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Messages - Sprungli

Pages: 1 ... 565758 5960 ... 130
The Flood / Re: Banime
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:52:14 PM »

you're trying to hard
your trying too hard

The Flood / Re: hey guys...
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:51:31 PM »

The Flood / Banime
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:48:40 PM »
I believe anime is a sin, and all anime should be banned. Banime anime today to save the hedgehogs also please donate to save the Ebola #2014 Merry Easter to you fellow internet supporters [emoji1]

The Flood / Re: Favourite Sep7agon clique?
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:45:58 PM »
I'm in the "Worst new posters" group along with Zesty and Bio

Gaming / Re: I played a Telltale games game
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:44:04 PM »

Superiority complex much?
Nvm, thread is a lemon joke

Gaming / Re: I played a Telltale games game
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:43:30 PM »

OP is lying. Telltale makes Interactive Motion Comics. Not Games.

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:42:58 PM »

You're 14. It doesn't even count as a real relationship.

> Is 14
At least I had a gf, 2manyloners4me
Yes, the fact that a 14 year old has had a girlfriend whereas many 20+ year olds on this site have not surely just makes it worse
Sure, but you are hardly one to judge

You've yet to provide evidence or just a simple reason to back up your disapproval
Because relationships at your age mean nothing. This is pretty well known.
I meant any reason on how you are any better qualified to discuss the matter, as I doubt you've ever been in a relationship-even a meaningless one at 14

Gaming / Re: Far Cry 4 review
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:41:28 PM »

Wow you prick. You could have said story spoilers included
It's a review, what did you expect?
Have you never watched or read a review before? If they contain spoilers in their reviews they specifically state as such.
If you'd been reading the text you'd stop at the words "at the end". Clearly just out to try and find fault

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:21:08 PM »

She'll die from eating KFC.

KFC is fucking disgusting.
Not here in the glorious Kingdom

Gaming / Re: Games your friends are really good at, but you suck at.
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:20:06 PM »
No-one, me and a friend have opposite areas of expertise in KSP but that's about it

Gaming / Re: Far Cry 4 review
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:13:32 PM »

Wow you prick. You could have said story spoilers included
It's a review, what did you expect?

Gaming / Far Cry 4 review
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:13:09 PM »
The main story was not great at all. The characters in it were great! Especially Pagen, and Longinus. The plot, gave far too little screen time to villians that we barely or dont know at all. You never get any real form of character for one, she just shows up and for some reason we have to kill her...
Who do you mean by that? There was shit tons about Noore and Yuma

And in terms of villains, I spent the entire game thinking to myself that is Pagan the bad guy? Amita's a drug-peddler and Sabal is a religious fanatic, Pagan has the place balanced, and he certainly had the best of intentions-a lesser evil. So I disagree, the story focussed on the real villains, the terrorists and eventual oppressors, the Golden Path

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:10:15 PM »

You're 14. It doesn't even count as a real relationship.

> Is 14
At least I had a gf, 2manyloners4me
Yes, the fact that a 14 year old has had a girlfriend whereas many 20+ year olds on this site have not surely just makes it worse
Sure, but you are hardly one to judge

You've yet to provide evidence or just a simple reason to back up your disapproval

So much bullshit


Dammit Kinder, and this is the stuff you're looking at and trust more than Western media!

Western Media!

To any Brit the news sources included in your post are generally seen to be as bad as the Russian media, specifically Fox and CNN.


The Flood / Re: Dank thread
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:40:11 AM »
U the dankest memebro fo shizzle ma nizzle

Gaming / Re: Is there a New New York in Halo?
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:38:33 AM »

You know what 343 should do?

Hold a fan art contest. Cities, countries, and places in our world with the future touch of Halo to them. Because I want to see New York Halo style.
Then tell 343 that

Gaming / Re: Far Cry 4 review
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:33:50 AM »

Thought the story was subpar.
Do you mean the plot or the whole mode?

Gaming / Far Cry 4 review
« on: December 24, 2014, 07:44:37 AM »
Just finished FC4, and I must say that it's been one of the best gaming experiences i've had. It's everything great about FC3 but polished, amplified and made better. Vaas was a superb villain, but slightly cliche and predictable. Pagan Min is the finest antagonist i've seen, his actions were unpredictable, he has immense character depth for someone you only meet a handful of times, and to be honest I didn't want him to die-when it came to the end I so nearly let him go, only at the last second did I take down his chopper with my rifle because I just simply wanted him to have a good ending. Luckily there was epic slo-mo and good music to sway me towards not feeling so guilty afterwards.

As for everyone else, the leaders of the golden path, Pagan's generals and all the side characters like Hurk, Yogi and Reggie and Longinus were just as well built and interesting. It's a rare thing for the player to get a little upset every time they take out a simple assassination target such as Noore but genuinely I did. Every single side mission is enjoyable, especially the Shangri-La missions.

Everything in this game tells a story, usually there are many different stories and paths that are hidden below the surface and without a little exploration and and care may never be discovered and without some thinking definitely won't be appreciated.

In terms of how it plays it's nearly identical to FC3, with is fine, gameplay is still fantastic and satisfying no matter what weapon you are using or which enemy you are killing. The wingsuit is a major help and the grapple is a great way of letting you traverse the epic landscape-plus the fact it makes the mundane task of getting from A in the valley to B at the top of a fucking mountain rather authentic, and rappelling down into a cave and subsequently gunning down both man and beast is amazing. Oh, and the new buzzer (gyrocopter) is pretty neat, but not common enough to be overused and too flimsy for a fight-plus it has an altitude limiter.

In terms of graphics i'm sure you've all seen that it's absolutely stunning, but I feel that the sheer volume of trees is a shame because by nature trees in video games look sorta shitty. Fps leaves (pun intended) a bit to be desired, it's mostly solid but there were a handful of noticeable drops when I was walking around the deep forest with my bow equipped.

Overall i'd say it's a 9.5/10, i've not tested the MP element or co-op, i'd give it a 10 but I never found a reason to want to play Arena, the fps drops were a little annoying and feel that there were a few poor design choices when doing some of the mountainous sections


Oh, and this is in gaming just so everyone can see it, mods can relocate it to News later if they want

Gaming / I played a Telltale games game
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:42:43 AM »
But I didnt even realise it, way back in my PS2 days I played this:
on my old Dell Laptop (gags).

So all you lot playing WD and GoT can go fuck yourselves (Lemon), because I have played a TtD game-one of their first

Gaming / Re: Is there a New New York in Halo?
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:39:15 AM »

Why would they change the name of an already advanced city? Mombasa got changed because it's in a third world nation that got super-upgraded.
I wasn't talking about changing names, I was saying that there may be a settlement away from Earth that could be called New New York. Just as New York was named after York here in England, perhaps someone would name a settlement New New York after the Earth settlement of New York

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 24, 2014, 06:36:05 AM »

You're 14. It doesn't even count as a real relationship.

> Is 14
At least I had a gf, 2manyloners4me
Yes, the fact that a 14 year old has had a girlfriend whereas many 20+ year olds on this site have not surely just makes it worse
Sure, but you are hardly one to judge

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:57:22 PM »

> Is 14
At least I had a gf, 2manyloners4me
Yes, the fact that a 14 year old has had a girlfriend whereas many 20+ year olds on this site have not surely just makes it worse

The Flood / Re: When was you
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:55:31 PM »

i was leik on the moon man, me and the mars rover was chillin' talking bout life n shit
Dude why u bring a mars rover to the moon?

Gaming / Re: What should I buy on Steam?
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:54:30 PM »

Gaming / Is there a New New York in Halo?
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:53:59 PM »
Halo is what i'm focussed on but this goes for any sci-fi series involving humans I suppose. Typically colonisation inevitably leads to settlements named after old ones, such as New York, New England, etc... which made me think that if one came from New York (perfectly likely) and decided to name a settlement do you reckon this would lead to a New New York or another place called New York?

Gaming / Re: Which Halo had the best "look"
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:49:23 PM »
Halo Reach

It's everything 2 tried to achieve but couldn't, even today Halo Reach looks bloody amazing. New Alexandria is what Mombasa should have been the first time (At least ODST tried though)

The Flood / Re: >tfw no gf
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:45:56 PM »
At least I had a gf, 2manyloners4me

The Flood / Re: Decide what I have for lunch tomorrow
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:28:14 PM »
I decided to be nice

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