The Flood / Re: Ask me anything
« on: September 21, 2017, 11:20:08 AM »
Opinion of the EU?
And I'm going to continue my Undertale playthrough soon.
And I'm going to continue my Undertale playthrough soon.
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 1501
The Flood / Re: Ask me anything« on: September 21, 2017, 11:20:08 AM »
Opinion of the EU?
And I'm going to continue my Undertale playthrough soon. 1502
The Flood / Re: Taikia Waititi in talks to direct live action Akira movie« on: September 20, 2017, 12:11:26 PM »the only way to stop these is to stop anime itselfThis I can support. 1503
Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central« on: September 20, 2017, 03:37:09 AM »I can't even really put my finger on it after all this time, but it just irked me. I know they're mainly still kids games, but I played through XY / ORAS with no major complaints about this stuff. But Moon? Ugh. I don't want to use the word cringe, but it's just so childish and almost lame pretty much all the time. I'd have to play it again to really voice my thoughts, but I felt like I was rolling my eyes at the game every 2 minutes I wasn't in battle. So much of it just felt so fake and anime-like in a way.I still haven't gotten to the first gym or whatever it is now in Moon.honestly, once you make it past that point, the game really ramps up 1504
Serious / Re: Does this terrify anyone else?« on: September 19, 2017, 09:33:05 AM »
No. If you're terrified by this kind of anonymous, biased, unsourced, misleading and inaccurate shite, you should reconsider your priorities. This was made to make you feel threatened and you're falling head first for the political agenda of whoever wrote this.
Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central« on: September 19, 2017, 03:14:37 AM »
I still haven't gotten to the first gym or whatever it is now in Moon.
The Flood / Re: where the cowboys fans at« on: September 18, 2017, 05:04:05 AM »
Cowboys > Indians
Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Ninja Run (with voice)« on: September 18, 2017, 03:45:10 AM »Great video as always. Have you played Bloodborne yet?Thanks! And I wish, but it's just about the only PS4 exclusive that I'm interested in. Can't really justify buying an entire console for just that one game. It's a bit shame because I've played through every other Souls game and want to try Bloodborne as well. Maybe if I can get a good deal somewhere. 1508
Serious / Re: So for real, what do you see happening with North Korea« on: September 17, 2017, 06:12:34 PM »The US dropped nukes 70 years ago. Times have changed. Without getting into the morality of the WW2 nukes, I don't see anything similar happening.Nothing.US dropped nukes on civvies and got away with it, whats stopping them now? Truman and the gang were hailed heroes. Trump could be known as the man who nuked a chubby demi-god. One, we now live in the information age. Things that used to be classified military secrets are now public knowledge. The most powerful man in the world tweets more about his vapid thoughts than your average 16 year old white girl. News agencies cover everything related to the US and NK, from politics and economics to information on staff and whereabouts. We receive instant reports on every military test by NK and every troop movement by the US. In the 40's, people knew a lot less about the details of these events and what led up to them. It took a full day before the media even reported on Hiroshima, whereas we'd now know within minutes. People are now too informed and too engaged for something like this to happen without monumental controversy and outrage. The WW2 nukes and their actual impact were clouded in secrecy and uncertainty for year - something that would not happen now. Two, we live in a global society. In '45 it was still every country for itself with little cooperation or insight sharing. We now have the UN, NATO and heaps of treaties and agreements. Countries depend on one another a whole lot more for trade, currency stability and a bunch of other stuff. While acceptable nearly a century ago, the "screw you guys, I'm doing this" attitude now will carry a lot more consequence and come with pretty serious side effects. The international community is much more tight knit and powerful than it was back then. Going against convention by doing something as serious as nuking another country would backfire tremendously. Also, the US was actually at war with Japan. Tens of thousands of soldiers had died on both sides and many more lives would've been lost had the conflict continued. Dropping the very first nukes in such a situation is a lot different than nuking a grandstanding country with virtually no offensive capabilities whatsoever. 1510
Serious / Re: So for real, what do you see happening with North Korea« on: September 16, 2017, 04:34:53 PM »
North Korea won't do anything because Kim is smart enough to realize that he's screwed the moment he does. He and his elite are grandstanding to maintain the tension and keep themselves in the wonderful situation of power and wealth they're in right now. The West won't do anything because it doesn't want to destabilize the world economy and the current status quo between China, US, EU and Russia, and because it's aware of the huge potential loss of life of innocent North and South Koreans. Both sides know this of one another. The West knows NK won't do anything or Kim will lose everything in an instant, and NK knows the West won't do anything because it's a huge risk to millions of lives and the world economy / international relations. And then there's also this little thing of nuclear war in the area that pretty much everyone is hoping to avoid. Kim is just grandstanding because his position of power depends on millions feeding into this cult of his divinity facing the wicked America. 1511
The Flood / Re: Why does rap have so many ties to anime?« on: September 16, 2017, 08:44:41 AM »
wow I hate rap now
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 16, 2017, 08:25:38 AM »It shocks me to have you say there was "Decent" discourse there, because I got anything BUT that.I was just talking about the actual Flood though. Before OffTopic. Which I thought it was pretty great. There's always shitheads, but I've had a lot of good discussions on a wide variety of (political) topics. Much better then than it is now with this alt right mob mentality. Now that there's a system of upvottes and downvotes, you'll regularly see "liberals are a hate movement" threads trending while different opinions are hidden behind downvotes and people reporting them. Old Flood was leagues better and more balanced. Quote Also, on topic: Come on, just because idiots take a joke and pull it into an extreme doesn't mean that it actually IS a hate symbol.First sentence of my OP. "Plenty of dumb media pieces going around talking about how it's a nazi symbol". It's not a hate symbol, but it is a symbol that has been adopted by shitty and controversial political groups. No matter the original intent, people are flying this flag next to literal swastikas. Bungie does not want to be associated with them, so they removed it. Fair call, in my opinion. 1513
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime« on: September 15, 2017, 04:26:03 PM »It's alright, but I'm not sure I can stick with it. Plenty of things that I'm not too fond of. I'm liking the general story line so far, but that's most of what I can say. Some of the fighting is pretty decent too, but that's about it. Stuff I don't like:Well I'm at 10 or so. Watched a bunch while traveling.*R*O*C*K*S* is still my favourite Naruto Opening.How many episodes do I have to watch again before it gets good? - it's still playing out like a preteen middle school drama of a love/hate relationship between a girl and two boys. - so much edge. Some of the people in Dragonball (like Vegeta) do this too from time to time, but this is next level shit. Every other person seems to want to be the cool "nothing personnel kid" type of guy very often. - overplayed elements. Yeah, we get it. You can transform into a rock or a piece of wood and people will attack the wrong thing. We've seen it a dozen times in 9 episodes, so get on with it already. - teleports behind him. nothing personnel kid. Woah ok it was a log. teleports behind him. woah ok it was water. teleports behind him. woah ok it was another fake?! That was some shite right there. - the constant explanations and repeats. We literally saw this 3 minutes ago. I don't need two more repeats of the same footage with a gray filter over it while Naruto spends (no joke) a quarter of an episode explaining pretty obvious stuff in the face of this supposedly badass assassin guy doing nothing. Come on now. Half of this could've been scrapped. There was definitely more stuff that made me roll my eyes or want to skip ahead, but that's what I can remember off the top of my head. Overall, it's not such a bad show and the storyline is pretty decent. The whole thing with Naruto having the fox spirit in him and being an outcast, the ninja ranks and different countries, the escort mission and ninja hunting them (with the one pretending to kill him - decent twist although kind of predictable he wouldn't be dead)... All pretty good. But I'm not feeling that engaged or interested in knowing what happens next, and that's pretty important. Dragonball has its fair share of dumb shit as well, but I keep watching because the other stuff makes up for it and because I want to see what happens next in the big universe tournament. And as it stands now, I kind of doubt Naruto will be the same. 1514
The Flood / Re: Recommend me an anime instead« on: September 15, 2017, 03:59:02 PM »Not that much. I've tried a few but couldn't get into any. Bebop, One Piece, Jojo, Neon whatever it is, One punch man... Dragonball's alright, but you gotta push through the crappy bits. I also watched the likes of Yugioh and Pokemon when I was a kid, but don't think I could ever get into any of that again. Oh and the Hunter Hunter one was alright too. I saw some episodes but then there were these ants and christ that was just bad.Dragonball is the only decent anime I've seen and even that is stretching it.What have you actually watched? 1515
The Flood / Re: Do you believe in any cryptids?« on: September 15, 2017, 03:47:10 PM »
Nah. The common ones are all pretty easily dismissable as hoaxes or miss-sightings. There's been so much research into them that there's really no way they exist. That said, there might be some truth to the less famous and more likely ones. After all, there's several of them that used to be dismissed as impossible by the scientific community that have only been cleared or definitively proven relatively recently (giant squid, oarfish, okapi, komodo dragon...). But they're primarily the result of investigations into previously undiscovered areas of the world, so there's not much hope for more.
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 15, 2017, 03:21:46 PM »kek/kekistan is not a white nationalist symbol smfh.A satire that was started by the overwhelmingly right wing /pol/ and was primarily against leftist cucks and snowflakes. A parody started and shared by the same people who support Trump, Le Pen, Wilders, Brexit and populism, oppose feminism and multiculturalism, fight "political correctness / social justice / globalism", oppose minority protections, support extreme freedom of the markets and a dozen other typically right wing / conservative points. The flag is modeled after the nazi battle flag, it's flown at far right rallies and it's pretty much exclusive to the alt right Trumpist crowd. Do I think the shitposters on /pol/ should be considered a proper hate group? No, but I really don't think anyone can genuinely argue that there is no relation with the alt right and its shitty ideologies, regardless of whether it intentionally started as it or was just adopted by these kinds of people. 1517
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 15, 2017, 02:49:24 PM »You lost me there too. What was so bad about what it was beforehand? Old Flood was pretty decent. Far from perfect, but better than what it is now. I had so many good discussions on there about all sorts of political topics.I'll gladly take an alt-right shit hole that I'm not obligated to go back to over what it was beforehand. Not that I plan on actually going back, good riddance to that site and that company.whatIt is both a shame of how much of an alt-right den it has become 1518
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 15, 2017, 01:58:30 AM »I've made two posts pointing out the irony in this outrage on B.net. I'm currently sitting at a combined 100+ replies and around 30 downvotes (based on how many people have upvoted me yet my posts still being at 0). It is both a shame of how much of an alt-right den it has become, and hilarious how these people are so blind to the irony. I have yet to see a single person that complained about the armor before Bungie removed it. The only snowflakes I'm seeing are these people throwing a temper tantrum that Bungie removed a cosmetic with a political connotation because "it's caving to LGYTZYX minority snowflakes being triggered". I should probably just leave altogether, but sep7 can be a bit slow at times.I mean, looking at their forums nowadays, I think that's already the case. 1519
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime« on: September 14, 2017, 02:25:29 PM »Well I'm at 10 or so. Watched a bunch while traveling.*R*O*C*K*S* is still my favourite Naruto Opening.How many episodes do I have to watch again before it gets good? 1520
The Flood / Re: Recommend me an anime instead« on: September 14, 2017, 01:22:08 PM »
Dragonball is the only decent anime I've seen and even that is stretching it.
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime« on: September 14, 2017, 12:59:06 PM »*R*O*C*K*S* is still my favourite Naruto Opening.How many episodes do I have to watch again before it gets good? 1522
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime« on: September 14, 2017, 12:57:45 PM »i also like this song they used for one of the naruto openingsTrue as hell. I'll watch them once, and even that is difficult to sit through, and then never again. Especially if you pay attention to the lyrics. Usually some of the most meaningless BS imaginable. 1523
The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime« on: September 14, 2017, 09:07:04 AM »poor Verbatim is torturing himself for literally no reasonNo reason? This is a worthwhile undertaking. Weeaboos regularly come up with familiar nonsense. "Anime isn't bad, maybe this one anime just wasn't your thing but that doesn't mean anime sucks". I'm sure we've all encountered it many times before. What Verb is doing is nothing short of heroic. He is proving, scientifically, that anime categorically sucks. No nonsense. No bullshit of "yeah but try this show instead". Just a straight up and factual analysis proving conclusively that anime simply sucks. He's torturing himself so that we don't have to. 1524
Gaming / Re: 9/13 Nintendo Direct (pokémon us/um, xenoblade, octopath, mario odyssey, etc.)« on: September 14, 2017, 03:10:23 AM »I'm skeptical until it releases. 1525
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 14, 2017, 01:31:08 AM »SJWs are like eternally triggeredBut where are they? As far as I know, there was never an outrage or triggering. A person privately contacted Bungie's social media team on the site to let them know that one armor piece was suspiciously similar to this kek stuff. They also told Vice Waypoint, who messaged Bungie asking what they thought about this. In the mean time, Bungie had tweeted they'd be removing the gauntlets and the story took off. I haven't seen any SJW pitchforks attacking Bungie or boycotting them. The only outrage I'm seeing is people getting very upset on 4chan, B.net and the comment sections of various gaming sites by Bungie removing it - claiming horrible censorship and oppression by snowflake liberals. The irony in all these people lamenting how Bungie "caved" is baffling, and all because they didn't want to be associated with a shitty political movement. Just imagine if they had an accidental BLM / ANTIFA / left-wing logo in their game. I'm sure that the people up in arms about this would've had the exact same attitude then. I'm convinced they would've remained completely untriggered and surely didn't write thousands of posts and articles on how Bungie is trying to push its ideology on kids as part of the mainstream propaganda wars. I'm sure they would not have launched petitions and boycots over this. And I'm absolutely convinced that if Bungie had removed it from the game, they would've reacted just the way they did now ("wow censorship much, catering to the demands of politics now, fucking bungie") and would not applaud them for doing so or consider it a victory for them. /s 1526
Gaming / Re: Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 13, 2017, 04:31:47 PM »Based Bungie, Destiny 2 continues to be best game of the yearTbh, them removing this is easily the best and most amusing thing Bungie has done since Halo. 1527
Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Ninja Run (with voice)« on: September 13, 2017, 03:52:15 PM »oh jeez i never noticedYeah, I don't think you're the only one. 1528
Gaming / Bungie removing "KEK"-like armor from Destiny 2« on: September 13, 2017, 03:14:54 PM »
Bungie fixing Destiny 2 armor resembling white nationalist symbol
Quote Destiny 2 developer Bungie is updating the game to fix a piece of armor featuring a symbol associated with a hate group, the studio announced today. Spoiler ![]() Understandable decision. Plenty of dumb media pieces going around talking about how it's a nazi symbol and implying it's something comparable to the swastika, but it's hard to deny that the 4chan meme/joke has long been adopted by the alt-right. It's a cringeworthy thing held dearly and promoted by a shitty political group. Whether intentional or not, it's understandable Bungie doesn't want to be associated with these people and their beliefs. Also, the irony is real. Pretty much no people complaining about this being in the game. Hundreds complaining and getting ticked off by Bungie removing it because of the "liberals being offended pussies". Most of the triggered "snowflakes" I'm seeing are the worst of the ones up in arms about this. 1529
The Flood / Re: Floridian Sep7agon Fam« on: September 11, 2017, 03:18:24 PM »so my family and i just witnessed a tornado form over a lake next to our house not too long ago, probably the coolest fuckin thing i have seen in a whileDid you record it? 1530
The Flood / Re: Floridian Sep7agon Fam« on: September 11, 2017, 03:16:35 PM »YouTube Damn son. |