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Messages - Onyx Sentinel

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Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:37:15 PM »
"That's unfair to men :("

So is my belief that all men should be tortured and castrated and murdered on the basis that they're men.

FUCK men.
This is the Serious Board, try and keep it that way.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:36:10 PM »
It's the man's child
It's not in his body.
These rights trump women's body rights
You're easily our worst new poster.
Irrelevant as to who's body it is, it's his child as well, therefore He should have rights over it.
Name calling is a tactic of the those who can't make a decent argument.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:28:50 PM »
Great argument against male abortion rights...
Abortion should be mandatory, because having kids is wrong in the first place, so arguing this would be redundant.

It's not the man's body, so he should not have any choice. Don't want kids? Don't get anyone pregnant.
It's the man's child, therefore he should have rights as to whether his child gets aborted.
These rights trump women's body rights, as long as they mother's life is not in danger.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:22:32 PM »
Absolutely not.

Too bad. Shouldn't have fucked her. Deal with the consequences.
"If a woman gets pregnant and doesn't want the baby, she should absolutely be able to have an abortion and banning that is a violation of women's rights"

"If a man gets a woman pregnant and doesn't want the baby, too bad. Shouldn't have fucked her."


Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:20:42 PM »
It's never that simple.

And why should it not be that way? Why should the father be denied a child?
What? Pretty sure we're talking about whether the father wants to renounce the responsibility for the child.

Unless the guy was raped or coerced in some fashion, I don't see how that makes any ethical sense.

If you get someone pregnant, why is that not the man's responsibility?

If women have a right to abortion, so should men.
Great argument against male abortion rights...

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:08:39 PM »
- making it easier for women to get the healthcare they need at accessible costs (abolish the tampon tax, make it easier to get birth control, create easy, unrestricted, and private access to OB-GYN's, basically stop legislating the female body)
Don't forget Male right to abortion.

I could hope that you're reminding me to not forget that it's not only people who identify as women who have vaginas and utereuses etc, but that would be too much to ask for
I'm reminding you that - men should also have rights whether they're child should be born.
What about having the right to renounce responsibility of the child instead?
Absolutely not.

Too bad. Shouldn't have fucked her. Deal with the consequences.
If women have a right to abortion, so should men.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:07:05 PM »
- making it easier for women to get the healthcare they need at accessible costs (abolish the tampon tax, make it easier to get birth control, create easy, unrestricted, and private access to OB-GYN's, basically stop legislating the female body)
Don't forget Male right to abortion.

I could hope that you're reminding me to not forget that it's not only people who identify as women who have vaginas and utereuses etc, but that would be too much to ask for
I'm reminding you that - men should also have rights whether they're child should be born.
What about having the right to renounce responsibility of the child instead?
If the father wants the child and the mother doesn't, the child should still be born because one parent is going to take care of it.
Yeah, that's basically what I mean.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 06:00:47 PM »
- making it easier for women to get the healthcare they need at accessible costs (abolish the tampon tax, make it easier to get birth control, create easy, unrestricted, and private access to OB-GYN's, basically stop legislating the female body)
Don't forget Male right to abortion.

I could hope that you're reminding me to not forget that it's not only people who identify as women who have vaginas and utereuses etc, but that would be too much to ask for
I'm reminding you that - men should also have rights whether they're child should be born.
What about having the right to renounce responsibility of the child instead?
I agree with that, i just couldn't be bothered putting it down.

Gaming / Re: Why are 343i haters always such massive fucking morons?
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:50:26 PM »

Video is a prime example of the idiocy surrounding the 343 hate circlejeck

>Walks strait into a fucking Knight whilst barely firing his Assault Rifle
>Gets bitch Slapped in the face by said Knight
>"Waaaah Melee is OP Halo 4 and 343 suck nerf pls"

>Claims the story is bad
>likes Halo 3

Why are people who hate 343 fucking retarded 99.9? of the time
This thread is just pure hypocrisy, I post about 343, I should stop doing that, YOU post about them = fine.

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 05:42:51 PM »
- making it easier for women to get the healthcare they need at accessible costs (abolish the tampon tax, make it easier to get birth control, create easy, unrestricted, and private access to OB-GYN's, basically stop legislating the female body)
Don't forget Male right to abortion.

I could hope that you're reminding me to not forget that it's not only people who identify as women who have vaginas and utereuses etc, but that would be too much to ask for
I'm reminding you that - men should also have rights whether they're child should be born.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We discuss the merits of HERESY
« on: March 17, 2016, 02:22:07 PM »

Serious / Re: Racism
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:57:06 PM »
And the discussion here is...what exactly?
white people's shortcomings
Anyone's shortcomings, regardless of color.
Feminist ?

Serious / Re: What are the five issues most important to you?
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:51:46 PM »
- making it easier for women to get the healthcare they need at accessible costs (abolish the tampon tax, make it easier to get birth control, create easy, unrestricted, and private access to OB-GYN's, basically stop legislating the female body)
Don't forget Male right to abortion.

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:37:36 PM »
they should accept themselves for what they are
And what they are is transgender.
The Gender they are BORN with, not imaginary crap.
And if someone doesn't feel comfortable with the "gender they are born with?"

Fuck them, right?
They should accept it.
"Oh no I was born Canadian, but I don't wanna be Canadian"....

And second point here. Let's apply this logic to another case.

Let's say you're a baby born with leg stumps. But you can get those nifty leg prosthetics.

Are we gonna say "Lol no fuck you, you should just accept having no legs because that's how you were born."
But, that is a literal problem, to hampers your quality of life, therefore, if the means are available to fix said problem, good, Wanting to be another Gender is not a Health problem in its self, you can live with that.

Matey if you've talked to the folks I have you'd recognize that what you said is a load of bullshit. Everything we are and everything we're comfortable with comes from our brain. If your brain is having issues of that caliber then simply telling it to stop doesn't just cut it. It eats away at people. Like depression, emotional trauma, addictions, you name it.

And like depression, or emotional trauma, or addictions, there's measures that can be taken to help people overcome their problems.

So if you have a solution that shows itself as being a method of treatment, then why not use said solution? It's there. It helps. So why throw it away?
Well, I've ran out of material to debate this, Can't think of anything else at the moment, so consider this a temporary victory. This applies to the rest of yous, Now I can get back to Halo.

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:32:54 PM »
Wanting to be another Gender is not a Health problem in its self, you can live with that.
So you don't believe that mental illness causes suicide?
I already preemptively countered your argument, by saying "It is not a health problem in it's self, You won't suddenly have heart failure if you don't magically switch to the other gender, while it can have other implications, that result from said wishes, in its self it is not a health problem,

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:30:23 PM »
So We should be forced to accept them? when they are too lazy to accept themselves...
They are accepting themselves by identifying as transgender. Yes, if you don't accept them, I think you should be shot in the head, because you're way too fucking dumb to be welcome in the 21st century.

The example I used was lacking,
"Oh, I was born White, But I don't want to be White"...
It's not that they WANT to be the opposite gender. They FEEL that they ARE the opposite gender.

So we should respect that.
I just think it's rather hypocritical that they want us to accept them, yet won't accept themselves for the Biological Gender they are.

Feeling and being are two different things.

Btw - this is a debate, I never said I had any prejudices against them, You assumed that. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy,

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:24:17 PM »
they should accept themselves for what they are
And what they are is transgender.
The Gender they are BORN with, not imaginary crap.
And if someone doesn't feel comfortable with the "gender they are born with?"

Fuck them, right?
They should accept it.
"Oh no I was born Canadian, but I don't wanna be Canadian"....

And second point here. Let's apply this logic to another case.

Let's say you're a baby born with leg stumps. But you can get those nifty leg prosthetics.

Are we gonna say "Lol no fuck you, you should just accept having no legs because that's how you were born."
But, that is a literal problem, to hampers your quality of life, therefore, if the means are available to fix said problem, good, Wanting to be another Gender is not a Health problem in its self, you can live with that.

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:22:09 PM »
They should accept it.
"Oh no I was born Canadian, but I don't wanna be Canadian"....
Then you can move to a different country, you dumb fucking cunt.
So We should be forced to accept them? when they are too lazy to accept themselves...

The example I used was lacking,
"Oh, I was born White, But I don't want to be White"...

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 01:13:51 PM »
they should accept themselves for what they are
And what they are is transgender.
The Gender they are BORN with, not imaginary crap.
And if someone doesn't feel comfortable with the "gender they are born with?"

Fuck them, right?
They should accept it.
"Oh no I was born Canadian, but I don't wanna be Canadian"....

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 12:54:36 PM »
they should accept themselves for what they are
And what they are is transgender.
The Gender they are BORN with, not imaginary crap.

The Flood / Re: Transgenderism Is A Mental Disease
« on: March 17, 2016, 11:53:05 AM »
Why do people have to be content with their biologically assigned sex, anyway? Why is it so important for men to be men and women to be women? What is the problem with people changing their sex at will? Why does it matter?
Because that is literally retarded, "changing sex at will" - We shouldn't be forced to accept all the Bull that comes from them, they should accept themselves for what they are, not run away like a coward (change sex).

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:32:10 AM »
Why the fuck did you quote him 3 times.
I don't know? All I did was edit my first reply to him = 3 posts??

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:25:18 AM »
Triple Post

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:24:54 AM »
Most things i'm fairly indifferent towards, but the one thing that I will never forgive them for is the Reach TU.

Motherfuckers killed my favourite game to pander to forum crybabies, who promptly left it anyway and the people who were happy playing it dropped down into the ~1000 players online mark.

What does TU stand for?

Gaming / Re: What Do You Hate About 343 ?
« on: March 17, 2016, 04:22:47 AM »
Double post

The Flood / Re: New Bethesda Forums
« on: March 17, 2016, 03:47:36 AM »
>white theme

I don't really care nearly enough to put up with that
You can change it to black

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:49:15 PM »
I've lost Sapphire as a Forum, but gained a new one -

Any good? I'm not really into gaming forums much anymore.
It'd very new, so I'm kinda meh about it.

The Flood / New Bethesda Forums
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:44:38 PM » - They finally have forums, I'm kinda meh about it so far.

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:38:29 PM »
Sapphire is a Joke, I got IP Banned "just for disagreeing" with WhitestGirlUKnow....

Didn't even break any rules, had no previous Warnings/Bans = Straight up IP banned.

What'd you do?

I've already disagreed with people plenty and I'm wondering how I'm still there considering around half of us who posted on Sapphire have been IP banned already.
I disagreed with her about Social Issues -
Refresh it.

I argued with her about a different issue and nothing happened. Weird.
I was even being Neutral about it, lol. I guess they're "Either with us or Against Us".

Yeah, honestly I was probably more aggressive than your posts were, basically calling her stupid (not what I meant but I think it came off that way). Were you insulting them on here? I know they've checked what people are saying here.

That's really fucking weird. I've said relatively worse, had a disagreement, and defended my claim, yet I'm in the clear. Hell, even on here I've been free with my opinions and I haven't been Gestapo'd yet.

They must like you, thats enough of a reason to keep you there for them, well until you slip up.

My first post got me warned. Yeah, they just love me.
Its pretty obvious their moderation is as subjective as it gets, varying from mod to mod more than likely. No reason to think that the same guy who warned you thinks the other stuff you did wasn't okay while another doesn't. Don't think about it too much and consider yourself likely to get banned at any point in time.

I've lost Sapphire as a Forum, but gained a new one -

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