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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 111213 1415 ... 130
Gaming / Re: e3 conferences have begun!
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:46:03 AM »

Generic you and a companion game #1134
I think it looks interesting

Gaming / Re: e3 conferences have begun!
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:41:11 AM »
This game is the shit

Gaming / Re: *TW3 SPOILERS* Which war outcome is least shitty?
« on: June 14, 2015, 05:16:54 AM »
Nilfgaard winning, which (spoilers)
restores Temeria and ends up with Dijkstra dead and Roche the leader of Temeria. Plus Radovid kicks the bucket during the assassination quest

Gaming / Re: e3 conferences tomorrow!
« on: June 13, 2015, 06:57:33 PM »
MS conference. I will be watching. And i'll keep my eye on the PC one too as MS will be showing up there as well

Gaming / Re: Fable beta launching this weekend
« on: June 13, 2015, 05:50:54 PM »
I thought i'd re-use this thread rather than wasting space with another.

The game plays pretty well, the combat is decent and functional. The art style of the game is fun and it's wonderfully charming, the closet comparison I can make is to the shire in LOTR. Also, the graphical quality is unexpectedly breathtaking. There are a few low res textures but the foliage density is even better than The Witcher 3's, and the lighting is realistic yet beautiful-nothing like The Witcher's saturation but instead something akin to real life. I'd post a screenshot but unfortunately i'm under an NDA and my GT is actually faintly hallmarked all over the screen-i'd rather not sentence my Xbox to death-by-Spencer.


I don't really mind, reviving has become so common it's now part of what is normal.

And this should help to reduce sibling arguments by a bit...
It should also help reduce the amount of times the friendly AI kills you by either running you other or getting in your way when you fire the rocket launcher.
Yes. There are too many moments when your life is put into the hands of a braindead marine.
In Gears 3 during the first armored Kantas fight I ended up blowing myself up a decent amount of items with the boomshot because of one of the AI's. When I fail to kill it with the second shot I reload the checkpoint and when I fired at it sometimes the AI runs in front of me.
The worst is when you are stood in front of the AI and unbeknownst to you they have decided to fire a rocket launcher straight into the hill slope where you are stood. Or when one of them gets in a warthog and attempts to drive it within 10m of you-with dire consequences
Oh god when the AI in Halo CE gets a ghost. They just slightly run into you and it kills you. Those fuckers follow you around like flies on shit when they're in those things.
CE's AI is horrific


I don't really mind, reviving has become so common it's now part of what is normal.

And this should help to reduce sibling arguments by a bit...
It should also help reduce the amount of times the friendly AI kills you by either running you other or getting in your way when you fire the rocket launcher.
Yes. There are too many moments when your life is put into the hands of a braindead marine.
In Gears 3 during the first armored Kantas fight I ended up blowing myself up a decent amount of items with the boomshot because of one of the AI's. When I fail to kill it with the second shot I reload the checkpoint and when I fired at it sometimes the AI runs in front of me.
The worst is when you are stood in front of the AI and unbeknownst to you they have decided to fire a rocket launcher straight into the hill slope where you are stood. Or when one of them gets in a warthog and attempts to drive it within 10m of you-with dire consequences


I don't really mind, reviving has become so common it's now part of what is normal.

And this should help to reduce sibling arguments by a bit...
It should also help reduce the amount of times the friendly AI kills you by either running you other or getting in your way when you fire the rocket launcher.
Yes. There are too many moments when your life is put into the hands of a braindead marine.

I don't really mind, reviving has become so common it's now part of what is normal.

And this should help to reduce sibling arguments by a bit...

That trailer just felt wrong

Gaming / Re: FUCKING FUCK!
« on: June 13, 2015, 03:46:31 AM »
Har har cumsol mustardrice

Gaming / Re: Some leaked H5 stuff
« on: June 11, 2015, 06:31:04 PM »

In comparison to Blue team they all look a bit silly. Have 343 given a reason for giving us armour w/ helmets shots of blue but armour w/out helmets shots of Orisis yet?

Gaming / Fable beta launching this weekend
« on: June 11, 2015, 06:27:05 PM »

It seems like forever ago that I signed up for the closed beta, but it's finally here. I'll be sure to inform you as to whether it's shit or not; the series has a bad name right now and Fable 3 is one of the shittiest games I remember playing on the 360 so i'm curious as to what this will be like.

Thoughts on it? Anyone else signed up?

Gaming / Re: That breakup with Yen
« on: June 11, 2015, 03:12:09 PM »
And that's why you don't break up with her

Gaming / Re: Some leaked H5 stuff
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:08:13 PM »

those screenshots look more in line with CE-Wars
The game looks closer to Halo CE, 2, 3 and Wars. Mkay?

Gaming / Re: Some leaked H5 stuff
« on: June 11, 2015, 11:46:22 AM »
All game screenshots from the GI article
4th and 5th to last pictures, the weapon. I don't recognise it. Other than that the game is looking quite familiar, which is a little bit of a relief. The MP beta was different from anything else Halo, a bit too different.

And the Blue Team armour is top notch
That's the Hydra. It was even in the open beta. It's basically the UNSC's version of the plasma launcher from Reach.
Halo 5 is more "Halo" than Reach aned 4.
Shit, forgot about the Hydra-decent weapon. And yes, those screenshots look more in line with CE-Wars

Gaming / Re: Some leaked H5 stuff
« on: June 11, 2015, 11:19:50 AM »
All game screenshots from the GI article
4th and 5th to last pictures, the weapon. I don't recognise it. Other than that the game is looking quite familiar, which is a little bit of a relief. The MP beta was different from anything else Halo, a bit too different.

And the Blue Team armour is top notch

Gaming / Re: Behold Ratchet and Clank PS4
« on: June 11, 2015, 11:11:01 AM »
The animations and camera angles, they seem very similar to SO. It's clear that they've learnt a lot from that game's development and re-applied it. Looks good.

Gaming / Re: Your GOTY so far
« on: June 10, 2015, 10:46:22 AM »
Witcher 3

The Flood / Re: Next World Trade Center revealed
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:33:59 PM »

Al Queda got the last one, this one's just in time for ISIS's turn.
It's earliest finish date is 2021 but expect delays.

ISIS probably won't be as big then.
You're right.

Place your bets today!
Boko Haram or Al Shabaab?

The Flood / Re: Next World Trade Center revealed
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:32:06 PM »
Al Queda got the last one, this one's just in time for ISIS's turn.

Gaming / Re: Martin O'Donnel to have an announcement at E3
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:30:23 PM »
If he's working on Halo 5 then I will cry

Gaming / Re: Marahawn Lynch is in Black Ops 3
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:27:58 PM »
Blops 3 is looking worse by the day.
And the guy is just an imitator. He's playing a sport that doesn't suit it's name, and is called the beast when only man in beast mode is the glorious...


Gaming / Re: Black man confirmed for Halo 5
« on: June 09, 2015, 06:24:48 PM »
I liked the beta a lot, but it seems as though 343 is handling the campaign well too. Now for customs and forge...

« on: June 08, 2015, 05:19:57 PM »

Play it and sleep with the superior red head
I think you mean Yennefer
Think, if Triss weren't a red head you wouldn't find her as attractive. Yernefer is objectively superior
Her hair colour isn't relevant though.

Even though Geralt and Yennefer are supossed to be together, I just like Triss' character more. Yeah, she used him after he had amnesia, but whatever.
Triss is a bitch, and you must have played the quest when you go with Yennefer to the top of that mountain in Skellige right? Idk how you could possibly not pick Yennefer after that.
Like I give a fuck.
They're both bitches in their own way.

Plus I already banged Triss before going to Skellige, and didn't sleep with Yen in Skellige, so my choices are set at this point.
If I had slept with both they both leave you.
Lol I didn't sleep with either, just Keira. Kept my options open
Sleeping with Keira has no impact on the "romance" with Triss or Yen.
Neither does sleeping with prostitutes.
I know. Hence the last line.
But they have no impact, so what'd be the point in not picking one?
Not picking one what? A prostitute?
Yen or Triss.
You can sleep with however many prozzies you want whenever you want and it won't matter.
I forgot to sleep with Yen, I meant to but I didn't catch the moment. And the only worthwhile prostitute (if any, it's pretty pointless) is the Elf.

E-cigs are useful for people trying to give up smoking, but I see too many brain-dead retards smoking them near school because they seem to think it's cool-and they are easier to get hold of than cigarettes.

« on: June 08, 2015, 05:13:56 PM »

Play it and sleep with the superior red head
I think you mean Yennefer
Think, if Triss weren't a red head you wouldn't find her as attractive. Yernefer is objectively superior
Her hair colour isn't relevant though.

Even though Geralt and Yennefer are supossed to be together, I just like Triss' character more. Yeah, she used him after he had amnesia, but whatever.
Triss is a bitch, and you must have played the quest when you go with Yennefer to the top of that mountain in Skellige right? Idk how you could possibly not pick Yennefer after that.
Like I give a fuck.
They're both bitches in their own way.

Plus I already banged Triss before going to Skellige, and didn't sleep with Yen in Skellige, so my choices are set at this point.
If I had slept with both they both leave you.
Lol I didn't sleep with either, just Keira. Kept my options open
Sleeping with Keira has no impact on the "romance" with Triss or Yen.
Neither does sleeping with prostitutes.
I know. Hence the last line.
But they have no impact, so what'd be the point in not picking one?
Not picking one what? A prostitute?

Gaming / Re: >bungie
« on: June 08, 2015, 05:12:33 PM »

>Witcher 3 cost roughly 45 million Euros to make. Gave us a masterpiece.

>Destiny cost 500 fucking million USD. Gave us the disappointment of the decade.

Let that sink in for a little bit...
But does the witcher have a famous voice actor from GoT...oh wait yes it does...

Well does it have a Paul McCarthy theme song. I thought fucking not. Checkmate gUARDIAN.

to be fair tho the 500mil is over the course of the series lifetime. Not the cost of one gaem.
I seriously doubt the entire Witcher series cost even near to their marketing budget for even one game

« on: June 08, 2015, 05:09:05 PM »

Play it and sleep with the superior red head
I think you mean Yennefer
Think, if Triss weren't a red head you wouldn't find her as attractive. Yernefer is objectively superior
Her hair colour isn't relevant though.

Even though Geralt and Yennefer are supossed to be together, I just like Triss' character more. Yeah, she used him after he had amnesia, but whatever.
Triss is a bitch, and you must have played the quest when you go with Yennefer to the top of that mountain in Skellige right? Idk how you could possibly not pick Yennefer after that.
Like I give a fuck.
They're both bitches in their own way.

Plus I already banged Triss before going to Skellige, and didn't sleep with Yen in Skellige, so my choices are set at this point.
If I had slept with both they both leave you.
Lol I didn't sleep with either, just Keira. Kept my options open
Sleeping with Keira has no impact on the "romance" with Triss or Yen.
Neither does sleeping with prostitutes.
I know. Hence the last line.

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