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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 192021 2223 ... 130
Gaming / Re: KILL THE FAGGOT Video Game.
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:54:08 PM »
Coming to southern arcades near you!

The Flood / Re: Go outside and take a picture
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:52:17 PM »

I'm not going out, I live in a flat ffs
are you poor?
your webbed feet are showing btw

But it's a nice area and a nice flat, less than 10 years old

The Flood / Re: Go outside and take a picture
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:38:42 PM »

The Flood / Re: Go outside and take a picture
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:38:08 PM »

I'm not going out, I live in a flat ffs

The Flood / Re: How much does counseling cost without insurance?
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:35:43 PM »
It's fre-oh wait

Gaming / Re: HUNT the Truth Ep 7 (Oh Schitt Nigger)
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:34:44 PM »
It's getting real. And FERO is almost certainly Halsey; HtT is finally delving into the interesting side of Halo-away from space nazis to space gestapo

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Downgrade
« on: May 11, 2015, 12:31:06 PM »

It still looks great, and i'm sure the downgrade was only to facilitate that dynamic beard growth.
Beards > graphics
Tis the tru7h

>Tells people not to vote
>Publicly endorses Labour
>Says he's against capitalism
>Starts actively pursuing profits (£30 t-shirts ffs?)

GG, had most socialists fooled m9

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Downgrade
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:38:12 AM »
It still looks great, and i'm sure the downgrade was only to facilitate that dynamic beard growth.

Serious / Re: I just saw THE dumbest facebook post, ever
« on: May 08, 2015, 09:55:54 AM »
She's probably a purple Nazi fanatic

The Flood / Re: Not a Narc: Marijuana?
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:27:11 PM »

All the local chavs smoke it. Having grown up here I simply am flabbergasted that anyone would genuinely take a good, logical look at the stuff and say "hey, I think it'll be great to start smoking that shit". It has zero positives, and in 50 years time people will look back on weed legalisation and promotion the very same way we look at how tobacco was in the past.
Chavs drink beer on street corners too. What's your point?
And it having zero positives is wrong also. It has multiple health benefits, otherwise it wouldn't be used medically.
It's used to treat specific problems, in specific cases. Just like how mercury is somewhat effective against lesions. Does that make mercury good for you? No, it's still toxic-as is weed.
Terrible comparison, and also untrue.
Weed is by no means toxic. It has been proven to have many health benefits, and not just for specific cases either.
The only legitimate bad thing about weed is that it can bring on schizophrenia or other mental health problems if your predisposed.
There is a reason why it's a Class B drug. It's dangerous. If you truly believe what you are saying then I implore you to smoke weed for the next 20 years, then tell me that it has caused zero ill side-effects.

Or why not mix it with alcohol, if it has no negative effects it'll be just like drinking normally right?

The Flood / Re: Who was the greatest tyrant in history?
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:21:49 PM »
Gordon Brown

Gaming / I have now finished The Old Blood
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:19:09 PM »
And it was superb, not quite as stunning as the original overall but it's certainly far off. The story was just as moving as New Order and took somewhat of an unexpected turn during the second chapter (I won't spoil anything, but if you've been wondering when you'd see something supernatural...); the gameplay is still immensely satisfying and the pipes provide wonderfully visceral stealth kills whilst serving their purpose in map exploration and traversal and all the new weapons are on par with those found in The New Order.

It's just a great experience, and perhaps superior to The New Order in how it strays more towards Raiders of the lost ark (MG mentioned going for a deliberate 'B movie' approach to the expansion specifically beforehand, notably) than any traditional videogame portrayal of Nazis and Co. It's worth the £15, and it's as simple as that.

If Machine games can continue in this type of form then the next Wolfenstein will be special. And maybe, hopefully one day Bethesda will task them with the creation of the next Fallout; who better to resurrect an alternate history based game based upon the sci-fi of the era with the right mix of supernatural, gore and (plenty of) exploration? 

The Flood / Re: Not a Narc: Marijuana?
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:02:30 PM »

All the local chavs smoke it. Having grown up here I simply am flabbergasted that anyone would genuinely take a good, logical look at the stuff and say "hey, I think it'll be great to start smoking that shit". It has zero positives, and in 50 years time people will look back on weed legalisation and promotion the very same way we look at how tobacco was in the past.
Chavs drink beer on street corners too. What's your point?
And it having zero positives is wrong also. It has multiple health benefits, otherwise it wouldn't be used medically.
It's used to treat specific problems, in specific cases. Just like how mercury is somewhat effective against lesions. Does that make mercury good for you? No, it's still toxic-as is weed.

The Flood / Re: Not a Narc: Marijuana?
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:21:23 AM »
All the local chavs smoke it. Having grown up here I simply am flabbergasted that anyone would genuinely take a good, logical look at the stuff and say "hey, I think it'll be great to start smoking that shit". It has zero positives, and in 50 years time people will look back on weed legalisation and promotion the very same way we look at how tobacco was in the past.


Saw both the Nuka Cola and Skyrim helmet while I was playing this morning, up to chapter 2. Machine Games is a great developer.
I genuinely think that if anyone but Machine Games is tasked with Fallout 4 it will suck. They get gaming, which is all too rare nowadays.

Gaming / I've been playing The Old Blood for five minutes and...
« on: May 05, 2015, 09:50:39 AM »

Fallout 4 confirmed.

But seriously, there are a lot of easter eggs in this wonderful game (expansion).


Anyone else playing Wolfenstein: The Old Blood? It's only £15 and it doesn't require New Order to play either.

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:36:47 PM »

The 96/97 Celtic Away shirt. I bet none of you uncultured amerifats have even heard of Celtic (no, not the basketball team).
>calls soccer football
>proceeds to call others uncultured
Considering soccer is the burgerclap shortening of Association Football. You are too lazy to say the whole name

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:35:28 PM »

The 96/97 Celtic Away shirt. I bet none of you uncultured amerifats have even heard of Celtic (no, not the basketball team).
football is shit though
Gaming isn't a sport

The Flood / Re: itt: post shit you have that you bet others dont
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:29:54 PM »

The 96/97 Celtic Away shirt. I bet none of you uncultured amerifats have even heard of Celtic (no, not the basketball team).

Gaming / Re: Developing a TCG (Trading Card Game)
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:19:50 PM »
Yu-gi-oh was always the best of the three IMO.


Point-and-click adventure games are still games.

Gaming / Re: if youve never played any of these games
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:16:05 PM »
Never had an Xbox. PS2 masterrace

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:40:15 PM »

Because cars are apparently worth more than human lives. Okay then...
They're worth more than a burglar's life.

Go on. Unless the car was a premium hypercar I doubt your statement is at all true. I'm worth two mil, surely a burglar is worth at least $100,000

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:06:13 PM »
Top Gear was great because the BBC found 3 brilliant presenters that were naturally funny but also had a love for cars. The new version will be shit.

Luckily the three look like they'll be creating a new show separately though so that's great

The Flood / Re: Rum vs Beer
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:03:50 PM »
Mead is superior to both

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:02:31 PM »
Because cars are apparently worth more than human lives. Okay then...

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:01:10 PM »

Gaming / Re: I feel like the only one who legitimately thinks...
« on: May 04, 2015, 05:59:02 AM »
I  agree

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