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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 131415 1617 ... 130
The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:55:29 AM »

Women have functioning breasts, men don't. Tits have a sexual purpose whereas a bare man's chest doesn't.

Why would they be treated the same if they're totally different?
Tits are generally used as child rearing, not for sexual reproduction purposes. I really don't know why they're found to be sexual, but I'm sure there's a scientific reasoning for it.

Not to mention, men's pectoral muscles are generally considered attractive to women depending on how toned they are. So no, the "sexualization" argument doesn't really hold up.
I'm not talking about sexualisation, i'm talking about how breasts are directly related to sexual reproduction (which includes the process of rearing the young) and have been linked as something that is an indicator of partner suitability potential to men.

Yes pecs are sexualised, but so is everything nowadays. Besides; tits are considered NSFW anyways because of religious and cultural reasons stretching back over a thousand years or more in Europe (and so, the US, AU, NZ, etc...).

Speaking from a objective 21st century perspective there's not a great reason for them to be NSFW.
Like I said, regardless of how sexual breasts are considered to be, that's not really a viable reason to maintain a censorious array of laws to keep them covered in public. Either neither gender should be allowed to display their chest in public, or both should be. I don't appreciate double standards.
I'm not disagreeing. Although it's a bit weird for anyone of any gender to be topless any place other than the beach in the summer tbh. I suppose that's why the issue doesn't particularly matter to most.

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:51:08 AM »

Women have functioning breasts, men don't. Tits have a sexual purpose whereas a bare man's chest doesn't.

Why would they be treated the same if they're totally different?
Tits are generally used as child rearing, not for sexual reproduction purposes. I really don't know why they're found to be sexual, but I'm sure there's a scientific reasoning for it.

Not to mention, men's pectoral muscles are generally considered attractive to women depending on how toned they are. So no, the "sexualization" argument doesn't really hold up.
I'm not talking about sexualisation, i'm talking about how breasts are directly related to sexual reproduction (which includes the process of rearing the young) and have been linked as something that is an indicator of partner suitability potential to men.

Yes pecs are sexualised, but so is everything nowadays. Besides; tits are considered NSFW anyways because of religious and cultural reasons stretching back over a thousand years or more in Europe (and so, the US, AU, NZ, etc...).

Speaking from a objective 21st century perspective there's not a great reason for them to be NSFW.

« on: June 03, 2015, 11:38:59 AM »
A dog features heavily in the trailer, suggesting the animal may be a controllable character.

I wasn't aware that the BBC had recently hired HaloFollower

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:32:03 AM »
Women have functioning breasts, men don't. Tits have a sexual purpose whereas a bare man's chest doesn't.

Why would they be treated the same if they're totally different?

« on: June 03, 2015, 09:43:00 AM »
It looks great, and it looks like it's been captured in-game or at least in-engine. Notice some flat or poor res textures in there? Perhaps it's closer to completion than we'd thought.

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: June 03, 2015, 05:02:25 AM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.
So you're complaining about having a wire connected to the console that you're likely sitting in front of? Do you walk around the house (or flat LOL) whilst you play games?
USB cables are only so long, I like to be able to not sit 2cm from the TV. And ffs, it's 2015. I'm not going to settle for wired controllers, I left that behind along with 8Mb memory cards and square TVs.
Except you weren't around for 8mb memory cards and tube tvs
Except I was? Why wouldn't I?
because you're like what, 13?
You were still in diapers by the time the 360 launched.
I'm 15, for the record. And I was still playing on my PS2 on my square CRT TV up until I got my 360 in 09.. Fucking retard.
At what age did you get the PS2?
Had it as long as I can remember, I started playing it when I was 4. I remember that I got my mother to buy Battlefront 2 when it launched-which is when I really started playing on it.

The Flood / Re: God is real
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:38:20 PM »

Sir, what's the address of the hole you are currently situated in? Please tell me so I can send someone to remove the massive rock from over you

Gaming / Re: Well Fallout 4 is now official
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:06:35 PM »

Now the question - Fall 2015, Spring 2016, or Fall 2016 release?
E3 launch. Why not just give everyone a brain aneurysm? Oh, and then Valve will swagger up onto the stage and announce Half Life 3 and Portal 3 exclusively for the 3DS to cap it off.

Spring 2016 launch

The Flood / God is real
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:55:59 AM »
Fifa: Sepp Blatter to quit as president amid corruption scandal

I have been converted. Damn you Rocketman and Sepp

The Flood / Re: >caring about soccer
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:12:47 PM »

Not a football fan either. Now tennis, that is a sport.
Lol. Tennis only has two purposes: to sell women's shaving products and Robinson fruit squash.

It's a pile of steaming shit. No-one outside of America cares because we have football (the real one) and rugby, the latter of which is superior to Hand-egg in every respect. The former is not even worth comparing as it's vastly more popular and interesting.

Gaming / Re: XCOM 2 announced
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:04:34 PM »

I always hear xcom is amazing, but have never gotten into it.
Shame, Enemy Within/Unknown is one of the best games i've ever played-and it doesn't take long at all to understand it and become totally absorbed

Gaming / Re: XCOM 2 announced
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:47:34 PM »
Saw this earlier. Verrrrryyy good news, and it sounds like they plan to bring it to consoles at a later date-fortunately

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:19:57 AM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.
So you're complaining about having a wire connected to the console that you're likely sitting in front of? Do you walk around the house (or flat LOL) whilst you play games?
USB cables are only so long, I like to be able to not sit 2cm from the TV. And ffs, it's 2015. I'm not going to settle for wired controllers, I left that behind along with 8Mb memory cards and square TVs.
Except you weren't around for 8mb memory cards and tube tvs
Except I was? Why wouldn't I?
because you're like what, 13?
You were still in diapers by the time the 360 launched.
I'm 15, for the record. And I was still playing on my PS2 on my square CRT TV up until I got my 360 in 09.. Fucking retard.
Touched a nerve it seems
Omg ur so cool wat a badazz how can i bee like u?

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:16:23 AM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.
So you're complaining about having a wire connected to the console that you're likely sitting in front of? Do you walk around the house (or flat LOL) whilst you play games?
USB cables are only so long, I like to be able to not sit 2cm from the TV. And ffs, it's 2015. I'm not going to settle for wired controllers, I left that behind along with 8Mb memory cards and square TVs.
Except you weren't around for 8mb memory cards and tube tvs
Except I was? Why wouldn't I?
because you're like what, 13?
You were still in diapers by the time the 360 launched.
I'm 15, for the record. And I was still playing on my PS2 on my square CRT TV up until I got my 360 in 09.. Fucking retard.

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:05:13 AM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.
So you're complaining about having a wire connected to the console that you're likely sitting in front of? Do you walk around the house (or flat LOL) whilst you play games?
USB cables are only so long, I like to be able to not sit 2cm from the TV. And ffs, it's 2015. I'm not going to settle for wired controllers, I left that behind along with 8Mb memory cards and square TVs.
Except you weren't around for 8mb memory cards and tube tvs
Except I was? Why wouldn't I?

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:44:22 PM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.
So you're complaining about having a wire connected to the console that you're likely sitting in front of? Do you walk around the house (or flat LOL) whilst you play games?
USB cables are only so long, I like to be able to not sit 2cm from the TV. And ffs, it's 2015. I'm not going to settle for wired controllers, I left that behind along with 8Mb memory cards and square TVs.

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:37:12 PM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks
I fail to see the downside of not having to buy batteries
Having to sit there tethered to a console or extension lead instead. There is also the reality that batteries die out, a time will come when the controller becomes unusable because of that.

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:33:08 PM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.
So having to buy extra things is better than not needing to?
A built in play & charge kit > batteries
Yeah, if you sell a regular controller too. I've had it happen when i've totally run out of batteries and i've had to make do using a USB cable to provide power to my controller. With a play and charge kit that would be a regular occurrence for me. No thanks

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:26:57 PM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want
A rechargeable battery is the better option
An option, yes. I appreciate it when companies give me options rather than arbitrarily deciding for me.

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:19:38 PM »

Most areas have a Wetherspoon's now where you can get a burger meal (as in a proper quarter pounder, pile of chips, couple of onion rings, a salad (if you wish) and a drink) for £5.
What Wetherspoon's are you going to? All of that would cost much closer to £10 than £5.
I have been to one here, in London and in bloody Glasgow-they all do that deal. Idk where you are going.

Gaming / Re: XB1 controller revision will have 3.5mm jack
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:16:55 PM »

what about a built in rechargeable battery?
No plz. I have enough things to put on charge as is, at least I have the option to use rechargeable batteries if I want

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:14:56 PM »

$1 burgers for $5?

We already have that here

So true! Burger King is nearly as expensive now as Sonic.. I remember back in the day, we could gte three meals for less than $15.. Now you can't get two meals without it being $15.
Idk what a blue hedgehog has to do with burgers but here in Britain it's far less expensive to either cook the equivalent yourself or to go to a proper restaurant. Most areas have a Wetherspoon's now where you can get a burger meal (as in a proper quarter pounder, pile of chips, couple of onion rings, a salad (if you wish) and a drink) for £5.

For that price at a BK you could get:

It's not much of a competition, especially as that BK image is BS. You get half the fries and the burgers are thin af.

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:23:00 AM »
$1 burgers for $5?

We already have that here

Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo
« on: May 30, 2015, 02:07:01 PM »

lol just waiting for the Destiny/Halo crossover, UNSC gonna get rekt by the guardians
Already happened m8

Gaming / Re: Splatoon is awesome
« on: May 29, 2015, 09:21:05 PM »
Lel someone is mad

Gaming / Re: FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:19:44 PM »

Football is a women's sport anyway
If football is a women's sport than I guess no sport makes you neither man nor woman. Or both.

Anything you've been meaning to tell us? Your secret is out non-sport person
Football players are fucking pansies.

Play a proper sport like Rugby.
Been there done that.
Get a load of you
You brought it up

Gaming / Re: FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 29, 2015, 10:09:01 AM »

Football is a women's sport anyway
If football is a women's sport than I guess no sport makes you neither man nor woman. Or both.

Anything you've been meaning to tell us? Your secret is out non-sport person
Football players are fucking pansies.

Play a proper sport like Rugby.
Been there done that.

Gaming / Re: FIFA 16 has women's football
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:15:46 AM »

Are there boob physics?
I found myself asking that too. EA have said that they've had to totally rebuild the skeletons used for animations so perhaps?

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:43:05 PM »

I'm still very pleased that bloody Jony Ive has more influence (see: new lightsabre and new stormtrooper design) over Ep 7 than George Lucas does.

And Supreme Leader Snoke sounds like something out of Borderlands or Mad Max-and that may be telling as to the state of the galaxy post-collapse

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