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Messages - Super Irish

Pages: 1 23 ... 201
The Flood / Re: I'm scared of dying bros
« on: January 21, 2025, 06:33:16 AM »
Ever since I got paralytic blackout drunk on my 21st, I haven't worried about it.

It was stupid to get that drunk, naturally, but with the accompanying memory loss and total lack of feeling, you've metaphorically died. Between that time of stumbling around slurring your words and being passed out unconscious/asleep on the floor, you're already gone.

It's just black (or rather the absence of anything perceptual). In a sudden death you won't get the time to process or know it's happening, you'll just stop.

The first thought that woke me from that event was 'Hang on, I need to get my coat'. That was 13 hours later at home on a couch, 2 miles away from where I previously was (I didn't get home under my own power). The only difference between that, and death perceptually, is that you won't have that revival.

(For the record I don't believe 'we' go anywhere afterwards either)

The Flood / Re: Farewell thread?
« on: January 20, 2025, 06:05:08 AM »
What I think is insane is that the Forum will actually 'retire' instead of dying a slow death or being host-banned a week from inception. I don't think anyone could have anticipated that happening when it started out, since most of us were wondering how the last 2 offsites had imploded days apart from each other.

This is the longest surviving forum I have been on. I was about and around a fair few game company's forums back around 2008, and a significant amount of them had already been forcefully closed by the time Sep7 started. For 5 years there was even another 'offsite' from an entirely different group of people, it had less infighting and drama, had more people to pool discussions from, and even then it died a faster death.

There must be something about the starting point, clearly - the other offsites are still ticking away with their own little cliques, their own rules about behaviour, their own odd characters and 'lore'. It's insane how many Bungie inadvertently created, and how there's still at least 4-5 of them in varying states.

Across 11 years of time here, there's been music rooms (rip Plug.DJ), movie shares, fucking MSN/Skype groups, and a lot of people and events which for better or worse has escaped my memory. It's mad to see the changes on the internet and internet culture whilst this place has remained unchanged. Against my own personal history, also.

This place has existed before I moved home, 5 times. Before all my original pets died. Before I moved country, before I had 2 fucking degrees, before I found my long term partner (who's aksed what I'm typing about 'on some old ass website'), before my parent's terminal diagnosis. When I was closer to 15 than I was to 30 (and that's terrifying). I can't say Sep7 has been a part of all those events, but it's weird when I come to post and get memories of those different pasts every so often whilst I browse.

I'm not really going anywhere with this, but I never really did that with things I posted here anyway. I should probably move the armchair.

The Flood / Re: Septagon v3 update thread (the new one)
« on: January 15, 2025, 05:56:47 AM »
Hey uh

What happens to this old place when the Alpha becomes Beta and officially 3.0?

Shutdown? Will the domain change or will both take you to the current

Not asking for archive reasons but wondering in general.

The Flood / Re: Post your election predictions
« on: January 10, 2025, 04:45:49 AM »
Im down for Gulf of America tbh

Honestly, even 'Gulf of THE AmericaS' would probably appease the neocolonial morons and deconstruct any geopolitical interpretations at the same time.

A sorta IONA type deal

The Flood / Re: Septagon v3 update thread (the new one)
« on: December 18, 2024, 02:05:42 PM »
will we get Sep v3 before GTA 6?  :o

The Flood / Re: '25 around the corner
« on: November 29, 2024, 09:20:35 AM »
My partner is studying erasmus in Australia for about 4 months next year, so I'll have to entertain myself.

It'll probably be the most isolated I've been since I finished University and went back home, although now I have a job to keep me occupied, friends a tram-ride away, and money coming in for my hobbies to stave off boredom unlike last time.

I'll have to brush up my German though as I rely too much on my partner to order things in another language. I can do it fine, I just haven't been keeping my practice up beyond Duolingo and saying my please's and thank you's.

The Flood / Re: Post your election predictions
« on: November 29, 2024, 09:07:58 AM »

So that's my reasoning for voting for Trump and I feel like it reflects the majority of people who voted for Trump. If people here still think that makes me a member of the nazi party then fine. But I hope this helps to provide an opposing viewpoint and helps in convincing people here that maybe half the country are actually reasonable people and not just the evil goblins they envision in their minds
That doesn't make the majority of Americans sound like Nazis, it makes them sound like fucking idiots.

The Flood / Re: Post your election predictions
« on: November 11, 2024, 05:49:08 AM »
Godspeed Americans

Speedrunning societal regression any%

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: October 16, 2024, 04:32:16 AM »

Big Halo news.
Moving to Unreal Engine 5
343 industries are done. Its now Halo Studios.

Not sure why people are getting their hopes up so high about that. That studio rebrand is like cutting off somebody's face, putting another over it, and calling them a different person. I don't think it's got good chances of panning out.
Pure hopium at this point. Though they did do a 180 with MCC so they are capable of  making something good.
The switch to UE is positively received because new hires won't need to spend a lot of time understanding the legacy engine.

I am betting you the MCC is going to get shut down at some point. Maybe not on PC, but I feel like as time goes on, the likelyhood of servers getting canned on consoles goes up. That only makes more sense if we take a muh profit approach. So you've got the rebrand of the studio conning some people, you've got the switch to unreal to attract graphics coomers, and I'd be willing to bet in order to make a couple extra bucks, pull the plug on the MCC to shove what's left of the Halo fanbase onto the new launch because there won't be anywhere else to go unless they divert over to PC.

Or, god help us, they remaster MCC for unreal engine and sell it again as MCC:R, simultaneously chopping the legs off the old games with the plug pull and leaving them to the dustbin while funnelling everybody into the new games, which can now be as bad as a port/remaster as they want. (Which to be fair at the beginning MCC had all those issues and still has some)

Killing console servers is an inevitability, that's part of the push that made me get into PC gaming. I think a lot of console producers (except Nintendo) have realised this since publishing and re-releasing games out on Steam or on their own PC Launch Platforms.

MCC on PC kicked up because of the Halo Online ms23 piracy that was going on that released Halo 3 MP for PC before MCC was even out. I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to re-release MCC in UE eventually, but not for another few years, possibly a decade. Maybe by then they'll add a microtransaction thing to buy all the Spartan Points you need to unlock all the MCC Catalog content.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: September 29, 2024, 10:12:44 AM »
I went back and started the Halo 4 Campaign.

I can't quite place exactly what it is, but the feeling of it is so radically departed from earlier games. Playing roughly in-game chronological order made a jump from 3/ODST to 4 so massive, and it lost the goofiness to some over the top seriousness in a lot of aspects.

The Flood / Re: wtf I'm basically a female
« on: September 29, 2024, 10:07:28 AM »
Ayy decidedly average

I thought we were back to the good old days when I saw Verb posting threads'worth, but then I realised the date.

The Flood / Re: I’m proposing to my GF next month
« on: July 18, 2024, 05:12:34 PM »
Congratuations on the engagement! Good luck with it.

The Flood / Re: Biden won the debate
« on: July 02, 2024, 04:06:26 AM »
Biden vs Trump; whoever wins, America loses


Not to say France, the UK, or anywhere else having elections this year look like they would fare much better.

The Flood / Re: Meme Zone
« on: June 27, 2024, 11:22:09 AM »
Didn't we have a meme thread before?

The Flood / Re: What have you been jamming too lately?
« on: June 14, 2024, 12:50:20 PM » says this is what I've been playing a lot of this year:

But I've been inot my remixes lately. This is a remix of John Martyn's 'You Know'

The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« on: May 25, 2024, 08:34:36 AM »
I wonder what MetaCognition is up to.

Would he be voting Reform and what his opinions on UK politics atm would be interesting.

Is Death still here? The Mormon that had to go on a year's mission and then came back maybe once?

There's always the morbid curiosity of what happened to the more fucked up members who left - I can only think of Dustin atm though.
Was Meta big into that Brexit? Did it affect you much btw?
Fucked up?

IIRC Meta was more conservatively leaning and still hoped that Brexit could go smoothly, even if it wasn't the smartest decision.

Brexit affected me massively - I moved to Austria with my partner because we couldn't afford to live there anymore, and my partner didn't have enough residency time to be considered for settled-status. 2-ish more years here and I can be a permanent resident of Austria.

Yeah I couldn't remember the biggest drama makers so they all either got banned or culled themselves early on, but yeah, those names ring a bell.

The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« on: May 25, 2024, 03:23:25 AM »
I wonder what MetaCognition is up to.

Would he be voting Reform and what his opinions on UK politics atm would be interesting.

Is Death still here? The Mormon that had to go on a year's mission and then came back maybe once?

There's always the morbid curiosity of what happened to the more fucked up members who left - I can only think of Dustin atm though.

It's crazy how long Ross Scott has been on about this.

The guy behind "Freeman's Mind" is pissed, long enough that he decided to do it himself instead of calling on for the support of others to take the lead on it.


The Flood / Re: Septagon's TLD
« on: April 18, 2024, 11:14:23 AM »
I second .net

The Flood / Re: y'all are still here?
« on: April 12, 2024, 04:41:44 AM »

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: April 12, 2024, 04:36:33 AM »
Halo died for me when I got the Limited Edition H4 for '360 for Christmas in the release year.

Blitzed the campaign in like 4 hours, moved to online. Wiped the floor in the game for like 5 matches, then ejected it.

I don't remember what the campaign was about and I didn't have any fun.

MCC got my interest back, but only in playing CE/2/3/Reach.

The Flood / Re: I will sell my soul to make this place more active
« on: April 09, 2024, 04:09:43 AM »
We need a 10 Years of Sep7agon celebration, Cheat
Will v3 suffice?

No Print Button detected

Sep7 enshittening  ;)

The Flood / Re: I will sell my soul to make this place more active
« on: April 05, 2024, 08:57:01 PM »
Will they give you a refund or demand extra soul-change for this request

The Flood / Re: Which countries have you visited?
« on: April 01, 2024, 09:47:12 AM »
Red: Born
Orange: Lived/Living
Green: Visited
Blue: Travelled through but not properly visited.

The Flood / Re: if I ever die I'm posting my obituary on this website
« on: March 17, 2024, 11:40:43 AM »
Isn't the Obits usually posted by someone else? Someone would have to know you died and post here.

I don't really think about it, but I would assume a small few who have visited here have died since the site's inception. The longevity of this place means it's up to chance, but it's increasing everyday the site is still up. Wouldn't even have to be common like age, or some mental health related self harm, could get hit by a car or gotten unlucky with Covid.

I think the last part I mentioned is the real problem though - I don't think I'm 'connected' enough to anyone else here outside of this website. If I died, I'd just stop posting, my discord would be offline, and on Xbox Live I'd just be 'Last Seen >365 days ago' . I'm sure that applies to many other people here too.

The Flood / How far have you moved since being here?
« on: February 11, 2024, 06:48:12 PM »
Thought I'd spice it up a bit.

Sep7 has been around for... 10? 11-ish years? People have changed jobs, finished school(s), married, probably had kids (I don't want to dwell on that), and even literally died in that time.

But who's moved the most since when they came here?

I started early as apparently I'm the 15th person to sign up here, and I moved from bumfuck nowhere, Wales, to the capital of Vienna in that time.

Anyone moved further than 2000km? If you haven't moved at all, then what has changed the most for you in your time here?

The Flood / Re: Ya'll still alive in here?
« on: February 11, 2024, 06:29:23 PM »
We just wait for a new post to come in and then all show up.
It's because most of everyone left are people that don't make threads.

Also at this point, what else is there to talk about.

Political debate died in Serious when most of the Brits left and the US is having old man elections 2 boogalooOAP at the moment. All the wacky controversial shit we have left, no one is bothered to argue over (again).

Gaming is Verbat's collection, and I don't think enough of us even play Destiny or Halo anymore or play in the same system or games to organise something.

And Offtopic is... Off. We all wait for a new thread that rarely happens, or SecondClass does their mad thing of the month. And we don't talk about anarchy.

There's only ghosts and nostalgia left, and I really hate to say that.

The Flood / Re: rip
« on: January 23, 2024, 06:08:14 PM »
Today I got an SMF Database error page and for a second I thought this place had genuinely disappeared.

Can't die won't die!

Gaming / Re: GTA 6
« on: December 14, 2023, 11:59:36 AM »
Should be interesting since I never got into GTA until SA, so I never saw Vice City.

A lot of the old leak material is getting spammed up everywhere, which I imagine is pissing off Rockstar since the game is probably a bit more done since then if the trailer is anything to go by.

The Flood / Re: Literature backlog
« on: December 14, 2023, 11:52:02 AM »
I think I have 3 books currently reading;

- A biography of Mao Tse Tsung written in the 70's by some American. It's a penguin book and I started out of passing interest, but oh my god does it drag because the authour went too hard with the most mundane details. I've gotten about 100 pages in and then stopped for about a year because it was very dry.

- The Hobbit. I thought I should probably read it since it's on my 'Classics everyone should read' mental list.

- Doom. Not the videogame book adaptation, but it's about crisis management, it's history, development, and how often we as individuals, nations, and organisations can bungle it up. It was written as the Covid pandemic was ongoing so it doesn't focus solely on it which is good.

Then I have A Picture of Dorian Gray to read after all those as another of my 'Classics must read' list.

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