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Messages - Sprungli

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Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:56:02 PM »

Lol, someone missed out on Reach MP.
lol someone is wrong

Also, remember the difference between FACT and OPINION, it's your OPINION that it wasn't fun, it's FACT that a lot of people did enjoy Reach,  it's your OPINION how historically important it is, and it's my OPINION that CE is the worst Halo. It's your OPINION that is exactly opposite
Thinking Reach is good invalidates your opinions.
Thinking CE is good invalidates your opinions.
It doesn't work like that, mate. Sorry.
It's riddled with terrible shit.
Yes, CE is indeed
CE doesn't have a shit riddled campaign or MP.

Try again
Please, even trying to factor MP into this debate is silly, Halo CE only just got online MP whereas by the time Reach launched it was a part of gaming

Gaming / Re: I might get an Xboner
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:53:55 PM »

Anything that isn't a Kinect or Kinect game
I know, but really, all I can think of is MCC for playing with everyone here. Kinect is the last thing I'd buy.
Sunset Overdrive?
Shit I forgot about that game..

Also, don't I need an adapter for my 360 headset to work on the One?
Yes, becaise MS are jews
Ugh.. Gotta wait for a good price drop, then.
The adapter is £15, not sure how much in Burgerland
It's still bullshit
Yeah, but there's nothing anyone can do about it so why complain?
Because I have the right to complain about bullshit like that.
There's absolutely no reason for MS changing the headset jack on Xbone controllers.
Yes there is, how about the fact that the audio quality is so, so much better, and the fact that you can control your headphone/mic via the controller. It's like the difference between the old iPhone charger and the lightning cable, throws up similar problems too
The audio quality is not better through the adapter. It isn't even compatible with USB headsets.
No, because it's an adapter for the 360 compatible headsets, not fucking USB (?) headsets

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:52:32 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY


Although why am I surprised, far cry 4 is your GOTY. Calling DA I bland whilst saying Far cry 4 is your GOTY is hilariously idiotic.
Le joke

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:52:15 PM »

Lol, someone missed out on Reach MP.
lol someone is wrong

Also, remember the difference between FACT and OPINION, it's your OPINION that it wasn't fun, it's FACT that a lot of people did enjoy Reach,  it's your OPINION how historically important it is, and it's my OPINION that CE is the worst Halo. It's your OPINION that is exactly opposite
Thinking Reach is good invalidates your opinions.
Thinking CE is good invalidates your opinions.
It doesn't work like that, mate. Sorry.
It's riddled with terrible shit.
Yes, CE is indeed

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:09:14 PM »

A re-master could be okay for soon, but no re-makes until 2020, 10 years is how long it should be, no more no less.
It should get neither.
Bad games don't deserve re-releases or remakes.
Then why did they release Halo CEA?
Because CE is a good game with a good campaign that has a good consistent plot and story throughout the whole campaign, doesn't shit on already existing canon, doesn't have terribly written characters and doesn't consist of a brown and grey colour pallet.
The gameplay is a little dated, but it still plays well.

Reach on the other hand...
Actually CE was essentially just your generic alien shoot em up plotline, with a slight twist to it. Not saying Reach's narrative was stellar, but as far as sophistication goes, CE was pretty simple.

As for characters there's literally like a grand total of 6. I'm not counting Johnson because he wasn't established as a character at that point. So yeah, I wouldn't necessarily say CE has an excellent array of characters either.

I don't deny that Reach was a disappointment, but you nostalgia fags really need to take of the goggles.
I'm not basing any of this on nostalgia.
CE is literally leaps and bounds ahead of Reach in terms of quality, story (regardless of it not being that original) and characters.

Subjectivity is the condition of being a subject: i.e., the quality of possessing perspectives, experiences, feelings, beliefs, desires,[1] and/or power. Subjectivity is used as an explanation for what influences and informs people's judgments about truth or reality. It is the collection of the perceptions, experiences, expectations, personal or cultural understanding, and beliefs specific to a person. It is often used in contrast to the term objectivity,[1] which is described as a view of truth or reality which is free of any individual's influence.
>implying Reach isn't objectively shit
Objectively it's a very well designed game in terms of functionality.

Things like plot, characterisation, enjoyability and whether it's better than CE or not is within the realms of subjectivity.

This forum really needs a crash course on these two terms.
You need a course that teaches you that the internet is srs bsns.

It's not a well designed game because AAs, bloom, sword block, terrible AI, and it's shitty maps exist.

Plot is objectively shit considering there isn't one until the last couple missions.
Characterisation is objectively shit considering it's pretty much entirely non-existent.
For fuck sake lemon.

When I said functionality, what I was referring to is if the game is objectively playable. And by that I mean whether it doesn't lag, glitch or become unresponsive during play time. Since Reach doesn't fall under any of those categories, and generally doesn't face any severe technical difficulties as a whole, it is objectively a well crafted game, in technical terms.

The rest of what you referred to is once again, fucking subjective.
well, reach had a fair amount of connection problems due to the p2p system. not nearly as bad as h3, but networking issues happened frequently enough to be a legitimate problem with the game. forge world maps are also notorious for bad frame drops. so, there are some objective issues with the game's functionality.

i'd also like to mention how horribly optimized it was in terms of competitive balance, but competitive play isn't everyones cup of tea so that isnt necessarily an objective problem.
But Reach had so many options and empowered the user, forge and the custom game settings were fantastic, if you wanted you could easily make a competitive mode and map quite easily

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:05:09 PM »

Lol, someone missed out on Reach MP.
lol someone is wrong

Also, remember the difference between FACT and OPINION, it's your OPINION that it wasn't fun, it's FACT that a lot of people did enjoy Reach,  it's your OPINION how historically important it is, and it's my OPINION that CE is the worst Halo. It's your OPINION that is exactly opposite
Thinking Reach is good invalidates your opinions.
Thinking CE is good invalidates your opinions.

The Flood / Re: Do you cross your 7's?
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:04:27 PM »

FACT: Crossing your 7s and Zs makes you a homosexual
Well shit.

Brb, gotta go find some dicks to suck.
Go find RC

The Flood / Re: Do you cross your 7's?
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:04:01 PM »

No, but my "4"s are lightning bolts

You're not the only one

The Flood / Re: Do you cross your 7's?
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:00:24 PM »
FACT: Crossing your 7s and Zs makes you a homosexual

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:59:38 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
It's not. I'll admit it's pretty difficult to get into if you're new to the series, but don't let that dissuade you.
It just looks totally uninteresting, splitting it into zones is something I dislike, from all the playthroughs and clips i've seen it looks pretty standard fantasy game fare, same tropes and same Bioware tactics as always
Well, this thread probably isn't for you then, isn't it?
It's not like i'm hating on DA, i'm just explaining why I don't have a high opinion of it, i'll most likely buy it once the price drops to £20 or so
Sure, that's your prerogative, but practically everyone is praising this game, including myself.

Plus, you haven't even played the game either, so idk if you're in a position to be making these judgements.
I am, because they are only judgements rather than fully formed opinions, i'm not paying the sterling equivalent of $80 on a game I may or may not actually like, people raved about Bioshock:Infinite so I bought it full-price, and I didn't enjoy it much, GAME wouldn't give a good trade-in price so it was £40 ($60) wasted, i'm not being caught out like that again
Yeah, I know how money works mate.
And I was merely saying that everyone's praise has screwed me over before now

Would you like a medal?
Yes, and a cookie

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:58:33 PM »

Still ignoring the fact that CE just is not fun to play at all, not even Co-op. It's aged awfully, it's important in history but it's not very good anymore.
Except that's not even remotely factual.
Reach isn't fun to play at all, not even in co-op. It's not aged, but it's just flat out awful, it's an unimportant part of history and it's not  good in the slightest, as it has always been.
Lol, someone missed out on Reach MP.

Also, remember the difference between FACT and OPINION, it's your OPINION that it wasn't fun, it's FACT that a lot of people did enjoy Reach,  it's your OPINION how historically important it is, and it's my OPINION that CE is the worst Halo. It's your OPINION that is exactly opposite

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:55:33 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
It's not. I'll admit it's pretty difficult to get into if you're new to the series, but don't let that dissuade you.
It just looks totally uninteresting, splitting it into zones is something I dislike, from all the playthroughs and clips i've seen it looks pretty standard fantasy game fare, same tropes and same Bioware tactics as always
Well, this thread probably isn't for you then, isn't it?
It's not like i'm hating on DA, i'm just explaining why I don't have a high opinion of it, i'll most likely buy it once the price drops to £20 or so
Sure, that's your prerogative, but practically everyone is praising this game, including myself.

Plus, you haven't even played the game either, so idk if you're in a position to be making these judgements.
I am, because they are only judgements rather than fully formed opinions, i'm not paying the sterling equivalent of $80 on a game I may or may not actually like, people raved about Bioshock:Infinite so I bought it full-price, and I didn't enjoy it much, GAME wouldn't give a good trade-in price so it was £40 ($60) wasted, i'm not being caught out like that again
Yeah, I know how money works mate.
And I was merely saying that everyone's praise has screwed me over before now


Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach
Wow, your opinion is totally new to me and I really value your contribution, I guess i'll just go and kill myself now
Now the Halo fanbase will become marginally better because it has one less Reach-liking retard.
Lol, thinking CE is the best Halo is just silly, at least every other Halo has SOMETHING interesting happening
>thinks Reach is one of the best Halo games
Your opinion is literally invalid, mate.

And to say CE has nothing happening is just flat out retarded.
It's a typical alien shoot'em'up whose only stand out points are simply mechanics and ideas that were new at the time, but are commonplace now, so now it's just a typical alien shoot'em'up

Bungie knew that, all they had to do was shift units and make the base, they already knew where they would be going (343/MC dialogue-Chief being Ur-Didact descended, etc...), it's objectively inferior to every other Halo game.

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:49:13 PM »

Are we just going to ignore the fact that the campaign's level design is appalling, repetitive
The level design is far from appalling, even if it's a bit repetitive.
It has big and open explorable environments instead of being linear hallway FPS #5647532257
and that half the campaign is either the same premise in a different location or a different location with the same premise
You just repeated yourself within the same sentence. Well done you bellend.
having to complete CE is a chore when compared to 2, 3, ODST, Wars and Reach
Umm, no.
It's as much of a chore as any other Halo game.

Reach is an utterly abysmal entry to the series.
It's plot is only present in the last couple of missions.
It's characters are dogshit tier and cliché as fuck with the personality and development of a brick (Jorge being somewhat of an exception).
The campaign levels are literally ripped out of the MP, which has shit maps.
It's AI is laughably shit.
It downright shits on canon.
Grey and brown is an ugly colour pallet

It must be hard being an ottist.
Still ignoring the fact that CE just is not fun to play at all, not even Co-op. It's aged awfully, it's important in history but it's not very good anymore.

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 03:47:17 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
It's not. I'll admit it's pretty difficult to get into if you're new to the series, but don't let that dissuade you.
It just looks totally uninteresting, splitting it into zones is something I dislike, from all the playthroughs and clips i've seen it looks pretty standard fantasy game fare, same tropes and same Bioware tactics as always
Well, this thread probably isn't for you then, isn't it?
It's not like i'm hating on DA, i'm just explaining why I don't have a high opinion of it, i'll most likely buy it once the price drops to £20 or so
Sure, that's your prerogative, but practically everyone is praising this game, including myself.

Plus, you haven't even played the game either, so idk if you're in a position to be making these judgements.
I am, because they are only judgements rather than fully formed opinions, i'm not paying the sterling equivalent of $80 on a game I may or may not actually like, people raved about Bioshock:Infinite so I bought it full-price, and I didn't enjoy it much, GAME wouldn't give a good trade-in price so it was £40 ($60) wasted, i'm not being caught out like that again


Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach
Wow, your opinion is totally new to me and I really value your contribution, I guess i'll just go and kill myself now
Now the Halo fanbase will become marginally better because it has one less Reach-liking retard.
Lol, thinking CE is the best Halo is just silly, at least every other Halo has SOMETHING interesting happening
for its time, ce was incredible. of course it hasnt aged all that well compared to the newer halo games that had time and experience as an advantage for campaign design.

and you know, as repetitive as ce may be, its still a better campaign than any of the other AAA fps series have churned out since 2000.
For the time, yes. The main thing is it's still very much playable, but the difference between being a truly legendary game and a great game is not only being playable but still being amazing in a unique way forever after it's time has gone. I actually played an old Space Invaders arcade cabinet, in an actual arcade recently and I was surprised by just how excellent it was, for a game 35 years old now it is still thrilling to play properly like that-it's a legendary game and now I understand why, just as the original Mario is, as is Pong, because they are still brilliant today

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 02:30:51 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
It's not. I'll admit it's pretty difficult to get into if you're new to the series, but don't let that dissuade you.
It just looks totally uninteresting, splitting it into zones is something I dislike, from all the playthroughs and clips i've seen it looks pretty standard fantasy game fare, same tropes and same Bioware tactics as always
Well, this thread probably isn't for you then, isn't it?
It's not like i'm hating on DA, i'm just explaining why I don't have a high opinion of it, i'll most likely buy it once the price drops to £20 or so


Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach
Wow, your opinion is totally new to me and I really value your contribution, I guess i'll just go and kill myself now
Now the Halo fanbase will become marginally better because it has one less Reach-liking retard.
Lol, thinking CE is the best Halo is just silly, at least every other Halo has SOMETHING interesting happening

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 02:27:43 PM »

A re-master could be okay for soon, but no re-makes until 2020, 10 years is how long it should be, no more no less.
It should get neither.
Bad games don't deserve re-releases or remakes.
Then why did they release Halo CEA?
Because CE is a good game with a good campaign that has a good consistent plot and story throughout the whole campaign, doesn't shit on already existing canon, doesn't have terribly written characters and doesn't consist of a brown and grey colour pallet.
The gameplay is a little dated, but it still plays well.

Reach on the other hand...
Are we just going to ignore the fact that the campaign's level design is appalling, repetitive, and that half the campaign is either the same premise in a different location or a different location with the same premise, having to complete CE is a chore when compared to 2, 3, ODST, Wars and Reach

Gaming / Re: What Cheat code do you remember for what game?
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:02:09 PM »
A few GTA:SA cheats, but I never had to remember because I had this, still sits by my X1 now

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:56:17 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
It's not. I'll admit it's pretty difficult to get into if you're new to the series, but don't let that dissuade you.
It just looks totally uninteresting, splitting it into zones is something I dislike, from all the playthroughs and clips i've seen it looks pretty standard fantasy game fare, same tropes and same Bioware tactics as always

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:53:29 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY
I bet you liked Skyrim
Not really, I was still playing Fallout:NV

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:52:53 PM »

A re-master could be okay for soon, but no re-makes until 2020, 10 years is how long it should be, no more no less.
It should get neither.
Bad games don't deserve re-releases or remakes.
Then why did they release Halo CEA?


Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach
Wow, your opinion is totally new to me and I really value your contribution, I guess i'll just go and kill myself now

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:51:04 PM »

It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY

It's probably the least bland RPG I've ever played. The characters and environments are stupidly diverse

FC4 is bland IMO. It's farcry 3.5 with a lame villain
Pagan Min is a masterpiece of character design, far superior to Vaas, who was also brilliant

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:35:52 AM »
A re-master could be okay for soon, but no re-makes until 2020, 10 years is how long it should be, no more no less.

Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach

Gaming / Re: Anyone else enjoying the shit out of DA: Inquisition?
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:32:33 AM »
It looks pretty bland, FC4 GOTY

The Flood / Re: Cyanide and Happiness Comic Generator
« on: January 06, 2015, 09:06:43 PM »


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