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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 899091 9293 ... 130

You love in civilised country or North-of-The-Capital (AKA The Wasteland)? I forget?

I live on the frontier, someone has to keep the feral welshmen and northern badger people at bay <_<

Are you people talking shit about us Yorkshire Folk?

Because honestly, you're pretty much on the mark.
Join the southern master race

Gaming / Re: Which country produces the best games?
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:35:01 PM »

The UK
Rare, MS studios, Rockstar, Hello Games, the list is absolutely endless
No, actually the list ends right there.
No it doesn't, i'm not even going to begin to include the mobile app devs as well

The Flood / Re: What kind of keyboard do you have?
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:30:40 PM »

This one

The Flood / Re: So I turn 18 today you fuc­kers
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:23:48 PM »

Legally look at porn.

Can't legally drink until you're 21 though and you can't rent a car until you're 24.
America is maximum wut

Gaming / Re: Which country produces the best games?
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:22:15 PM »

The UK
Rare, MS studios, Rockstar, Hello Games, the list is absolutely endless

Sprug, Rare sucks shit now and so does Rockstar. Hello hasn't made anything of worth as of yet and we don't even know if No Mans Sky is even going to be good.

I'm struggling to think of what the MS studios in the UK has even put out, but their headquarters is in Redmond Washington.

The list of good developers in the US and Japan is much longer.

The list of good UK studios is long, and Japan? Seriously, they have very few decent devs left now, as unfortunately console and PC gaming is dead there

Don't lolwut me, surely you know how dire it's got for console and PC gaming in Japan over the last few years?

Daz (lol)

Gaming / Re: Which country produces the best games?
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:50:31 PM »

The UK
Rare, MS studios, Rockstar, Hello Games, the list is absolutely endless

Sprug, Rare sucks shit now and so does Rockstar. Hello hasn't made anything of worth as of yet and we don't even know if No Mans Sky is even going to be good.

I'm struggling to think of what the MS studios in the UK has even put out, but their headquarters is in Redmond Washington.

The list of good developers in the US and Japan is much longer.

The list of good UK studios is long, and Japan? Seriously, they have very few decent devs left now, as unfortunately console and PC gaming is dead there

Gaming / Re: Which country produces the best games?
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:21:04 PM »
The UK
Rare, MS studios, Rockstar, Hello Games, the list is absolutely endless

Gaming / Re: Ohhhh myyyy Gosh! Alien Isolation is intense!
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:18:55 PM »
Enjoy your 20 hours of brilliance, back-tracking, shitting and yawning

Apparently it's quite a mixed experience


The Grimoire deals with concepts advanced enough to eclipse the majority of Halo's lore.

Though the actual game struggles to combat your average episode of the Teletubbies.
At least Teletubbies had character building, I remember The Tweenies video game having more replay value than Density

The Flood / Re: ITT: Tell the story of your childhood
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:10:52 PM »


Not much interesting about me,  fairly average, I got bullied a little in Primary school (ages 7-11) but once I hit my growth spurt and shot up to about 5'10 and built broadly suddenly they didn't feel so inclined to bother me, from an outsiders perspective i'm your stereotypical good kid, great grades, ready to help, sporty, blah blah blah, boring crap.

Little to they know i've never revised in my life and would happily crucify the lot of them, whilst cursing at and beating up the shits I don't like. Oh, and i'm being forced out my home by an incoming baby, i'm sure you'll hear more from me on that depending on how it all pans out
I remember my life as an only child(not counting my older half siblings because they lived in DR at the time), those were good times.
I already have a brother

He is the very image of all the Flood hates, a fat, lazy, Instagram-posting, desticle


It does

No it doesn't

and I bet you are a butthurt Northerner, enjoy your fracking and farming

Hey I'll openly admit that the north east is a shithole. At least it still has some form of culture that is indigenous though.
Oh lol,Northerner confirmed

Meanwhile here in glorious Hampshire...

The Flood / Re: Let me just point out
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:06:22 PM »
That woman gonna get Mullered.


The Flood / Let me just point out
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:05:24 PM »
That whilst most other sports moan and while, aside from the European ryder cup team, who also got hammered, after a load of hard work, footballers get drunk and acquire the fascination and by the looks of the fine lady on the left, pussies, of the local population


On an unrelated note, any of you living in Germany now has a moral obligation to have ravenous sex with that woman and drink up Oktoberfest for us


You love in civilised country or North-of-The-Capital (AKA The Wasteland)? I forget?

> implying London has any kind of culture for it to be civilised.

Confirmed Nigerian immigrant.
It does, and I bet you are a butthurt Northerner, enjoy your fracking and farming

The Flood / Re: It's Happening! Homestar Runner's Return
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:39:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: Anyone here play an instrument?
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:39:14 PM »
I play Xbox

I tried doing Guitar, but it's boring, and I can't into musical notation.

The Flood / Re: It's Like 70 Degrees Outside.
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:37:48 PM »
It's 9c (48.2F) here right now, but it's 1:30AM, (70F) 21c isn't that hot considering we've been getting temperatures from 20-30 degrees in September, even now that we're into October we're still getting up to    24c here in Hampshire :)

You love in civilised country or North-of-The-Capital (AKA The Wasteland)? I forget?

The Flood / Re: ITT: Tell the story of your childhood
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:09:21 PM »

Not much interesting about me,  fairly average, I got bullied a little in Primary school (ages 7-11) but once I hit my growth spurt and shot up to about 5'10 and built broadly suddenly they didn't feel so inclined to bother me, from an outsiders perspective i'm your stereotypical good kid, great grades, ready to help, sporty, blah blah blah, boring crap.

Little to they know i've never revised in my life and would happily crucify the lot of them, whilst cursing at and beating up the shits I don't like. Oh, and i'm being forced out my home by an incoming baby, i'm sure you'll hear more from me on that depending on how it all pans out

The Flood / Re: Once a Floodian always a Floodian
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:00:33 PM »
I remember your name, you went away when?

The Flood / Re: Nice website
« on: October 05, 2014, 03:27:52 PM »
Too bad you're not Deej, that'd give us the opportunity to verbally raep you

The Flood / Feels
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:04:49 AM »


The Flood / Re: Close your eyes
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:45:44 PM »
This is hard on mobile

 thia is hatf on mofhle


Great stuff


That's 2,387 words on a century that is essentially irrelevant to modern lore. You can hopefully imagine the amount to write on the 2600's.
I imagine that it must cross into the tens of thousands of words with ease

The Flood / Re: Surfing, skating, snowboard thread V: I lost count
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:32:32 PM »

Great stuff


The Flood / Re: Stupidest things you were told as a child
« on: October 04, 2014, 02:03:30 PM »
Not much

Other than the 5 second rule, but I discounted that myself when I was about 6, "thank you discovery channel"

Gaming / >BFBC2
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:57:02 PM »
Wait, you aren't playing it for free on X360?
What makes you think that I'm not? I just downloaded it for free with GWG.

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