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Messages - Sprungli

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The Flood / Re: "The Land of Rape and Honey"-
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:50:43 PM »

Oil Seed is the scourge of the countryside here, every bloody field has that ghastly yellow crop everywhere.
Rapeseed, and it's rather nice. It's beneficial to the local economy too and doesn't set off my hayfever like some things can. It shines nicely in the sun

Call it what you like but I prefer to not trigger people like that you cisgendered scum.

That's weird though, pretty sure it's oilseed that puts my brother's hayfever through the roof. Must be lucky on that one, but I'd take a field of wheat over a field of oilseed any day.
It's Rapeseed, or Oilseed rape. I prefer the former. Mine is triggered primarily by Hawthorn pollen (which is unfortunately common around here). As for wheat, it's pretty boring and drastically less lucrative-here in Hampshire it's mostly a mix of sweetcorn, rapeseed, wheat and the rest is for animals (everything from cows to alpacas and llamas).

Besides, it's a beautiful plant. Like a giant stem of buttercups
I know it's proper name, but it's just called oilseed around here.

Worcestershire doesn't really have a specific crop, it's just a shitload of oilseed and a decent spread of wheat/grains. It's a pretty ugly plant when you have to drive past walls of gaudy yellow shit every day of your life until it's wintertime.
It's still better than wheat

The Flood / Re: "The Land of Rape and Honey"-
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:17:01 PM »

Oil Seed is the scourge of the countryside here, every bloody field has that ghastly yellow crop everywhere.
Rapeseed, and it's rather nice. It's beneficial to the local economy too and doesn't set off my hayfever like some things can. It shines nicely in the sun

Call it what you like but I prefer to not trigger people like that you cisgendered scum.

That's weird though, pretty sure it's oilseed that puts my brother's hayfever through the roof. Must be lucky on that one, but I'd take a field of wheat over a field of oilseed any day.
It's Rapeseed, or Oilseed rape. I prefer the former. Mine is triggered primarily by Hawthorn pollen (which is unfortunately common around here). As for wheat, it's pretty boring and drastically less lucrative-here in Hampshire it's mostly a mix of sweetcorn, rapeseed, wheat and the rest is for animals (everything from cows to alpacas and llamas).

Besides, it's a beautiful plant. Like a giant stem of buttercups

The Flood / Re: "The Land of Rape and Honey"-
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:06:32 PM »

Oil Seed is the scourge of the countryside here, every bloody field has that ghastly yellow crop everywhere.
Rapeseed, and it's rather nice. It's beneficial to the local economy too and doesn't set off my hayfever like some things can. It shines nicely in the sun

The Flood / Re: Why is Dutch spelling so fucking weird?
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:18:55 PM »
English is the last in the Germanic languages, simplified and spliced with French. Hence why we dumb-down every single word. Fjord becomes Ford, fischer becomes fisher, even 'England' literally means Angle Land (land of the Anglos).

I guess Dutch is higher up the simplicity (complexity) chain.

Gaming / Re: Hunt the Truth episode #4 is up
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:37:49 PM »
Well that was intense. 343 is slowly changing the UNSC from the good guys to the dictators, ONI are getting more like the Gestapo or CIA than MI5. Getting good.

The Flood / Re: We talked about sex in class today
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:49:26 PM »
How is that awkward or weird?

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post really old shit from your hometown.
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:41:40 PM »

This is from between 1899 and 1907


This is Station road in 1915

And this is it today

Bordon is the least historical town around here, 1899 is incredibly recent in terms of British history (especially here in the South).

Holy crap. Over 100 years later and not much of a change eh?
Well, the town has grown bigger but progress has been stagnant since the 50s because the place has remained army, although they are moving out 2017. But i'll be gone from here by then

The Flood / Re: Random superpower.
« on: April 19, 2015, 03:02:03 PM »

Dark portal creation.

The cake is a lie
Nagato has you beat

I have everyone beat so it's not like it matters.
But you're not Verbatim so you won't use it.

Well I don't have to destroy everything. I just destroy individual people or the concept of them having any sort of powers beyond that of a normal human.

Hell I could basically do teleportation be destroying the concept of distance between me and something which would bring me, or the chosen object directly to where I or it needs to be.
I read it more as the ability to destroy everything at once, not the ability to destroy anything


The Flood / Re: 10/10 albums
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:59:07 PM »

And the Uno, Dos, Tres trilogy. That's three but really it's just one massive album released over time.

The Flood / Re: Random superpower.
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:54:52 PM »

Dark portal creation.

The cake is a lie
Nagato has you beat

I have everyone beat so it's not like it matters.
But you're not Verbatim so you won't use it.

The Flood / Re: Random superpower.
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:47:43 PM »

Dark portal creation.

The cake is a lie
Nagato has you beat
But can he test?

I think not

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post really old shit from your hometown.
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:44:37 PM »
This is from between 1899 and 1907


This is Station road in 1915

And this is it today

Bordon is the least historical town around here, 1899 is incredibly recent in terms of British history (especially here in the South).

The Flood / Re: Random superpower.
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:31:18 PM »
Dark portal creation.

The cake is a lie


Bonus Easter Egg: Recognize any of the graffiti in this one?

No tell plz
Riddler question mark on one of the pillars.


Bonus Easter Egg: Recognize any of the graffiti in this one?

No tell plz

The Flood / Re: What was your original Bnet display name?
« on: April 19, 2015, 01:02:25 PM »
RadialRacer. Everyone misspelled it as "Radicalracer" so I changed it to Sprüngli. (As in Lindt and Sprungli). But i've had plenty of alts inbetween, one of them i've used for over half my time active on bnet

Gaming / Re: Battlefront will not use Battlelog
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:36:06 PM »

It will also not use:
- Campaign
- Space Battles
- More than 40 players
- Galactic Conquest

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:34:50 PM »

I'd much rather prefer they nail the gameplay in this one and really go for it properly with space battles in the next one-that would be the best way to do it and a way to improve upon the first.
They can still do that by having a DLC for the game. For the remaining months till launch which is when the game is done development wise they can have part of the team doing space. When the game launches and it's a lot more stable the space team can get bigger. Not having space battles at all for this game is going to piss off a lot of people. You're going to be paying more than what the second game was for less content.
I'm not too sure about less content exactly, the upcoming one will have customisation and of course the maps will absolutely dwarf those previously seen in Battlefront. Although not having conquest is an enormous blow, that is something I really care about.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Ice Cream
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:16:40 PM »

Hey I've worked in a dairy farm and it isn't inhumane
one dairy farm
The process he describes is commonplace

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post videos of stupid people.
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:12:34 PM »

I'm sorry it's not a video but it'll have to do
*Slow clap*
You did well.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post videos of stupid people.
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:08:15 PM »

I'm sorry it's not a video but it'll have to do

Gaming / Battlefront will not use Battlelog
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:03:09 PM »

Yes, I know >Polygon

But this is a huge relief, Battlelog is hands-down the shittiest method of social interaction within a game easily. The fact that DICE themselves have realised this is good, I truly believe they are trying to do the right thing with Battlefront. But of course...


Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:00:27 PM »

I want to believe the reason why there's no space battles at launch is because of time. For now DICE is focusing on making the game and doing ground combat to make sure it works right. There is a teaser image of a space stormtrooper which means there is going to be something in space. But the problem I have with this though is that it's an EA controlled game. For Battlefield 4 I know if you want to play that jet VS jet playlist you have to download a DLC which you have to pay for to unlock that gamemode. I have a feeling if space battles are added latter on as a DLC it's going to be charged.
Well, to be honest space battles were really quite bad in BF2, they were really annoying in galactic conquest (at least, against AI)
Removing them doesn't fix anything. In Elite Squadron the space battle  and ground battle was in the same map. The whole ground to space thing is brought into that game. The space battle does play a minor role in the ground battle but you can use the ship to take out command posts. The other thing is that space battles are more in depth than what they are in Battlefront 2. You can take out the ship from withing to blow it up. The whole ship is playable instead of it being a hanger and a few rooms.

In 1942 the aircraft carriers can be moved around the map to deploy airplanes to attack the island. Space battles can play out the same way they did in the ocean maps for 1942. The capital ships can be used to launch fighters which are used to attack the ground.
It's not as if Battlefront won't have plenty of opportunities for aerial combat, which will play a key part in the overall battle (unlike previous Battlefront games). This new game is a re-introduction, something to re-establish the franchise and familiarise people. I'd much rather prefer they nail the gameplay in this one and really go for it properly with space battles in the next one-that would be the best way to do it and a way to improve upon the first.

I can't speak for Elite Squadron, as i've not played it; but I can't see how ground and space battles on the same map would work-as there is usually a rather large gap between the two.

The Flood / Re: I don't think I have ever been this stupid
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:51:49 PM »

That's it. I'm gonna go back in time and live in Glendale in the 1920s. I don't care how hard life was back then because I wouldn't have to deal with the internet anymore or any video games or anything.

I'd grow my own food, repair my own socks and walk to work every morning. I'd also make some new friends.
Wait until Christmas so that you can take back Ep7 though. And then make the originals, therefore erasing George Lucas from history and preventing the prequels and shitty edits!

The Flood / Re: What are the most ridiculous conspiracy theories?
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:30:48 PM »
That America is actually free. Of course we all know that's not real

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:21:58 PM »

I want to believe the reason why there's no space battles at launch is because of time. For now DICE is focusing on making the game and doing ground combat to make sure it works right. There is a teaser image of a space stormtrooper which means there is going to be something in space. But the problem I have with this though is that it's an EA controlled game. For Battlefield 4 I know if you want to play that jet VS jet playlist you have to download a DLC which you have to pay for to unlock that gamemode. I have a feeling if space battles are added latter on as a DLC it's going to be charged.
Well, to be honest space battles were really quite bad in BF2, they were really annoying in galactic conquest (at least, against AI)

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 18, 2015, 05:35:37 AM »

The only reason you have a problem with it is because of the sheer number of people doing it.
No, actually.
My problem with pre-ordering is the bullshit it now contributes to, not pre-ordering itself.
If ir didn't harm the industry then I wouldn't give a fuck.

So if you want me to disregard the fact that many people do it, that's fine because that only strengthens my point.
Umm, it doesn't though.
But it doesn't contribute. It's a consequence rather than a cause

Gaming / Re: The Only Legit Reason Pre-Ordering is Acceptable.
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:37:11 AM »

And you think that trying to get an extreme minority of people to not pre-order will help? It's the 99%, the people that don't care or understand. Not the 1% that pre-order only in specific cases, on rare occasions.
>bandwagon effect
Just because so many people do it doesn't make it acceptable.

Pre-ordering supports devs outside of the major ones.
You know what else supports Devs? Buying their game when it releas.

If you have an issue with the concept of paying for nothing then how about you stop and consider microtransactions and too much dlc? Season passes are the worst offenders, essentially pre-ordering content that should be free or already included-that's ridiculous and has a far, far greater impact than pre-ordering a game just to take advantage of a price cut and pre-loading.
I already acknowledge that thosee things are hurting the industry too.
These don't detract from the problem that pre-ordering causes and aren't the discussion at hand.
But why restrict yourself for some pointless morals bullshit? If you are going to use the bandwagon effect, originally pre-ordering was perfectly acceptable because on a single-case basis there is very little against it. The only reason you have a problem with it is because of the sheer number of people doing it. So if you want me to disregard the fact that many people do it, that's fine because that only strengthens my point.

Gaming / Re: battlefront is great and all
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:25:45 AM »
Contemplating purchasing it

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