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The Flood / does anyone know where the remote is
« on: March 25, 2017, 01:51:34 PM »
who was the last one to use it

The Flood / the sun shines
« on: March 21, 2017, 10:05:50 PM »
and people forget


Gaming / List of games you can't stream on Twitch
« on: March 19, 2017, 08:54:04 AM »

i just think this is hilarious, i didn't know there was an actual LIST

look at these fucking titles

Artificial Girl 1, 2, & 3
Artificial Academy 1 & 2
Battle Rape
Cobra Club
Criminal Girls
Dramatical Murder
Genital Jousting (which is actually a pretty clever game)
Grezzo 1 & 2
Harem Party
HunieCam Studio
Kamidori Alchemy Meister
Porno Studio Tycoon
Purin to Ohuro
Purino Party
Radiator 2
Rinse and Repeat
Sakura Angels
Sakura Beach 1 & 2
Sakura Dungeon
Sakura Fantasy
Sakura Santa
Sakura Spirit
Sakura Swim Club
Second Life
Suck My Dick or Die!
The Guy Game (the only game on this list that i actually own)
The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno
What's under your blanket !?
Witch Trainer
Yandere Simulator

This nonexhaustive list is regularly updated and games may be added/removed in such situations where the status of the official ESRB rating changes or the content of an unrated game changes to bring it within our Community Guidelines. For more on gaming content restrictions, please read the Gaming Content section in our Community Guidelines.


Serious / JonTron and Destiny debate immigration and race - *updated*
« on: March 15, 2017, 06:51:56 PM »

*UPDATE* -- Jon has a new statement on the matter.


Jon is catching a lot of flak for some questionable statements he made, including co-opting "tribalism" as an inherent part of the human condition. He argues that white people are becoming a minority via "displacement." To him, this is a bad thing, because as more and more non-whites enter the country, this puts "white values" in jeopardy or something like that.

A few highlights:

There is an absolute disproportionate amount of crime committed to whites by non-whites. There's no arguing that; that's just FBI statistics. So in that sense, you could say, well, why shouldn't the white people be allowed to address this? But they're not allowed to, because they're called "racists" by people like you.

If you wanted to fix crime in the United States, the best way to do it would be to deport all of the poor people. Because poor whites commit a lot of crime, too, disproportionately compared to wealthier whites.

That's just not true, but okay, you can say that if you want to.

Hold on, wait wait wait. You don't think that--

Well, okay, yes yes, in relative...

In relative terms, yes.

Relative to wealthy whites, yes. You're right.

Okay. So, do you think that poor blacks probably commit more crime relative to wealthier black people?

They do. Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites. That's a fact.

...Wait, what?

Yeah. Look it up. (laughs)

Do you ever see yourself as a "North American"? Do you think Americans ever, at the end of the day, "Ah, I feel like a North American at the end of the day! Like, I'm the same as a Canadian and a Mexican!"

I do believe we're different from Mexico, but very similar to Canada.

Because we're whiter? (laughs)

No, because our country's derived from the same culture and had similar founding stock [sic], at least. But I will say, you know, that's a big reason why--by the way, Europe and America--it's not different. Even though you say it's different, it's not.

What do you think is similar? It's totally different. We're incomparable places, dude. The United States is a massive country that has a massive border to the south of an unstable country. It's way different than, say, the United Kingdom, who wasn't even having serious immigration issues, whose entire economy and place in the EU makes them a very special country. Which is much different than the country of Germany, which just had a massive budget surplus, year after year after year, even after taking in fucking a million fucking refugees. Which is massively different than any of the Nordic countries--than Sweden, Finland, Norway, all of these places are all very different. It's a very--I'm not trying to be mean--but it's a very American thing to say, "All of these European countries have the same problems." That's so not true. The issues that white people face in fucking Northern Ireland is gonna be way different than the differences between Southern and Northern Italians. All of these problems are massively different. You can't group all of Europe's problems in together and say they're the same thing as all of America.

They're different, but when you compare cyan and deep blue next to red, the bluish colors tend to look a little bit more similar, don't they? So, my point is that, they're all facing similar problems, coming from a similar part of the world. What does that tell you?

...I don't think they're facing [similar problems]--

Well, then, you're not informed.

Why is the state of California the 6th strongest economy in the world when they deal with more Mexican immigrants than any other state? How is this possible?

Because all the industry is there? I don't know, what's your point?

Maybe the supply of labor has helped the state grow a little bit? Maybe other people are able to take up complementary positions? Maybe every single economist agrees that immigration grows an economy for everybody--?

Every single economist agrees?

Pretty much every single economist, even the main leading people who are on the "hold on on the immigraton" side, more or less agree with that. Borjas is the leading economist who argues for less immigration in the United States, and even he acknowledges that.

And every single pollster said Hillary Clinton was gonna win.

Do you think that it's okay for a country to stifle its growth a little bit in order to maintain a homogeneous cultural identity?

Yeah, I think it's fine. Japan does it.

Okay, why did you come to the United States instead of going to Japan, then?

I didn't come here, dude, I was born here.

RIP my career.


The Flood / YRYL - Ghost in the Shell PSA
« on: March 10, 2017, 10:03:18 AM »

The Flood / The Answers - Part 1.5
« on: March 09, 2017, 07:27:18 PM »

Starting with the old 2015 questions that I never got around to answering first.

Part 2 ETA next week. part 1 (don't watch)


Gaming / Minesweeper PB - 116
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:36:34 AM »

If I relied less on flags, I think I could sub 2 minutes.

The Flood / Okay, I understand why Joceph is banned, but
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:41:18 PM »
why make all of his posts hidden?

is that something he requested himself, or

for those who don't know, he asked to be banned for personal reasons

The Flood / AMA I want to make an Answers Part 2 video (i'm done taking Qs, kthx)
« on: February 27, 2017, 08:36:08 PM »
brb stealing aria's thunder

hey, remember this

remember when i said i'd make a part 2

yeah, i think i'm about due for that now

I'm probably not gonna bother doing the webcam thing this time, because the quality is so shit, but I might change my mind if I can make up for that somehow. I'll probably just end up recording some audio over leftover Dark Souls footage, like Big Boss did that one time.

if no one has anything to ask (i know i just did one of these a month ago) then i'll just answer the questions i never got to in this thread

Serious / Where do you find yourself on this spectrum?
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:34:01 PM »
In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible", but rather "humanly impossible". The universe and the human mind do not each separately cause the Absurd, but rather, the Absurd arises by the contradictory nature of the two existing simultaneously.

Call me Albert Camus, because I'm full-on absurdist.

I think we had a thread like this ages ago, but that was... ages ago, so let's take another crack at it.

Gaming / What's the worst thing you've said about Nintendo...
« on: February 24, 2017, 07:32:22 PM »
...that you would say to Reggie's face?

The Flood / who made these threads
« on: February 23, 2017, 03:35:35 PM »
guess before clicking

how well do you know the posting habits of our userbase

Here's why school shootings in the news make me happy
Dark sould 2 has finaly broken me
Ask someone who knows what works in fighting anything related to fighting
I Wish Penises Could Vibrate
Having a child or kicked in the balls, more painful?
Metal Gear Rising was a fun game
Deathmatch: people who love chocolate milk vs people who hate chocolate milk
FIFA 16 stadiums (or just FIFA in general. Yes I know no one cares but me :<)
if you don't drop acid then you're a fucking pussy
New Member Introduction Thread
Are blacks stupid enough to think they would actually win a race war?
Today I hung out with the hottest girls in my entire CITY
ITT I'll tell you why your religion or worldview is shit.
Wrestling Match of the Century!!!11!!
I'd like to thank my parents for the blood running down my legs

Septagon / to me
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:02:09 PM »

Gaming / compare
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:01:52 PM »

The Flood / cannot
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:01:28 PM »

The Flood / you
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:00:56 PM »

The Flood / AMA Giving up on veganism
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:46:01 PM »
would be a very silly and uncharacteristic thing for me to do

i'm bored

The Flood / how many of y'all would be interested in a game of mafia
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:17:57 PM »
if i made a mafia game thread some time next week, would anybody care to sign up

i think it would be a lot of fun

The Flood / NSFW I just had the worst fucking nightmare
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:55:53 AM »
I never get nightmares (that I remember when I wake up), and this one is one of the worst I've ever had--but it was bad in a more psychological way, which is what made it so terrifying, even thinking about it now.

It actually might make good story material so I'm writing it down as fast as I can before the details start dissipating.

I'm just sitting at home--alone of course--when I get a message from one of my friends on Facebook, which looked exactly like Steam for whatever reason. I don't remember the time of day exactly, but it may as well have been night.

Anyway, my friend (who I haven't spoken to in awhile, even in real life) simply asked me how I was doing, and how my "family trip" went. I haven't gone on a family trip since last summer--but in this dream, I have. Apparently, I just got home from it, even though the rest of the house is empty--which I had a priori knowledge of, for some reason. I never checked the house--I just knew I was the only one there.

I tell him the trip went "fine" and that I had pictures to show him--and this is where it gets fucking terrifying.

My friend says something to the effect of "all right cool :)" and I open up my imgur account to access my photos. I have pages and pages of them--which is rather unlike me; if I'm taking photos during a trip, I usually only take one page's worth, but I had... many. More than 8.

The first page of photos were innocent enough, but looking at them gave me a sense of ugly forebording. Very poor quality, low resolution--partially because they were all taken in a dark place. The first picture was of an Asian tour guide, smiling like a child with his arms stretched out welcomingly. He looked young--24, 25--and he had very bad teeth, like he needed braces. Standing behind him were a couple of blurry figures I identified as passersby tourists, their faces obscured by darkness. The whole rest of the photo was black, the shadows creating a dark, penumbrous gradient over the tour guide's happy, enthusiastic face.

From this picture, I "remembered" (that is to say, I remembered something that never happened) that we took a trip down an old mine shaft that had just opened up as a tourist attraction. I've actually been to one of these as a kid, and it was interesting--but heading into the mine itself, in those cold, dark brown tunnels that lead to nowhere, kinda spooked the hell out of me. Very chilling experience.

That's why it was so dark in the pictures--we're in a mine shaft. Either that mine shaft--the one I've been to in the real world--or a different one I created in my mind, I'm not sure. I didn't recognize anything.

The next few pictures on the first page were of my family. My mother, father, and sister, positioned like so:

About 12-15 of just these, in slightly different positions. Mom and dad's actually sitting on a bench, but I didn't want to draw too many unnecessary details. Mom and dad aren't smiling at all in the last 2 or 3 pictures.

In the next 30 or so pictures, we're beginning to move into the tunnel. Just a bunch of blurry figures and faces. People are wearing brightly colored jackets--I saw lots of blues and greens. Some were wearing hunting caps and grey sweaters. All of them wore jeans--some faded, some not. But none of their faces were clear.

This cuts into the second page until I see something a little off-putting--a clear picture of an unrecognized middle-aged man, sitting down, facing the camera, squinting. His back leaned against what looked like a trash can. Legs sprawled. Purple jacket, faded jeans. Snapback cap in hunter's camo. His left hand was planted stiff on the ground, gripping the dirt as though he were in pain. His right hand partially covered his flushed, mustached face. He looked about 45. On the back of his right hand was a big, bloody gash carved into a crude "C" shape. No one else was in the frame.

The rest of the second page was nothing but blurry figures--but much more blurry than before, like they were running. By the looks of things, however, we're noticeably much deeper in the tunnel.

Third page is where things get bad. Bodies, everywhere--all of them curled up or spread-eagle on the ground. Young men, older men, a few women. All of them taken in bizarre Dutch angles. Closeups of pale faces with bloody scratches on their cheeks--and my sister was among these. Her eyes were wide. There was no fear in them; just anger. The next picture was her again, head tilted back--jugular severed. Lots of these with other people.

I skipped to page 5 or 6--and to my horror, it didn't end there. More bodies. Just so many dead people in dark rooms, their clothes congealed with blood. The photographer stood over each one, so I caught a glimpse of his shadow looming over all the bodies. There just wasn't an end to it.

On page 8, there was a baby... and I had to stop there. That was a little too much. Yeah, the baby was dead. I saw its face--it was like that one scene in Trainspotting. It was awful.

I close the imgur tab immediately after that and message my friend. "Hold on... I think I have to call the police."

Behind me was a door that led to my parent's bedroom. I hear it open, slowly. Instinctively, I turn around to see my mother looking straight at me--heavily breathing, frenzied expression, large kitchen knife in her hands.

I wake up.

HOLY FUCK that was the worst dream I've had in years. I'm sure it sounds silly, and I tried to capture the fear as best as I could in text, but I really don't think I did it any justice. It was fucking horrible though. Nothing happened in the dream--it was just all the implications of the shit I was seeing--and then of course, the end. Ugh. And it all felt lucidly real.

Fuck dreams. Have any bad ones lately?

The Flood / itt: we drop truth bombs
« on: February 15, 2017, 09:37:58 PM »
and i'm not talking about flee's drawn-out, sandtrappian truth bombs

this thread is for demoralizingly blunt truth bombs only

i found this posted somewhere and i wanted to kiss and/or blow the person who wrote it

The Flood / itt: we post the most based human beings
« on: February 13, 2017, 01:58:17 PM »

The Flood / I AM THE KING
« on: February 12, 2017, 05:32:39 PM »


>tfw pandora actually introduces you to some dope shit for once

Serious / TN legalizes the injury of protesters blocking roadways
« on: February 12, 2017, 02:23:41 PM »
Reposted from Bungle:
Tennessee just made it legal to injure protesters who are blocking roadways and other rights of way.  The bill, introduced Wednesday and which easily passed the senate Friday, renders someone who runs over a protester who is blocking the street free from civil liability, so long as the driver was exercising β€˜due care.’

The bill was likely in response to The Memphis Black Lives Matter rally last July, which shut down the I-40 bridge with hundreds of protesters refusing to leave. Traffic could not go across, including the parents of a very sick baby.


I don't have a huge problem with this, to be honest. I have faith that BLM et al. can come up with more efficacious and less disruptive forms of protest. it seems to me that making people late for work (or worse) over such a dubious cause with such nebulous end-goals is only ever going to make people less and less sympathetic towards you--and perhaps such stupid behavior should be subject to a degree of blatant disregard.

Now, if only they were protesting something like marijuana criminalization. Then I'd actually get my license specifically to run over some potheads--with due care, of course.

The Flood / Deci sold me his account; now I'm out of government money
« on: February 09, 2017, 03:09:59 PM »
I need more $$$$$$$$ for my PS+, you know what i'm saying

So i'm selling my account too

Name your price

The Flood / where do you draw the line between convenient and lazy
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:17:57 AM »
TV remote - a convenient device that allows us to expedite an otherwise tedious process, or a symbol of sloth and lethargy that only exists to keep us from getting off our own asses and changing the settings ourselves

modern TVs don't even function without a remote--does that say anything about us

and maybe if we didn't rely on cars so much, we'd actually have an excuse to skip leg day--or are cars just that convenient

where is the line drawn

Gaming / Zelda Megathread (First Breath of the Wild DLC is out)
« on: February 06, 2017, 07:09:36 PM »


I haven't been this excited to play a game in ten fucking years, so I thought I'd make a thread.

you da real mvps πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

The Flood / AMA Saving this forum
« on: February 01, 2017, 08:26:23 AM »
and thus, the first big loss of 2017 has finally been reversed

you don't just jettison the fucking backbone of your entire website and expect to survive, do you

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