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The Flood / Re: Thread for my battery shit
« Last post by E on Today at 05:17:45 AM »

It looks like you're definitely getting there. I say this without a trace of irony: thank you for taking the time to update us with this thread. I can't say I've read all the posts, but I've read this one, and I'll make the effort to catch up when Sam goes to sleep tonight. I hope you have a fantastic Friday morning <3

Don't worry about reading. If I was going to tell you to read anything, I'd say to wait until I have concrete results.

The condensed version of what I've learned so far is that 90% of electric motors can be used as generators if they are spun rather than having power put into them. All electric motors are generators, and all  electric generators are motors.

Two pieces of metal can be used in a lot of different ways to make basic batteries strong enough to light small electrical things. The simplest is water based, but if you want something more stable, throw the metal into dirt and water it like a houseplant every now and again. If you want to get fancy, you can align the electrodes with the Earth's telluric magnetic currents and they'll pick up on it, giving a boost.

I drop it all off here just in case anybody's interested, but my long term goal is learning enough about this shit to start building something quality enough to sell. I'm pretty sure if I can make anything with a reasonable output gravity powered that can run for a day on a windup, it would kill as a salespiece.  But I don't have to just sell something. This shit could help somebody out one day if we end up in a shit situation like downed power grids long term and cut off gas pumps.

It looks like you're definitely getting there. I say this without a trace of irony: thank you for taking the time to update us with this thread. I can't say I've read all the posts, but I've read this one, and I'll make the effort to catch up when Sam goes to sleep tonight. I hope you have a fantastic Friday morning <3
The Flood / Re: Thread for my battery shit
« Last post by E on July 25, 2024, 08:08:15 PM »

Here's today's fuckery. I had the idea of using clothesline as a cable for pulleys since it can't be broken by hand and it's built to work with a little tension. It's got the benefit of being industrial strength but stupid cheap. The cable works, but not exactly as I intended. I failed to take into account how the clips holding it together act under pressure when rolling. They flexed slightly. So I can't spin those two roller bars without adding tension.

 The plan is bolt a piece of wood where the stick is, fit a small wheel into it, and tie a weight to it to act as a tensioner for the cable. After that, all I need to do is find a way to rig the bike wheel to the upper roller bar, and fit another pulley to make the falling weight do its thing. Spinning this by hand with the cable, I can get 40 volts DC or AC, and somewhere above 500 milliamps since my meter can't read that high.

 As is, if I stuck a falling weight to it now, I could charge batteries and run small appliances and tools, and light up a few LED strings. Getting there.
The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« Last post by Jono on July 23, 2024, 09:43:50 PM »
This is so sad if this ends up being true

Brother Laura loomer has got to be one of the most garbage sources imaginable.
Ignore my previous post, a lot of other sources I follow on twitter that are legit are all discrediting her for everything. My mistake.
The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« Last post by Jono on July 23, 2024, 08:43:40 PM »
This is so sad if this ends up being true

Brother Laura loomer has got to be one of the most garbage sources imaginable.
She was the one that originally reported the medical emergency on Air Force One and everyone attacked her for it
The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« Last post by maverick on July 23, 2024, 02:20:38 PM »
This is so sad if this ends up being true

Brother Laura loomer has got to be one of the most garbage sources imaginable.
The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« Last post by dahuterschuter on July 22, 2024, 11:38:16 PM »
This is so sad if this ends up being true

I would be surprised if he woke up Sunday morning honestly.  Everything has looked like a panic attempt to transition him out without his involvement.

>Bidengets btfo in debate to the point polling hits all time low
>assassination attempt on Trump fails and suddenly the entire culture shifts to people openly supporting Trump
>regardless, as recently as last week Joe said there's no way he's dropping out
>suddenly handlers who run his twitter account post "I'm sick" and is said to have COVID again even though the 16 shots and boosters he got were safe and effective to stop the spread
>never seen or heard from again
>suddenly on Sunday his twitter crew post a sus af letter stating he's dropping out of the race
>oh and also another saying he endorses Kamala
>suddenly Kamala is running already prepared campaign ads and Democrat officials are not questioning a single thing endorsing her
>literally no one has seen Joe in days
>visit with Netanyahu canceled last minute
>today we get a "phonecall" with Joe that isn't even a conversation, just a two minute audio segment that could have been AI generated by a youtuber
>not a word from Jill Biden about any of this
>as of time duties are being delegated to Chiefs of staff
>no there won't be a primary where registered Democrats can vote for their candidate, the candidate will be appointed by your betters in order to "save Democracy" from voting

It's like watching some sort of mad scramble for power play out in real time.  Everyone knows something absolutely insane is happening and only corporate media and online shills who are getting their paid playbook from the DNC are going on as if this is all normal and nothing to see here folks just move on to backing Kamala please ask no questions. 

In 2016 they prevented Bernie from being the candidate because it was HER TURN, in 2020 they made sure Biden was their player to be the puppet.  For 2024 it looks like we're just watching them scramble to improvise the new Shadow Campaign to Save The Election (Time Magazine) because Trump slightly moved his head to the left.
The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« Last post by Jono on July 22, 2024, 11:08:08 PM »
This is so sad if this ends up being true
Damn, and he won the debate too...
He did. Here's my take:

*legendary man with

Too bad you can't edit posts on Twitter without giving Elon "Mussolini" Musk money that he uses to support the coup attempt. The Christofascist Empire of the Americas (CFEA) will not happen; the people are too strong. Get fucked, billionaire pigs. Destroy the patriarchy and this time - no, men don't get to be equal. You had your chance. We deserve a matriarchy for at least 100 years just as reparations for the 10,000 years of testosterone-fueled society poisoning the world.
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