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Messages - Sprungli

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I'm actually wondering if it'll be a trifecta campaign. Chief/Locke/Arbiter.

Although my money's on Chief/Lcoke. Arbiter seems to have shifted into a pivotal role as a leader type character now.

But I really hope that 343 uses an opportunity like that to their advantage. If you had a trifecta or dual character campaign, 343 could have a really good chance to show us other sides of what's going on in the Haloverse.

There's a lot of very blurred lines right now story wise and in canon-timewise.

Alien and Human lines are starting to merge and we're seeing locations and places that are different from what we've come to know before.

Capitalist Elites.
Human/Alien joint colonies.
Various factions of Elites.
Various factions of Humans.

Chief takes to the far out, stellar alien battlefields in immense scope and size.

Locke takes to mixed species colony slums or cities in search of paper trails after Chief. Stealth and grime.

Arby takes to fighting his own kin and trying to work with the UNSC to come out on top as a leader for his species. Alien viewpoint and deeper look into mysteries on the alien side of things.

343 has all the fucking potential here.

If they took half of the stuff they keep putting into comics and books, and made mini-campaigns out of them from various different viewpoints in the universe, with different styles of gameplay, Halo could expand into so much great territory beyond neccessarily a rigid first person shooter.

God I hope they do something new and outside the box. Show us other places than actual battlefields where those lines blur.
In short; 343 have drastically improved the Halo universe and you want to see them explore it via their games.

I feel as if it'd be wiser to start producing spin-offs, not tied to Chief. That would enable freedom to truly take advantage of all this.

Exactly. You have all these mini stories that you could tell not related to the chief. You have all this untapped potential.

Those mini-story installations could be what Spops failed to live up to. Except slower paced in being released. Like free DLC expansions that could be worked on by a small dedicated team.

It would, truly flesh out the Haloverse, flesh out and give 343 room to be creative, and it would still appease M$ about sticking solely to the Chief.
Alternatively they could not be assholes and produce sequels to ODST and Wars, and tell more stories with separate Reach-esque spin-offs. MS has the money and enough people to do it easily, why not take inspiration from Marvel's approach? (Only less extreme)

The Flood / Rape is wrong.
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:31:51 AM »
Well by definition rape can't be voluntary for the victim.

Actually that's wrong, underage sex with an older person is classed as rape if you're female.


"In compliance with the updated Code of Conduct, please avoid posting content which makes fun of disabilities or stereotypes. Also, this is not the place to post injury videos; that's not the kind of cringe we're talking about, and it's no longer allowed on the site! For specific rules, check out the Code of Conduct."

Fucking lol.

Gaming / Re: Last day to download Rayman Legends for free on Xbone
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:25:13 AM »

That lemmy face just makes that sentence sound really weird and dirty.

Rob someone. I won't tell ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It has that effect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gaming / Re: Last day to download Rayman Legends for free on Xbone
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:12:26 AM »

I would download it... If I had an Xbox One. They are still too expensive for me.
Rob someone. I won't tell ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gaming / Re: Lets talk about The Division [info dump]
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:07:40 AM »
If it were anyone but Ubi i'd be very hyped. But it's not, i'm hoping against the odds that it will turn out to be as fantastic as it looks-because if it is, the Division may go down as this generation's first "next-gen" game.


I'm actually wondering if it'll be a trifecta campaign. Chief/Locke/Arbiter.

Although my money's on Chief/Lcoke. Arbiter seems to have shifted into a pivotal role as a leader type character now.

But I really hope that 343 uses an opportunity like that to their advantage. If you had a trifecta or dual character campaign, 343 could have a really good chance to show us other sides of what's going on in the Haloverse.

There's a lot of very blurred lines right now story wise and in canon-timewise.

Alien and Human lines are starting to merge and we're seeing locations and places that are different from what we've come to know before.

Capitalist Elites.
Human/Alien joint colonies.
Various factions of Elites.
Various factions of Humans.

Chief takes to the far out, stellar alien battlefields in immense scope and size.

Locke takes to mixed species colony slums or cities in search of paper trails after Chief. Stealth and grime.

Arby takes to fighting his own kin and trying to work with the UNSC to come out on top as a leader for his species. Alien viewpoint and deeper look into mysteries on the alien side of things.

343 has all the fucking potential here.

If they took half of the stuff they keep putting into comics and books, and made mini-campaigns out of them from various different viewpoints in the universe, with different styles of gameplay, Halo could expand into so much great territory beyond neccessarily a rigid first person shooter.

God I hope they do something new and outside the box. Show us other places than actual battlefields where those lines blur.
In short; 343 have drastically improved the Halo universe and you want to see them explore it via their games.

I feel as if it'd be wiser to start producing spin-offs, not tied to Chief. That would enable freedom to truly take advantage of all this.

Gaming / Re: Xbone Halo MCC bundle
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:14:11 PM »

The huge downloads put me off an xbone. that and I'd literally only play one game
What huge downloads? You mean the installs and downloading games that are the same size on PC and PS4?
That for whatever reason take a ridiculous amount of time on the Xbone.
Not really, I downloaded Forza Horizon 2 in less than two hours. Nothing has ever taken more than a few hours, not even fucking BF4
Actually downloaded or just installed from a disc?
Downloaded, it's nowhere close to as bad people say it is. And BF4, it was a 40 something installation and 20 something update (downloaded), FH2 is 38GB so...
I was talking about from-disc installs, which take for-fucking-ever. But downloading stuff on my Xbone takes significantly longer than downloading stuff on anything else does too.
Idk, maybe it's a shitty unit
Well no, because my brother's is the same, and it's a common thing people online are mentioning. It's definitely not my Internet either, because my PS4 is fine.
The Xbone in general is pretty slow.
Can be a tad. But all I ever have to do is try and use a 360 or a PC and I remember why I have an X1.

Gaming / Re: Hunt the Truth Episode 1 + H5 Trailer
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:50:38 PM »
This hype train has no brakes, only locke-up

Gaming / Re: Xbone Halo MCC bundle
« on: March 30, 2015, 04:43:55 PM »

The huge downloads put me off an xbone. that and I'd literally only play one game
What huge downloads? You mean the installs and downloading games that are the same size on PC and PS4?
That for whatever reason take a ridiculous amount of time on the Xbone.
Not really, I downloaded Forza Horizon 2 in less than two hours. Nothing has ever taken more than a few hours, not even fucking BF4
Actually downloaded or just installed from a disc?
Downloaded, it's nowhere close to as bad people say it is. And BF4, it was a 40 something installation and 20 something update (downloaded), FH2 is 38GB so...
I was talking about from-disc installs, which take for-fucking-ever. But downloading stuff on my Xbone takes significantly longer than downloading stuff on anything else does too.
Idk, maybe it's a shitty unit

Gaming / Re: Xbone Halo MCC bundle
« on: March 30, 2015, 03:45:13 PM »

The huge downloads put me off an xbone. that and I'd literally only play one game
What huge downloads? You mean the installs and downloading games that are the same size on PC and PS4?
That for whatever reason take a ridiculous amount of time on the Xbone.
Not really, I downloaded Forza Horizon 2 in less than two hours. Nothing has ever taken more than a few hours, not even fucking BF4
Actually downloaded or just installed from a disc?
Downloaded, it's nowhere close to as bad people say it is. And BF4, it was a 40 something installation and 20 something update (downloaded), FH2 is 38GB so...

Gaming / Re: Xbone Halo MCC bundle
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:31:28 PM »

The huge downloads put me off an xbone. that and I'd literally only play one game
What huge downloads? You mean the installs and downloading games that are the same size on PC and PS4?
That for whatever reason take a ridiculous amount of time on the Xbone.
Not really, I downloaded Forza Horizon 2 in less than two hours. Nothing has ever taken more than a few hours, not even fucking BF4

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:30:23 PM »

Boring. Are GCSEs supposed to be difficult? It's like SATS all over again, big fucking buildup but then the tests are a pisstake.
idk. I didn't get great grades.
Grades don't matter anyways, unless you get Us or something really bad
They matter if you want to go to Uni.
Good luck getting in with 2 C's, the rest D's and E's.
Yeah, well the lowest grade I have is a B in GCSE PE and i'm still in year 10, somehow I don't think that's going to be an issue for me
Because nobody gives a fuck about how you scored in PE.
It was relevant to my comment, pleb

Gaming / Re: Borderlands Handsome Collection
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:09:41 PM »
I should be picking it up the end of this week, I loved Borderlands 2 (and 1, and Tales from the borderlands)  and i've not played the pre-sequel so it's a no-brainer for me.

Gaming / Re: Xbone Halo MCC bundle
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:07:37 PM »

The huge downloads put me off an xbone. that and I'd literally only play one game
What huge downloads? You mean the installs and downloading games that are the same size on PC and PS4?

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:06:03 PM »

Boring. Are GCSEs supposed to be difficult? It's like SATS all over again, big fucking buildup but then the tests are a pisstake.
idk. I didn't get great grades.
Grades don't matter anyways, unless you get Us or something really bad
They matter if you want to go to Uni.
Good luck getting in with 2 C's, the rest D's and E's.
Yeah, well the lowest grade I have is a B in GCSE PE and i'm still in year 10, somehow I don't think that's going to be an issue for me

The Flood / Re: Am I the only one...
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:10:41 PM »
Not sure, is it a type of mOLD?

The Flood / Re: I just watched Battle Royale
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:42:52 PM »

I have it, fantastic film and I really should watch it again while I'm on a break.
Yes you should.

The Flood / I just watched Battle Royale
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
Holy shit. 10/10. That's hands-down one of the best movies i've ever watched, if not the best. I realise that i'm late to this but nevertheless, I presume some of you guys have watched it? If not then I urge you to do so-it's in Netflix and free on Xbox Video (if you are weird) this weekend.


The Flood / Re: what email service do gay guys use
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:07:53 PM »

I have a bunch of them that I use for different things.

Gmail, Yahoo,,,, and one domain for serious business in the real world.
Cheat read the title
Oops. Somehow I read gay as you...
Can't tell if genuine comment or burn


Sandtrap is right, beyond a young age most people within a family are separated from each other by their activities. Ffs, I only see my brother 2-5 times a day and I share a room with him, I only see my mother a handful of times too.

But, this does not affect any of negatively, in fact I would go as far to say it is of benefit.

Bonds are not as strong in a family the less time is spent with other family members. And the excuse, "Well I dislike my brother/mother/father," is a dysfunction. I'm not saying every family is peachy either. And I'm not saying a dysfunction  marks everything as fucked.

Every family has a dysfunction.

But the real, key thing about what a family is, is what they do with their dysfunction.  Do two brothers grow up and separate from one another, never saying a word to one another because they dislike one another?

Or does one of them try and figure it out, and maybe, understand, or at the very least, try to ease the tension. Ease the dislike down to a relationship that's agreeable?

Does a son outgrow their parents, but not abandon them out of spite, but instead try to show them what they did wrong and work things out with them?

The true, and real problem with families today is complacency.

Complaceny is not negativity. It's essentially a blindfold. It's ignoring the dysfunction that exists, and continuing on with one's life despite that flaw that exists.

I'm not saying every family can ever be repaired into tip top shape.

But I'd bet you if you removed that distance, artificial or no, between modern family members, society would improve a great deal.
But I know families, as in traditional families and every most of them are worse than me and mine. My parents split early on, but remained friends and so really, we are a family unit. There is a little distance between us, but that distance gives us freedom and independence whilst we are still close.

A traditional family style forces people into close proximity regularly, surely it's better if a son wants to spend time with his mother because he's been given the freedom to do so?

Removing those barriers would be foolish, because as much as it allows greater interaction it also allows for lesser freedom and in a fair few families (especially poorer ones)-it allows domination.

Perhaps i'm just an anomaly, it's hard for me to judge. Most of the 'normal' families around here are chavs, nearly every respectable family is modified from the blueprint in one way or another.

The Flood / Re: It was only a foetus
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:21:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: what email service do gay guys use
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:19:48 PM »

I have a bunch of them that I use for different things.

Gmail, Yahoo,,,, and one domain for serious business in the real world.
Cheat read the title

Sandtrap is right, beyond a young age most people within a family are separated from each other by their activities. Ffs, I only see my brother 2-5 times a day and I share a room with him, I only see my mother a handful of times too.

But, this does not affect any of negatively, in fact I would go as far to say it is of benefit.

Gaming / What do you think Bioware's new Star Wars game will be?
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:57:59 PM »
Bring 1313 back from the dead
Wasnt there rumours the project was being re-diverted, re-purposed into something new?

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:39:53 PM »

Boring. Are GCSEs supposed to be difficult? It's like SATS all over again, big fucking buildup but then the tests are a pisstake.
idk. I didn't get great grades.
Grades don't matter anyways, unless you get Us or something really bad

The Flood / Re: Well that could have been awkward as fuck
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:48:41 PM »
Boring. Are GCSEs supposed to be difficult? It's like SATS all over again, big fucking buildup but then the tests are a pisstake.

The Flood / Re: Actually teary eyed. Top Gear UK is done.
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:53:25 AM »

He'd do superbly in the US I think
Could you find a stronger personality on TV? The guy generates headlines, he rescued Top Gear.

Gaming / Re: Out of the Halo novels what ones are worth reading?
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:51:23 AM »

Halo: The Fall of Reach, Halo: The Flood, and Halo: First Strike.

The Flood / Re: Actually teary eyed. Top Gear UK is done.
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:49:03 AM »

I'm sure they can figure something out, top gear has been around without Clarkson and they still have Cpt Slow and the Brummie. Plus JC is now able to do whatever the fuck he wants, prepare your anus
its been heavily implied by may/hammond that they are a "package deal" with clarkson, and as such they will likely leave voluntarily in the wake of clarkson's firing.

im sure netflix will pick them up for a new show or something. the fans dont care that clarkson is an overly aggressive halftard because top gear has managed to build up an impressive cult of personality. in the end the BBC is gonna lose the most from this honestly.
I know, and JC will either go to ITV or Netflix I should imagine. Or maybe he'll go into film of perhaps American TV. He'd do superbly in the US I think

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