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Messages - Busta Nut

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 32
The Flood / Re: What did I miss?
« on: May 19, 2020, 10:18:37 PM »
What did I do wrong

why does everyone hate me

just tell me what to do and I'll do it
Here's your pathetic reply.

Perhaps try not involving yourself in scum of the earth activities, and maybe people would like you more.

The Flood / Re: give me advice 4chan didnt
« on: May 18, 2020, 10:05:12 PM »
Amusing that you won't respond to such blatant criticism. Or sad.

The Flood / Re: holy shit I just realized
« on: May 15, 2020, 11:09:29 PM »
Ready to be imPEGnated.

The Flood / Re: Peace will come to me
« on: May 15, 2020, 11:03:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: give me advice 4chan didnt
« on: May 15, 2020, 10:19:35 PM »
In this one moment I actually vaguely remember when I liked your posts. Kinda sad how literally any discussion you might want to bring aside from attention whoring is just more attention whoring from another website. I mean honestly, what the fuck are you doing here? What is the point of this shit? It's SO FUCKING OBVIOUSLY made for replies and for someone to satisfy your need for them.

Why the fuck do you expect anyone to respect you when you value yourself so little? Sucking a homeless guy off for drugs? Selling your body for a place to stay? What do you even want people to think of you bud, because you OBVIOUSLY care when you’re continuously bitching about why people are so mean to you.

I was born and raised in New Orleans until I was 19 as white guy, and it really just is an acceptance thing I've found. When my friends started using it amongst themselves I kinda knew better as a pasty white kid, even though we were close. In retrospect ,I don't think they would have cared, but even when we were in high school I only said it when one of my buds did something fucking stupid or we were all just hanging out.

Granted this is when you ARE basically the minority. Most of my friend growing up were black, and I'd only do it with someone I was comfortable with (i.e. them). We were all raised in similar circumstances of poverty and shitty home-lives, so there's no racial barriers between us because we've basically been through it all together.

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 06, 2020, 10:11:12 PM »
Verb, why do you ALWAYS have the contrarian viewpoints? This thread devolved so fast.
(read: the fans)
So, the entire audience this series is directed towards is wrong for having any kind of criticism that detracts from your point of view?

And note, I do agree with you on many points regrading the Sequel Trilogy, even though I wish it had never happened.
Aside from what they did to my boy Luke. My love for the character blinds me too much from what they did to him, as a fan of the EU/Legends stuff that didn't suck hot garbage.

Gaming / Re: So, The Last of Us 2 leaks....
« on: May 06, 2020, 08:52:47 PM »
Verb, why do you ALWAYS have the contrarian viewpoints? This thread devolved so fast.

The Flood / Re: Monthly Sounding Circle
« on: April 20, 2020, 02:48:00 PM »
I've got a rod right here for you bby.

Gaming / Re: What's your top five played games on Steam?
« on: April 20, 2020, 02:44:13 PM »

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ‒ 800+ hours
Fallout: New Vegas ‒ 416 hours
Warframe ‒ 287 hours
Mount and Blade: Warband ‒ 195 hours
War Thunder ‒ 120 Hours

Right now I'm playing the shit out of Red Dead 2 and am already at like 90 hours for a forty percent completion rate. Haven't don't much story shit yet.

The Flood / Re: i have an idea for a new multimedia discussion forum
« on: April 02, 2020, 12:06:09 PM »
no u

Gaming / Re: Backlog 2020
« on: March 30, 2020, 07:49:48 PM »
Gotta buy Bannerlord now even though I'm already balls deep in The Witcher 3, halfway through Tomb Raider still, and have been putting off playing Anomaly because of a shitty situation in Red Forest where I've got Monolith in front of and behind me, and also a group of SEVA-suited Ecologist zombies ten meters to my right behind a thicket of trees who also know I'm there.

Put off Luigi's Mansion 3 too even though I was enjoying it. Didn't have any issues until that Egyptian Boss and I really don't want to force myself through that again.

Now that my PC is done though I've got so many on the backburner it's crazy.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 18, 2020, 09:01:17 PM »
A co-worker's sister is currently being test, and if she proves positive corporate says they're going to shut the whole building down so as to not take any chances. Fuck me if that happens.

The Flood / Re: I Require More Music
« on: March 12, 2020, 08:47:10 PM »


The Flood / Re: Does anyone here still Bnet forums?
« on: March 12, 2020, 08:44:23 PM »
I got Mythic three weeks before .blind. Once they did the Destiny only shenanigans I popped over to here and have never looked back. Good memories and all, but thanks Bungie for ruining seven good years.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 12, 2020, 08:21:39 PM »
Got the first case in our state yesterday. Second and third a few hours later. This morning it was announced that all schooling in our area (public schools, colleges, Unis) would be going fully online on March 23rd. I live around the Bentonville area though (aka Walmart central) so there are no shortages of any kind thankfully and all the rich people are taking it seriously.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 11, 2020, 05:11:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: March 04, 2020, 01:04:14 AM »
Gonna get pics up tomorrow after work.

I9-9900K is currently at 5.2 GHz with idle temps of 28 C idle and 41 C under load.
2080 is at 2050 MHz (still messing with my settings, cause I could push it harder but don't really need to) for 34 C idle and 61 C under load.

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: March 04, 2020, 12:16:51 AM »
Drop the Windows bundle.
Get a trial version of 7 and upgrade to 10 for free. Saves you 100 dollars.
Didn't buy it lol. Just borrowed my little brother's install disc cause mine was lost in a move a couple years back.

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: March 01, 2020, 12:35:41 AM »
If you're actually serious about video editing and making money off of it then get a 3900x instead of that 9900k. Sure, the 9900k will have higher frames in most games, but only marginally. The 3900x will be faster when it comes to editing though. That's an older model case as well, there are better options that are cheaper too.

But if your heart is set on that build, then go for it, there's nothing wrong with it.

edit: herp derp you built it already, my bad
Kinda realized the 9900K thing a little after I bought it, but thanks for trying to tell me at least lol. I'll be able to make do I believe as of right now because editing so far has been a breeze.

Case-wise I disagree. I got this one for $90 for my first build, and I really see no reason to scrap such a solid and ergonomic case. Cable management (as much as I suck at it) is SO much easier with some of Fractale's additions, and I really like the minimalist design that actually really does help in keeping the noise down..

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: February 28, 2020, 05:16:53 PM »
That's a buff PC
What're you using for
Gaming for when I'm free (that's what the 2080 is for), but music/video editing has been consuming most of my time because I'm helping out my friends band and have been offering my services to some lower level YouTubers for so long on my formerly garbage PC that an upgrade like this makes enough of a serious technical difference that I could actually make some money off it.

Gonna get more, faster RAM though.

Yeah that RAM did seem a little slow
Make sure you have some RBG to make up the speed difference
Ram is one of the few takeaways from my old build, which includes the fans and keyboard. I've got 3200 8x2's coming next Friday, so these are just placeholders. Gonna get another stack of the same the next time I get payed though for some more oomph to editing.

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: February 27, 2020, 11:03:03 PM »
did you solder or just fill it with liquid metal

also, pics
Liquid Metal and tape for a 11C difference. I don't trust myself with anything else.

Pics will come soon.

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: February 27, 2020, 10:41:11 PM »
That's a buff PC
What're you using for
Gaming for when I'm free (that's what the 2080 is for), but music/video editing has been consuming most of my time because I'm helping out my friends band and have been offering my services to some lower level YouTubers for so long on my formerly garbage PC that an upgrade like this makes enough of a serious technical difference that I could actually make some money off it.

Gonna get more, faster RAM though.

The Flood / Re: Rate my PC Build
« on: February 27, 2020, 05:36:36 PM »
yep, it's a PC all right
Thank you for noticing! It is!

The Flood / Rate my PC Build
« on: February 27, 2020, 05:26:44 PM »

Just put this bad boy together and it runs like a fucking dream. Also delidding that 9900K was the scariest thing of my life but the temps are thankfully consistently low. Got most of this stuff during cyber monday last year though so all around I only spent about 2K.

Edit: I9-9900K is currently at 5.2 GHz with idle temps of 28 C idle and 41 C under load.
2080 is at 2050 MHz (still messing with my settings, cause I could push it harder but don't really need to) for 34 C idle and 55 C under load.

Gaming / Re: Why Is Dark Souls II So Bad?
« on: February 11, 2020, 03:31:55 PM »
Legend has it that some Demons Souls invasions are still ongoing because neither player has ran out of fucking grass yet.
Once spent a solid 45 minutes chasing down this one motherfucker on world 1-3. Guy must have used a solid 300+ grass throughout the whole encounter and disconnected before I could deal that final blow.

I love Demon's Souls, but fuck that game design.

The Flood / Re: >tfw your favorite music doesn't know grammar
« on: December 18, 2019, 03:11:12 AM »
I really dislike that majority of songs are about love or sex. Maybe I'm wrong and there is not that many, but cmon guys, can't you sing about anything else.
Feel this in my bones. Kinda why I've shifted towards early era (80's to like 95) grunge and alternative, as it's a lot easier to vibe with than the most of the garbage we get nowadays.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 11, 2019, 01:23:19 AM »
Any of you boys want to play sometime soon?

Also, how the fuck do you communicate? The situation has rarely presented itself, but anytime any chatter goes on I can't hear anyone and don't know what the push to talk is.

I'm up for it. Xbox gt is the same as my username. I'll be on this Wednesday (today) and Friday.

Edit: oh wait nevermind you meant PC.
I'll be able to play on Xbox soon as well. One of my gifts, since my girlfriend can't contain herself when it comes to this time of year.

GT is the same as my name. And I thought PC users were able to play with those on Xbox.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 11, 2019, 12:03:51 AM »
Any of you boys want to play sometime soon?

Also, how the fuck do you communicate? The situation has rarely presented itself, but anytime any chatter goes on I can't hear anyone and don't know what the push to talk is.

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 23, 2019, 02:56:54 AM »
Currently waiting until the season is over so I can shell out money for a month to watch.

How is it so far?

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