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Messages - Sprungli

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Serious / Re: Net neutrality fight dials up to 11
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:02:44 PM »

>Meanwhile glorious EU freedom masterrace
They're voluntary measures. Only 13% of people use them, out of some misguided attempt to protect their kids by blaming the internet rather than their own shitty parenting.

The Flood / Re: Phone recommendations?
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:00:00 PM »

Get an iPhone 5S, it's a seriously quality phone and it's very practical. Not like the shitty 6 or 6+, not a finicky unoptimised piece of android crap and not a no-apps Nokia
Don't you use a HTC?

The Flood / Re: Phone recommendations?
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:58:57 PM »

Get an iPhone 5S, it's a seriously quality phone and it's very practical. Not like the shitty 6 or 6+, not a finicky unoptimised piece of android crap and not a no-apps Nokia
fuck off apple sheep
Enjoy your NSA-approved lol-lipop machine, or your Microsoft phone

The Flood / Re: this is the best ice cream
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:57:20 PM »

Nice, but...

Nothing beats this shit
>salted caramel
bet you like the taste of cum too
Man u salty. Just like this ice cream

Gaming / Re: Gaming achievements you'd like to share with the class?
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:56:40 PM »
Not much... Except for the fact I single-handedly demolished a team full of Eurogamer guys in the Destiny Beta... But fuck that. And I suppose killing off a load of guys from Respawn from when Titanfall first launched.

Sorry, jack of all trades master of none

Gaming / Re: >Goes into GAME
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:51:31 PM »

far cry 4 is decent. not as good as 3 but still good.
How?.... Is it inferior to 3?

Gaming / Re: Space Hulk: Deathwing Rise of the Terminators
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:50:07 PM »

And Xbox One, i'm surprised that no one saw that on the trailers.
I thought it was coming on X1 too, but I had to think twice

Serious / Poverty doesn't cause fundamentalism
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:47:51 PM »
Violent people cause violence. Culture or socioeconomic status just increases/decreases the probability, frequency and degree of violence

Serious / Re: Net neutrality fight dials up to 11
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:46:08 PM »
>Meanwhile glorious EU freedom masterrace

The Flood / Re: I drank 2 Monster Energy Drinks this year
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:44:40 PM »
Just an Isotonic for football, I don't drink energy drinks-partially because they are unhealthy and partly because it's prohibited to sell anything with taurine (Red bull, Monster, etc...) to U16s here; though not all establishments listen to that rule for some reason.

The Flood / Re: Phone recommendations?
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:41:52 PM »
Get an iPhone 5S, it's a seriously quality phone and it's very practical. Not like the shitty 6 or 6+, not a finicky unoptimised piece of android crap and not a no-apps Nokia

The Flood / Re: this is the best ice cream
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:39:45 PM »
Nice, but...

Nothing beats this shit

Gaming / Re: Star Wars: Battlefront rumors
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:38:02 PM »
I don't support EA's dlc strategy all that much, but at least they aren't fucking micro-transactions-I don't have a problem with traditional dlc where you actually get good content, the dlc in BF4 was good value for money in terms of the sheer amount of gameplay you could get out of them.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars: Battlefront rumors
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:35:15 PM »

I would be extremely surprised if this were true. It wouldn't leave EA/DICE with much room for a sequel, and that sounds humorously out-of-character for them.
This is different, sequel content would be coming from Disney as much as DICE and EA-all they'd have to do is shape the next one around the next few star wars movies

Gaming / Just Cause 3: Firestarter trailer
« on: February 13, 2015, 06:31:43 PM »
Just Cause 2 was absolutely superb, just recently I was playing it again and it reminded me just now top notch the graphics, world design and incredible smoothness is. Buying JC3 will be a no-brainer for me, and if their enthusiasm for that multiplayer mod is anything to go by then I can see the devs actually adding in multiplayer. Could be some fucking amazing game nights on the horizon

Gaming / Re: Found a bunch of old Halo 3 screenshots I had.
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:09:09 PM »
Shame I can't access my fileshare

Gaming / Re: The Order 1886 gets its first Review... Sorta.
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:08:21 PM »
I'll watch it when it comes onto Netflix

Gaming / Re: Big Team Campaign confirmed for Halo: TMCC
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:07:07 PM »
U srs?


I still need to get this, but when I do it's gonna be option 3 for me :D
Enjoy the Crab Rangoon

3 was great, Pagan was not the bad guy-Mohan Ghale was, Anita was, that other religious no-name was. Hell, Pagan is a masterclass in character design-i'd have been happy to have just spent the whole game with him.

Gaming / Re: My review of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:02:21 PM »
It's a shitty game, for a game where all you really use is guns and movement the guns are shit and the controls are autistic

The Flood / Re: You are now your own avatar
« on: February 11, 2015, 06:00:40 PM »

I shall consume you with a biscuit

The Flood / Re: You are now your own avatar
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:57:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: How tall are you?
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:56:29 PM »
6'0", predicted to end up 6'2"-6'3"

The Flood / Re: Libertarian policy generator
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:54:49 PM »

To truly be liberated we must enable the homeless to openly masturbate on the edge of their property

GG, it's already borked.
Yup, homeless people don't tend to be property owners

The Flood / Re: Libertarian policy generator
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:52:26 PM »
To truly be liberated we must enable the homeless to openly masturbate on the edge of their property


Fact of the matter is they were outgunned. If the police can't protect us, what's the fucking point of them?

To say that European law enforcement is being outgunned is a joke, remind me, when it came to the Charlie Hebdo incident who was better armed?

Oh yeah, the police
Really? Because the way I remember it is the cops got gunned down in the street.

There's also the fact that the military can be called on, and they are certainly not being outgunned
Do you have any idea how long it takes for the military to mobilize for that sort of thing?
Right, at this point in time we are talking about Europe remember. An armed response unit is never more than a half hour away, and neither are the military.

Yes, 2 police officers died. One was taken by total surprise, and the other was killed whilst defenceless on the ground. Neither due to being beaten on firepower. Neither would have been prevented by actively arming police officers in civilian areas with zero reason other than to 'be safe'. This would obviously be counter-productive, as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe in comparison to the Martial Oligarchy of America
Except they can, and they weren't outgunned. They were out-smarted and out-manoeuvred, they didn't know what was coming. But that's down to a total lack of communication between the French, British and American intelligence agencies. If they'd been doing their jobs then it could've all been avoided
Intelligence agencies are supposed to know when and where every terrorist is going to attack?

Come on bro.
Of course not, but they had intel on these guys, they'd been tracking them and monitoring them and nothing was done. Same as the Lee Rigby case, if arming cops is a safe risk then surely arresting terror suspects is too?


as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe
my fucking god, it's almost like the police don't have any guns or some shit! who would've thought that a place with no guns wouldn't have many gun deaths!

do you even read what you''re typing?
That'd be the UK. Police have guns in almost every European country. And there are barely any shootings.
well, no guns isn't the word, it's more ' next to no', and that's my point, the police aren't nearly as armed as those in the US so of course the gun crime is extremely low... you also don't have as many cops who are joining just for the power that a police position has. I believe that cop shootings are less of an arming problem, and more about informing the cops and civilians who own guns on gun safety and control, I mean look at the swiss, they make every teen learn how to fire a rifle and some basic gun control, and they have the lowes gun crime rate of all countries in the world.
Almost every cop I've seen has a pistol on them in almost every European country.

The difference is the Swiss don't have the culture of violence America or even Britain has.
Yeah, and it's unnecessary. I can't even imagine a situation in somewhere like Germany where an armed policeman would be needed as standard.

True as hell


as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe
my fucking god, it's almost like the police don't have any guns or some shit! who would've thought that a place with no guns wouldn't have many gun deaths!

do you even read what you''re typing?
That'd be the UK. Police have guns in almost every European country. And there are barely any shootings.
well, no guns isn't the word, it's more ' next to no', and that's my point, the police aren't nearly as armed as those in the US so of course the gun crime is extremely low... you also don't have as many cops who are joining just for the power that a police position has. I believe that cop shootings are less of an arming problem, and more about informing the cops and civilians who own guns on gun safety and control, I mean look at the swiss, they make every teen learn how to fire a rifle and some basic gun control, and they have the lowes gun crime rate of all countries in the world.
Because of their culture, yes. Guns are not items of fantasy here, they are tools with a heavy responsibility-to be handled with care and respect.


Fact of the matter is they were outgunned. If the police can't protect us, what's the fucking point of them?

To say that European law enforcement is being outgunned is a joke, remind me, when it came to the Charlie Hebdo incident who was better armed?

Oh yeah, the police
Really? Because the way I remember it is the cops got gunned down in the street.

There's also the fact that the military can be called on, and they are certainly not being outgunned
Do you have any idea how long it takes for the military to mobilize for that sort of thing?
Right, at this point in time we are talking about Europe remember. An armed response unit is never more than a half hour away, and neither are the military.

Yes, 2 police officers died. One was taken by total surprise, and the other was killed whilst defenceless on the ground. Neither due to being beaten on firepower. Neither would have been prevented by actively arming police officers in civilian areas with zero reason other than to 'be safe'. This would obviously be counter-productive, as evidenced by the distinct lack of police shootings here in Europe in comparison to the Martial Oligarchy of America
Except they can, and they weren't outgunned. They were out-smarted and out-manoeuvred, they didn't know what was coming. But that's down to a total lack of communication between the French, British and American intelligence agencies. If they'd been doing their jobs then it could've all been avoided

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