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Messages - Sprungli

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The Flood / Re: Sep7ball
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:19:44 PM »
ITT we discover only TBlocks snd Desticle actually know the rules for drawing polandballs

The Flood / Re: Just spent 7 grand on a last place MLB team's tickets
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:15:04 PM »
>American sports

You spent that much on watching hyped-up rounders? Lol

Nigga they still use Spectres, obvs going to lose

Gaming / Re: Are the MCC servers fixed yet?
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:44:44 PM »

Gaming / Re: Bulletstorm
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:44:20 PM »

Enjoyed the trying to figure out ways to kill my enemies
And killing your balls

Gaming / Re: Bulletstorm
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:44:03 PM »

Yeah, that game was completely under rated.

It reminded me of Saints Row. That is, it was a video game that was relentlessly fun above all else.
Yeah, but it helped that the gunplay was ridiculously good and the kick and leash mechanics were incredibly solid, plus the humour

Gaming / Bulletstorm
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:49:26 AM »
It's possibly the greatest standalone FPS of the last 5 years outside of the main franchises, and it's criminal that there's been nothing so far on a sequel.

But I am curious, wasn't it set within the GoW EU? And so doesn't that mean MS could potentially make a sequel, now that they own GoW

Gaming / Re: I renounce my sinful ways
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:36:00 AM »

They should dump Destiny and focus the whole studio on rebooting Marathon but they won't, Activision are invested in the franchise now. Although, surely it would be possible to sell the IP to Activision, it'd be win-win


You are like a record on repeat
And you're like a person with bad diarrhea. You spew shit constantly.
anyone makes a valid point
Something which you've hardly done
and you just claim that the facts don't exist
Facts aren't arguable, which is why I don't
or you insult them, or both
I called you a spastic and a child because that's how you acted. I wouldn't have done so otherwise.
I know. Your posts have made me laugh once or twice due to the pure stupidity they contain.
Put down that mirror
le ebin cumnator post XD
>using le

Hitler go home


You are like a record on repeat
And you're like a person with bad diarrhea. You spew shit constantly.
anyone makes a valid point
Something which you've hardly done
and you just claim that the facts don't exist
Facts aren't arguable, which is why I don't
or you insult them, or both
I called you a spastic and a child because that's how you acted. I wouldn't have done so otherwise.
I know. Your posts have made me laugh once or twice due to the pure stupidity they contain.
Put down that mirror

The Flood / Re: girl problem
« on: January 07, 2015, 07:34:01 PM »
This is a curious thread


You are like a record on repeat
And you're like a person with bad diarrhea. You spew shit constantly.
anyone makes a valid point
Something which you've hardly done
and you just claim that the facts don't exist
Facts aren't arguable, which is why I don't
or you insult them, or both
I called you a spastic and a child because that's how you acted. I wouldn't have done so otherwise.


Reach has best split-screen
>being this wrong
Lol, Reach had a far better plot than CE
Good joke, but no.
mainly because CE's was "hurr durr blo up errything and kil teh bad guyz stop teh flud too"
Acting like a spastic to make something look bad just makes you look like a child.
oh wait
at least in Reach there is character development and it pulls on the heart strings with Kat's death and Lone Wolf
That's not character development. That's killing of a character in a dramatic way.
There's about as much character development in Reach as there is in a bad of rocks.
You are like a record on repeat, anyone makes a valid point and you just claim that the facts don't exist, or you insult them, or both


Reach did, easily, it had the finest forge and the best game options, it was and still is the ultimate game on 360 for game nights and with good reason. You could argue Halo 4 is nearly as strong in the same area.

Go make a zombie mode where there's a fat kid and everyone uses swords to break through the tunnels and get to the weapons cache at the end. You can't in reach or h4.
That's one thing, go make a massive gravity-defying racetrack on an asteroid instead


CE still has the best splitscreen/LAN.
H2A has the best Forge

CE most certainly has plot, unlike Reach.
CE doesn't have a lot of character development, but it has more than Reach.
And literally only two levels are repetitive.
Reach has best split-screen

True, but I wasn't counting the MCC

Lol, Reach had a far better plot than CE, mainly because CE's was "hurr durr blo up errything and kil teh bad guyz stop teh flud too"

CE has about 5 characters, and by the end of the game we've learnt nearly nothing about any of them, at least in Reach there is character development and it pulls on the heart strings with Kat's death and Lone Wolf


It's a typical alien shoot'em'up whose only stand out points are simply mechanics and ideas that were new at the time, but are commonplace now, so now it's just a typical alien shoot'em'up
The same thing can be said about Reach. Just like CE you're shooting up aliens and the mechanics and ideas to the game are nothing new. Firefight already existed, the spacebattle is a more limited version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the AA's are just equipment.
Lol, the spacebattle was shit in comparison to SWBF2, they're not even close to each other, I like Halo Reach a lot but i'm 110% certain SWBF2 is superior in every way except the lack of a proper campaign
The space battles in Reach handled the same as they did in Battlefront 2. The controls are the same and the ships handled the same. It's basically a mirrored version of it that's scripted and missing the capital ships.
And the on-foot combat, large amounts of allied ships snd the fact one is a scripted mission and the other is a key part of Conquest

The Flood / Re: is this image humorous
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:37:00 PM »
Needs more jihad

The Flood / This is a parody thread and I don't care
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:36:31 PM »

Gaming / Re: Discuss the perfection that is GRAW.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:34:44 PM »
The newest Ghost Recon was amazing, the 2012 (?) one. What a brilliant way to reboot such a loved franchise, hopefully a sequel is in the works

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:28:30 PM »

but a plot it did have, nonetheless.

Stop being an autist.
Yeah, it did, but only during the last two levels.

Stay mad nigga
Literally Camnator levels of mental gymnastics right here.
The argument with him has bordered into BurritoSenior levels of faggotry and blindness


It's a typical alien shoot'em'up whose only stand out points are simply mechanics and ideas that were new at the time, but are commonplace now, so now it's just a typical alien shoot'em'up
The same thing can be said about Reach. Just like CE you're shooting up aliens and the mechanics and ideas to the game are nothing new. Firefight already existed, the spacebattle is a more limited version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 and the AA's are just equipment.
Lol, the spacebattle was shit in comparison to SWBF2, they're not even close to each other, I like Halo Reach a lot but i'm 110% certain SWBF2 is superior in every way except the lack of a proper campaign


Reach was unique, neither 4 or 2 can hold a candle to it. 3 is probably closest to CE in terms of how it plays, which I dislike in comparison to 2 and Reach
Wow, your opinion is totally new to me and I really value your contribution, I guess i'll just go and kill myself now
Now the Halo fanbase will become marginally better because it has one less Reach-liking retard.
Lol, thinking CE is the best Halo is just silly, at least every other Halo has SOMETHING interesting happening
Maybe the reason why people think CE is the best Halo is because it has both a strong campaign and MP. So far no Halo game has that. It's either a strong campaign or a decent MP. Halo 2 is unfinished and broken. Halo 3's campaign was rushed. For Reach the entire game was rushed. And Halo 4 has a strong campaign but a weak MP to many people. Like I said with CE both things are decent in that game.

For the campaign we have a story from the start, each level has a purpose, the levels were decently open, the AI on both sides were smart and had personalty(When the marines and Elites were about to die they went berserk.) and Legendary was smartly planned out. Instead of every unit being the highest rank and the damge being changed. There were more units, they were smarter and things around the level were changed. For the first level we came across grenades with the AR and 343 the shotgun was found latter on. You can tell they tried with that game.
To judge MP fairly you should remove online from the equation for 2-4, so which had the strongest custom games and local MP? Reach did, easily, it had the finest forge and the best game options, it was and still is the ultimate game on 360 for game nights and with good reason. You could argue Halo 4 is nearly as strong in the same area.

In terms of campaign the levels are just too repetitive, there's no real plot and no character development. Halo 4 wins in that respect, and gameplay-wise it's pretty damn good as well except for some minor annoyances, like the QTEs and how Sprint felt a little out of place at times. Fucking Pelicans man, ever since Halo CE everyone had been dying to fly one (yes, I know, PC Halo CE).

For god's sake, somehow doing it this way has lead to the conclusion Halo 4 is the best, hmm. Lol, it probably is and we're all too biased or too busy wearing nostalgia goggles to notice

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:18:04 PM »

The rest of what you referred to is once again, fucking subjective.
Umm, no.
The lack of plot and characterisation is objective.
Umm no.

Your interpretation of plot and characterisation is subjective. There are no guidelines for what constitutes as a masterpiece in narrative and story telling.
How is the lack of something subjective?
If it doesn't exist then it can't be subjective.
One example.

Totally different.

No evidence to prove he exists, therefore can't be proven to not exist.

Halo Reach can be proven to not exist by playing the game.
Halo Reach can be proven to not exist by playing the game.

Making as much sense as a creationist right now

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:08:45 PM »

The rest of what you referred to is once again, fucking subjective.
Umm, no.
The lack of plot and characterisation is objective.
Umm no.

Your interpretation of plot and characterisation is subjective. There are no guidelines for what constitutes as a masterpiece in narrative and story telling.
How is the lack of something subjective?
If it doesn't exist then it can't be subjective.
One example.


Gaming / Re: I might get an Xboner
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:07:23 PM »

Anything that isn't a Kinect or Kinect game
I know, but really, all I can think of is MCC for playing with everyone here. Kinect is the last thing I'd buy.
Sunset Overdrive?
Shit I forgot about that game..

Also, don't I need an adapter for my 360 headset to work on the One?
Yes, becaise MS are jews
Ugh.. Gotta wait for a good price drop, then.
The adapter is £15, not sure how much in Burgerland
It's still bullshit
Yeah, but there's nothing anyone can do about it so why complain?
Because I have the right to complain about bullshit like that.
There's absolutely no reason for MS changing the headset jack on Xbone controllers.
Yes there is, how about the fact that the audio quality is so, so much better, and the fact that you can control your headphone/mic via the controller. It's like the difference between the old iPhone charger and the lightning cable, throws up similar problems too
The audio quality is not better through the adapter. It isn't even compatible with USB headsets.
No, because it's an adapter for the 360 compatible headsets, not fucking USB (?) headsets
It should support USB headsets though. They only took steps back.
I've never even seen a USB headset, I presume that's a PC thing?
For the most part, yeah. USB gives out much stronger sound.
I would imagine so, it's all digital now so it's merely about moving data, and USB 3.0 is king when it comes to shifting data quickly. Although, the X1 seems to use a mini HDMI type thing, it does make a difference

Gaming / Re: I might get an Xboner
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:58:17 PM »

Anything that isn't a Kinect or Kinect game
I know, but really, all I can think of is MCC for playing with everyone here. Kinect is the last thing I'd buy.
Sunset Overdrive?
Shit I forgot about that game..

Also, don't I need an adapter for my 360 headset to work on the One?
Yes, becaise MS are jews
Ugh.. Gotta wait for a good price drop, then.
The adapter is £15, not sure how much in Burgerland
It's still bullshit
Yeah, but there's nothing anyone can do about it so why complain?
Because I have the right to complain about bullshit like that.
There's absolutely no reason for MS changing the headset jack on Xbone controllers.
Yes there is, how about the fact that the audio quality is so, so much better, and the fact that you can control your headphone/mic via the controller. It's like the difference between the old iPhone charger and the lightning cable, throws up similar problems too
The audio quality is not better through the adapter. It isn't even compatible with USB headsets.
No, because it's an adapter for the 360 compatible headsets, not fucking USB (?) headsets
It should support USB headsets though. They only took steps back.
I've never even seen a USB headset, I presume that's a PC thing?

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:57:24 PM »

You actually don't like Reach? Huh
What gave you that idea?

but you prefer Halo 4 the most right?
And I only like Halo 4 as I do because it has one of the better campaigns/stories in the franchise.

The next question I suppose, would be which Halo is your favorite multiplayer wise?
I agree with Lemon on Halo 4, it's unfairly criticised, it's Campaign is one of the best if not the best in terms of character development and a plot

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