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Messages - Onyx Sentinel

Pages: 1 ... 212223 2425 ... 29
The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:35:29 PM »
Sapphire is a Joke, I got IP Banned "just for disagreeing" with WhitestGirlUKnow....

Didn't even break any rules, had no previous Warnings/Bans = Straight up IP banned.
I never insulted them once, I have called them out numerous times tho, when they were saying they were civil - I pointed out they were mocking Deci, When they claimed to be neutral, I pointed out they were Social Justice, ...
What'd you do?

I've already disagreed with people plenty and I'm wondering how I'm still there considering around half of us who posted on Sapphire have been IP banned already.
I disagreed with her about Social Issues -
Refresh it.

I argued with her about a different issue and nothing happened. Weird.
I was even being Neutral about it, lol. I guess they're "Either with us or Against Us".

Yeah, honestly I was probably more aggressive than your posts were, basically calling her stupid (not what I meant but I think it came off that way). Were you insulting them on here? I know they've checked what people are saying here.

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:16:56 PM »
Sapphire is a Joke, I got IP Banned "just for disagreeing" with WhitestGirlUKnow....

Didn't even break any rules, had no previous Warnings/Bans = Straight up IP banned.

What'd you do?

I've already disagreed with people plenty and I'm wondering how I'm still there considering around half of us who posted on Sapphire have been IP banned already.
I disagreed with her about Social Issues -
Refresh it.

I argued with her about a different issue and nothing happened. Weird.
I was even being Neutral about it, lol. I guess they're "Either with us or Against Us".

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:11:41 PM »
Sapphire is a Joke, I got IP Banned "just for disagreeing" with WhitestGirlUKnow....

Didn't even break any rules, had no previous Warnings/Bans = Straight up IP banned.

What'd you do?

I've already disagreed with people plenty and I'm wondering how I'm still there considering around half of us who posted on Sapphire have been IP banned already.
I disagreed with her about Social Issues -
Refresh it.

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 09:47:19 PM »
Sapphire is a Joke, I got IP Banned "just for disagreeing" with WhitestGirlUKnow....

Didn't even break any rules, had no previous Warnings/Bans = Straight up IP banned.

The Flood / Re: is ender under water
« on: March 16, 2016, 07:48:00 PM »
Post it pls
nigger you already know what I look like
But not underwater
I doubt there's any of me underwater, I've never seen or been around one of those water proof cameras
Illuminati confirmed.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 07:02:02 PM »
Also can you stop with the circle jerk threads? I'm pretty sure all you ever talk about is how much you hate 343i.
Have you got any better Ideas?
Stop making threads?
Not really helping... What threads should I be making instead?
Also - I haven't made a thread about Halo/343 in ages.

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:56:47 PM »
Also can you stop with the circle jerk threads? I'm pretty sure all you ever talk about is how much you hate 343i.
Have you got any better Ideas?

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:56:22 PM »
Their art team
The REQ system
Brian Reed
Halo 5's lack of content
Their inability to understand why people liked classical Halo's multiplayer
What the fuck they've done to SPARTANs and MJOLNIR
The overall tone and atmosphere of their version of the Halo universe.
The butchery of the Announcer

While I think 343's influence on Halo has been a net negative, they have done a lot of good stuff.
Halo 4's story is one of if not the best in the series and felt like a sequel to the OT where the rest of the game didn't. It did wonders for Chief's character and the setup between him and the Didact was really exciting. Shame the impact of that story was eradicated by Halo 5. Honestly, I would have preferred the series stopped at 4 than continued in the current direction.
The Forerunner Saga, regardless of how its relevance to the present has been handled, is amazing.
Escalation's first few issues were great and really felt like a proper Halo story while setting things up for the future.
Hunt the Truth

Really my distate for 343i basically stems from them betraying my expectations for the story for the most part. Brian Reed needs to go, but the damage is already done.
I have pure Hatred for the Art style.

The Flood / Re: a 69 year old wants to fuck me
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:46:01 PM »

I mean, yeah all of the hair in my drawers is grey
absolutely disgusting
I'm not going to let you date my daughter
I can't believe you've done this.

Gaming / What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 16, 2016, 06:17:27 PM »
Basically everything about them.

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 05:08:40 PM »

Damn, I haven't heard that in years.

The Flood / Re: I'm starting to get turned on by spanking
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:44:55 PM »
Hey man, if she digs it, do it.
Don't you mean, "Just Do It!"

Serious / Re: Is it wrong to be prejudice towards prejudice bigots?
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:13:47 PM »
Prejudice in any case is wrong.

The Flood / Re: >7 members online
« on: March 16, 2016, 03:01:22 PM »
Theres not much to talk about on Sep7. i spend most of my time on Bungie.

The Flood / Re: How many languages can you speak?
« on: March 16, 2016, 02:39:40 PM »

Gaming / Re: Marathon Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:44:14 PM »
Lol, I haven't played Durandal in Years, I only played it for the Nameplate in Halo Reach, Fuck Halo 2, If I had just played that online, I would of gotten so many more nameplates. Anyway, I convinced my Uncle to buy it lol, just so for the Nameplate.

Gaming / Re: Inspirational quotes from games
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:12:50 PM »
"Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on Earth. But, we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?"
~ Sgt Johnson

Gaming / Re: Yugioh Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:03:35 PM »

Yugioh abridged is the best
I'm always waiting for the next episode. Truly great.

Gaming / Re: Yugioh Thread
« on: March 16, 2016, 12:55:54 PM »

Gaming / Re: Who's ready for the New Fallout game next year?
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:46:21 AM »
I best start collecting paper, glass, concrete & so on.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:12:25 PM »

Didn't realize how far left I was.

The Flood / Some Bungie Ninjas are just Scum.
« on: March 14, 2016, 12:05:35 PM »
nuff said.
Some fuck, disagreed with me on a subject, goes through my oldest posts just to give me a Warning.

Gaming / Re: E3 is in less than 100 days
« on: March 12, 2016, 11:38:18 AM »
Is anyone going to E3?

Septagon / Re: Is this a Social Justice site?
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:12:54 AM »
Just stay out of Serious OP
nah, I made this thread "awhile" back, when I first joined, after reading the wiki.

When the US is constantly invading Middle Eastern countries, this is the consequence.
Nah, muslims just never left the first millennium.

care to explain?
Islamic militaries have been invading the west since the 8th century.
It's no longer the 8th century.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Halo
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:08:15 AM »
Oh look. A Halo thread on Sep7agon that is inherently biased.

Surprised? I wasn't.
Oh look. People like something that you don't. Novel concept isn't it?
You know what else is a novel concept? Reading comprehension.
It is true tho, 343's games are lesser quality compared to bungie's.
I don't deny that's what people on this website think. But such a statement, is almost entirely subjective.
The reviews support my statement.
Reviews are equally subjective. Year after year, Call of Duty continually gets high reviews. I think many people here are of the opinion that Call of Duty does not deserve those high reviews.
The argument about COD getting great views is outdated, although you are right, everything I am saying is subjective. However - fact is the gaming community see's 343's Halos as lesser to Bungie's.
The entire gaming community? That's a bold and arrogant claim to make when you've only made the poll on Bungie-centric sites.
The fact that Halo's popularity has tanked since 343 took over only furthers this.
The popularity started tanking with Reach actually. Halo 5 is the first it's stabilized since then.
That's not true, so far Reach has had the best Player base. holding on to more players than 3 or 2 were ever able to achieve,

You even see Halo 3's unique player count or that it topped the XBL charts at #1 consistently until Reach came out? Once Call of Duty: Black Ops came out, Reach took major hits to the population; unlike Halo 3, it did not recover that population and dwindled since.
I never said Reach had the highest activity at one time, I said it has been the best at keping it's population for the longest time.

When the US is constantly invading Middle Eastern countries, this is the consequence.
Nah, muslims just never left the first millennium.

care to explain?

Gaming / Re: Mew
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:19:12 PM »
"Mythical Mew code" That is ?

When the US is constantly invading Middle Eastern countries, this is the consequence.

The Flood / Re: SCOTLAND thread
« on: March 11, 2016, 05:07:25 PM »
Scotland is terrible, it's always raining, cold, depressing, ...

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