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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 789 1011 ... 130

I still need to play the first one. This one doesn't look all that great based on what I've seen but I'm sure it will do well.
The first one is brilliant, I just finished playing it on XB1. Only complaint was that the audio was a bit fucked up-but that may be my TV
my only complaint is the multiplayer. It's fun, but it takes an outrageous amount of time to unlock max level, and they have too many game modes and lobby types which made getting all the trophies/achievements literally impossible because the small population was too fractures to fill up certain game modes
I've not yet played the multiplayer, but honestly I think that the mere fact it has MP is just a bonus to the campaign-which would be sufficient
good luck finding a decent match but it's actually surprisingly fun, especially if you're good with the bow
Yeah, I tried to find a game the other day but the connection timed out


I still need to play the first one. This one doesn't look all that great based on what I've seen but I'm sure it will do well.
The first one is brilliant, I just finished playing it on XB1. Only complaint was that the audio was a bit fucked up-but that may be my TV
my only complaint is the multiplayer. It's fun, but it takes an outrageous amount of time to unlock max level, and they have too many game modes and lobby types which made getting all the trophies/achievements literally impossible because the small population was too fractures to fill up certain game modes
I've not yet played the multiplayer, but honestly I think that the mere fact it has MP is just a bonus to the campaign-which would be sufficient


I still need to play the first one. This one doesn't look all that great based on what I've seen but I'm sure it will do well.
The first one is brilliant, I just finished playing it on XB1. Only complaint was that the audio was a bit fucked up-but that may be my TV

Gaming / Re: Thinking of doing a BF4 gamenight for the Septagooks
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:55:37 AM »

Sign me up. Saturday / Sunday, right?
Yeah sunday is looking like the day it'll be so far.
I think I can do Sunday, 6PM is refreshingly reasonable for a sep7 game night
Bongs Uber Alles
Heil Farage!

The Flood / Re: Premier League starts in 2 weeks
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:26:11 PM »

Hey remember Pompey?
I feel you, 2008 best year

The Flood / Re: Premier League starts in 2 weeks
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:25:28 PM »

Ew, next you'll be telling me you support Aldershot

Gaming / Re: Thinking of doing a BF4 gamenight for the Septagooks
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:23:09 PM »

Sign me up. Saturday / Sunday, right?
Yeah sunday is looking like the day it'll be so far.
I think I can do Sunday, 6PM is refreshingly reasonable for a sep7 game night

Gaming / Re: Flood's summer game sessions. (31st, 1st and 2nd)
« on: July 22, 2015, 07:21:09 PM »
Well now that i'm on my summer holidays (halle-fucking-lujah) I can do the 1st and 2nd methinks, not sure about the 31st-may be out with my gf on Friday.

GT: RadialRacer, but you already have me I think


Wtf is this thread
The lore.
Explain plox loreman
What gaming system do you have? If you have an Xbox One I will help you get the lore on gtav
Yes I own a JewBox One
List of things we need:
-Jet from Merryweather
-The crew

The most efficient thing to do would be to employ BaconShelf, and Fedorekd.
Can't you just explain it to me? I've not even re-installed GTA V yet from before I got my hard drive


Wtf is this thread
The lore.
Explain plox loreman
What gaming system do you have? If you have an Xbox One I will help you get the lore on gtav
Yes I own a JewBox One

Gaming / Re: Is Esports a legitimate sport?
« on: July 19, 2015, 11:30:11 AM »

Any fat fuck can sit on their ass and push buttons on a controller slightly faster than somebody else.
Really? I'd love to see you do something to this level.
Also I don't know
It would take a while to get the memory down on pushing the keys that fast but he's not pushing them down at some super human rate. When I was watching that I was pushing buttons down at the same speed in a similar group. Doing that is nothing more than memory and hand coordination along with it. He does have skill due to that but it's nothing that would make it a sport.
Also I don't know why people refer to professional gamers as being fat, I don't think I've seen one that was over weight.
I'm just making a point that any unfit person is able to do what they're doing. With something like tennis or running you have to work yourself up physically in order to be able to do any type of competitive events with it. The video you linked you just have to work yourself up memory wise. Anybody that doesn't have any type of hand or finger problem can easily push that buttons that fast.


Fitness is your ability to meet the requirements of your environment/scenario. So a 6'5" mountain of fat may be fit as a sumo wrestler but as a regular human being or as a hockey player for example, would be grossly unfit.

Similarly, someone with arthritis in their left hand would be unfit as an esports player, but perhaps fitter when it comes to a 100m sprint. By definition any person that is unfit is unable to do whatever they are doing (or unable to do it to a suitable standard), fitness is a combination of your mental, physical and social wellbeing (your health) and how able you are to actually utilise and apply that health in your given environment.

So in fact, esports players are fit in the same way that a sumo wrestler, an NFL player or an olympic gymnast is-specific to their task.

Wtf is this thread

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:47:12 PM »

Picked up Fallout 3 for $5 AUD on the last steam sale.

I dont think they can justify that one.
Sales prices don't really count for that though, if they did, I could say that the MCC is overpriced because all the games were $5 at one point.
Dude none of those games have ever been that cheap
You still get my point though.
Yes, but the MCC is not comparable to this Prototype bundle-so much less content, nothing new on offer at all.

And what's more, this bundle is only on XB1-wonder why... Hmm, is it perhaps because they're money-grabbing before backwards compatibility comes in?
We were talking about Fallout
Picked up Fallout 3 for $5 AUD on the last steam sale.

I dont think they can justify that one.

Anyways, you can't use steam as a gauge for console price justification, console prices never dip below £5 for most games- so actually £55 for Fallout 4 and £5 for Fallout 3 is pretty reasonable

Gaming / Re: Have you ever had someone play a retro game, and...
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:45:30 PM »

Oh, it also makes my blood boil when they skip cutscenes.

If i'm playing co-op and my partner skips a cutscene they do so with the knowledge that i'm likely to throw them out the window-it pisses me off

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:14:14 PM »

Picked up Fallout 3 for $5 AUD on the last steam sale.

I dont think they can justify that one.
Sales prices don't really count for that though, if they did, I could say that the MCC is overpriced because all the games were $5 at one point.
Dude none of those games have ever been that cheap
You still get my point though.
Yes, but the MCC is not comparable to this Prototype bundle-so much less content, nothing new on offer at all.

And what's more, this bundle is only on XB1-wonder why... Hmm, is it perhaps because they're money-grabbing before backwards compatibility comes in?

Gaming / Re: Have you ever had someone play a retro game, and...
« on: July 16, 2015, 05:00:42 PM »
Well as part of my school duties I help out the Computing department with things like open evenings; and usually we set up some games on the computers, space invaders in python, a version of Pacman we made in scratch-nothing tricky.

My fucking god, between the braindead parents and the thicko 9 years olds I had to avoid suicide trying to teach them how to MOVE in Pacman. In order to show them how it was done I ran through the level in about 30 seconds and they started complaining that I was 'being mean'

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 15, 2015, 01:26:54 PM »

Picked up Fallout 3 for $5 AUD on the last steam sale.

I dont think they can justify that one.
Sales prices don't really count for that though, if they did, I could say that the MCC is overpriced because all the games were $5 at one point.
Dude none of those games have ever been that cheap

Gaming / Re: I'm getting an Xbone in the next week or so <.<
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:10:09 PM »

I played GTA V online and this guy said that Battlefield 4 is now inactive because of Hardline.

Nah, both are doing fine on consoles, Hardline died on PC though.

How much time left for you now?
Before I get the xbox or before I die?
Let's not make me spell it out >  >
Well I think I'll probably die in about 2000 years if I get the augmentations I want.

But the xbone should arrive sometime in the next week.
500GB or 1TB?
500GB, got the thing for £260 new, which is less than I planned to pay for it. An xbone isn't worth 300 to me at all, 280 was pushing it so finding it for 260 was good enough <.<
That's a good price, I will warn you now though-that 500 GB won't last you more than a year, two at the very most. I got mine Dec 2013 and by April this year I had been out of space for a couple of months, so I got a 3TB Hard Drive.
Hmm well my PS4's drive lasted right up until about two hours ago, then I deleted wolfenstein and a few games I never play and I have another 100gb free. I don't buy many games you see.
I've bought less than 15 games for my XB1, dem free games add up though. And my god, between BF4 and GTA V that's over 100GB gone.

Plus, i'm pretty sure for backwards compatibility the game has to be downloaded first-that'll take up some space methinks. Idk, personally I just like having space for years to come-especially as I still want a new controller (mine was one of the first lot, which means it's a bit rubbish)
Hmm true, I mostly just add them to my library now so that they are there to download whenever without bloating my HDD. I'm also inclined to think that buying a third party 3TB drive or something crazy will work out as cheaper in the long run than paying an extra hundred for 500gb proprietary <.<
Oh yeah, it'd be a way better plan to buy an external hard drive. I got a Seagate 3TB External Hard Drive for £65 off of Amazon, so they're not all that expensive-I would think that the 1TB XB1 would have a premium close to that on it anyways

Gaming / Re: I'm getting an Xbone in the next week or so &lt;.&lt;
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:48:21 PM »

I played GTA V online and this guy said that Battlefield 4 is now inactive because of Hardline.

Nah, both are doing fine on consoles, Hardline died on PC though.

How much time left for you now?
Before I get the xbox or before I die?
Let's not make me spell it out >  >
Well I think I'll probably die in about 2000 years if I get the augmentations I want.

But the xbone should arrive sometime in the next week.
500GB or 1TB?
500GB, got the thing for £260 new, which is less than I planned to pay for it. An xbone isn't worth 300 to me at all, 280 was pushing it so finding it for 260 was good enough <.<
That's a good price, I will warn you now though-that 500 GB won't last you more than a year, two at the very most. I got mine Dec 2013 and by April this year I had been out of space for a couple of months, so I got a 3TB Hard Drive.
Hmm well my PS4's drive lasted right up until about two hours ago, then I deleted wolfenstein and a few games I never play and I have another 100gb free. I don't buy many games you see.
I've bought less than 15 games for my XB1, dem free games add up though. And my god, between BF4 and GTA V that's over 100GB gone.

Plus, i'm pretty sure for backwards compatibility the game has to be downloaded first-that'll take up some space methinks. Idk, personally I just like having space for years to come-especially as I still want a new controller (mine was one of the first lot, which means it's a bit rubbish)

Gaming / Re: I'm getting an Xbone in the next week or so &lt;.&lt;
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:39:34 PM »

I played GTA V online and this guy said that Battlefield 4 is now inactive because of Hardline.

Nah, both are doing fine on consoles, Hardline died on PC though.

How much time left for you now?
Before I get the xbox or before I die?
Let's not make me spell it out >  >
Well I think I'll probably die in about 2000 years if I get the augmentations I want.

But the xbone should arrive sometime in the next week.
500GB or 1TB?
500GB, got the thing for £260 new, which is less than I planned to pay for it. An xbone isn't worth 300 to me at all, 280 was pushing it so finding it for 260 was good enough <.<
That's a good price, I will warn you now though-that 500 GB won't last you more than a year, two at the very most. I got mine Dec 2013 and by April this year I had been out of space for a couple of months, so I got a 3TB Hard Drive.

Gaming / Re: I'm getting an Xbone in the next week or so &lt;.&lt;
« on: July 14, 2015, 05:42:12 PM »

I played GTA V online and this guy said that Battlefield 4 is now inactive because of Hardline.

Nah, both are doing fine on consoles, Hardline died on PC though.

How much time left for you now?
Before I get the xbox or before I die?
Let's not make me spell it out >  >
Well I think I'll probably die in about 2000 years if I get the augmentations I want.

But the xbone should arrive sometime in the next week.
500GB or 1TB?

Gaming / Re: I'm getting an Xbone in the next week or so &lt;.&lt;
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:19:15 PM »
GT: RadialRacer

Add meh, and you need to get BF4-now that it's fixed it's superb

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:17:23 PM »

Do they even set the price?
Yes, the publisher is partially responsible, and given Activsion's track record with pricing (see: Destiny DLC, CoD, etc...) i'm going to stick my neck out and say that it's unlikely Radical Entertainment were the ones to push for such a ridiculous  figure.

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:12:25 PM »

You think that's bad? Xbox store is charging £60 for Fallout 4, which I imagine Bethesda set that price.
I saw that too, another rip-off

Gaming / Re: Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:32:24 PM »
Shitheads, buying Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for £8 instead-Square Enix actually produce quality content

Gaming / Activision's getting worse than EA
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:28:45 PM »

Get the fuck out Activision. They seriously believe they can justify getting people to pay £40 for two old games and their dlc? It's not even as if they're remastered, it's not even as if they have got the same optimisation treatment Halo 3 and 4 got in the MCC.

What's more, this comes at a time when these games really should be part of the XB1 backwards compatibility program in the next year or so. Oh wait; some bright spark at Activision thought it would be a great plan to try and squeeze as much money from these two games before they became available for free (or not allow them into the program-which they'd never do due to the bad publicity that'd generate for a publisher already under-fire)

And for any Americans that this isn't resonating with due to monetary considerations, £40 is exactly $62.50


This thread is so cultural
Burger detected
Just experiencing brits talk brit stuff
This isn't just British, considering how popular our monarchy is globally. That's like saying that McDonalds is "American stuff"
globally? lol

not even britain cares about the royal family other than when we get a new holiday because one of them sneezed, or when they get some pointless media attention.
Of course we don't care about them. But considering the fact that they bring in £500 million and that at least 30% (around 6 million) of foreign tourists to the UK visit attractions associated with the monarchy i'd say that it's worth talking about their overseas appeal. It's a British export rather than something that should define Britain.

Gaming / Re: My Dragon Age Inquisition Review.
« on: July 12, 2015, 04:06:50 PM »

I think that DA:I will be forgotten in time. The Witcher 3 will be the fantasy rpg people look back on (whether positively or negatively) and ME:A will put DA:I far into the shadows as the Bioware game of the early years of the XB1/PS4
not really, it's hasn't been too long since the witcher came out and there's hardly any talk about it if any.
People talk greatly about games that will be forgotten. There was a shit-ton of jabber about CoD Ghosts (a game that will be forgotten, surely) whereas there was relatively little talk about SoM-a game that surely will be remembered for years to come
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Gaming / Re: My Dragon Age Inquisition Review.
« on: July 12, 2015, 04:02:55 PM »

I think that DA:I will be forgotten in time. The Witcher 3 will be the fantasy rpg people look back on (whether positively or negatively) and ME:A will put DA:I far into the shadows as the Bioware game of the early years of the XB1/PS4
not really, it's hasn't been too long since the witcher came out and there's hardly any talk about it if any.
People talk greatly about games that will be forgotten. There was a shit-ton of jabber about CoD Ghosts (a game that will be forgotten, surely) whereas there was relatively little talk about SoM-a game that surely will be remembered for years to come

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