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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 161718 1920 ... 130
Gaming / Re: So, about Farming Simulator...
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:20:21 PM »

Did it start off as a joke? I mean did people just buy it and play it because of the novelty of having an actual farming game?

Now it has an actual full price release on PS4 and Xbox, it reminds me of one of those internet memes that are intentionally bad but then end up being used by a newspaper or sold on tshirts or something.
Dunno but I highly approve of your avatar.

Gaming / Re: So, about Farming Simulator...
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:14:29 PM »

Sim games are fun

Except goat, that shit is fucking cancer
You're just mad because you can't fuck the goat.
Said the Welshman to the Scotsman

« on: May 26, 2015, 08:13:31 PM »
Keira Metz would win. Speaking of her, I sent her up to Kaer Morhen. Dafuq is the bitch?

Gaming / Re: Do you sometimes feel, the Witcher and Dragon Age
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:11:15 PM »

Could exist in the same universe? Like.....I dunno, I've played both the first games of each series, and I feel like they could fit in neatly, I still feel like they have pretty close in game systems too. Not to mention I swear they used the same graphics engine,

I dunno, it'd be cool, thats just me.
Eh, don't like DA-now that i've become enveloped in The Witcher 3 anything Bioware or even Bethesda output feels like the 99p version of the real deal.

Gaming / Re: Do you sometimes feel, the Witcher and Dragon Age
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:09:46 PM »

Dage uses Frostbite, Frostbite is DICE's property, DICE is EA's property.

That wouldnt happen.
The original Witcher actually used a modified, licensed version of Bioware's engine though.   

Besides, he's only talking about them sharing a universe-not being in the same game. Not as if every Star Wars game used the same engine (or anything else) is it?

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:07:15 PM »

Okay we all get that marijuana has the potential for addiction. Psychology debates on whether or not it's physical or mental aside. I just want to know, how is that potential for addiction more significant than alcohol's? A substance whose physical withdraw symptoms will make you sick and can literally kill you.

It makes absolutely no logical sense. I don't understand why someone would make such a claim, because it further invalidates their side of the argument in the eyes of those on the other side. Hell even in the eyes of those who are neutral. What's the point of even arguing over this if you're just going to immediately shrink the amount of influence you might have had on the people you're arguing with and practically remove any chance you had of convincing them? Is it merely to feed the ego?

Seriously, I'm genuinely curious.
All I said was that I preferred alcohol, and that in moderate amounts it was less harmful, less likely to cause addiction. Perhaps my objectivity is tainted by real-life experiences, but i've seen more addicted to weed then to alcohol.

Besides, if not because people were refusing to acknowledge the mere possibility of addiction then it's always interesting to learn the perspectives of those so firmly in the weed camp or anti-opposing-view camp.

You actually enlightened me about the addiction part. The side effects are very similar to a caffeine withdrawal, however; caffeine has bad health side effects since it can increase your heart rate whereas marijuana doesn't.  So yes I can see where it can be addictive hell a lot of articles online quoted 9% of marijuana users as addicts, but in my eyes it's not much different than a caffeine or sugar addiction.
Perhaps, though caffeine and sugar don't lend themselves to increased rates of dementia and schizophrenia though either. Although apparently their substitutes do.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:05:44 PM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Okay here comes the conspiracy side of Kitsune... You actually trust what a USA government website has to say about an illegal drug that they illegalized in order to save the paper companies from going out of business, and to gain more money off of those who chose to continue to use it despite the legal status?  It's fine if you don't like it, but come on seriously?

"Some parties have argued that the aim of the Act was to reduce the size of the hemp industry[7][8][9] largely as an effort of businessmen Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family.[7][9] The same parties have argued that with the invention of the decorticator, hemp had become a very cheap substitute for the paper pulp that was used in the newspaper industry.[7][10] These parties argue that Hearst felt that this was a threat to his extensive timber holdings."

Although, it was later stated that it wasn't really a competitor to that of the paper industry, and "Today, it is generally accepted that the hearings included incorrect, excessive or unfounded arguments."
Fair enough. Excuse me for basing my perspective off of the law of my country though; there is a lot more on the European side against weed than there is Stateside.

Weed is illegal for a reason, it's harmful. Separate from that though; I actually think it should be legalised and regulated, hopping back over to the US for a second shows us the disastrous consequences of prohibition; hopping to Columbia gives us a million reasons to legitimise many people theres main source of income-taking it away from the cartels would be a wise move, and a step to demilitarisation of Columbian and more pressingly, US police forces.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:58:31 PM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana

Fucking troll or just a pleb moron I can't tell.. Get educated ignorant fool.

Alcohol can become physically addictive whereas marijuana is only mentally addictive and that's really just speculation. Hell sugar is more addictive than fucking weed... Smh
You realise that the concept of physical and mental addiction has been long since discarded by doctors, psychiatrists and anyone with sense right? You are basing your opinion off of an invalid concept.

Sure I am. Nice bullshit though it's so pretty you should hang it up on your fridge. :)

Here you are, even from the very same source our neutral friend cited.

Okay now that I'm no longer at work I had time to look over the article you posted, and it has a fair point about addictions I'll give you that. In saying this I should explain myself better I shouldn't have used the terms "mentally addictive". What I meant is that if you already have an addictive personality then it is more likely that you will become dependent on the psyche altering state that marijuana offers. That was an interesting article, and I will have to do more research on the topic of physical versus mental addictions. Thanks for actually sourcing your information most people don't when challenged to explain themselves.  Bravo.

Also sorry for being a cunt. <3
Thanks, and naturally certain people are predisposed to addiction. I think that as someone younger, the effects of weed vs the effects of alcohol on people my age influence my view; you read the article, and there is a dramatic increase in weed addiction in the young compared to adults.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:54:06 PM »

Okay we all get that marijuana has the potential for addiction. Psychology debates on whether or not it's physical or mental aside. I just want to know, how is that potential for addiction more significant than alcohol's? A substance whose physical withdraw symptoms will make you sick and can literally kill you.

It makes absolutely no logical sense. I don't understand why someone would make such a claim, because it further invalidates their side of the argument in the eyes of those on the other side. Hell even in the eyes of those who are neutral. What's the point of even arguing over this if you're just going to immediately shrink the amount of influence you might have had on the people you're arguing with and practically remove any chance you had of convincing them? Is it merely to feed the ego?

Seriously, I'm genuinely curious.
All I said was that I preferred alcohol, and that in moderate amounts it was less harmful, less likely to cause addiction. Perhaps my objectivity is tainted by real-life experiences, but i've seen more addicted to weed then to alcohol.

Besides, if not because people were refusing to acknowledge the mere possibility of addiction then it's always interesting to learn the perspectives of those so firmly in the weed camp or anti-opposing-view camp.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:30:02 AM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana

Fucking troll or just a pleb moron I can't tell.. Get educated ignorant fool.

Alcohol can become physically addictive whereas marijuana is only mentally addictive and that's really just speculation. Hell sugar is more addictive than fucking weed... Smh
You realise that the concept of physical and mental addiction has been long since discarded by doctors, psychiatrists and anyone with sense right? You are basing your opinion off of an invalid concept.

Sure I am. Nice bullshit though it's so pretty you should hang it up on your fridge. :)

Here you are, even from the very same source our neutral friend cited.

Halo 2. That suicidal marine driving the Warthog during the New Mombasa mission-the part just after you emerge from the motorway tunnel. During one playthrough he'd just keep on screwing me over in various different ways.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:23:48 AM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana

Fucking troll or just a pleb moron I can't tell.. Get educated ignorant fool.

Alcohol can become physically addictive whereas marijuana is only mentally addictive and that's really just speculation. Hell sugar is more addictive than fucking weed... Smh
You realise that the concept of physical and mental addiction has been long since discarded by doctors, psychiatrists and anyone with sense right? You are basing your opinion off of an invalid concept.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:21:58 AM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Cannabis is addictive in the same way that you can become addicted to chocolate or any substance that you consume. It depends on the user and whether or not they allow it to consume their lifestyle, like any other irresponsible person would react to becoming addicted to video games, surfing the internet all day, etc.

Also, posting a very obviously biased .gov source about a currently illegal substance does not prove anything, so please, stop spewing bullshit and educate yourself.

Once again, educate yourself. This is part 2 of the article you came back with. This cites the very article I first posted, the author is in agreement with the article I found.

That article is originally from The New England Journal of Medicine. It's perfectly legitimate and not biased, the .gov site was merely citing existing research. And i'll take 1st hand scientific documentation over an opinion piece by a pro-weed doctor any day.

Le 3pik Meme bro!

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:19:53 AM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Cannabis is addictive in the same way that you can become addicted to chocolate or any substance that you consume. It depends on the user and whether or not they allow it to consume their lifestyle, like any other irresponsible person would react to becoming addicted to video games, surfing the internet all day, etc.

Also, posting a very obviously biased .gov source about a currently illegal substance does not prove anything, so please, stop spewing bullshit and educate yourself.

Once again, educate yourself. This is part 2 of the article you came back with. This cites the very article I first posted, the author is in agreement with the article I found.

That article is originally from The New England Journal of Medicine. It's perfectly legitimate and not biased, the .gov site was merely citing existing research. And i'll take 1st hand scientific documentation over an opinion piece by a pro-weed doctor any day.

In that case, alcohol is also addictive.
Well yes

Gaming / Re: What's your 3x3?
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:19:20 AM »

If this thread was your top 18 most of them would be in or near my next 9. WoW in particular was memorable, the best CoD for sure

Gaming / Re: What's your 3x3?
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:39:04 AM »

Gaming / Re: What's your 3x3?
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:37:28 AM »

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 06:22:23 AM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Cannabis is addictive in the same way that you can become addicted to chocolate or any substance that you consume. It depends on the user and whether or not they allow it to consume their lifestyle, like any other irresponsible person would react to becoming addicted to video games, surfing the internet all day, etc.

Also, posting a very obviously biased .gov source about a currently illegal substance does not prove anything, so please, stop spewing bullshit and educate yourself.

Once again, educate yourself. This is part 2 of the article you came back with. This cites the very article I first posted, the author is in agreement with the article I found.

That article is originally from The New England Journal of Medicine. It's perfectly legitimate and not biased, the .gov site was merely citing existing research. And i'll take 1st hand scientific documentation over an opinion piece by a pro-weed doctor any day.

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:56:34 AM »

You absolutely should.
How much replayability does it have?
Well, there's 36 endings. There's many choices throughout the game too.
How much content does it have compared to something like TES or Fallout?
Significantly more. They have nothing on TW3.
The main questline alone is 50+ hours. Then there's literally a shit ton of side quests and Witcher contracts, and they're not just your average fetch quests and shit; a significant amount of them are narrative driven to some degree.
How open worlded is it?
It's enormous. It dwarfs Skyrim's open world, and entering buildings is completely seamless.
Speaking of the story, I was kind of disappointed recently. I just finished all the quests on Skellige(Main Quests), and well, looking at the titles of the next few quests I have, and what I'm preparing for. It sounds like the ending. However I kinda did look at some spoilers, though I barely know anything. Too my surprise there's an entire Act 3. So It looks like I actually have quite a lot longer to go. Thank God.
Sounds like AC2, I got to what was essentially the mid-point expecting the end only to discover I was a long way off. Great games do that

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 08:02:40 PM »

It's really good, but it does lag a lot and I've ran into a modest amount of bugs.
This on PC? I've not experienced any lag or many bugs (bar the save glitch, but that's been patched for PC and will be soon for consoles)
Xbox one
He's a retard that thinks it runs fine on consoles even though it's a fact it doesn't, so he just ignores everything that proves that it has performance issues
Lol. Only thing worse than being a retard is being a nasty one.
a nasty one what? finish your sentences
As soon as you learn how to use capital letters and full stops; go back to primary school.
I forgot an Internet forum was school. Orthography doesn't really matter here.
Funny, since you took offence at my earlier instance of sentence structure.
there's a difference between not capitalising and not finishing your sentences
I did finish my sentence. It really is not my problem that you lack the ability to read between the lines or merely to remember the beginning of the sentence by the time that your dull mind has trundled along to the end of the sentence.

Using 'it' or 'one' is part of the English language, i'm so sorry that you were never thoroughly taught such a means of communication.

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:49:18 PM »

It's really good, but it does lag a lot and I've ran into a modest amount of bugs.
This on PC? I've not experienced any lag or many bugs (bar the save glitch, but that's been patched for PC and will be soon for consoles)
Xbox one
He's a retard that thinks it runs fine on consoles even though it's a fact it doesn't, so he just ignores everything that proves that it has performance issues
Lol. Only thing worse than being a retard is being a nasty one.
a nasty one what? finish your sentences
As soon as you learn how to use capital letters and full stops; go back to primary school.
I forgot an Internet forum was school. Orthography doesn't really matter here.
Funny, since you took offence at my earlier instance of sentence structure.

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:40:58 PM »

It's really good, but it does lag a lot and I've ran into a modest amount of bugs.
This on PC? I've not experienced any lag or many bugs (bar the save glitch, but that's been patched for PC and will be soon for consoles)
Xbox one
He's a retard that thinks it runs fine on consoles even though it's a fact it doesn't, so he just ignores everything that proves that it has performance issues
Lol. Only thing worse than being a retard is being a nasty one.
a nasty one what? finish your sentences
As soon as you learn how to use capital letters and full stops; go back to primary school.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:38:44 PM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:26:26 PM »

Sprungli made a jab at PC and now karma got him good job Ender
You have a strange obsession with calling out users by name. Do you get a buzz from it? A rush of blood to head perhaps? It's unnatural, the frequency of which you include other user's names in your replies.

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:24:02 PM »

It's really good, but it does lag a lot and I've ran into a modest amount of bugs.
This on PC? I've not experienced any lag or many bugs (bar the save glitch, but that's been patched for PC and will be soon for consoles)
Xbox one
He's a retard that thinks it runs fine on consoles even though it's a fact it doesn't, so he just ignores everything that proves that it has performance issues
Lol. Only thing worse than being a retard is being a nasty one.

Gaming / Re: Should I get Witcher 3?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:23:13 PM »

It's really good, but it does lag a lot and I've ran into a modest amount of bugs.
This on PC? I've not experienced any lag or many bugs (bar the save glitch, but that's been patched for PC and will be soon for consoles)
Xbox one
What do you mean by lag? Do you mean the stuttering in some sections or the shitty horse and boat controls? And more on the bugs?

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:20:18 PM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 screenshots
« on: May 25, 2015, 07:18:55 PM »

Dusk, and they were on sunny days

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 screenshots
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:33:14 PM »

Lemön never said it has bad graphics or any of that.

He just demonstrated the inferority of consoles which struggle to display shadows and can't deliver a stable framerate.
Yes, the graphics.

Graphics =/= Resolution
I haven't said anything about the resolution either.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
I know. You mentioned the graphics, I was reminding Atticus that graphics includes more than just resolution


who the fuck cums in their hand
Muslims, clearly

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