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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 141516 1718 ... 130
The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:09:01 PM »
I'm still very pleased that bloody Jony Ive has more influence (see: new lightsabre and new stormtrooper design) over Ep 7 than George Lucas does.

And Supreme Leader Snoke sounds like something out of Borderlands or Mad Max-and that may be telling as to the state of the galaxy post-collapse

The Flood / Re: Lost my Virginity last night to my ex gf AMA
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:05:37 PM »
Congrats I guess? 18 is probably the best age anyways

Gaming / FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:03:20 PM »
Can't wait until Madden: Lingerie Football comes out
What about Madden: Wife-beater edition? Has it been delayed?

PSU is actually directing that one, and it's been delayed because, well, wives won't rape themselves
At this rate Battlefield: Baltimore will have wife beating before Madden does!

Gaming / Re: FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:16:51 PM »

Can't wait until Madden: Lingerie Football comes out
What about Madden: Wife-beater edition? Has it been delayed?

Gaming / Re: FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:51:13 PM »

Football is a women's sport anyway
If football is a women's sport than I guess no sport makes you neither man nor woman. Or both.

Anything you've been meaning to tell us? Your secret is out non-sport person

Gaming / Re: GwG June Lineup
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:35:27 PM »

I see I'm still getting my monies worth with my Xbox One.
Ikr. Oh well, Massive Chalice looks pretty bloody amazing-seems that it might go a little way to scratching my XCOM itch. Double Fine too, so it's no unheard of indie BS.
double fine a shit

this is fact
Fact indeed, but at least they employ more than 2 people working in a dungeon somewhere between Guildford and Newcastle so...

Gaming / Re: GwG June Lineup
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:29:17 PM »

I see I'm still getting my monies worth with my Xbox One.
Ikr. Oh well, Massive Chalice looks pretty bloody amazing-seems that it might go a little way to scratching my XCOM itch. Double Fine too, so it's no unheard of indie BS.

Gaming / FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:23:39 PM »
I support that. Seems to be one of the first sports games to do it, and now I can play as the US national team and actually feel important.
And for once I can play as England and beat a decent team without thinking how horribly unrealistic that is

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:48:37 PM »

It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
Once again no, the combat is dark souls is near perfect (no homo) and I'd even argue this game is way more trigger smash than DS is
I'll admit I don't know what trigger smash is.
I tried finding out:

Mind informing me?
if you need someone to explain what trigger smashing is then you're a fucking retard
jesus christ
Can you read? I already had an indication, I wanted confirmation.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:45:21 PM »

It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
Once again no, the combat is dark souls is near perfect (no homo) and I'd even argue this game is way more trigger smash than DS is
I'll admit I don't know what trigger smash is.
I tried finding out:

Mind informing me?
it's self explanatory
Not really. As I don't think i've ever smashed a trigger. Or is it better described as trigger spam?
stop being pedantic
So it is.

Then in that case he's wrong. I'm sure that even you will agree that both parrying and using signs greatly requires good timing rather than just spamming.
i'm not saying he was right about tw3's combat - i'm saying you're being pedantic about him using "smashing" instead of "spamming", being cocky and an idiot in general
I was responding more to him with that.

And smashing conjures a totally different image to mind, as a smash is a demonstration of power (speed x strength) rather than a rapid course of repetitive action. It's not pedantic because i'm not fussing over nothing, it's quite misleading

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:39:40 PM »

It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
Once again no, the combat is dark souls is near perfect (no homo) and I'd even argue this game is way more trigger smash than DS is
I'll admit I don't know what trigger smash is.
I tried finding out:

Mind informing me?
it's self explanatory
Not really. As I don't think i've ever smashed a trigger. Or is it better described as trigger spam?
stop being pedantic
So it is.

Then in that case he's wrong. I'm sure that even you will agree that both parrying and using signs greatly requires good timing rather than just spamming.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:36:54 PM »

It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
Once again no, the combat is dark souls is near perfect (no homo) and I'd even argue this game is way more trigger smash than DS is
I'll admit I don't know what trigger smash is.
I tried finding out:

Mind informing me?
it's self explanatory
Not really. As I don't think i've ever smashed a trigger. Or is it better described as trigger spam?

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:34:00 PM »

It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
Once again no, the combat is dark souls is near perfect (no homo) and I'd even argue this game is way more trigger smash than DS is
I'll admit I don't know what trigger smash is.
I tried finding out:

Mind informing me?

The Flood / What new android phone should I get?
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:00:55 PM »
iPhone 6

Not really, they're shit. My 5S is a billion times better-get an LG or an HTC, they are the two best in the business

Gaming / FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:58:59 PM »

*masculine rage intensifies*

Just joking, they're 22 years late on this one. I don't care if the players have tits or balls (badum dsst) if they are footballers then they should be in a game meant to be everything football is.

Plus, women have played a vital role in football's history (such as that historic game in Crouch end)

Gaming / Re: New Arkham Knight gameplay
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:53:29 PM »

The cutscenes look a bit choppy
Look fine to me
Coming from the guy that thinks TW3 runs fine
I know. I was taking the piss, calm your tits

Gaming / Re: New Arkham Knight gameplay
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:51:36 PM »

The cutscenes look a bit choppy
Look fine to me

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:13:31 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?
Yeah I would because I've actually played Splatoon and I know I like it. It does something new and it does it exceptionally well. I own Witcher 3 and I regret buying it. Mediocre combat, boring stretched out story, good graphics though. Fantasy RPGs are being done to death.
There is one fantasy RPG out on Xbox One or PS4 to my knowledge. It's a very not-done genre, the only other notable one is Skyrim on last gen.

And what new things does Splatoon do? Other than bring a literal application of 'watching paint dry' to video games.

Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Dragons Dogma, the Souls series, Shadow of Mordor, Diablo, Warcraft, blah blah blah.

You haven't played Splatoon so kys kthxbai. Its a breath of fresh air. Everything from the art style to the music to the weapons is cute, fun, and well done. The idea of turf wars (team to cover most area of map wins) is different, and promotes fun matches. Also there's a single player mode which I heard is pretty dank but I haven't played it so idk. Its not that the game is necessarily "innovative" but it is taking ideas that feel fresh and blending them really well. Its not really an ambitious game, or one that will win many (if any) GOTY awards but its fun as hell. I'm sorry you don't like it.
Splatoon is no different to Titanfall, substitute some terms and take out any mention of singleplayer and your reply could easily fit it.

The art style is meh, a kiddified version of Sunset Overdrive's in any sense. The turf war thing is such an old concept. I can remember many games that have such a mode-the only thing splatoon has done is added guns and a new camera angle.

And if I remember correctly, were you the one that was actually shit at the Witcher and whined about how hard it was despite playing on the 2nd highest difficulty and having the sound advice of Lemon and I? I admit the combat is a bit clunky in tight spaces and against quick bosses but it's actually far better than most (eg, Souls, Dragon Age, etc...).

Splatoon is no different to Titanfall if you change the components of each game? Golly gee! Glaring example here of your not playing the game making you sound like an idiot.

Also, both being colorful =/= same art style. Again, I've played both these games. I would know :^)

I did not make that thread.
I was referring to how fresh the ideas were, and the fact it's a multiplayer shooter light on content but heavy on concept. Not the actual components of either of them.

And again I was talking more about how it mixes colourful and cartoony aspects into a futuristic world, with mixes of the utopian and dystopian (such as the rig).

Those are incredibly broad and vague characteristics. You could literally name hundreds of games that do both of those. Its like saying The Beatles weren't original because they made rock and pop music.
No music is original-every song copies from somewhere.
Alright we'll just end this conversation right now. I'm just gonna hang myself k.
0845 790 9090

It's never too late

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:06:55 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?
Yeah I would because I've actually played Splatoon and I know I like it. It does something new and it does it exceptionally well. I own Witcher 3 and I regret buying it. Mediocre combat, boring stretched out story, good graphics though. Fantasy RPGs are being done to death.
There is one fantasy RPG out on Xbox One or PS4 to my knowledge. It's a very not-done genre, the only other notable one is Skyrim on last gen.

And what new things does Splatoon do? Other than bring a literal application of 'watching paint dry' to video games.

Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Dragons Dogma, the Souls series, Shadow of Mordor, Diablo, Warcraft, blah blah blah.

You haven't played Splatoon so kys kthxbai. Its a breath of fresh air. Everything from the art style to the music to the weapons is cute, fun, and well done. The idea of turf wars (team to cover most area of map wins) is different, and promotes fun matches. Also there's a single player mode which I heard is pretty dank but I haven't played it so idk. Its not that the game is necessarily "innovative" but it is taking ideas that feel fresh and blending them really well. Its not really an ambitious game, or one that will win many (if any) GOTY awards but its fun as hell. I'm sorry you don't like it.
Splatoon is no different to Titanfall, substitute some terms and take out any mention of singleplayer and your reply could easily fit it.

The art style is meh, a kiddified version of Sunset Overdrive's in any sense. The turf war thing is such an old concept. I can remember many games that have such a mode-the only thing splatoon has done is added guns and a new camera angle.

And if I remember correctly, were you the one that was actually shit at the Witcher and whined about how hard it was despite playing on the 2nd highest difficulty and having the sound advice of Lemon and I? I admit the combat is a bit clunky in tight spaces and against quick bosses but it's actually far better than most (eg, Souls, Dragon Age, etc...).

Splatoon is no different to Titanfall if you change the components of each game? Golly gee! Glaring example here of your not playing the game making you sound like an idiot.

Also, both being colorful =/= same art style. Again, I've played both these games. I would know :^)

I did not make that thread.
I was referring to how fresh the ideas were, and the fact it's a multiplayer shooter light on content but heavy on concept. Not the actual components of either of them.

And again I was talking more about how it mixes colourful and cartoony aspects into a futuristic world, with mixes of the utopian and dystopian (such as the rig).

Those are incredibly broad and vague characteristics. You could literally name hundreds of games that do both of those. Its like saying The Beatles weren't original because they made rock and pop music.
No music is original-every song copies from somewhere.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:05:56 PM »

The combat is good there's a sense of satisfaction when you hit an enemy, it isn't senseless like skyrim but it's definitely not on par with souls get outta here
It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second
i suck =/= it's bad
Except I don't suck. And I never said the game was bad, just that the combat is a bit off.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:01:43 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?
Yeah I would because I've actually played Splatoon and I know I like it. It does something new and it does it exceptionally well. I own Witcher 3 and I regret buying it. Mediocre combat, boring stretched out story, good graphics though. Fantasy RPGs are being done to death.
There is one fantasy RPG out on Xbox One or PS4 to my knowledge. It's a very not-done genre, the only other notable one is Skyrim on last gen.

And what new things does Splatoon do? Other than bring a literal application of 'watching paint dry' to video games.

Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Dragons Dogma, the Souls series, Shadow of Mordor, Diablo, Warcraft, blah blah blah.

You haven't played Splatoon so kys kthxbai. Its a breath of fresh air. Everything from the art style to the music to the weapons is cute, fun, and well done. The idea of turf wars (team to cover most area of map wins) is different, and promotes fun matches. Also there's a single player mode which I heard is pretty dank but I haven't played it so idk. Its not that the game is necessarily "innovative" but it is taking ideas that feel fresh and blending them really well. Its not really an ambitious game, or one that will win many (if any) GOTY awards but its fun as hell. I'm sorry you don't like it.
Splatoon is no different to Titanfall, substitute some terms and take out any mention of singleplayer and your reply could easily fit it.

The art style is meh, a kiddified version of Sunset Overdrive's in any sense. The turf war thing is such an old concept. I can remember many games that have such a mode-the only thing splatoon has done is added guns and a new camera angle.

And if I remember correctly, were you the one that was actually shit at the Witcher and whined about how hard it was despite playing on the 2nd highest difficulty and having the sound advice of Lemon and I? I admit the combat is a bit clunky in tight spaces and against quick bosses but it's actually far better than most (eg, Souls, Dragon Age, etc...).

Splatoon is no different to Titanfall if you change the components of each game? Golly gee! Glaring example here of your not playing the game making you sound like an idiot.

Also, both being colorful =/= same art style. Again, I've played both these games. I would know :^)

I did not make that thread.
I was referring to how fresh the ideas were, and the fact it's a multiplayer shooter light on content but heavy on concept. Not the actual components of either of them.

And again I was talking more about how it mixes colourful and cartoony aspects into a futuristic world, with mixes of the utopian and dystopian (such as the rig).

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:58:49 PM »

The combat is good there's a sense of satisfaction when you hit an enemy, it isn't senseless like skyrim but it's definitely not on par with souls get outta here
It's satisfying because it's no small wander than you managed to hit something-Souls has a poor combat system, at least the first does-can't speak for the second

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:57:31 PM »

play this game again in five years and tell me if it's still your favorite game of all time

hell, one year
I'm playing it right now, after the hype, after the disappointment of it ending and yet i've started it all again because I want to-i've never been able to go back and start anything longer than a standard singleplayer again, AC2 has lied unplayed since the moment I finished it.

I suppose this is a variation on how you judge games. I believe you should judge them on what the devs intended to achieve, which is; gameplay, emotional response, graphics, sounds and replayability.

You seem to want to exclude emotion from the equation by waiting five years after playing to get a 'true' judgement-which it not correct. The emotional side can only have maximum effect the first time as afterwards it has no element of surprise, it becomes an arduous task instead of an exciting experience to play through story missions, character relationships, etc...

Your method is flawed, but by your method then yes, it's almost certain by 5 years it won't be favourite game because in that time a game will show up that beats it on the other elements-by which time the emotional effect will have vanished, leaving it further down my list. 

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:48:14 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?
Yeah I would because I've actually played Splatoon and I know I like it. It does something new and it does it exceptionally well. I own Witcher 3 and I regret buying it. Mediocre combat, boring stretched out story, good graphics though. Fantasy RPGs are being done to death.
There is one fantasy RPG out on Xbox One or PS4 to my knowledge. It's a very not-done genre, the only other notable one is Skyrim on last gen.

And what new things does Splatoon do? Other than bring a literal application of 'watching paint dry' to video games.

Witcher, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Dragons Dogma, the Souls series, Shadow of Mordor, Diablo, Warcraft, blah blah blah.

You haven't played Splatoon so kys kthxbai. Its a breath of fresh air. Everything from the art style to the music to the weapons is cute, fun, and well done. The idea of turf wars (team to cover most area of map wins) is different, and promotes fun matches. Also there's a single player mode which I heard is pretty dank but I haven't played it so idk. Its not that the game is necessarily "innovative" but it is taking ideas that feel fresh and blending them really well. Its not really an ambitious game, or one that will win many (if any) GOTY awards but its fun as hell. I'm sorry you don't like it.
Splatoon is no different to Titanfall, substitute some terms and take out any mention of singleplayer and your reply could easily fit it.

The art style is meh, a kiddified version of Sunset Overdrive's in any sense. The turf war thing is such an old concept. I can remember many games that have such a mode-the only thing splatoon has done is added guns and a new camera angle.

And if I remember correctly, were you the one that was actually shit at the Witcher and whined about how hard it was despite playing on the 2nd highest difficulty and having the sound advice of Lemon and I? I admit the combat is a bit clunky in tight spaces and against quick bosses but it's actually far better than most (eg, Souls, Dragon Age, etc...).

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:37:16 PM »

in general, all hyping up a game does is make me want to buy it for the sole purpose of pointing out each and every one of its flaws in order to prove how mediocre or shitty it really is

This is rich coming from a guy that thinks the old Zeldas are worthy of their 100 metacritic score.
1. where/when did i say this
2. what the fuck are "the old Zeldas"
3. the only zelda game i've openly praised on this website is wind waker
4. either way, what does this have to do with any of my points

you're a moron
I was mistaken about the Zelda thing, I had you confused with someone else.

But my point was that if you play any of the games on your top 9 than your very own point still stands-most of them would be awful.

I realise that there is practically zero point in arguing with you as you are quite the iconoclast, but; surely after the hype for Windwaker, after you had played it and thought how amazing it was then your very own point must have applied to you. The game must surely be shit? You've played it then praised it but that's just a result of the hype, so then you realise how boring and terrible it was. If that's untrue, then why are you applying it to me?

Of course the simple explanation is that you are against things new and popular, including opinions. That you are deliberately edgey and angsty because you want the attention, because your criticisms that you revel in-the reasoning behind them just does not stand up purely because there is no true reasoning other than your own pleasure.

But I didn't want to make my reply into a character attack, which you've already jumped to against me, so I put this separately

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:25:25 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?
Yeah I would because I've actually played Splatoon and I know I like it. It does something new and it does it exceptionally well. I own Witcher 3 and I regret buying it. Mediocre combat, boring stretched out story, good graphics though. Fantasy RPGs are being done to death.
There is one fantasy RPG out on Xbox One or PS4 to my knowledge. It's a very not-done genre, the only other notable one is Skyrim on last gen.

And what new things does Splatoon do? Other than bring a literal application of 'watching paint dry' to video games.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:20:52 PM »

The age of a game doesn't influence how good it is.
yes, it does...

for awhile, goldeneye 64 was considered great
you play it now, and it's absolutely shit--even FPS fans agree

you play super mario 64 without your nostalgia goggles
one of the shittiest 3D platformers ever

you watch avengers: age of ultron, and just after seeing it, you think it's the best movie ever
but then once the hype dies down, you realize that it wasn't THAT great

pretty basic shit
This is rich coming from a guy that thinks the old Zeldas are worthy of their 100 metacritic score.

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:19:23 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?
So you'd rather play a shitty multiplayer shooter-literally as bad as watching paint dry, that's aimed at 10 year olds than a massive, brilliant RPG?

Gaming / Re: I have completed The Witcher 3
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:15:46 PM »

Boring game is boring.
And what would you rather play?

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:02:01 AM »

The way people talk in witcher 3/ (also irl I guess during a certain period of time) is always amusing.

ye wot sayathee?

Thass ow it saands loike en inglund proper innit, nuffin difrun nn gayme or loife ere
Well actually, you are sort of right. Around here at least there are those that speak like that, and then there's the Yennefers and Van Attres that speak correctly.

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