44. It is not our place to condemn other cultures as backwards or barbaric.
Disagree strongly, 5.

45. When one group is slaughtering another group somewhere in the world, we have a responsibility to intervene.
Agree, 4.

46. We'd be better off if we could just lock up some of the people expressing radical political views, and keep them away from society.
Disagree strongly, 4.

47. Unrestrained capitalism cannot last, as wealth and power will concentrate to a small elite.
Agree strongly, 4.

48. It is a problem when young people display a lack of respect for authority.
Disagree, 3.

49. When corporate interests become too powerful, the state should take action to ensure the public interest is served.
Agree strongly, 4.

50. A person's morality is of the most personal nature; therefore government should have no involvement in moral questions or promote moral behaviors.
Disagree strongly, 5.

51. The state should not set a minimum wage.
Disagree strongly, 4.

52. A nation's retirement safety net cannot be trusted to the fluctuations of the stock market.
Neutral, 3.

53. Offensive or blasphemous art should be suppressed.
Disagree strongly, 5.

I saw that in theaters when it came out and got to talk to Theroux afterwards (was some special showing or preview). Good shit.

The Loft got trashed by critics but I recently watched it and enjoyed it. Maybe my expectations were just low.
That's because you have to watch the original Belgian version. It's much better.

The Flood / Re: Summer holidays are trash
« on: June 30, 2017, 02:21:02 AM »
Wanna swap places? I've got to work.

Gaming / Re: Quake Champions (Closed Beta Soon)
« on: June 29, 2017, 01:23:40 PM »
Wow, I've been chosen
You signed up?

Gaming / Re: Quake Champions (Closed Beta Soon)
« on: June 29, 2017, 01:15:54 PM »
Seeing all these old Quake pros come back is pretty great.

Gaming / Re: Quake Champions (Closed Beta Soon)
« on: June 29, 2017, 12:50:59 PM »

Qualifiers for the tournament have begun!

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