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Messages - Onyx Sentinel

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Gaming / Re: Nightfire 007: Unrecognizable Suggestions?
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:23:21 PM »
If you don't have a local game store that has a machine that cleans and repairs minor scratches that cause the game to not work, I'd buy another copy.

Or just forget it since nightfire isn't really the best 007 game imo.
Nightfire is a masterpiece. Goldeneye.2

Gaming / Re: Please Send Me Runescape Memes
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:20:00 PM »

Gaming / Re: Lets guess those 10 maps for the CoD 4 remaster
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:15:42 PM »
That's MW2, but now you mention that I totally forgot about Shipment. I remember going 120 and 30 on that map once and I unlocked like 6 attachments for different guns.

Definitely Nuketown then.
Worst map ever made in any FPS ever. I fucking hate that map and everything it stands for.

Even worse than most Reach maps.
How dare you! Reach has some of the best maps ever.
Countdown, Spire...

Gaming / Re: Lets guess those 10 maps for the CoD 4 remaster
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:03:47 PM »
That's MW2, but now you mention that I totally forgot about Shipment. I remember going 120 and 30 on that map once and I unlocked like 6 attachments for different guns.

Definitely Nuketown then.
Worst map ever made in any FPS ever. I fucking hate that map and everything it stands for.

Even worse than most Reach maps.
How dare you! Reach has some of the best maps ever.

The Flood / Re: I demand access to the coup beta
« on: May 04, 2016, 05:29:36 PM »
Why is there a Coup beta? We already have profile pics, titles, nameplates. What else is there to get? This isn't

The Flood / Re: Let's be honest here. Please.
« on: May 04, 2016, 02:06:00 PM »
Chowder was the show that started Cartoon Network's downfall and since then the only shows that CN has made that are great was The Clone Wars and Young Justice.
I was just about to bring up the Epic Chowder.


The Flood / Re: I'm calling out Arren
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:29:15 AM »

Serious / Re: How fascist are you?
« on: May 03, 2016, 01:46:31 PM »
Your F Score is: 3.48
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American
~ Not even American.

Gaming / Nightfire 007: Unrecognizable Suggestions?
« on: May 03, 2016, 01:12:28 PM »
Well I have 2 Nightfire disks, and neither of them are working, any ideas how to fix them?

The Flood / Re: Ask Deci Shit Dank Meme Edition
« on: May 02, 2016, 03:37:50 AM »
Can't think of a question.

The Flood / Lock Requested.
« on: May 01, 2016, 11:26:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Episode 8 REVELED
« on: April 30, 2016, 05:50:55 PM »
Has an Anime GIRL as a avatar.
I bet you cannot find Rule 34 porn on NIrvash. Your Avatar on the other hand probably does exist.
avatar is not anime, because it wasn't made in japan
Anime is Anime.  It doesn't matter where it's from
it does, though

according to that logic, spongebob would also be considered anime, because it was made in the same country as avatar
It's down to the animation style. Spongebob, American Dad, Family Guy are Cartoons. YuGiOh, Avatar, Naruto are Animes.

YuGiOh and Naruto are both animes. You want to know why? THEY BOTH ORIGINATE FROM JAPAN!!!!!

Avatar: The Last Airbender is an American animation, and therefore is not an anime.
Yet it is in the style of a Japanese Animation. Semantics.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Episode 8 REVELED
« on: April 30, 2016, 05:32:30 PM »
Has an Anime GIRL as a avatar.
I bet you cannot find Rule 34 porn on NIrvash. Your Avatar on the other hand probably does exist.
avatar is not anime, because it wasn't made in japan
Anime is Anime.  It doesn't matter where it's from
it does, though

according to that logic, spongebob would also be considered anime, because it was made in the same country as avatar
It's down to the animation style. Spongebob, American Dad, Family Guy are Cartoons. YuGiOh, Avatar, Naruto are Animes.

Gaming / Re: 2 very short Halo Wars 2 clips
« on: April 30, 2016, 01:29:47 PM »
So where's the gameplay
What is gameplay? Is that a new term for AWESOME CGI CUTSCENES????????
They need to focus on the gameplay before they make anything else
I agree, more CGI cutscenes.
I trust these devs, so seeing Gameplay immediately isn't a priority for me. If it was 3fail3 then it would be.

The Flood / Re: What 'triggers' you?
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:08:38 AM »
People saying Star wars I II and III are better than the old ones.
And Blacks.
Star War III is the best Star Wars movie...

The Flood / Re: We have a killer in our mist
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:02:58 AM »
A 343 shill done it. The dead guy was last heard Criticizing 343 for their failures with MCC and Halo 4/5.

Gaming / Re: Who's ready for the New Fallout game next year?
« on: April 27, 2016, 04:40:08 PM »
Fallout 5 Real Life Edition is Bethesda's ambitious new project. In conjunction with the United States Government, and the Electoral collage, Elder Scrolls developers Bethesda have set out to create what they are calling a "revolutionary new genre in the world of gaming" that they've dubbed the Massive Multiplayer In Real Life Game, which which they believe will be the most far reaching and influential game ever created. Tod Howard of Bethesda had this to say about their new title.

"By electing a terrible president this year we are laying the groundwork for 'Fallout 5: In Real Life'. The Sheer gross incompetence of both Clinton and Drumpf means that whichever one of them is elected, the nuclear war integral to our project is inevitable. In face I just want to take a moment to thank our fans both Republican and Democrat who have supported this endeavor from day one. We know that such pisspoor people could never have gotten the votes they have without all of your help. Such a huge undertaking could never be possible without all of this support.

With Fallout 5 we hope to reach a far larger audience than we ever have before, by including literally everyone on the planet, and we hope you all enjoy the wonderfully immersive experience we have in sore for you next year."

Other Details known about Fallout 5 Real Life Edition include the Following

* Releasing in real life only (No PC, or console ports are planned)
* Massive Multiplayer expected to house over 7 billion players
* New Quantum™ Physics Engine brings detail down to the subatomic level)
* The largest and most detailed map spanning the entire globe.
* In game economy with real money and trading
* All new features for hardcore players such as revamped and more realistic status ailments and perma-death

We reached out to Tod Howard for comments on the new physics engine and the ingame economy and possible microtransactions.

"We don't like thinking of it as micro-transactions. Really we are giving the players the option of how the economy will be run. Weather that will be with real money, or caps or just strait up bartering and trading has yet to be seen. We are honestly super exited to see how this will pan out when the game drops. But what is very exiting to talk about is the new Quantum™ Physics engine from real life that will be a massive part of the game. Everything is built up from the subatomic level and this affects everything in the game. General physics are far less buggy than before, but not only that, so many improvements to the overall experience come from the engine.
The lighting system, things like radiation, and disease, the way objects behave, even the sound design are all now 100% realistic, and I swear this time It Just Works."

Fallout 5 is set to release as early as Inauguration Day 2017

(Taken from IGN)

So what do you guys think about this new game? I personalty think the player population is going to drop like a rock starting from day 1 because of the  perma-death mechanic, especially since it's starting out with a nuclear war that most players probably wont survive.
Better than Halo 5 imo.

Gaming / Re: halo 5 now ha sa file browser
« on: April 26, 2016, 02:06:59 AM »
I don't get the "delay the game" argument with Halo 5. The game was finished. It had enough content to ship and all other content is being released for free over time. It was still gonna take the same amount of time to finish other content either way so why not just give the game to people anyway since it was ready? I really don't get how delaying a finished game would have changed anything. We get the same amount of content either way, but in this situation we get the content sooner rather than later.

"Released for free overtime"

You know, when 343 said we'd get free DLC, I honestly thought they meant original quality content. Not ripping out old options that have been in Halo as early as Combat Evolved and as late as Halo 3 and "selling" it back to us as new content. Fuck me as a consumer, right?
>Ripping out options
>Ignoring all content they have added to the game
There is no point in trying to show a person who chooses to blindfold themselves the light. But hey have fun being an asshole for no reason other than to be an asshole :)

Yes, let us look at all the new content we have for us, shall we? I'll color code it too, to make it simple to understand.

Green = New and original content
Yellow = Content that was available at launch in previous Halo games
Orange = Map remixes (not original, but still new kind of)

**I am not counting weapons skins or armor, as this adds nothing new to the game itself**

Warzone Maps
Forge Map remakes
Halo 5 Arena Map remixes
New Halo 5 Arena Maps
Theater (Theater was broken and took until mid Febuary to fix, 343 didn't talk about it and slipped it in with update patch notes)
File Share
Big Team Battle

Sorry to say, but there isn't much green there. And this is just what 343 has added to the game. This isn't even going into the limited custom game options, the rudimentary forging options, and all the gamemodes 343 has decided to leave out as of now.
Most of those are new content? It's not like you can just reskin all the shit from past games idiot. How about you read the fucking point. It takes time to get all that into games. There is an abundance of new weapons and armor. There are new maps. Snipers and Theatre were both in from the start. You obviously are complaining for the sake of complaining. You don't understand how a game is made nor how content releasing works. Kys.
Are you a 343i spokesperson or something.
No, I just care about the game franchise and I am willing to make points to defend it where it deserves to be defended. I think there is a large amount of bs in Halo 5, but I am also gonna defend what 343 has done right. It's this cool new thing called caring about your investments and being a logical human being.
Reskining old content is not New content...
>Being this stupid

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
This nigga must play Destiny cause he is desperate for his Last Word to drop.
That must be the cause of your salt... if you're good enough, you'l get it someday.

Gaming / Re: halo 5 now ha sa file browser
« on: April 25, 2016, 11:31:48 PM »
I don't get the "delay the game" argument with Halo 5. The game was finished. It had enough content to ship and all other content is being released for free over time. It was still gonna take the same amount of time to finish other content either way so why not just give the game to people anyway since it was ready? I really don't get how delaying a finished game would have changed anything. We get the same amount of content either way, but in this situation we get the content sooner rather than later.

"Released for free overtime"

You know, when 343 said we'd get free DLC, I honestly thought they meant original quality content. Not ripping out old options that have been in Halo as early as Combat Evolved and as late as Halo 3 and "selling" it back to us as new content. Fuck me as a consumer, right?
>Ripping out options
>Ignoring all content they have added to the game
There is no point in trying to show a person who chooses to blindfold themselves the light. But hey have fun being an asshole for no reason other than to be an asshole :)

Yes, let us look at all the new content we have for us, shall we? I'll color code it too, to make it simple to understand.

Green = New and original content
Yellow = Content that was available at launch in previous Halo games
Orange = Map remixes (not original, but still new kind of)

**I am not counting weapons skins or armor, as this adds nothing new to the game itself**

Warzone Maps
Forge Map remakes
Halo 5 Arena Map remixes
New Halo 5 Arena Maps
Theater (Theater was broken and took until mid Febuary to fix, 343 didn't talk about it and slipped it in with update patch notes)
File Share
Big Team Battle

Sorry to say, but there isn't much green there. And this is just what 343 has added to the game. This isn't even going into the limited custom game options, the rudimentary forging options, and all the gamemodes 343 has decided to leave out as of now.
Most of those are new content? It's not like you can just reskin all the shit from past games idiot. How about you read the fucking point. It takes time to get all that into games. There is an abundance of new weapons and armor. There are new maps. Snipers and Theatre were both in from the start. You obviously are complaining for the sake of complaining. You don't understand how a game is made nor how content releasing works. Kys.
Are you a 343i spokesperson or something.
No, I just care about the game franchise and I am willing to make points to defend it where it deserves to be defended. I think there is a large amount of bs in Halo 5, but I am also gonna defend what 343 has done right. It's this cool new thing called caring about your investments and being a logical human being.
Reskining old content is not New content...
>Being this stupid

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

Gaming / Re: The Gears of War 4 open beta starts today.
« on: April 25, 2016, 06:36:28 AM »
Is it Open or Closed Beta?

Gaming / Re: halo 5 now ha sa file browser
« on: April 25, 2016, 06:33:48 AM »
I don't get the "delay the game" argument with Halo 5. The game was finished. It had enough content to ship and all other content is being released for free over time. It was still gonna take the same amount of time to finish other content either way so why not just give the game to people anyway since it was ready? I really don't get how delaying a finished game would have changed anything. We get the same amount of content either way, but in this situation we get the content sooner rather than later.

"Released for free overtime"

You know, when 343 said we'd get free DLC, I honestly thought they meant original quality content. Not ripping out old options that have been in Halo as early as Combat Evolved and as late as Halo 3 and "selling" it back to us as new content. Fuck me as a consumer, right?
>Ripping out options
>Ignoring all content they have added to the game
There is no point in trying to show a person who chooses to blindfold themselves the light. But hey have fun being an asshole for no reason other than to be an asshole :)

Yes, let us look at all the new content we have for us, shall we? I'll color code it too, to make it simple to understand.

Green = New and original content
Yellow = Content that was available at launch in previous Halo games
Orange = Map remixes (not original, but still new kind of)

**I am not counting weapons skins or armor, as this adds nothing new to the game itself**

Warzone Maps
Forge Map remakes
Halo 5 Arena Map remixes
New Halo 5 Arena Maps
Theater (Theater was broken and took until mid Febuary to fix, 343 didn't talk about it and slipped it in with update patch notes)
File Share
Big Team Battle

Sorry to say, but there isn't much green there. And this is just what 343 has added to the game. This isn't even going into the limited custom game options, the rudimentary forging options, and all the gamemodes 343 has decided to leave out as of now.
Most of those are new content? It's not like you can just reskin all the shit from past games idiot. How about you read the fucking point. It takes time to get all that into games. There is an abundance of new weapons and armor. There are new maps. Snipers and Theatre were both in from the start. You obviously are complaining for the sake of complaining. You don't understand how a game is made nor how content releasing works. Kys.
Are you a 343i spokesperson or something.
No, I just care about the game franchise and I am willing to make points to defend it where it deserves to be defended. I think there is a large amount of bs in Halo 5, but I am also gonna defend what 343 has done right. It's this cool new thing called caring about your investments and being a logical human being.
Reskining old content is not New content...

Gaming / Re: 343i is finally adding infection
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:55:44 AM »
6 years late.

The Flood / Re: Tolkienism and the decline of fantasy tales
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:54:05 AM »
Tell that to the Garleans who have to burn down the trees and patch the soil underneath so the trees don't grow back. Elemental spirits are fucking brutal.

Industry wins wars, not prayers to the tree god.
Removing Kebab wins wars.

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 25, 2016, 03:01:16 AM » Damn, that is hilarious, I'm crying it's that funny.
Anyway, the Genocide should be acknowledged, then the "muh heritage" can disappear.

^Courtesy of Psy.

Believe it or not I don't like kebab.

Also, requesting lock.
The song is really catchy. You should listen to it.

Serious / Re: April 24th - The Armenian Genocide
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:53:30 AM » Damn, that is hilarious, I'm crying it's that funny.
Anyway, the Genocide should be acknowledged, then the "muh heritage" can disappear.

^Courtesy of Psy.

Nice shitpost.

Reported. Enjoy your three month ban, idiot.
On route to the LZ.

The Flood / Re: I feel like I see myself winding up alone.
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:08:07 AM »
A: lower your standards, don't expect some female copy of you.
B: go for guys instead.

Take either suggestion as needed.

I already have pretty low standards as it is. I go any lower and that's pretty much full retard level.

I'm not into guys and I never will be into guys. I'm only romantically interested in the opposite sex.
So if you were a Girl, you would be into guys? ...

No. if I was a girl I'd still be into girls.
Wrong, according to you " I'm only romantically interested in the opposite sex", So if you were a girl...

If I was a girl my line would have been "I'm only romantically interested in the same sex." I love girls dude.

The Flood / Re: I feel like I see myself winding up alone.
« on: April 25, 2016, 01:52:53 AM »
A: lower your standards, don't expect some female copy of you.
B: go for guys instead.

Take either suggestion as needed.

I already have pretty low standards as it is. I go any lower and that's pretty much full retard level.

I'm not into guys and I never will be into guys. I'm only romantically interested in the opposite sex.
So if you were a Girl, you would be into guys? ...

No. if I was a girl I'd still be into girls.
Wrong, according to you " I'm only romantically interested in the opposite sex", So if you were a girl...

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