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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 130
Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:00:09 AM »

Is it just me or is Geralt Master Chief's 13th century fantasy ancestor or something?

I mean, c'mon. He's one line away from saying that he'll finish the fight or mix things up a little.

Considering how many pairs of tits there are in the Witcher series, I'd say he's closer to a medieval version of Commander Shepard.

He's there to fuck bitches, and, as a side quest, save everybody.
If the Master Chief wasn't stuck in that suit, you really think he'd not be banging Cortana (a la EDI) or half of blue team?

Chief would probably give Linda a reason to flinch from her sniper scope.
And Kelly might not be such a fast runner with a limp

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:58:18 AM »

I finished it today too. Still lots of stuff left to do. I liked my ending. The one I got, I like, there's another I'd hate, and the 3rd I'm not sure how to feel about.

Ciri became a Witcher. What did you get?
Ditto. I don't know the others but the one I got seemed to be the best. In mine Ciri became a witcher and Geralt retired with Yennefer and lived happily ever after far away. Classic fairytale ending, which is something I thought impossible for most of the story.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:55:48 AM »

i haven't played it

but the game isn't even a month old, and you're declaring it the best game you've ever played

it's just a little bit silly
Well no it's not. The age of a game doesn't influence how good it is.

Although I do understand that you only like games that came out before 2000, so maybe you don't quite get that concept.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is up with the Tapatalk ads?
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:52:14 AM »

What ads?
Are you fucking with me?

Lol. This thread was the first I clicked on, and the first ad appeared later

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:24:04 PM »

the best game i've ever played
jesus christ
Reason for your objection?

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 27, 2015, 05:04:49 PM »

don't get a boner over a game man chill

one thing i dislike is the reward system, i feel like all i ever get is fucking alchemy shit that i can't do nothing with
also diagrams for items which i can't use cuz levels, i mean if the level of the quest is 5 then surely it should reward items for that level?  wow a level 30 diagram, so useful when im level 5
it's hard to enjoy it when it plays like this
Yeah, that doesn't happen. I know there are slight differences but that's way OTT

The Flood / Re: What the hell is up with the Tapatalk ads?
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:00:45 PM »
What ads?

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:00:11 PM »

They won't be talking about Cyberpunk 2077 until 2017.
I know. I'm not expecting it to be out until 2019-CDPR seem to favour a 4 year cycle. Although, they have had a separate team working on it for 1-2 years now supposedly.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:58:52 PM »

Weed is illegal for a reason, it's harmful.
Absolutely shit argument. You're just making yourself look stupid by thinking this is at all a legitimate point.
Alcohol is significantly more harmful than weed, yet it's legal and advertised all over the place.
Cigarettes are extremely harmful, yet they're legal.

And don't start with "hurr b-but addiction".
Certain people are predisposed to addiction to certain things, be it weed, alcohol, caffeine, sugar or whatever the fuck else. Singling out weed because some people can develop an addiction or develop problems because of predisposition isn't a valid argument at all, and doesn't support your argument in the slightest.

Weed is far from dangerous. It has significantly more positives than it does negatives. So much so that it's used for a lot of medicinal purposes.
I never mentioned anything but Weed in my post. And it's proven to have many negative side effects. Virtually everything has a positive use anyways; fire, gamma radiation, arsenic, mercury, alcohol, etc...

So to say 'hurr durr itz sooooo gud itz used as medicine' is plain retarded, alcohol is an immensely useful substance in medicine and hygiene so I guess that means it's really good for you no?
I know you didn't mention alcohol or cigarettes or other things in your post. I was drawing up comparisons, you complete donkey.

Your entire argument was "weed is illegal because it has the potential to harm people", which is extremely flawed,  isn't valid, nor does it back up your side.
I pointed out that alcohol is a more harmful, yet legal and promoted. Cigarettes are also extremely dangerous, yet they're legal also.

You're mentality is so backwards.
You go so far to defend your (backwards) stance of weed being bad and illegal because it has some negatives, yet go so far to defend alcohol, which you acknowledge has negative side effects, being okay because it isn't illegal, yet it's a worse substance than weed.

No. His logic is beyond stupid, really; I think there is something wrong with him
Are you being ironic?

You really are one of the most fucking retarded users on here.
Fine, try it this way around.

If weed is all rainbows, butterflies and love then why is it currently illegal?

cue conspiracy theory; govt this... companies that... etc, etc...
There we are again with the backwards logic. It's illegal because Britain is run by retards. Just because our Government is fucking dumb and doesn't know its arse from its elbow means literally nothing.

I've not once said weed is harmless either, actually. I've been saying that it's significantly safer than what you've been making out, and that it's significantly safer than alcohol and cigarettes, both of which are legal, one of which is heavily promoted and advertised.
Solid reasoning. Sure, why not just blame the government for everything?

"Weed is far from dangerous"

You do realise that you actually did literally say weed was harmless? Danger is the potential for harm, so therefore if there is no potential for harm it is harmless. Which is untrue-said it yourself that some people are predisposed to weed addiction and so therefore there is a danger of addiction-which in turn means weed can be harmful as there are harmful mental or physical side effects.

Make your mind up, the more you ramble about something you have no coherent point in the more you contradict yourself and show yourself to be a mindless baboon.

Gaming / I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:46:39 PM »
Dead on 80 hours, which is a flawless match for what CDPR said.

I must say that it's probably the best game i've ever played; the last game I can remember to have such a high level of quality and even come close to the level of quantity was AC2-and that was a long while ago, plus the game pales in comparison now.

You know a great game when you've finished it, and you feel a bit empty inside. And that's very much case with this game, no matter what criticisms you may have-you'll feel at a loss when your adventure has drawn to a conclusion.

I think i've got the best ending, and probably close to the best end-state and so as a result I can only offer my sympathies to anyone that is unfortunate to finish on one the less desirable endings-that's got to suck

Whatever the case, i'm just happy that CDPR is releasing tons of new free content and i'll probably be purchasing the expansion pass closer to release. What's more i'll be eagerly awaiting Cyberpunk 2077-CDPR is only improving and they seem to genuinely care about games rather than money.

10/10 will immediately replay 10 times to explore all the various outcomes.

The Flood / Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 27, 2015, 11:00:09 AM »

Weed is illegal for a reason, it's harmful.
Absolutely shit argument. You're just making yourself look stupid by thinking this is at all a legitimate point.
Alcohol is significantly more harmful than weed, yet it's legal and advertised all over the place.
Cigarettes are extremely harmful, yet they're legal.

And don't start with "hurr b-but addiction".
Certain people are predisposed to addiction to certain things, be it weed, alcohol, caffeine, sugar or whatever the fuck else. Singling out weed because some people can develop an addiction or develop problems because of predisposition isn't a valid argument at all, and doesn't support your argument in the slightest.

Weed is far from dangerous. It has significantly more positives than it does negatives. So much so that it's used for a lot of medicinal purposes.
I never mentioned anything but Weed in my post. And it's proven to have many negative side effects. Virtually everything has a positive use anyways; fire, gamma radiation, arsenic, mercury, alcohol, etc...

So to say 'hurr durr itz sooooo gud itz used as medicine' is plain retarded, alcohol is an immensely useful substance in medicine and hygiene so I guess that means it's really good for you no?
I know you didn't mention alcohol or cigarettes or other things in your post. I was drawing up comparisons, you complete donkey.

Your entire argument was "weed is illegal because it has the potential to harm people", which is extremely flawed,  isn't valid, nor does it back up your side.
I pointed out that alcohol is a more harmful, yet legal and promoted. Cigarettes are also extremely dangerous, yet they're legal also.

You're mentality is so backwards.
You go so far to defend your (backwards) stance of weed being bad and illegal because it has some negatives, yet go so far to defend alcohol, which you acknowledge has negative side effects, being okay because it isn't illegal, yet it's a worse substance than weed.

No. His logic is beyond stupid, really; I think there is something wrong with him
Are you being ironic?

You really are one of the most fucking retarded users on here.
Fine, try it this way around.

If weed is all rainbows, butterflies and love then why is it currently illegal?

cue conspiracy theory; govt this... companies that... etc, etc...

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:22:41 AM »

just stop
No. His logic is beyond stupid, really; I think there is something wrong with him


It could be worse. It could have been a gigantic potato!

Come again?

Gaming / Re: So, about Farming Simulator...
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:19:03 AM »

Did it start off as a joke? I mean did people just buy it and play it because of the novelty of having an actual farming game?

Now it has an actual full price release on PS4 and Xbox, it reminds me of one of those internet memes that are intentionally bad but then end up being used by a newspaper or sold on tshirts or something.
Dunno but I highly approve of your avatar.
Get up smeghead

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:18:25 AM »

Weed is illegal for a reason, it's harmful.
Absolutely shit argument. You're just making yourself look stupid by thinking this is at all a legitimate point.
Alcohol is significantly more harmful than weed, yet it's legal and advertised all over the place.
Cigarettes are extremely harmful, yet they're legal.

And don't start with "hurr b-but addiction".
Certain people are predisposed to addiction to certain things, be it weed, alcohol, caffeine, sugar or whatever the fuck else. Singling out weed because some people can develop an addiction or develop problems because of predisposition isn't a valid argument at all, and doesn't support your argument in the slightest.

Weed is far from dangerous. It has significantly more positives than it does negatives. So much so that it's used for a lot of medicinal purposes.
I never mentioned anything but Weed in my post. And it's proven to have many negative side effects. Virtually everything has a positive use anyways; fire, gamma radiation, arsenic, mercury, alcohol, etc...

So to say 'hurr durr itz sooooo gud itz used as medicine' is plain retarded, alcohol is an immensely useful substance in medicine and hygiene so I guess that means it's really good for you no?

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:14:39 AM »

Also, the misty isles quest. When you ask Ciri about what world she fled to she described what sounds very, very much like Cyberpunk 2077. "Metal in their heads". "Flying ships" "Things like megascopes" etc...

Now that's a cool reference, but the mention of it within the game, in one of the main quests. That means that Cyberpunk 2077 is technically set within the Witcher universe? It means Ciri may well legitimately crop up in Cyberpunk 2077
calm down halofollower

cyberpunk and the witcher don't even belong to cdpr anyway, so definitely not. and by that logic, every fictional universe ever is set within the witcher.

many devs reference their other game series.
ubisoft reference assassin's creed in far cry and watch dogs, and reference watch dogs in ac4.
rockstar reference their other games in different series quite a lot too.
I know all this. A main character having a full quarter of her time having been spent there is significant-it's a pretty large, and important reference considering how crucial the different worlds are to the game's plot.

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:26:05 AM »
Also, the misty isles quest. When you ask Ciri about what world she fled to she described what sounds very, very much like Cyberpunk 2077. "Metal in their heads". "Flying ships" "Things like megascopes" etc...

Now that's a cool reference, but the mention of it within the game, in one of the main quests. That means that Cyberpunk 2077 is technically set within the Witcher universe? It means Ciri may well legitimately crop up in Cyberpunk 2077

The Flood / Re: So I found this today... [readers be advised]
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:23:24 AM »

>comes into thread.
>see's OP
>"damn that is morbi-"
>See's OP's Avatar
>Incest Art Online
>Cue Rege induded PTSD flashaback of some war I wan't even a part of
>TFW Too tired to post irrelevant wall of text ranting about how bad SAO is
>TFW I am a dragon with no face

I watched Air crash investigation instead of cartoons when I was younger-so these are just interesting rather than scary
I thought I was the only one who did this
You are not alone brother

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:22:42 AM »

Is it just me or is Geralt Master Chief's 13th century fantasy ancestor or something?

I mean, c'mon. He's one line away from saying that he'll finish the fight or mix things up a little.

Considering how many pairs of tits there are in the Witcher series, I'd say he's closer to a medieval version of Commander Shepard.

He's there to fuck bitches, and, as a side quest, save everybody.
If the Master Chief wasn't stuck in that suit, you really think he'd not be banging Cortana (a la EDI) or half of blue team?

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:33:42 PM »
Is it just me or is Geralt Master Chief's 13th century fantasy ancestor or something?

I mean, c'mon. He's one line away from saying that he'll finish the fight or mix things up a little.

The Flood / FIFA just got rekt
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:29:18 PM »

About time a country gathered up the balls to do this, hopefully this will lead to the deposition of Europe's last true dictator-Sepp Blatter.

The Flood / Re: That one asshole in school
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:04:21 PM »

I'm popular with everyone, when you are surrounded by idiots a little knowledge means a lot of respect-as long as you're not an arsehole. Biggest twat in my year is harmless, besides, i've helped him enough times for him to practically be in debt to me.

Opposite up here man. You show any sign of having a head on you and it's painting a target on your back.
Maybe that's only because you've not learnt how to play people, over the years i've merely helped people out at times and left them for dead at others or proved that i'll humiliate the worse ones. Helps to keep a group of equally intelligent people around as back up too.

Truth be told, people are stupid-give them what they want and show them what they don't and it's simple

I don't "play" people. I help when I see they need help or they ask. And if they start pressing on me, I press back a bit. For the most part, I avoid them. I always do my best to show a friendly face, and stay out of the way of things. When pushed, I do my best to stay patient but stand up.

I don't have the luxury of having friends round me. Never have. Always, been on my own. Of course, I'm not a fan of fighting. Even less so when I was younger. Was a big softie pushover back then. Still now, maybe.
I've never fought anyone, I just talk my way out of things-and do my way out. I keep my word, i'm a sucker for the concepts of honour and chivalry-must say that that always leaves me stranded against those that are cruel or totally dishonest. Oh well, guess that's why I try to make sure I stay everyone's friend.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather drink alcohol or smoke weed?
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:21:12 PM »

Drink, you can have a beer or wine fairly regularly without addiction. The same cannot be said for marijuana
Lol, what? I've gone months, even one time, a year without smoking. I'm so casual, usually two hits of even the most minor stuff makes me either very energetic or super relaxed/tired. If it was legalized everywhere though, I would have a more equalized balanced of it in my diet, but it has not and never will rule me.
Well then lucky you.
It has nothing to do with luck. Weed isn't addictive.

Educate yourself

Okay here comes the conspiracy side of Kitsune... You actually trust what a USA government website has to say about an illegal drug that they illegalized in order to save the paper companies from going out of business, and to gain more money off of those who chose to continue to use it despite the legal status?  It's fine if you don't like it, but come on seriously?

"Some parties have argued that the aim of the Act was to reduce the size of the hemp industry[7][8][9] largely as an effort of businessmen Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family.[7][9] The same parties have argued that with the invention of the decorticator, hemp had become a very cheap substitute for the paper pulp that was used in the newspaper industry.[7][10] These parties argue that Hearst felt that this was a threat to his extensive timber holdings."

Although, it was later stated that it wasn't really a competitor to that of the paper industry, and "Today, it is generally accepted that the hearings included incorrect, excessive or unfounded arguments."
Fair enough. Excuse me for basing my perspective off of the law of my country though; there is a lot more on the European side against weed than there is Stateside.

Weed is illegal for a reason, it's harmful. Separate from that though; I actually think it should be legalised and regulated, hopping back over to the US for a second shows us the disastrous consequences of prohibition; hopping to Columbia gives us a million reasons to legitimize many people theres main source of income-taking it away from the cartels would be a wise move, and a step to demilitarization of Columbian and more pressingly, US police forces.

It's okay everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I can respect that. What about the medicinal purposes that marijuana offers through multiple ways? It can shrink inoperable brain tumors to the point to where they can safely remove it, it's also used to treat Crones disease because it slows down your digestion, and it can even help with neurological issues such as seizure disorders. The latter was why it was legalized for very specified medical cases in Georgia, but mainly because all the families with the seizing children had to move to Colorado, and other states where it's legal.
I'm all for anything in use in medicine, be it stem cells, weed or moon dust for all I care. I'm not the only one that thinks that either, hence why medical rules are verrrry different.

Everything has it's positives and negatives. I've previously used arsenic as a simple example (much to the unknown and strange objection of some); whereas the stuff is lethal one way, it also has it's hand as a potential treatment for cancer.

The Flood / Re: That one asshole in school
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:15:22 PM »

I'm popular with everyone, when you are surrounded by idiots a little knowledge means a lot of respect-as long as you're not an arsehole. Biggest twat in my year is harmless, besides, i've helped him enough times for him to practically be in debt to me.

Opposite up here man. You show any sign of having a head on you and it's painting a target on your back.
Maybe that's only because you've not learnt how to play people, over the years i've merely helped people out at times and left them for dead at others or proved that i'll humiliate the worse ones. Helps to keep a group of equally intelligent people around as back up too.

Truth be told, people are stupid-give them what they want and show them what they don't and it's simple

The Flood / Re: So I found this today... [readers be advised]
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:12:20 PM »

I watched Air crash investigation instead of cartoons when I was younger-so these are just interesting rather than scary

No wonder your skin is so thick.
It's not really, I flinch pretty easily and cringe just as much IRL. I'm not one for empathy, nothing more

Gaming / Re: Do you sometimes feel, the Witcher and Dragon Age
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:50:43 PM »

Geralt would wipe the floor with the Inquisitor.
But Ciri would demolish Geralt

The Flood / Re: Have you ever been outside your home country?
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:49:43 PM »
Ireland, Scotland, Wales (briefly)

No desire to go to 2nd Manchester or Land of the Frogs-though i'd like to visit Italy and the US

The Flood / Re: So.....Americans?
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:46:33 PM »
Frosties are nice. Frosties cakes are even better

The Flood / Re: So I found this today... [readers be advised]
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:45:05 PM »
I watched Air crash investigation instead of cartoons when I was younger-so these are just interesting rather than scary

The Flood / Re: That one asshole in school
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:42:57 PM »
I'm popular with everyone, when you are surrounded by idiots a little knowledge means a lot of respect-as long as you're not an arsehole. Biggest twat in my year is harmless, besides, i've helped him enough times for him to practically be in debt to me.

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