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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 222324 2526 ... 130
Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:25:21 AM »

Ok, if there are only four maps then I am extremely disappointed (and who wouldn't be). No Death Star, Yavin IV, Bespin?
It's already confirmed to have at least 5 planets by Dec 9, there are 2 maps just on Jakku. So even if it's two per planet that's still 10 maps, and the size they cover will naturally dwarf the original legacy maps.

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:51:21 PM »

Not buying games hurts the industry.
Not once did I say don't buy the game(s), I said pre-ordering only hurts the industry.

The games industry is worsening as pre-orders fall, that does not reflect what you are saying. What it reflects is people are rightfully losing faith because companies are screwing people over.
Game sales falling because people are losing faith is a direct result of pre-ordering.

Pre-ordering isn't the problem, the problem is simply that gaming has moved from something secular and strange to most to the biggest and most profitable form of entertainment on the planet, it's not devs making games for the true players anymore, it's companies and board members releasing games to make a shit-ton of cash off casual gamers.
I know pre-ordering in itself isn't inherently the problem. It's what the companies are doing because of people pre-ordering (bullshit pre-order "bonuses", day one DLC etc etc) that's the problem.
Therefore pre-ordering is bad.

Pre-ordering is just a way to get what you want quicker.
That's still not a justification.
Adding to the shit just to get your hands on a game a few hours early isn't a worthwhile trade-off. All you're doing is hurting yourself by hurting the industry.
And you think that trying to get an extreme minority of people to not pre-order will help? It's the 99%, the people that don't care or understand. Not the 1% that pre-order only in specific cases, on rare occasions.

Pre-ordering supports devs outside of the major ones. If you have an issue with the concept of paying for nothing then how about you stop and consider microtransactions and too much dlc? Season passes are the worst offenders, essentially pre-ordering content that should be free or already included-that's ridiculous and has a far, far greater impact than pre-ordering a game just to take advantage of a price cut and pre-loading.

The Flood / Re: Songs you like by bands you don't
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:26:17 PM »

But U2 is a good band. Highly influential and important

Everyone hates them though
I don't. They're alright

Gaming / Re: Favorite Battlefront 1 and 2 map?
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:25:15 PM »

Yep Hoth, although I remember Geonosis was great and so was Endor

Playing as the Empire on Endor was a nightmare

Which sucks because I always play as Empire.
Ewoks or die

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:24:30 PM »

Or, you know, pre-loading is incredibly useful now that games can be 20-60Gb
Doesn't justify contributing to the poor state of the industry.
I'm not, i'm supporting a fantastic dev team, a dev team that I want to see succeed and do well in their way. I don't pre-order much, only when I trust the developer fully, I would never even consider pre-ordering a Battlefield, CoD, Fifa or anything along those lines.
Trust means jack shit, and again, doesn't justify contributing to the poor state of the industry.
All you're doing is giving developers money for nothing fo weeks/months in advance. It also shows the rest of the industry that people are willing to fork over money for nothing.

Pre-ordering hurts the industry. There's no justification.
Not buying games hurts the industry. The games industry is worsening as pre-orders fall, that does not reflect what you are saying. What it reflects is people are rightfully losing faith because companies are screwing people over.

Pre-ordering isn't the problem, the problem is simply that gaming has moved from something secular and strange to most to the biggest and most profitable form of entertainment on the planet, it's not devs making games for the true players anymore, it's companies and board members releasing games to make a shit-ton of cash off casual gamers.

Unfortunately it's called reality, it's what happens to every industry. Pre-ordering is just a way to get what you want quicker.

The Flood / Re: Songs you like by bands you don't
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:53:08 PM »
But U2 is a good band. Highly influential and important

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:50:56 PM »

Or, you know, pre-loading is incredibly useful now that games can be 20-60Gb
Doesn't justify contributing to the poor state of the industry.
I'm not, i'm supporting a fantastic dev team, a dev team that I want to see succeed and do well in their way. I don't pre-order much, only when I trust the developer fully, I would never even consider pre-ordering a Battlefield, CoD, Fifa or anything along those lines.

The Flood / Re: My second try
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:47:17 PM »
Man just text her on fb messenger for god's sake, who actually texts or phones people  anymore?

The Flood / Re: Playing Battlefront 2 AMA
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:40:26 PM »

It's better on Steam.

I don't doubt it, damn the game has not aged well. The controls (and controller) are abysmal

And the AI.... omfg

They are supremely stupid, they erratically move and shoot and they just simply are fucking useless. It's just me vs 200 troops

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:37:43 PM »
Or, you know, pre-loading is incredibly useful now that games can be 20-60Gb

Gaming / Re: Favorite Battlefront 1 and 2 map?
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:35:48 PM »
Yep Hoth, although I remember Geonosis was great and so was Endor

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:34:43 PM »

It's not as if Battlefront has ever had a proper campaign anyways. Does no-one remember BF2? Seriously? The co-op missions will more than make up for it.
The BF2 campaign was a series of missions with "objectives" you had to complete, interspersed with cutscenes.

Also Galactic Conquest, which is without a doubt the game mode that I played the most on BF2. Made it to General against Elite AI years ago. Fun as hell.
Galactic conquest was the shit alright, i'm actually miffed it won't be included. Although, this game is serving as Battlefront's re-introduction to the world, I wouldn't be shocked if BF2 (not the original BF2) got it.

I made it to general too. I was between 5-9 years old. Aaand that's probably why I hang out on a splinter forum based off a dead gaming forum filled with weirdos instead of interacting with society.

The Flood / Re: Playing Battlefront 2 AMA
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:31:03 PM »

It's better on Steam.

I don't doubt it, damn the game has not aged well. The controls (and controller) are abysmal

The Flood / Re: Playing Battlefront 2 AMA
« on: April 17, 2015, 06:30:22 PM »

Still a great game, although this has reminded me just how shit the ps2 actually is. I'm not old but I must have had those nostalgia goggles pretty tight not to remember the shit controllers, weird OS, unreliable (8mb) memory cards and the frequency at which it skipped.

I was alright for a 5-9 year old
ikr inv me plz
I haz nose interwebz. It uses ethernet
K where u live?

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:47:27 PM »
It's not as if Battlefront has ever had a proper campaign anyways. Does no-one remember BF2? Seriously? The co-op missions will more than make up for it.

The Flood / Re: Playing Battlefront 2 AMA
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:25:39 PM »

Still a great game, although this has reminded me just how shit the ps2 actually is. I'm not old but I must have had those nostalgia goggles pretty tight not to remember the shit controllers, weird OS, unreliable (8mb) memory cards and the frequency at which it skipped.

I was alright for a 5-9 year old
ikr inv me plz
I haz nose interwebz. It uses ethernet

The Flood / Playing Battlefront 2 AMA
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:17:13 PM »

Still a great game, although this has reminded me just how shit the ps2 actually is. I'm not old but I must have had those nostalgia goggles pretty tight not to remember the shit controllers, weird OS, unreliable (8mb) memory cards and the frequency at which it skipped.

I was alright for a 5-9 year old

Gaming / Re: I just pre-ordered the Witcher 3
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:07:16 PM »

what's that game about?

speaking of preordering, I was able to gets my hands on a Wario amiibo
The Witcher? What is the address of the rock you live under so I can show you in person?

Gaming / Re: I just pre-ordered the Witcher 3
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:05:31 PM »

What hard drive did you get for the xbone?
3tb Seagate, external

Gaming / Re: I just pre-ordered the Witcher 3
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:05:03 PM »

I know you're generally against pre-ordering, but with this game I think it's a safe bet and a good deal.
That doesn't matter. We know the game isn't going to be a broken clusterfuck, but it still shows the industry that you're willing to pay money for nothing.

You should have at least waited until after the game was Gold Certified.
It's gone gold


A big problem is that the rebels are apparently still a resistance group according to one of the plaques at the convention.

It's been like 40 years since the fall of the empire and they sti haven't formed a new republic.
If you look at real-life examples this is not uncommon. The rebel group usually fails to establish a government and a new dictatorship/oppressive regime arises. Now think of it on a galactic scale.

The Flood / Re: I haven't felt this hyped up since Halo 3....
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:50:48 AM »
Ikr. So much so... ^

Gaming / I just pre-ordered the Witcher 3
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:39:23 AM »
It's now downloading onto my new 3tb hard drive I bought for my xb1. As the game is currently £40 (which is what it'll be in most stores that aren't GAME post-release) and this mean it'll have a whole month to download it this saves me the annoyance of buying it nearer release and having to wait to actually play it, this way it'll be ready.

I know you're generally against pre-ordering, but with this game I think it's a safe bet and a good deal.

The Flood / Re: New Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:40:23 PM »

Really like the opening shot

That sense of scale
The cinematography is superb, even if the film flops with star wars fans I feel as if it'll be a quality film. Abrams's style suits Star Wars well, both of the Star Trek films felt so much less like ST and more like SW anyways-it's probably part of the reason they did well.

Star Trek isn't as much about the action as it is about the diplomacy, trying to talk things out.
Abrams' ST films were Star Wars ripoffs frankly. So much action in them.

I really don't see this. They're nothing alike. Just because a movie has action in space doesn't mean it's a Star Wars rip off. The new Star Trek films are their own breed of shit.
Have you ever watched the older Star Trek films?

Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do with the new films being like Star Wars. The new films are not like Star Wars at all, except for the fact there's space and lasers in them.

However, the new Star Trek films are an insult to the old movies and TV show. It's like if they took Star Wars, and turned the series into "The Housewives of Coruscant".
The style of the films is Star Wars-esque, the manner in which things are executed and presented veer off closer to SW than ST. The way they favour action and drama to exploration and discovery.

The Flood / Re: New Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:55:07 PM »

Really like the opening shot

That sense of scale
The cinematography is superb, even if the film flops with star wars fans I feel as if it'll be a quality film. Abrams's style suits Star Wars well, both of the Star Trek films felt so much less like ST and more like SW anyways-it's probably part of the reason they did well.

Star Trek isn't as much about the action as it is about the diplomacy, trying to talk things out.
Abrams' ST films were Star Wars ripoffs frankly. So much action in them.

I really don't see this. They're nothing alike. Just because a movie has action in space doesn't mean it's a Star Wars rip off. The new Star Trek films are their own breed of shit.
Have you ever watched the older Star Trek films?

The Flood / Re: Why are you getting hyped over Star Wars?
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:52:29 PM »

I'm getting hyped for Ronaldinho's return.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront release date + first screenshot!
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:47:32 PM »
Noice. Blops3, Battlefront and Halo 5 just a few weeks apart, bye-bye money

Gaming / Re: The most annoying characters in video games
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:53:38 PM »

Killing this annoying piece of shit with the Mace of Molag Bal was deeply satisfying

Ditto. Bastard filled up a soul gem too

The Flood / Re: New Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:51:00 PM »

Really like the opening shot

That sense of scale
The cinematography is superb, even if the film flops with star wars fans I feel as if it'll be a quality film. Abrams's style suits Star Wars well, both of the Star Trek films felt so much less like ST and more like SW anyways-it's probably part of the reason they did well.

Star Trek isn't as much about the action as it is about the diplomacy, trying to talk things out.
Abrams' ST films were Star Wars ripoffs frankly. So much action in them.

Yep, that's why he suits Star Wars so well. He's talented and he just knows how to make a good movie, I thought the Star Trek films were brilliant (but un-Star Trekky)
the star trek films just took all the life out of star trek... star trek is about exploration, finding a new way for life, the exciting prospects of venturing into the unknown. it's a really optimistic adventure around the galaxy. the star trek movies feel like terrible fanfiction. especially Into Darkness.
The third one might be alright

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Force Awakens livestream - NEW TRAILER YISSS
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:42:45 PM »

That was fantastic. Now hopefully Battlefront won't suck.

I actually want to reinstall Battlefront 2 until Battlefront 3 comes out.
I'm tempted to excavate my PS2 and buy a SCART/HDMI adaptor just to play it

Do it!

I have another copy of Battlefront 2 on the PSP but that port is so low rendered.
I've got Battlefront Renegade Squadron on PSP, great game-better than 2 in a few ways but of course nearly impossible to play on that piece of shit


I forgot about that one. I need to get that game back...
I've just discovered my TV actually has a SCART port!

Now I just need to dig up my ps2 and retrieve my Battlefront 2 copy

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