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Messages - Flee

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The Flood / Re: New Justice League trailer
« on: July 22, 2017, 05:08:29 PM »
Of course you are. Grimdark capeshit is objectively the only capeshit worth watching.

Also, Gadot is <3.

Serious / Re: Wow I hate the EU now
« on: July 22, 2017, 02:38:09 PM »
And here I was opening this post expecting you to be serious.
The EU is the single greatest thing to happen to our world. Why would I ever be serious about hating it?

Gaming / Re: Middle Earth: Shadow of War
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:32:06 PM »

Shelob is hot now?

Gaming / Would anyone watch me stream?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:16:04 PM »
I like playing games, providing commentary and explaining stuff. It's pretty damn fun to do. What I like less is managing a all of the clips, editing everything together and rendering it all. Streaming seems like it would cut that part out of the process and allow for more direct interaction.


Gaming / Re: List of games I need to play:
« on: July 21, 2017, 04:36:22 PM »
how is quake single player
Quake 1, 2 and 4 have single player. Quake 3 has a play vs AI / bots mode, which sort of counts I guess.

And I don't think Prehistoric ever said they had to be single player though.
no i'm asking, in terms of quality, how is quake's single player
Completely forgot to respond to this.

Quake's single player is good, but pretty outdated at this point. Quake 1 is one of the "founders" of the 3D FPS genre and it's still fun to play, but aiming and weapon controls are pretty wonky by today's standards. The others are better but again, the story is pretty limited and the levels are pretty linear. Fun though, if you're into fast paced jumping around keeping hordes of monsters at bay.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:54:09 PM »
i mean, i grind in pokémon and RPGs and shit, and i still enjoy those kind of games quite heavily
The difference is that in those games you kind of grind for a purpose. You grind to improve your Pokemon so you can move on, beat the next gym, not lose any team members on a nuzlocke, catch shiny pokemon, or beat the game / the League / any other challenges. Or maybe you grind for perfect stats to get a team for online matches. Same goes for RPGs. You may grind but it's pretty much always to reach a certain goal, beat a certain boss, complete the next area or achieve something difficult and impressive.

In Destiny, you grind for the grind. You grind for better weapons, equipment, stats and whatever, but the only thing they give you is the ability to grind better and even more. I don't mind the occasional grind myself, but it seemed so pointless in Destiny. Unlike RPGs or other games like this, I felt like the only thing you got out of grinding was the ability to grind marginally better. And I hated their cosmetic stuff, so that didn't give me any incentive either.

Oh and the way the levels work is just horrendous. People are not joking when they say the game is really just "you have to press this button. Kill enemies standing in front of the button. Press button and kill waves of enemies coming at you while this gate opens / this PC gets hacked. Repeat ad infinitum". The gunplay itself was pretty solid, but the game really did suck. And I wasn't even anti-Bungie at all, I even pre-ordered that shit and was really hyped to play it. Such a letdown.

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 12:56:27 PM »
16 hours. Got the game on release, beat the campaign, reached level 20, played some PvP (which was disappointingly easy) and then sold the game for nearly full price because there was nothing left but the boring grind.

The Flood / Re: Vapid
« on: July 21, 2017, 10:46:48 AM »
we talking english pronunciations?

first syllable should rhyme with map, and there is no "t" sound
Yeah, like rapid but with a V.

The Flood / Re: Vapid
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:01:10 AM »
I don't think I ever really said the word. I just imagined it pronounced differently, lol.

The Flood / Vapid
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:50:38 AM »
Is apparently pronounced vep-pit. Not vay-pit. I had no idea. You learn something new every day.

Gaming / Re: List of games I need to play:
« on: July 20, 2017, 01:51:35 PM »
how is quake single player
Quake 1, 2 and 4 have single player. Quake 3 has a play vs AI / bots mode, which sort of counts I guess.

And I don't think Prehistoric ever said they had to be single player though.

Reznor did the soundtrack for Quake 1 single player, and now the NiN drummer is doing the one for Quake Champions I believe.

I guess I'll hijack this thread.

What kind of specs am I looking at for about £500-£600? I have a monitor and peripherals sorted so it's purely for the tower.

I'm looking to do light 3D work (anything really really intense I can use uni PCs but I would like to do stuff at home) and misc photoshop/ video stuff for general messing around. Not too interested in playing BF1 on ultra or anything, just wanting to play stuff like Stellaris or Civ or modded Fallout in regards to games.

Google tells me that's around 650-780 you ess dollarydoos.
Solonoid's build was pretty decent, but your budget is higher. Any preference for brands?

Gaming / Re: Quake Champions (Closed Beta Soon)
« on: July 20, 2017, 11:23:55 AM »
Final EU qualifiers part 1 tonight. Evil is playing, so <3 him.

Doom game night?

yoo lets do it
What platform?

PC obv

i'll have to get it but no biggie i'll sell my xbox version
Hmm, I don't have it on PC but I might get it if enough people are interested in getting their ass beat.


Holy fuck, hahahahaha Flee BTFO
Tall talk for a man who's chickened out on facing me for months because it's too hot or some BS. Get that AC running boy.

I never understood the title of your thread. I think it's general knowledge that the only shitty opinion one can have about anime is one that is even remotely positive in any way.

Gaming / Re: List of games I need to play:
« on: July 20, 2017, 07:29:26 AM »

I might join in
I look forward to it.

Doom game night?

yoo lets do it
What platform?

PC obv

i'll have to get it but no biggie i'll sell my xbox version
Hmm, I don't have it on PC but I might get it if enough people are interested in getting their ass beat.
DOOM, Quake, doesn't matter. I will literally beat the fucking shit out of you in any pathetic game you decide to challenge me on, you stupid motherfucker.
Sure thing brosef but I've asked you to play like a few dozen times over the past couple of weeks. How does tonight sound?
Tonight for sure if not you can ban me
OK, I'll be sure to.

Doom game night?

yoo lets do it
What platform?

PC obv

i'll have to get it but no biggie i'll sell my xbox version
Hmm, I don't have it on PC but I might get it if enough people are interested in getting their ass beat.
DOOM, Quake, doesn't matter. I will literally beat the fucking shit out of you in any pathetic game you decide to challenge me on, you stupid motherfucker.
Sure thing brosef but I've asked you to play like a few dozen times over the past couple of weeks. How does tonight sound?

Doom game night?

yoo lets do it
What platform?

PC obv

i'll have to get it but no biggie i'll sell my xbox version
Hmm, I don't have it on PC but I might get it if enough people are interested in getting their ass beat.

god bless you, flee
Just giving my 2c. Solonoid probably knows more about hardware in general than I do, but it seems that his PC has a different purpose than what you had in mind and doesn't offer twice the performance for the same price (especially for gaming it'll probably perform even worse). He's right in saying that there could've been some skimming here and there (mainly by going all AMD instead of Intel + Nvidia, which are usually seen as more reliable and high quality but more expensive), but I think you have a solid build picked out for what you want it do. It's a reasonable price and nothing is stopping you from investing in an i5 and another 8gb of DDR4 down the line for a build that I would consider downright good.


just so i have some peace of mind, build me a rig that will cost the same with double the power please
Very similar build sporting DDR3, a slight downstep with monetary advantages (especially in this performance range) one more full sized PCIe slot, and an 8-core CPU that I recently installed in a friend's PC (he likes it a lot, it's better than the Core i5 Black I swear by), and a Radeon RX 460 4GB I found priced at 120 CAD (no price population on pcpartpicker since Radeon is flying off the shelves)

CPU comes with a cooler which I have had hands on experience with and can verify it works very well so long as you don't overclock, the case includes a 200mm fan at the front, which creates ample airflow in the cuboid form. Paired with the dual onboard GPU fans you should have no trouble keeping air moving through the case.

The final price of this miniature monster is ~603 CAD, and allows four slots to upgrade your RAM if you decide to buy more later.
I see what you're saying, but the AMD is a much older and more outdated CPU with barely better (and often worse) performance for gaming due to much faster single cores and hyperthreading in the Pentium. And while it may come with a cooler of its own, I'd still recommend a proven brand name especially since he's in a hot environment. The motherboard may offer an extra PCIe slot and more RAM space, but it only works with older RAM and doesn't support anything other than DDR3. As far as GPU's go (which will be the most important part for him by far), the 1050ti comes in at up to 35% faster than the 460.

I agree with what you said in your later post about getting more out of a PC, but I think that for what he had in mind, his build is probably going to perform better for gaming. You can debate about things like the motherboard and importance of the added cores in the CPU, but this is definitely not twice the performance at the same price. For things like video games, it's probably going to perform even worse.

Also, where did you find that GPU for $120 CAD? I haven't found a single store that has it in stock under $200+.

That doesn't really prove your original claim. Could you link a build at the same price with twice the performance?

The massive bottlenecking also seems overstated when looking at the reviews and benchmarks. "The Pentium offers around half the performance of a stock i7 7700K for 20 per cent of the cost". Yeah, it's expected to be bit of a bottleneck, but it's still enough to run Witcher 3 or Crysis 3 at 60+ fps on Ultra / Very High, Far Cry Primal and Assassin's Creed Unity at 80+ fps on Ultra, and the Division at over a 110+ fps on Ultra as well (all when paired with a Titan). It might be a bit of a bottleneck, but when it's capable of supporting a very CPU heavy game like Battlefield 1 at 70+ fps on Ultra, even when paired with just a 1060, you've got a solid CPU that won't hold you back much unless you go for really high performance. A "massive bottleneck" is a CPU that limits you to sub 60 fps even when paired with much better GPU's, not one that can achieve these results with recent games on ultra settings. And at such a low price, it's easily one of the best budget CPU's out there.

I agree that he could've saved some cash by going with AMD (as I suggested in one of my earlier posts), but I don't see anything wrong with this build. Hell, even the Rx 470 (which I believe is the closest equivalent to the 1050ti) appears to be even quite a bit more expensive in Canada. Some costs could've still been cut, but this looks like a pretty solid budget build to me. I'd be very surprised if you could put together one that's twice as powerful for the same price.

For $600, he got himself a PC that'll let him play all the games he wants, including some very recent ones at high settings with high framerates. It might not be the most min-maxed build possible, nor will it be great for really demanding tasks like 3D modeling, but it looks solid to me. One of the best low budget CPU's on the market, a good GPU, and components from prominent high quality brands like MSI and EVGA.

I'm not the biggest expert here, but I think it looks pretty good. I'll be happy to concede otherwise, but you're going to have to show some actual results and specific components to prove your point. You can't just say "you should've gone AMD", "you should've grabbed a quad or 8 core" or "you skimmed where you should've spent" without posting some specifics on how this could be improved.

Oh dude.

Why why you build that.
You just flushed $600 down the toilet.

You could have built something twice as powerful for the same price.
I'm not the biggest PC buff of them all, but color me curious. Note that this is in Canada money too, so the price is going to be significantly higher as it is.

because it's illegal not to and you get more features when you have a real copy
It's 100% legal and literally the only feature you miss out on is the ability to change your computer's theme and background. And even then, I still managed to change those things on mine.

yeah, and you also have to worry about that stupid little "activate windows" thing in the bottom right

i'm just picky about that, and for 25 bucks, it's worth it

anyways, am i all set for this purchase? no last minute warnings or advice?
A CPU cooler and maybe a case fan is never a bad idea. Other than that, it looks good.

how much would i be looking at for both

it gets really hot in my room as is
I'd recommend you look at these two for cooler fans:

The Hyper 212 EVO is widely considered to be one of the best and most popular mid tier ones (35$). The other one isn't quite as good, but serviceable for 20$. You'll definitely want a cooler fan, so I'd recommend one of these two.

If you want another case fan (not necessary, but I'd recommend at least 1 so you have both a fan at the rear that comes pre-installed, and you could put in another one at the front to suck in cool air), any 120mm will fit (I checked myself). I'd recommend one of these two (I have the same one in my PC):

Same fan, just one is red and the other is blue. They're only $8, so not much of an expense.

Your case comes with a built in case fan, so scrap that. A CPU cooler I would recommend though.

because it's illegal not to and you get more features when you have a real copy
It's 100% legal and literally the only feature you miss out on is the ability to change your computer's theme and background. And even then, I still managed to change those things on mine.

yeah, and you also have to worry about that stupid little "activate windows" thing in the bottom right

i'm just picky about that, and for 25 bucks, it's worth it

anyways, am i all set for this purchase? no last minute warnings or advice?
A CPU cooler and maybe a case fan is never a bad idea. Other than that, it looks good.

so there aren't any issues with this? you guys think i should spend my money on this? i'll buy it right now if that's the case/
Let me see.

because it's illegal not to and you get more features when you have a real copy
It's 100% legal and literally the only feature you miss out on is the ability to change your computer's theme and background. And even then, I still managed to change those things on mine.

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